• 제목/요약/키워드: Chinese-Korean

검색결과 10,099건 처리시간 0.042초

한국 영화에 재현된 중국인 형상의 역사적 고찰 (A Study on Chinese Characters Represented in Korean Films from under Japanese Colonial Period to the 2000s)

  • 김종수
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제27권
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    • pp.105-122
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    • 2012
  • This article aims that Chinese characters represented in Korean films have been explored for historical consideration of Korean's viewpoint on Chinese from early modern to the present day. During Japanese colonial period, Chinese had been hateful and feared by most of Korean because Korean had been acted high-handedly by chinese in early modern time and had covertly regarded chinese as threatening competitors in economical part of the colony, refered to the chinese characters represented in the films, For the Lover(1928) and Secret of Chinese Street(1928). Chinese had been called as enemy forces in Korean movies, such as Marines are Gone(1963), Dragon competed with tiger(1974) made with Korean battle field setting and Manchuria setting developed a Korean independence movement, after Korean War in the 1960-70s maintained the cold war system in the World. According to analyzing chinese characters depicted in Failan(2001), A Good Rain Knows(2010), Korean public have a friendly attitude with contemporary Chinese as China has been the great trade partner of Korea with interdependent relationship after 1992, the year of Korea have established diplomatic ties with China.

한국어 연결어미 '-면서'와 중국어 대응표현의 대조연구 -한·중 병렬 말뭉치를 기반으로 (A Comparative Study on Korean Connective Morpheme '-myenseo' to the Chinese expression - based on Korean-Chinese parallel corpus)

  • YI, CHAO
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제37권
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    • pp.309-334
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    • 2014
  • This study is based on the Korean-Chinese parallel corpus, utilizing the Korean connective morpheme '-myenseo' and contrasting with the Chinese expression. Korean learners often struggle with the use of Korean Connective Morpheme especially when there is a lexical gap between their mother language. '-myenseo' is of the most use Korean Connective Morpheme, it usually contrast to the Chinese coordinating conjunction. But according to the corpus, the contrastive Chinese expression to '-myenseo' is more than coordinating conjunction. So through this study, can help the Chinese Korean language learners learn easier while studying '-myenseo', because the variety Chinese expression are found from the parallel corpus that related to '-myenseo'. In this study, firstly discussed the semantic features and syntactic characteristics of '-myenseo'. The significant semantic features of '-myenseo' are 'simultaneous' and 'conflict'. So in this chapter the study use examples of usage to analyse the specific usage of '-myenseo'. And then this study analyse syntactic characteristics of '-myenseo' through the subject constraint, predicate constraints, temporal constraints, mood constraints, negatives constraints. then summarize them into a table. And the most important part of this study is Chapter 4. In this chapter, it contrasted the Korean connective morpheme '-myenseo' to the Chinese expression by analysing the Korean-Chinese parallel corpus. As a result of the analysis, the frequency of the Chinese expression that contrasted to '-myenseo' is summarized into

    . It can see from the table that the most common Chinese expression comparative to '-myenseo' is non-marker patterns. That means the connection of sentence in Korean can use connective morpheme what is a clarifying linguistic marker, but in Chinese it often connect the sentence by their intrinsic logical relationships. So the conclusion of this chapter is that '-myenseo' can be comparative to Chinese conjunction, expression, non-marker patterns and liberal translation patterns, which are more than Chinese conjunction that discovered before. In the last Chapter, as the conclusion part of this study, it summarized and suggest the limitations and the future research direction.

  • 중국 연변 조선족 성인과 한국 구리지역 성인의 영양소 및 식품섭취 비교 평가 (Comparative Assessments of Dietary Intake of Korean-Chinese and Koreans)

    • 박은미;백희영;김정순;문용
      • 한국식생활문화학회지
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      • 제15권5호
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      • pp.368-378
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      • 2000
    • This study was conducted to assess dietary intake and quality obtained by 24-hour recall method between Korean-Chinese in Yanbian, China(Korean-Chinese) and Koreans in Kuri, Korea(Koreans). The subjects consisted of 730 Korean-Chinese and 696 Koreans. Mean daily energy intake of Korean-Chinese was 1,788kcal and that of Korean was 1,844kcal. Proportions of energy intake from carbohydrate, fat, and protein were 62.6: 16.9: 14.2 for Korean-Chinese and 65.4: 16.3: 14.4 for Koreans. Nutrient intake levels of Koreans were higher than those of Korean-chinese in most nutrients. Calcium and vitamin $B_2$ intakes as percent of Korean RDA were less than 60% in Korean-Chinese. Koreans consumed calcium and vitamin A in the level less than 80% of Korean RDA. Iron intake level of Korean females was less than 75% of Korean RDA. Korean-Chinese consumed 90.4% of food from plant origin, and Koreans consumed 82.5% of food from plant origin. Mean dietary diversity score(DDS) of Korean-Chinese, $3.00{\pm}0.39$, was significantly lower than that of Koreans, $3.73{\pm}0.76(p<0.05)$. Mean dietary variety score(DVS) of Korean-Chinese, 13.6, was significantly lower than that of Koreans, 20.1(p<0.001). According to these results, some adults in the both Korean-Chinese and Koreans did not consume enough nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin $B_2$ intake for Korean-Chinese and calcium and vitamin A intake for Koreans. Dietary qualities of Korean-Chinese subjects and Korean females were not adequate. In the future, further research to promote dietary quality of Koreans including Korean-Chinese must consider the results of this study.

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    중국인 여성결혼이민자의 한국 이주 후 식생활 : 한족과 조선족 비교를 중심으로 (Chinese Female Marriage Immigrants' Dietary Life after Immigration to Korea : Comparison between Han-Chinese and Korean-Chinese)

    • 아사노가나;윤지현;류시현
      • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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      • 제19권4호
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      • pp.317-327
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      • 2014
    • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate Chinese female marriage immigrants' dietary life after immigration to Korea, focusing on comparison between Han-Chinese (traditional Chinese) and Korean-Chinese (Chinese of Korean descent). Methods: An in-person survey was conducted with women married to Korean men, having one child or more aged 1-6 years old, and having resided in Korea for at least one year before the survey. The data were collected from the 309 respondents comprising 151 Han-Chinese and 158 Korean-Chinese in the summer of 2013. Results: Overall, there was no significant difference in dietary practice, dietary acculturation, dietary behavior, dietary habits, and food intake between the Han-Chinese and the Korean-Chinese respondents. Over 50% of the respondents ate Korean food every day. The overall level of dietary acculturation was about 3.5 out of 5 points. The average score of healthy dietary behavior was a little bit higher than 3 out of 5 points. Approximately 3/4 of the respondents showed increasing frequency of eating out. The respondents reporting increase food diversity were over 70%. Decreased frequency of skipping meal was about 60% of the respondents. Over 50% of the respondents showed increasing consumption of Kimchi, vegetables, fruit, and meat. Conclusions: Dietary life of Korean-Chinese female marriage immigrants was similar to that of Han-Chinese female marriage immigrants after immigration to Korea. The results from this study suggest that not only Han-Chinese but also Korean-Chinese should be targeted in various diet-related acculturation support programs as important multicultural populations in Korea.

    호텔 중식 주방 한.중 조리 종사원의 갈등 요인 분석에 관한 연구 (A Study on Analysis of Conflicting Factors between Kitchen Staffs of Korean and Chinese in Chinese Restaurant of Hotel)

    • 한재원
      • 동아시아식생활학회지
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      • 제17권2호
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      • pp.258-265
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      • 2007
    • The aim of this study was to analyze conflicting factors between Korean and Chinese Kitchen staff within the Chinese restaurants if hotels, and formulate a plan for resolving problems. A closed-end questionnaire was used for survey, which was conducted between 30 April 2005 and 4 June 2005. The survey was conducted among Koran and Chinese (China/Taiwan) cooking staff at Chinese restaurants within 5 star hotels located in Seoul, Korea. 231 questionnaires were distributed to the staff members, and the data collected and analyzed Form the results, Chinese staffs that have more cooking experience were found to be in higher positions and receive higher salaries. In addition, compared to Korean staff, the Chinese staff had fewer problems with conflicts from personnel adminstration, personnel adminstration, personal/psychological areas, benefits/rewards and relationship with their outlet manager. Conversely, Korean staff experience more disagreements in each conflict factor area than Chinese staff, implying there is a divergence between Korean and Chinese staff.

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    주제문을 통한 한국학생의 중국어 학습지도 연구 - 중·한 주제문의 비교를 중심으로 (A Comparative Study on Teaching Chinese and Korean Topic Sentences)

    • 주취란
      • 비교문화연구
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      • 제19권
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      • pp.389-409
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      • 2010
    • Chinese is a topic-prominent language, so when we learn Chinese we should know the discourse function of the Chinese language. Most of the Korean student think Chinese sentences should appear in the order of S-V-O and they always make mistakes when they use Chinese. I think Korean is very similar with Chinese in the discourse function. Hence, in this paper, I try to find a method of teaching Chinese topic sentence. It does so by comparing Chinese with Korean in the light of discourse function. I think when Korean student know how to use Korean topic sentence to explain the discourse functions of the Chinese language, they will not make similar mistakes. With this understanding in mind, chapter 2 tries to show various topic sentences to prove that 'topic' is very important in Chinese sentences. This is why we say Chinese is a topic-prominent language. In chapter 3, I analysis the sentences that students made, and highlight the reasons why they made mistake. The result lies in the reason whereby they always think Chinese should appear in the order of S-V-O. They do not understand why some sentences appear in the order of O-(S)V or S-O-V. It show that they do not know what is topic sentence and do not know how to make topic sentences. Sometime I have them translate them into Korean, but they also make Korean sentences like in the order of Chinese S-V-O. Therefore, I think, under this circumstance, to let them to translate and to speak in Korean in topic sentence, get some feelings about Chinese topic sentences, and tell and make Chinese topic sentences are naturally critical in their training.

    중국 연변지역의 한족, 조선족과 한국인의 건강행태 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study on Health Lifestyle Behaviors among Chinese, Korean Chinese and Koreans)

    • 이선동;최찬호;장경호;신헌태
      • 대한예방한의학회지
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      • 제7권1호
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      • pp.67-77
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      • 2003
    • This study is to compare health related behaviors among Chinese, Korean Chinese in a Yanbian Province with a population of mainly Korean descendents and Koreans in Kangwon Province, Korea. Cross-sectional surveys were used to identify self-rated health, smoking, alcohol use, exercise and other lifestyle variables. A total of 739 Chinese, 663 Korean Chines, and 639 Koreans were surveyed using self-administered questionnaires. Few Korean Chinese(13.9%) reported they were healthy compared with Chinese(38.7%) and Koreans(36.3%). There was no difference in the prevalence of smoking by ethnic groups. More Koreans(48.5%) and Chinese Koreans(44.5%) reported drinking alcohol compared with Chinese(37.2%)(p < .001). Compared Chinese and Korean Chinese, fewer Koreans reported regular diet, exercise, health screening, and deep sleeping patterns. The lifestyle variables that affect the prevalence of disease were different by ethnic groups. In conclusion, ethnicity was shown to be an independent factor in relation to self-rated health, alcohol use, and other health lifestyle behaviors.

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    청소년의 보건교육 요구도에 대한 비교연구 - 중국 길림성의 한족, 조선족과 한국의 고등학생을 중심으로- (A Comparative study on needs assessment of health education of Chinese, Korean-Chinese in Gilin and Korean adolescences)

    • 이명선
      • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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      • 제16권2호
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      • pp.41-54
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      • 1999
    • Health behaviors determine people's health status and the Quality of their life. Health education is the most effective method to change people's health behaviors in modem life. Therefore health education for adolescents is essencial to form desirable health behaviors and improve the Quality of their life. This study was administered to analyze important needs for the health education among Chinese, Korean -Chinese adolescents in Gilin, China and Korean adolescents in Seoul. Korea. The data were collected from 387 chinese and 74 Korean-Chinese boys and girls of 3 high schools in Gilin, China and 359 boys and girls of 3 high schools in Seoul, Korea. The results were as follow: 1. Forty percent of Korean students were sick during the past 4 weeks, but only 10.8% of Korean-Chinese students and 9% of Chinese students were sick. More than 70% of Chinese and Korean-Chinese students had health concern, but only 26.6% of Korean students were interested in health. 2. Korean-Chinese and Chinese students had higher health education needs than the Korean. They were not interested in sex education. On the other hand, Korean students were interested in mental health and not interested in consumer health education. 3. Korean-Chinese students had more health education needs than Chinese or Korean adolescents and the difference was statistically significant (p〈0.05). 4. In Korean-Chinese students, family income and academic grades were significantly related to their health education needs (p〈0.05). Among Chinese students, recent illness was related to their health education needs. In Korean students, the better health status and the more family income. the higher health education needs.

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    의복설계를 위한 중국 남·북 지역과 한국의 체형 비교 연구 - 30대 성인 여성을 중심으로 - (A Comparative Study on the Body Type of South and North China and Korea for Clothing Construction - Focusing on Women in their 30's -)

    • 추가용;남윤자;김경선
      • 한국의류산업학회지
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      • 제20권2호
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      • pp.226-235
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      • 2018
    • This study compares body types among the Korean, Northern Chinese and South Chinese women in their thirties. The subjects of this study are 30-39 year old females that consisted of 200 people from Southern China, 200 people from Northern China, and 202 people from Korea. The results are as follows. There are differences among Northern Chinese, Southern Chinese and Korean women. Korean women are taller than both regions of Chinese women, hip height measurement and waist height measurement of Korean women's are higher than Chinese women, it means that Korean women's lower body parts are longer than Chinese women. Northern Chinese women have the highest circumference measurements and depth measurements; however, Southern Chinese women have similar measurements with Korean women. The body type classification according to the GB/T 1335.2-2008 shows that Northern and Southern Chinese women have different body types. Southern Chinese women are mainly in "A body type" and Northern Chinese women are mainly in "B body type". The body type classification according to the KS K 0051 shows that Chinese women are all mainly "H body type", Korean women are mostly in "A body type". This study articulated specific differences in body types among Southern Chinese, Northern Chinese, and Korean women, especially between Northern and Southern Chinese women. This study provides basic data for Chinese female somatotype research and Korean fashion brands.

    중국어 상성이 중국인의 한자어 발음에 미치는 영향 연구: 부분이형동의어를 중심으로 (The Influence of Chinese Falling-Rising Tone on the Pitch of Sino-Korean Words Pronounced by Chinese Learners: Focusing on the Partly-Different-Form-Same-Meaning Words)

    • 유사양;김영주
      • 말소리와 음성과학
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      • 제4권2호
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      • pp.21-31
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      • 2012
    • The purpose of this study is to find the influence of Chinese falling-rising tone on the pitch pattern of corresponding partly-different-form-same-meaning Sino-Korean words delivered by Chinese learners of Korean and to examine how the falling-rising tone of corresponding Chinese words affects the pitch patterns of Sino-Korean words. The scope of this research is limited to Chinese learners of Korean, especially on two groups of Sino-Korean words - AB:CB type and AB:AC type that the are second-most frequently occuring different-form-same-meaning Sino-Korean words. In this study, Chinese learners pronounced both Chinese words and corresponding Sino-Korean words. Learners' pitch patterns were recorded and analyzed using software and compared with the tone of corresponding Chinese words. Experimental results showed that AB:CB type Sino-Korean words were not affected by Chinese 'falling-rising tone - high and level tone'. As well as AB:CB type, experimental results showed there were no significant influence on the pitch pattern of AB:AC type Sino-Korean words by Chinese falling-rising tone. But it was clear that Chinese learners' made pitch errors on both AB:CB type and AB:AC type Sino-Korean words. In conclusion, the Chinese learners' pitch patterns of partly-different-form-same-meaning Sino-Korean words are different from Korean native speakers', but their pitch errors cannot be attributed to Chinese falling-rising tone.