• Title/Summary/Keyword: Civil defense situation

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A Study on the Planning of Civil Defense Shelter and Design 1 - On the ideas of the State of Civil Defense Shelter & Design Criteria - (민방위 대피시설 계획 및 설계 방안에 관한 연구 1 - 민방위 대피시설의 현황 및 설계기준을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Namkwun;Paik, Sungkun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.358-365
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    • 2014
  • North Korea has been preparing for WMD(Weapons Mass Destruction) using asymmetric force since it recognized the economic effects of CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) weapons system operation and the limitations of conventional weapons. However, the threat only to conventional bombs, missiles and etc. is considered on the current Civil Defense Shelter, which could increase civil damages, not responding appropriately to disasters such as CBR weapons, terror attacks and etc. Therefore, this study confirms the current situation of Civil Defense Shelter and design criteria focused on CBR disasters so that we could make a plan and design of Civil Defense Shelter. In addition, we suggest the research result and improvements on Civil Defense Shelter and Design.

A Study on Civil Defense Evacuation Facilities (전국의 대피시설 실태조사를 통한 민방위 대피시설 표준 정립 모델 구축 연구)

  • Park, Namhee;Yeo, Wookhyun;Kim, Taewhan
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.56-70
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    • 2012
  • Civil defense evacuation facilities currently installed in our country are necessary to survey the operating status. The purpose of this study is to survey on the current facility for civil defense evacuation facilities equipment, management, and problem analysis, research and to build a facility model of the standard formulation through the analysis on the actual condition of the civil defense evacuation facility. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the civil defense evacuation facilities are most in Seoul. Second, civil defense evacuation facilities proved to be checked periodically without a systematic management. Many facilities do not have communication facilities appear to be evacuated in an emergency situation is expected to have difficulty in contact with the outside world. Fourth, the old civil defense evacuation facilities are in the center of the metropolitan area.

A Study on the Survival Kit Development Preparing the Civil Defense Situation (민방위 사태에 대비한 비상생활지원 키트 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan;Park, Namhee;Yeo, Wookhyun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.376-383
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    • 2012
  • The The purpose of this study is to develop survival kit prepared at the outbreak of the civil defense situation and to explore ways to ensure the safety and well-being of the people. Consider the civil defense shelters in a short two hours, from six days to live long, emergency life support food and other items needed for the basic right to life of the facility users. Minimum survival kit per capita personal weight 4.85kg, state and local governments (the government) is 2.65kg. They consists of a total of 26 items in eight categories such as food, clothing, CBR supplies, cold winter supplies, personal hygiene supplies, medicines, tools, communication supplies.

A Study on the Development of National Defense Leadership through the Change of Civil-Military Relationships (민군관계의 변화와 국방리더십의 발전방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Gi
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.4
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    • pp.83-118
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    • 2006
  • This study is to develop digital leadership in a field of national defense. Today, korean society is facing the crisis of national security. But national defense leadership is not show in the circumstance of national security crisis. As you know, national defense leadership is a process that make use of influence. Which means it converges people's interest and demands well and also show people the right vision of national defense and make them to comply the policy about national security. Because of the environmental change, our national defense leadership is having a new turning point. First, international order, which is under post-cold war, raises possibility of guarantee of peace and security in international society but also, cause the increase of multiple uncertainty and small size troubles in security circumstance. In addition, Korean society is rushing into democratization and localization period by success in peaceful change of political power went through about three times. The issue of political neutralization of military is stepping into settlement but still, negative inheritance of old military regime is worrying about it. In this situation, we can't expect rise in estimation about the importance of security and military's reason for being. So, military have to give their concern to not only internal maintenance of order and control and growth of soldiers but also developing external leadership to strength influence to society and military's the reason for being. So for these alternative I'm suggesting a digital leadership of national defense which fits digital era. This digital leadership is the leadership which can accept and understand digital technology and lead the digital organization. To construct digital national defense we need a practical leadership. The leadership has to be digital leadership with digital competence that can direct vision of digital national defense and carry out the policy. A leader who ha s digital leadership can lead the digital society. The ultimate key to construct digital government, digital corporate and digital citizen depends on digital leader with digital mind. To be more specific, digital leadership has network leadership, next generation leadership, knowledge driven management leadership, innovation oriented leadership. A leader with this kind of leadership is the real person with digital leadership. From now on, to rise this, we have to build up human resource development strategy and develop educational training program.

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An Empirical Study for Efficient Preparation for Enhancing North Korean Nuclear Threat: Focusing on non-military field (북핵 위협 고도화에 효율적 대비를 위한 실증적 연구: 비군사 분야를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eung-Soo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.53
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    • pp.255-279
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    • 2017
  • The development of North Korea's nuclear weapons has worsened to the sixth nuclear test in 2017, and despite the sanctions of the international community including our government, we have not been able to offer clear solutions and alternatives, and the current measures are not enough in case of North Korea is using nuclear weapons. This study suggests how we should be prepared against the use of nuclear weapons under the premise that North Korea will never give up development of nuclear weapons under any circumstances. The first chapter outlines the current status of our preparedness if North Korea makes a nuclear attack. The second chapter analyzes and evaluates the power of nuclear weapons and North Korea's nuclear weapons threat. In the third chapter, we analyze North Korea nuclear attack and analyze the wartime emergency situation and civil defense posture. Finally, in order to implement the solutions presented in the text, we will identify priorities and summarize further developments.

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A Study about Evaluation Indices Development of Region Disaster Management System - Centering around Manmade Disasters - (지역재난관리체계의 평가지표개발에 관한 연구 - 인위재난을 중심으로 -)

  • Kong, Ha-Sung;Woo, Sung-Cheon
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3 s.63
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2006
  • This study set up hierarchies and indices of manmade disasters and determined weighted values and priorities of the evaluation indices for each hierarchy. It found that the relative importance of the prevention sphere is the most essential in measuring the weighted values and priorities, followed by that of the countermeasure sphere. The reason is that manmade disasters are sure to lead to damages, against which countermeasures should be taken by all means to search and save the injured persons.

A Convergence Study on Improvement of Emission Regulation in Military Vehicle (군용차량 배출가스 규제 개선에 관한 융합적 고찰)

  • Yoon, Heung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2020
  • Civil technologies and parts occupy big ratio in military vehicle as military supply goods were commercialized. In case of the military vehicle engine, the civil purposed engine has been militarized without developing engine for defense industry. Because of this, it happens that Euro-5 version is mounted in spite of Euro-6 at present because the civil laws on the civil purpose engine and required operational capability for militarization are applied by overlapping. Therefore, this study focused on current situation and issues on the military vehicle emission regulation and suggested how to improve through analyzing the theses, articles, Korean laws and systems. For improving methods, imposing the emission certification duty and exempting the certification for the vehicle of high strategical importance were suggested through aligning the related laws. Consequently, it is expected that this study will be used for basics of checking the civil laws and connection with military systems for commercialization of military supplied goods.

A Study on the Construction of Cheongdo-Eupseong (청도읍성의 축성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chan-Yeong
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the construction method shown in literatures and materials discovered in rampart, barbican and guard platform for Cheongdo-Eupseong castle which was constructed immediately before Japanese Invasions of Korea (1592-98). According to the result of the examination, the construction method used in the coastal areas and inland areas of Gyeongsang province in the early Joseon period was applied to the rampart, barbican and guard platform in the east and north castle walls, which was constructed earlier than other parts of Cheongdo-Eupseong castle. However, from the western end of the northern castle wall, which was later constructed, to the western castle wall was rebuilt using a construction method different from the method applied to the parts that were constructed earlier after Japanese Invasions of Korea. Cheongdo-Eupseong castle was constructed on a flatland on a large scale and at a low height under unreasonable pressures to construct the castle in a short period of time for military defense as well as civil agitation in the imminent situation just before the outbreak of Japanese Invasions of Korea. In addition, various methods of constructing Eupseong castle utilized at that time were used together, and barbican and guard platform were built generally focusing on rapid completion and convenience, using other methods than the one mainly used at that time. This is the reason why there was a difference in the characteristics of the method and period of castle construction between Cheongdo-Eupseong castle and other Eupseong castles in the coastal areas and inland areas of Gyeongsang province.

A Study on AI-Enabled Combat Cases of Ukrainian Armed Forces in the RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs) Aspect (군사혁신(RMA) 측면에서 바라본 우크라이나군의 지능화 전투사례 연구)

  • Sang Keun Cho;Andrii Zhytko;Ki Won Kim;In Keun Son;Sang Hyuk Park
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2023
  • Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Many military experts predicted that Russia could defeat Ukraine within a week, but the Ukraine-Russia War has not been going as expected. Indeed, Ukraine military has been defending well and seems to fight more efficiently than Russian military. There are many reasons for this unexpected situation and one apparent thing is due to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This study focused on AI-enabled combats that the Armed Forces of Ukraine has carried out around Siverskyi Donets River, the Crimean Peninsula, and suburbs of Kyiv. For more systematic analysis, the revolution in military affairs (RMA) theory was applied. There are four significant implications inferred by studying current Ukraine-Russia War. First, AI technologies are effective even in the current status and seems to be more influential. Second, hyper-connected network by satellite communications must be needed to enhance the AI weapon effects. Third, military AI technologies should be based on the civil-military cooperation to keep up with pace of technological innovation. Fourth, AI ethics in military should be seriously considered and established in the use of AI technologies. We expect that this study could help ROK Armed Forces to be modernized in the revolutionary fashion, especially for manned and unmanned teaming (MUM-T) system.

A Study on The Law and System of The Private Body Guard in Korea (한국(韓國) 민간신변보호(民間身邊保護)의 발전(發展)을 위한 법규(法規) 및 제도(制度)에 관한 고찰(考察))

  • Lee, Han-Ick
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.1
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    • pp.283-319
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    • 1997
  • Our society witnesses the rapid progress in the areas of politics, economy, society and culture in the process of national modernization since 1960s, which in turn as a reverse function gets to contract a societic pathology, totally lowering the security level of citizens' lives owing to various violent crimes like hostage commotions and murders with rifles and deadly weapons. what is the main reason for that? That may be partly because the chief police force concentrates on the current situation resulting in the vacuum of the public peace. However, the main reason is that the police fall short of man-power and equipments even if the whole police power were put to use in preventing and quelling the crimes. That is true not only of Korea but also of the advanced countries like the U.S.A., England and Japan. We realize that these advanced countries have higher level of security in every individual's life and property than Korea because their progress of the private guard systems can fill in a vacuum of the shortage of the police power, Therefore, we should without delay internationalize our private guard systems expecting the widely opening of the guard service markets in the age of Uruguay Round. To do this, we need to change our ideas for fostering the policy of the private guard from passive defense ideas into positive aggressive ones. Our police should urgently set up a plan to pursue the orientation of vision that we should dispatch our private guards overseas before foreign guards rush into our markets. Accordingly it goes without saying that the private guard group should distinguish their services from the public services initiating their own theory and strategy of private guard services and also readjust themselves between the public duties and the private services with the study of minimizing the reverse function of the private guard systems. The history criminal justice has always shown that the criminal system progressed at the initiative of the civil factor in case its demand and supply do not make both ends meet. Nevertheless, in the process the power of the government never weakens, rather it is built up in general. In conclusion, the necessity of the build-up of the private guard services must duly be acknowledged by the police as well as by the business which has its unique sphere within the criminal justice instead of as the suplemtary services of the simple the police power on the long-term basis. The purpose of the private guard services can be largely classified into the two categories; first it means the function to prevent the crimes against the citizens and secondly to enhance the national interest as an increasing mammoth business with a worldly competition capacity. The police has an absolute responsibility that they should protect the modem public in general from feeling the crisis of the personal threat, tension, anxiety and nervousness. In short, if we develop the complete private guard system to guarantee the societic atmosphere for all citizens, keep the public peace, and protect all citizens' lives and properties, we will sure enjoy a beautiful land, a wholesome society and a happy life in goodharmony of law and order.

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