• Title/Summary/Keyword: Clothing design

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Analysis of Taste of Middle-aged Korean Men Based on Self-image and Fashion style (한국 중년 남성의 자기이미지와 패션스타일 유형에 따른 취향 분석)

  • Kim, Hee-Yeon;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.8
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to define the tastes of middle-aged Korean men by analyzing their characteristics, such as self-image, and fashion style. This study was carried out by using the Q methodology for survey research. The results of this study are as follows; First, the self-images of middle-aged men were classified into 'comfortable, calm, neat, and gentle,' 'realistic, active, sociable, and familiar,' 'sensible, emotional, romantic, and rational,' 'refined, emotional, luxurious, and sophisticated,' and 'aggressive, sensible, realistic, and rational.' Second, by analyzing the congruity of clothing form, fashion accessory, and fashion color types, this study was classified into the following 10 fashion styles: 'modern classic,' 'sophisticated,' 'town casual,' 'traditional casual,' 'comfortable,' 'chic casual,' 'contemporary,' 'gentle classic,' 'classic sporty,' and 'soft classic.' Third, this study analyzed the self-images and fashion styles of the men, and produced the following personal tastes of middle-aged men: 'success-oriented,' 'ability possession,' 'internal stability-oriented,' 'freedom-oriented,' 'self-satisfaction,' 'individuality compromise,' 'emotional release,' 'stability-oriented,' 'practicability-oriented,' and 'youth effort' types. By combining those types with social dimensions, this study produced the following tastes of middle-aged men: 'stabilized traditions,' 'achievements with high sociality,' 'youthful individuality,' 'active self-realization,' and 'realistic, logical pursuit.' The results of this study can be used as a meaningful data for developing the marketing strategy, which reflects the middle-aged men's changed tastes.

A Study on the Plural Eclecticism and the Aesthetic Characteristics in Stage Costume - Focused on the World's Top 4 Musicals - (무대의상에 나타난 다원적 절충주의 경향에 관한 연구 - 세계 4대 뮤지컬을 중심으로 -)

  • Jun, Yuh-Sun;Kim, Jang-Hyeon;Kim, Young-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.63 no.6
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the trend of plural eclecticism in costumes appearing on the stages of the world's top 4 musicals based on the general researches and establishments made of the mentioned concept. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the aspects of eclectics appearing in overall pieces can be defined as situational eclecticism. It can be attributed to the dramatic elements contrasted in the storyline of the musical and occurs in mixture with various situations. Showing combinations of costumes from varying situations at once in the same stage makes the audience feel the dynamic elements of the piece. Second, the aspect of temporal eclecticism, which can be seen in the 'Phantom of the Opera' regarding mixture of crinoline style and art nouveau style, resulted from the partial mixture of classical elements for maximizing visual beauty in the historical pieces. Third, the aspect of spatial eclecticism can be observed in the musical 'Miss Saigon', which used costumes that combined multicultural elements by exposing different spaces and cultures such as America and Vietnam. It eclectically expresses the unique cultures and costumes of each country. Fourth, 'Les Miserables' shows the aspect of situational eclecticism, through its use of mixture of situations in various aspects, and in particular, the male and female costumes that blur the boundaries of life, death, and costume, the mixture of people's costume and aristocrat's costume, and the situational elements where the good and evil are contrasted are integrated eclectically to make the story dramatic.

A Development of the Bodice Pattern for Male Sports Athletes Using by 3D Virtual Twin & Virtual Garment Simulation (3D 가상모델 및 가상착의 시스템을 이용한 남자 운동선수의 상반신 원형설계)

  • Lim, Ji-Young
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.347-353
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the appropriate surplus of clothing for a suitable basic bodice pattern of Male Sports Athletes by using the 3D virtual twin and virtual garment simulation system. The results were as follows; 1. By using 3D virtual twin and garment simulation, new bodice pattern considered male sports athletes was development. The basic numerical formula were as follows ; surplus of chest girth=9, surplus of back length=1, armhole depth=back length/4+13, half back width=chest girth/5+2.5, front chest width=chest girth/5+3. 2. Wearing test by 3D virtual garment simulation system was useful to evaluate wearing outline, surplus of clothes and garment space. Also it estimated more highly than existing pattern in silhouette and ease amount, confirming that new bodice pattern is appropriate for the male sports athletes. New bodice pattern was evaluated to allow proper space length of chest and waist. Virtual models production through 3D body scan data, pattern draft and virtual garment digital program were applied to prototypic design method so as to enhance the fitness of ready-made garments. This study is expected to serve as one of important basic data for ensuing studies that may utilize 3D Virtual Garment Simulation System with 2D patterns, and also for future 3D Pattern Production Program development.

A Study of the Symbolic Meaning of a Bisexuality in Costume (복식에 나타난 양성성의 상징적 의미 연구)

  • 권기영
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.633-647
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the symbolic meaning and the values of the costume which express bisexuality through the definition from a culture point of view. The research method is to contemplate the documentary records such as world history, art history and clothing history, and to recognize the symbolic meaning of a bisexuality in modern fashion design. A definition the word´man and woman´restricted the human being for a long time. This restrict is enforced by the costume, but this traditional fixed idea is retarded by the liberal sense of the human being and the design expresses a sex ambiguity This study inspects the sex ambiguity and the meaning of that through a cultural background and a historical costume. The results are as follows: The first, the cultural background about bisexuality is classified into the etymological point, the mythologic point. the art and philosophical point, the political and economic background, the mass media, and the custome and the regulation. A bisexuality is a concept in existence from ancient times. we have an open-minded attitude about bisexuality in the present than the past. The second, the function of costume is sex classification before 20th century, but since 20th century the costume expresses sex ambiguity. The third, the symbols of the bisexuality are the interminacy, the unity and the dismantling. The costume which expresses bisexuality means coexistence of male sex and female sex. this is a kind of motion to embody a ideal body of the human being. This study makes a contribution to recognize the dignity of human body and to understand the phenomenon of modern society.

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A Study on the Development of T-Shirt Pattern using Circular Knit - For Women in Early Twenties - (환편 니트 직물의 티셔츠 패턴 개발에 관한 연구 - 20대 초반 성인 여성을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Kyeong-Soon;Park, Sun-Kyung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.674-696
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    • 2011
  • Recent change in consumption patterns, casual clothing market share is growing. Awareness about the quality of the product for a variety of consumer needs are becoming. Accordingly, stretch material items that satisfy modern production and consumption is increasing. Among them, circular knit and woven fabrics with different characteristics have. However, this requires a consideration of the pattern graphics, this study is not getting enough. The purpose of this study is to develop a T-shirt using circular knit pattern for women in early twenties. Through the research of literature and a survey on T-shirt patterns of ready-to-wear manufactures and training for the pattern 4 T-shirt patterns were selected. Eight women in early twenties who fit the bodily standard were selected for the test. Subjects who were tested by wearing a T-shirt made of 30's cotton circular knit. Drafting method of T-shirt pattern which were closed to the optimum value three, derived from the five point rating scale outfit test were selected and the differences between the values of the selected drafting methods and the optimum three were verified. Passed by the test of 2 times and the final research T-shirt pattern was developed through adjusting from the optimum value three. The form which is whole is a silhouette closely in the body and drafting method the elasticity and drapery considered the quality of the circular knit where the characteristic is excellent.

A Study on the Production System of Stage Costume for Theatre 'Picasso's Women' (연극 '피카소의 여인들'의 무대 의상 제작 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Sam
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2011
  • Today, a variety performance premiered in Korea, works of art as an advanced production planning and production system is becoming. Accordingly, the field of stage costume also increased collaboration with foreign producers and production systems and the advancement of the stage costume are required are becoming. The opening performance of the 30th anniversary of the Seoul Theater Festival was selected as Towol Theater Theater in 2009, April 16 to 26 of Picasso's women's costume is the study of production systems. This work directing and stage design by inviting domestic producers from foreign fields, and co-authored the work in the field of stage costumes in collaboration with foreign producers that are worth study and research work. In this study, this work has a practical study of costumes throughout the production system, an advanced stage costumes to contribute to the development of the field. The research methodology book data, collected papers, Internet resources through research and theoretical studies play 'Picasso's women's stage production of the award total to an empirical study was undertaken. The results of this study are as follows. First, the costume director for making a scholarly grasp of the direction of the investigation is ongoing throughout the process of creating the costumes. Second, foreign producers and co-author of the stage when the award, if other than purely domestic producers and create costumes to build production systems. Third, foreign producers and co-costume design and costume making coherent explanation for the processing of the list(Costume Breakdown List) are developed. Fourth, the actual performance over the director's intention to visualize the presentation was good enough, and the idea of the costume crew was taken to the director's idea of directing a play that reflected the will has a big meaning.

A Study on 'Ipsik' in the Late Joseon Dynasty (조선후기 입식(笠飾)에 대한 연구)

  • Chang, Sook-Whan
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2007
  • This study is a review of Ipsik, the decorative ornaments found on traditional Korean horsehair hats, known as Ipja, which were worn by men in the late Joseon Dynasty. In a broad sense, Ipsik are regarded as men's accessories. Therefore, although this study is limited to Ipja, it is significant in the sense that it delves into one facet of men's accessories in detail. Because the appearance of the horsehair hats was rather mundane, Ipsik and Ibyeong were added as ornaments. During the Joseon period, various types of hat ornaments existed, named Maeksu, Hosu, Gongjagu, Sangmo, Jingdori, Ijeon, Guyeongja and Ibyeong. A person's social ranking and class could be discerned by the materials used in the Ipsik he wore. Jeongja, a decorative accessory used to attach to an official's hat, was institutionalized in the sixteenth year of King Gongmin's reign(1367), during the Goryeo Dynasty, prior to the founding of China's Ming Dynasty in 1368, which indicates that Jeongja were influenced by the Yuan Dynasty. A record in Lao Chi'ta (a textbook of spoken Chinese estimated circa 1346) confirms this fact. Based on a review of literature, we learn that just as with Ongno, Jeongja were imported for use on Jeonrip, a soldier's hat. During the Ching Dynasty, Jeongja were further subdivided and more exquisitely designed. On the other hand, in the Joseon Dynasty, a rule was handed down mandating that a royal prince use gold for his jeongja, officials at third rank or above use silver, and governors, commanders in chief, and officials with the Office of Inspector General and Office of Censor General use jade. Inspectors were permitted to use crystal. Jeongja made of jade were used until the late Joseon Dynasty.

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A Study on Traditional Art Expression in Chinese Myth Martial MMORPG Character Design (중국 신화 무협 MMORPG 캐릭터 디자인에서 전통예술 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Chun-Ji;Kim, Kyu-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of traditional art expressions in recent Chinese online games, which are now most popular in Chinese game market. Designing the MMORPG game character reflecting users' psychological preferences for aesthetic characteristic of the traditional Chinese culture allows the users to feel more visual satisfaction while they are enjoying a game. The selected characters for this analysis were chosen from the traditional myth chivalry game to utilize the traditional art expressions that are peculiar in Chinese MMORPG. The analysis was conducted within the context of an ideal character figure and operation, and social nature reflecting a personal user. This analysis suggested the representation technique reflecting traditional clothing, color, and life style, and the reconstruction of subject matter, and the development of the characteristics of ideal group character. Even though Chinese MMORPG history is short, this study will help the user understand more effectively the identity of the myth martial MMORPG game in connection with the Chinese traditional culture and art. And this study will also increase the user's satisfaction of the Chinese online-game.

A Study on Body Temperature Measurement of Woven Textile Electrode Using Lock-In-Amp based on Microprocessor (마이크로 프로세서 기반 Lock-In-Amp를 이용한 텍스타일 직물전극의 체온 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Hwi;Lee, Sung-Su;Lee, Jeong-Whan;Song, Ha-Young
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.7
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    • pp.1141-1148
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    • 2017
  • Generally, a thermistor made by sintering a metal oxide is widely used to measure the ambient temperature. This thermistor is widely used not only for industrial use but also for medical use because of its excellent sensitivity, durability, temperature change characteristics and low cost. In particular, the normal body temperature is 36.9 degrees relative to the armpit temperature, and it is most closely related to the circulating blood flow. Previous studies have shown that body temperature changes during biomechanical changes and body temperature changes by anomalous signs or illnesses. Therefore, in this study, we propose a Lock-In-Amp design to detect minute temperature changes of clothing and thermistor wired by a preacher as a method to regularly measure body temperature in daily life. Especially, it is designed to measure the minute resistance change of the thermistor according to body temperature change even in a low-cost microprocessor environment by using a micro-processor-based Lock-In-Amp, and a jacquard and the thermistor is arranged so as to be close to the side, so that the reference body temperature can be easily measured. The temperature was measured and stored in real time using short-range wireless communication for non - restraint temperature monitoring. A baby vest was made to verify its performance through temperature experiments for infants. The measurement of infant body temperature through the existing skin sensor or thermometer has limitations in monitoring infant body temperature for a long time without restriction. However, it can be overcome by using the embroidery fabric based micro temperature monitoring wireless monitoring device proposed in this study.

Development and Color Evaluation of Working Clothes Designs for Integrated Environment Color Planning in Machinery Industry Sites

  • Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2010
  • This study compared the work environment colors and the colors of working clothes by conducting a field survey of domestic machinery manufacturers who are playing a central role in Korean industries so as to develop and evaluate working clothes based on the safety of workers and environmental harmony. For the study method, after the color-related requirements were collected through interviews and field surveys, the fabrics for working clothes were woven and the colors were selected using the requirements. The designs of working clothes were developed with an emphasis on color design. The colors of the working clothes were also analyzed in their relationship to the working environment. The evaluations were separately performed for the appearance and the colors with workers of D machinery manufacturing company. The appearance and color satisfaction, safety, psychology, and harmony with environment were evaluated on a 5-point scale by workers and their safety managers. Furthermore, pictures of the workers in their existing working clothes and the newly developed working clothes were taken with a digital camera while they were working in the field. The RGB values of the pictures were extracted using Photoshop ver. 7.01, which were converted to HVC values using Munsell Conversion ver. 4.0.1. This study found that higher satisfaction levels were shown for the newly developed working clothes compared to the existing ones. The actual measurements also showed that the newly developed had higher brightness and clearer chromatic contrast than the existing ones, indicating higher explicitness and attention for safety of workers. These types of studies can contribute to the integrated working environment plan of machinery manufacturers.