• Title/Summary/Keyword: Circadian activity

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Influences of Long Hour Guarding in Bodyguards on the Heart Rate Variation and Autonomic Nervous System (경호원들의 장시간 경계근무가 심박변이도와 자율신경에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Chang-Gi;Han, Sung-Whoon;Choi, Dong-Jae;Park, Jae-Woo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.31
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    • pp.7-24
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    • 2012
  • In this study a practical guarding work is carried out for 180 minutes as the same as the actual guarding work that is done by nine students of the department of security services in K University in order to investigate changes in circadian rhythms during long hour guarding in bodyguards at practical sites. In the results of the tests of the heart rate variation and autonomic nervous system with the interval of 30 minutes using HRV (Heart rate variability), there are no significant differences in HRV and SDNN and that leads to maintain it stably during the guarding work for 180 minutes. In the case of TP which reflects the overall activity level in the autonomic nervous system, it shows a high significant difference (p<.05) at 90 and 120 minutes compared to that of normal states. Also, it shows a significant decrease in the level after a lapse of 120 minutes and that shows a decrease in the activity of the autonomic nervous system for the guarding work more than 120 minutes. Although differences in VLF, LF, and HF are not significant levels, these are influenced on the change in TP. The LH/HF ratio that represents the balance between the sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve shows a significant high level (p<.05) after a lapse of 30 minutes. Thus, it is considered that the concentration of the guarding work after a lapse of 120 minutes is decreased and there are some tensions and excitations after a lapse of 30 minutes since the beginning of the guarding work.

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Study on behavioral change of estrus in Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) (한우 발정기 행동변화에 대한 연구)

  • Cheon, Si Nae;Yoo, Geum Zoo;Kim, Chan Ho;Jung, Ji Yeon;Kim, Dong Hun;Jeon, Jung Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.825-832
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    • 2020
  • The detection of estrus is very important for the successful reproductive efficiency of cattle. This has prompted the development of electronic estrus detection techniques by using the characterization of estrus behavior. The objective of this study was to investigate the changes in physical activity, mounting behavior and vocalization during estrus in Hanwoo (Korean native cattle). Bio-telemetry devices were attached to 4 multiparous Hanwoo and physical activity was compared, namely mounting behavior and vocalization for 6 days (from 2 days before the day of estrus to 3 days after the day of estrus). Physical activity rapidly increased on the day of estrus (p<0.001) and was frequently observed at night time. Mounting behavior gradually increased, starting from 2 days before the day of estrus and reached its highest level on the day of estrus (p<0.01). The circadian rhythm showed irregularities during this entire period (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in vocalization during the experiment period (p>0.05). In conclusion, we assumed that mounting behavior is an early indicator to detect estrus in Hanwoo and if both mounting behavior and physical activity are considered together it would be possible to detect estrus with a higher probability. Further studies with more information from different sources regarding the measuring of estrus in Hanwoo are needed.

Morningness-Eveningness Affects the Depressive Mood and Day Time Sleepiness of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Patient (폐쇄성 수면무호흡증 환자에서 일주기 리듬 특성에 따른 주간 졸음과 우울감의 차이)

  • Kim, Seong Ho;Joo, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Kyu Young;Koo, Young Jin;Kim, Eui-Joong
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: Recent studies have reported a correlation between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) and depression. In attempt to verify the suggestion that eveningness is related to depression, we examined the effect of morningness-eveningness on their depressive mood in patinets with OSA. Methods: The examination was based on the medical records and polysomnography reports of 211 OSA patients. Information was gathered from the patients who filled out the H$\ddot{o}$rne and Ostberg questionnaire (HOQ), profile of mood states-Korean version (K-POMS), and Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS). We compared mean values of K-POMS total, subscales of K-POMS, ESS, and OSA severity variables among the 3 morningness-eveningness groups (morningness, eveningness, and neither groups). Partial correlation analysis was performed between variables and ANCOVA was performed among the 3 groups after adjustment with age and weight. Results: There were significant negative correlations between HOQ and the followings : K-POMS total, POMS-T (tension-anxiety), POMS-D (depression-dejection), POMS-A (anger-hostility), POMS-F (fatigue-inertia), POMS-C (confusion-bewilderment), spontaneous arousal index, average O2 saturation. There were significant positive correlations between HOQ and the followings : POMS-V (vigor-activity), apnea-hypopnea index, respiratory arousal index, snore time. There were significant negative correlations between POMS-D and the followings : HOQ, POMS-V, stage 1 sleep (%), AHI, TAI (total arousal index), oxygen desaturation index, respiratory arousal index, neck circumference, average O2 desaturation, snore time (%). There were significant positive correlations between POMS-D and K-POMS total, POMS-T, POMS-A, POMS-F, POMS-C, sleep latency, stage 2 sleep (%), heart rate, spontaneous arousal index. There were significant differences in K-POMS total, POMS-T, POMS-D, POMS-F, POMS-C, spontaneous arousal index among the three HOQ groups in ANCOVA. Conclusion: The depressive correlates of OSA patients might be affected, not by excessive daytime sleepiness or OSA severity indexes, but by eveningness circadian characteristics. It would be important to take into account the morningness-eveningness tendency when we manage the depressive mood of OSA patients.

Circadian Clock Gene Per1 Mediates BMP2-induced Osteoblast Differentiation in MC3T3-E1 Cells (MC3T3-E1 세포에서 BMP2에 의한 조골세포의 분화에 일주기 유전자 Per1이 미치는 영향)

  • Min, Hyeon-Young;Jang, Won-Gu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.501-508
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    • 2017
  • Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are multifunctional cytokines that play important roles in a variety of cellular functions. Among BMP family members, BMP2 efficiently promotes osteoblast differentiation through Smad-mediated runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) expression. Several recent studies suggest that BMPs are associated with clock genes, in particular Bmal1. Bmal1 protein heterodimerizes with Clock protein and then induces period 1 (Per1) expression. However, the role of Per1 on osteoblast differentiation remains unclear. In this study, we investigated whether Per1 is involved in osteoblast differentiation. MC3T3-E1 cells were treated with BMP2 for induction of osteoblastic differentiation. Osteogenic maker gene and Per1 mRNA expression were measured using real-time PCR. Interestingly, BMP2 treatment induced Per1 mRNA expression in MC3T3-E1 cells. To further investigate the function of Per1 on osteoblast differentiation, MC3T3-E1 cells were transiently transfected with pCMV-Per1. Per1 overexpression increased Runx2 mRNA and protein levels. Also, mRNA expression and promoter activity of osteocalcin were upregulated by Per1 overexpression. To investigate the effect of interaction between Per1 and osteogenic condition, MC3T3-E1 cells were cultured in osteogenic medium containing ascorbic acid and ${\beta}$-glycerophosphate. Osteogenic medium-induced ALP staining level and mineralization were synergistically increased by overexpression of Per1. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Per1 is a positive regulator of osteoblast differentiation.

The Psychophysicosocial Distresses in Nurses with Shift Work (교대근무 간호사의 정신신체사회적 문제에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Beom-Mo;Yang, Chang-Kook
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1999
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of shift work on psychological, physical and social adjustment in nurses. Methods: Two hundred ninety-nine female nurses(179 shift worker, 120 non-shift worker) filled out a questionnaire, which consisted of fifty-six items including demographic characteristics. Subjective ratings of psychological, physical, social and sleeprelated distresses were assessed with a visual analogue scale(100mm). Results: Shift work exerted significantly negative impacts on all psychological, physical, social and sleep-related variables of the shift work nurses. The subjective perception about psychological and physical health of shift work nurses was significantly negative as compared to that of non-shift work nurses. Shift work nurses complained of more shift work related social dysfunction and limited social activity. Shift work nurses were also suffering from significant sleep difficulties as compared to non-shift work nurses. Conclusions: This study suggests that shift work can exert a negative impact on psychological and physical health of nurses as it can cause disturbances of the normal circadian rhythms of the psychophysiological functions, beginning with the sleep-wake cycle. Shift work can also cause difficulties in maintaining the usual relationships both at family and social levels. These results may suggest that we need appropriate coping strategies to overcome adverse effects of shift work.

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Effect of Thyroxie and Propylthiouracil on the Responses of Plasma Corticosterone and Brain Norepinephrine to Swim-Stress (수영(水泳)-스트레스에 의한 혈장 Corticosterone 함량 및 뇌(腦) Catecholamine대사(代謝)의 변동(變動)에 미치는 Thyroxine 및 Propylthiouracil의 영향)

  • Shin, Kyung-Ho;Hong, Ki-Nam;Kim, Hyung-Gun;Chun, Boe-Gwun
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 1989
  • The circadian rhythm of spontaneous motor activity was not significantly altered by $T_4$(4mg/kg, i.p. inj. once a day for 5 days: $T_4$) and PTU (fed ad lib in 0.01% drinking water for 5 weeks: PTU). The plasma thyroxine level was markedly increased by $T_4$ but reduced by PTU, and the plasma thyrotropin level was markedly increased by PTU but moderately increased by $T_4$. Clonidine slightly increased the plasma CS level, but the clonidine effect was significantly enhanced by $T_4-pretreatment$. The brain NE and MHPG contents were little affected by $T_4$ but the NE content was significantly decreased by PTU. The SS-induced increase of plasma CS level was moderately decreased by PTU but increased by $T_4$. However, clonidine significantly inhibited the SS-induced increase, and the inhibitory effect of clonidine was not significantly affected by PTU and $T_4$, respectively. The brain MHPG content and MHPG/NE ratio were significantly decreased by clonidine but increased by SS. The clonidine- and SS-induced changes of brain MHPG content and MHPG/NE ratio were not altered by $T_4$. PTU did not affect the SS-induced increase of brain NE turnover but significantly attenuated the clonidine-induced decrease. The SS-induced increases of brain MHPG content and MHPG/NE rtatio were markedly inhibited by clonidine, and the inhibitory effect of clonidine was not affected by $T_4$ and PTU, respectively. These results suggest that the responses to swim-stress is not signigicantly affected by the alteration of thyroid function and that the hypothalamo-adenohypophysis-adrenocortical stimulation in response to swim-stress seems to be mediated via hypothalamic noradrenergic activation, and the stress response may be inhibited by the agonistic activity of clonidine on the presynaptic ${\alpha}_2-adrenoceptor$.

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