• Title/Summary/Keyword: Clothing design

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Images of Hanbok by contemporary foreign illustrators for children - Focusing on children's books published since the 2000s - (현대 외국인 작가의 삽화에 나타난 한복 이미지 - 2000년대 이후 출판된 아동도서를 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Yoon Jung;Yim, Eunhyuk
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.328-345
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    • 2021
  • The aim of this study is to investigate morphological characteristics of Hanbok images in children's books and propose a direction for the modernization and globalization of traditional culture. This study examines 43 children's books by contemporary foreign illustrators that contain Hanbok illustrations and analyzes them from postcolonial perspective. The results include the following three attributes: first, the transformation of clothing structure and donning method that confuse fundamentals of Korean costume; second, the Westernization of silhouette drawing with tailored garments analogous to Western dress; and third, extension to East Asian dress that represents Hanbok mixed with Chinese or Japanese costume and use what is considered to be the East Asian patterns instead of Korean traditional ones. These attributes are based on Eurocentrism, which expresses and interprets the East from the Western view point with continuously distorted image of the East. Korean illustrators also painted Hanbok incorrectly, which could influence foreign illustrators. Nevertheless, traditional dress illustrated in various ways has artistic value and has a popular global impression. Further, it enables children to experience either own or other cultures through dress illustrations. Thus, the outsider requires an in-depth understanding of other cultures, while the insider needs a critical perception of their own culture as described by others while revisiting the original resources. Furthermore, we suggest follow-up research on Hanbok for subsequent generations; publishing translated books on various topics, producing and disseminating a primer for diverse readers, and essentially receiving counsel from experts.

Analysis of lower body shape of men in their 30s for pants pattern designs - Focus on changes in human dimensions and body type classification - (팬츠 패턴설계를 위한 30대 남성의 하반신 체형 분석 - 인체치수 변화 및 체형분류를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyong;Nam, Young Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2021
  • It is important to conduct an anthropometric study to develop garment patterns to accommodate the changes found in the body size and type of men in their 30s, to effectively address fit dissatisfaction. Thus, this study aims to explore changes in the lower body sizes and body types of men in their 30s, and provide basic measurements for designing pants patterns. For this purpose, key anthropometric dimensions for the lower body of men in their 30s, which were acquired by the 6th (2010) and 7th (2015) survey conducted by Size Korea, were analyzed using SPSS 24.0 for Windows. Independent sample t-tests were conducted on major lower body sizes to track changes over time. Factor and cluster analyses were used to classify lower body types. From the comparison of the 6th (2010) and 7th (2015) surveys, it was found that the overall lower body size of men in their 30s were increasing in the height-related aspects, circumference, thickness, and width-as well as body weight and BMI. The five factors were derived to determine the typical lower body types of men in their 30s and the body types were classified into three categories through cluster analysis: (1) those with the largest body size, body volume, and obesity, (2) those with smallest body size, lower body volume, and obesity degree, visually the most skinny type, (3) those with BMI and weight that are the smallest, like Type 2, but the main circumference of the lower body is lower. In order to visually look at the statistical analysis, results were presented by producing a avatar based on the main lower body values.

Study on Developing Western Women's 3D Bodice and Jacket of the Late 19th to Early 20th Century - Based on the Pattern Drafting Book of Gordon S. S. - (19세기 말 20세기 초 서양 여성 3D 바디스 및 재킷 개발 - Gordon S. S.의 패턴북을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Kyunghwa;Kim, Yanghee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.744-757
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to develop a bodice and a jacket in 3D of the late 19th to early 20th based on the pattern drafting book of Gordon S. S., which contains body measurement method and pattern drafting system. The findings of this research are as follows. First, female tops of the late 19th to early 20th century are categorized as outer, jacket, vest, and bodice. Of these, this study highlights the jacket, which can be divided into 4 types: 4 kinds of basic jacket, 2 kinds of riding jacket, bolero jacket, and newmarket jacket. Second, by referring to Gordon's pattern drafting system and book, a bodice was developed in 3D format based on the adherence to the following steps: analysis of the pattern drafting system, pattern drafting, 3D virtual simulation, 3D virtual fitting analysis, and the pattern correction. A bodice pattern corrected by 3D virtual clothing simulation results was proposed. Last, a basic sleeve and collar pattern for a basic jacket was drafted, which was followed by the correction and transformation of the bodice pattern. The jacket developed shows great fit except for the issues at the armhole line and shoulder, which were caused by the unique shape of the sleeves(big sleeve head) of the time. The study attempted to develop the past costumes in 3D, providing the basis for interdisciplinary research in the field of fashion history field and suggesting a new approach for the virtual restoration of costumes. Future studies should target to 3D virtual simulation in accordance to the 3D avatar pose in the developed virtual costume.

Dose Customized Apron Micro Functional Design Using Convergence Shielding Sheet (융합 차폐시트를 이용한 선량 맞춤형 에이프런 마이크로 기능성 디자인)

  • Kim, Seon-Chil
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2021
  • Radiation shielding clothing for medical institutions is used based on lead equivalent of 0.25 mmPb. However, this study intends to study the shielding suit that can guarantee the user's activity while considering the sensitivity of each part of the body. By manufacturing based on eco-friendly shielding material, it was attempted to solve the weight problem and environmental problem of existing lead aprons, and to present the same shielding performance as lead equivalent in thickness. The fabric of the produced shielding sheet was manufactured through a calendar process that adjusts the thickness of the shielding sheet from lead equivalent 0.12 mmPb to 0.32 mmPb. In addition, the usability evaluation of the manufactured shielding clothes was conducted for the subjects who were workers in medical institutions. As a result, the activity became easier and the weight was reduced by 0.26 kg. In the future, it is thought that it is necessary to improve the shielding suit design considering the activity.

Study on the Priorities of Fashion Technology Development for Small-Scale Fashion Designer Brands using IPA Analysis (IPA 분석을 통한 패션 소상공인 디자이너 브랜드를 위한 패션테크 개발 우선순위 도출)

  • Jang, Seyoon;Lee, Yuri;Kim, Ha Youn
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.64-82
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to explore fashion technologies for small-scale designer brands and reveal the priorities of the derived fashion technologies. Interviews were conducted with owners of 15 designer brands to explore fashion technologies needed in the field based on the business operation stage (study 1), and an online survey of owners of 61 designer brands was conducted to verify their priorities (study 2). A total of 12 fashion technologies were derived from study 1, including 2 market analysis stages, 6 season planning stages, and 4 product operation stages. In study 2, importance and satisfaction were measured with 12 fashion techniques derived from study 1, and importance-performance analysis (IPA) was performed. The technologies of product management with image tagging and sales channel matching were considered to be the fashion technologies that should be developed first. Second, in the case of maintenance, demand prediction and price determination were applicable. Third, over-effort avoidance was revealed through market analysis and design generation. Finally, in automatic product detail page creation and digital marketing, development was the lowest priority. The results of this study are expected to provide insight into priority areas for fashion technology developers and policy departments providing emerging brand support.

Designing of standard sizing system for hygienic masks (의약외품 마스크의 표준 치수 규격 개발)

  • Oh, Seol Young;Suh, Dong Ae
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.495-512
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to design a new sizing system for hygienic masks to protect against COVID-19-related respiratory disorders. The product sizes were collected from 70 commercially available hygienic masks, and 18 head measurements were obtained from the three-dimensional (3D) scan data of 2,048 men and women aged 20 to 69 years from the 6th Size Korea Survey. The statistical analysis was performed using the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 28.0 program. The "bitragion-subnasale arc" and "menton-sellion length" were chosen as the key body dimensions for the hygienic mask sizing system. The linear regressions with 18 3D head measurements were analyzed, and it was determined that the key body dimensions were useful for statistically predicting other 3D head measurements related to hygienic masks. A new sizing system was proposed for two types of masks, "masks with a tight fit" and "masks with a loose fit," taking into account the existing Korean Industrial Standards (KS) and the shortcomings of the sizes of hygienic masks on the market. The sizing system for tight-fitting masks consisted of the key body dimensions, with their sizes indicated by a pair of numbers. The sizing system for loose-fitting masks consisted solely of the bitragion-subnasale arc, with their sizes denoted by letters such as S, M, and L (denoting small, medium, and large, respectively). Future studies should consider this mask sizing system for different age groups, such as children and adolescents.

Effects of TikTok fashion advertising characteristics and preferences on fashion product purchase intention- Focused on female consumers in their 20s and 30s in China - (틱톡 패션광고의 특성 및 선호도가 패션 상품의 구매 의도에 미치는 영향 - 중국 20~30대 여성 소비자 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Chil Soon;Yu, Miao
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.548-562
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    • 2022
  • We conducted this study to determine the TikTok usage status of Chinese consumers, and the effect of fashion advertisement type preference and TikTok characteristics on fashion product purchase intentions. For this study, we conducted a literature review and survey method. The following conclusions were drawn by collecting data online and performing statistical analysis. Firstly, the period of use was 2 - 4 years, and 95.1% of people used it for 2 - 3 hours a day, and 95.1% of the people had a purchasing experience on TikTok. Secondly, the most people were interested in self creating and editing videos in TikTok. With regards to TikTok content, groups aged 30 are significantly more interested in fashion coordination suggestions and influencer' recommendations than groups aged 20. Thirdly, this study found that the characteristics of TikTok fashion advertisements significantly influenced purchase intention. Among the characteristics of fashion advertisements, this study conclude that the "fashion entertainment" characteristic factor that fashion advertisements are fun and entertaining was the most influential variable on purchase intention, followed by useful information, reliability, and interactivity related to fashion. Fourthly, the types of preferred TikTok fashion advertising had a statistically significant effect on product purchase intention. The influential types of preferred advertising are top view, live advertisement, hashtag challenge, in-feed ads, and sticker ads.

Comparative Analysis on Smart Features of IoT Home Living Products among Korea, China and Japan (한·중·일 IoT홈 가전생활재의 지능형 기능성 비교연구)

  • Zhang, Chun Chun;Lee, Yeun Sook;Hwang, Ji Hye;Park, Jae Hyun
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.237-250
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    • 2016
  • Along with rapid development, progress of the network technology and digital information technology, human are stepping into the intelligent society of internet. Thereby the quality of living environment and working environment are keep improving. Under the big background of internet era, the timeliness and convenience of smart home system has been improved greatly. While lots of smart products have gradually penetrated into people's daily life. The household appliances are among most popular ones. This paper is intended to compare smart features of household living products among most representative brands in China, Japan and South Korea. The smart features include self-learning, self-adapting, self-coordinating, self-diagnosing, self-inferring, self-organizing, and self adjusting. As result, most smart features of these products showed great similarity. While some features were dominated according to countries such as remote control feature in Korea, energy saving feature in Japan, and one button operation feature in China.

Comparative Analysis of Consumer Attitudes and Ethical Purchasing Behavior on RUR Knitted Fashion Products According to Environmental Consciousnessof Female Consumers in Their 30s and 40s (30~40대 여성 소비자의 환경의식에 따른 RUR 니트 패션 제품에 대한 소비자 태도, 윤리적 구매 행동 비교 분석)

  • Sun Jung Yang;Chil Soon Kim
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.568-577
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    • 2023
  • This study examined how middle-aged female consumers' environmental consciousness influences their attitudes and ethical purchasing behavior toward RUR (recycling, upcycling, and reuse) knit products. The research employs a survey method, targeting 30-40 year old women residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do Province. On-line and off-line data collection were conducted. The following conclusions emerged through statistical analyses, including factor analysis, cluster analysis, t-test, and regression analysis. Firstly, respondents' environmental consciousness variables were classified into two factors, delineating high and low environmental consciousness clusters, demonstrating significant differences between them. Secondly, the high environmental consciousness cluster exhibited more positive consumer attitudes and ethical purchasing behavior towards RUR knit products. Moreover, it was established that environmental pollution consciousness and eco-friendly product purchase consciousness influenced environmental consciousness on consumer attitudes and ethical purchasing behavior. Lastly, the study confirmed that consumer attitudes mediated environmental consciousness and ethical purchasing behavior. In conclusion, this research establishes a meaningful link between environmental consciousness, consumer attitudes, and ethical purchasing behavior in 30-40 year old women. Environmentally conscious groups positively influence attitudes toward RUR knitted fashion and promote ethical purchasing behavior. Consequently, it is recommended that knit fashion companies prioritize environmental consciousness and eco-friendly products in their marketing strategies. Furthermore, diversifying the application of RUR knit products, coupled with eco-friendly production techniques, can amplify their appeal and utility, ensuring a positive impact on consumer behavior.

Perception of the Neo-Confucian body in men's dress during the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 남성복식에 발현된 성리학적 몸 인식)

  • Yoon Jung Ko ;Eunhyuk Yim
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.573-585
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    • 2023
  • Comprehending the prevailing ideals of the body within a specific era requires grasping the intricate interplay between social phenomena and the evolution of clothing. Accordingly, this study investigates the distinctive facets of the perception of the Neo-Confucian body as reflected in men's dress during the Joseon Dynasty. We examine a comprehensive body of scholarship, literature, and historical records concerning the body and dress. Additionally, we also employ a framework developed by M. Y. Kim, which categorizes the Neo-Confucian body in three ways: as the natural body, the cultural body, and the body as a fully-realized moral subject. Our findings unveil three crucial insights: firstly, guided by Neo-Confucian discourse positing appearance as a manifestation of innate energy (氣), men's dress was deliberately designed to demarcate stylistic distinctions in women's dress; secondly, the Chinese gwan (冠) was employed as a tool of self-cultivation (修身) to symbolize the legitimacy of Joseon's Neo-Confucian governance; and thirdly, sim-ui (深衣), a philosophical emblem of Confucianism extensively represented across through an intensified exploration of historical sources, served as a means to consolidate the political standing of the Neo-Confucian faction. As a consequence of these factors, the attire of noble men conferred upon them both sexual and moral ascendancy as political entities; men's dress became a visual manifestation of the legitimacy of their power, thus embodying Neo-Confucian ideals. This study carries significance by applying a discourse analysis approach to Korean dress research and elucidating the factors underlying the development of men's dress during the Joseon Dynasty.