• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chinese white cabbage

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Chinese College Students Perception and Preference of Korean Kimchi (김치에 대한 중국 남녀 대학생의 인식 및 기호도 조사)

  • 한재숙;홍주희;서봉순;변재옥
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.44-59
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    • 2001
  • The purposes of this study are to investigate perception and preference of Chinese college students for Korean Kimchi by a survey and sensory evaluation and to globalize and industrialize Kimchi in the world. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 588 students residing in Beijing. About 80% of all the participants knew what Kimchi was and 63.4% had eaten Kimchi before the survey . On thier first impression of Kimchi, 43.6% of respondents, answered the nationality of Kimchi is impression after eating Kimchi was 'good'. 51.4% of respondents, answered the nationality of Kimchi is 'Korea'. The most liked Kimchi is Baechu Kimchi, and they preferred the white stem of the Chinese cabbage. On their perception of Kimchi,'Kimchi is a good side dish with cooked rice' was totally received point. The most well-known cooking method of Kimchi turned out to be Kimchi Chigae. As the results of sensory evaluation on several types cabbage Kimchies at room temperature, the most preferred Kimchi by the students was two-day old and made out of 5g red pepper. And two-day old Kimchi lOg red pepper and 2g shangchai added was preferred, too. But the six-day old Kimchi was disliked. The two-day old Kimchi made out of lOg red pepper preserved in the refrigerator was the most-liked. The dishes using Kimchi as the main ingredient are listed according to the students preference as follows Kimchi Hundun, Kimchi Ddungchai, Kimchi Bokum, and Kimchi Ramen, and so on.

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The Historical Study of Korean Traditional Funtional Food (한국의 전통적 기능성 식품의 이용에 대한 역사적 고찰)

  • 한복진
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.235-255
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    • 1996
  • Natural substances, exploited in our daily life, have been applied to drugs to treat diseases and developed to functional foods by appropriate preparations, and these foods give beneficial effects on physical activities. In this paper, the utilization of traditional functional foods was studied with refer ring to old ancient writings published in the front-end of Chosun dynasty. The utilized vegetables were march mallow, turnip, radish, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, spinach, cucumber winter buds, flesh of a cabbage, eggplant, taro, burdock, Parsley, watershield plant, crown daisy, bamboo shoots, garlic, scallion, onion, acorn, bark of a tree, white goosefoot leaf, leaf of bean, pine mushroom, bracken. yam, mugwort, tea, ginseng, peppermint, fruit of the Maximowiczia chinensis, smartweed and pepper. The utilized fruits were chestnut, Chinese date, pine nuts, walnut, gingko nut, citrus. crab apple, pear, peach, grape, pomegranate, plum, Chinese quince, fig and watermelon. The utilized cereal were rice, barley, bean, buckweat and Job's-tears. The utilized sweetenings and seasonings were honey, wheat-gluten, sugar, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar. Our ancestors had a balanced diet using the various foods, and especially had a fundamental concept of "Foods have the efficacy of a remedy".edy".uot;.

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Origin of Chinese Cabbage(Pe-tsai) (배추(숭(崧))의 어원(語源) 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Dug;Lee, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 2007
  • 1. Objectives We know that the origine of the pe-tsai is from 백채(白菜; pronounced as bak-tsai, meaning white vegetable). But some literatures said that the japanese butterbur(Petasites japonicus (Sieb. et Zucc.) Maxim) is from 백채(白菜;: pronounced as bak-tsai), too. These two words have same origin. It makes us get into a mess. So We are about to study the origine of the pe-tsai more. Also, we investigated its historical origin, properties and Sasang constitutional medicine's efficacy. 2. Methods We reviewed farmings(e.g. 山林經濟, 林園經濟法), dictionarys(e.g. 訓蒙字會), encyclopedia(e.g. 物名攷), books on herbs and medicines to summarize literatures about the pe-tsai. 3. Results and Conclusions (1) The origin of term, pe-tsai is sung, named after a pine tree(松), chineses character pronounced as song) which we can see throughout a year. Also, pe-tsai was called white vegetables(白菜, pronounced as bak-tsai) because its appearance is green and white. Therefore, the pronounciation of sung derives from its character and we also say bak-tsai(白菜), which came from its looks. (2) Today we pronounce pe-tsai inro bae-tsu(배추) in korean. There are pronunciational developments of this word : bak-tsai(白菜) $\to$ bae-tsae $\to$ bae-tsa $\to$ bae-tsa $\to$ bae-tsae(배채) $\to$ bae-tsu(배추). (3) Our ancestor used bak-tsai(白菜) as the name of japenese butterbur, which was different from China. The latter times of Joseon(조선), however, sometimes bak-tsai(白菜) meant pe-tsai. After the year of 1800, bak-tsai(白菜) only meant pe-tsai. So when we try to translate our ancestor's books, we must examine carefully their published year. (4) Pe-tsai is used for baby's erysipelas, boil, fever in the chest, thirst after alcohol drinking and kind of diabetes. It helps digestive organs as well. Pe-tsai is used for stress, fever in the chest and cough with fever of Soyangin and Tayangin in Sasang Constitutional Medicine.

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Morphological and Nutritional Characteristics and Crossability with Brassica Species of Baemoochae, xBrassicoraphanus (배무채의 형태와 영양적 특성 및 교잡 친화성)

  • Lee, Soo-Seong;Kim, Tae Yoon;Yang, Jungmin;Kim, Jongkee;Lim, Sooyeon;Yoon, Moo Kyoung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.543-548
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    • 2012
  • Morphological characters of Baemoochae, xBrassicoraphanus are mostly intermedium of the both parents, Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis and radish, Raphanus sativus. The upper and lower parts of the leaf resemble the shape of Chinese cabbage and radish, respectively. The midrib of the leaf is round like to that of radish, but very big more than 3 cm in diameter and white in color like that of Chinese cabbage. The root was changed from the swollen type like that of radish to the enlarged taproot like that of the land race of Chinese cabbage after attaining genetical stability. The flower is white. The seed pod is divided into 2 different parts; the upper part is radish and about 4 cm in length and holds 3-4 seeds and the lower part is Chinese cabbage and about 3 cm in length and holds 7-8 seeds. The color of seed is brown, weight per 1.000 seeds is 5.5 g and the number of seeds per mL is 120. The matured plant in the fall season is around 5 kg in weight and outer leaves are very vigorous and stiffly and inner leaves are erect and form a loose head. The leaf and the root contain a high level of sulforaphene which is well known as a functional substance for anti-cancer and anti-super-bacteria. Baemoochae is an amphidiploid and does not have the self incompatibility function. It has a high level of cross compatibility with Chinese cabbage as the female parent, but not the male parent. It is cross incompatible to cabbage, B. oleracea, black mustard, B. nigra and radish. However it is highly compatible to oil seed rape, B. napus, yellow mustard, B. carinata and partial compatible to muatard, B. juncea in the reciprocal cross.

Change in Color of Kimchi during Fermentation (김치의 숙성중 색상변화에 관한 연구)

  • 김미경;하귀현;김미정;김순동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.274-278
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    • 1994
  • Correlation between pH and color of Kimchi during fermentation was investigated to visually evaluate the fermentation degree of Chinese cabbage Kimchi. Color "a" and 'H" values in the white part, "a", "H" and "C" values in the green part of the Kimchi showed a high correlation with pH, respectively. "a" and "H" values of Kimchi juice. "L" and "V" values of red pepper attached to kimchi had a high correlation with pH. The color of the white part was light greenish white in unripended Kimchi, but changed to redish in ripended kimchi. Green part changed from light green to redish green as ripening. Red pepper powder attached to kimchi showed redish color in unripening, but changed to yellowish re din over ripening.

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Disease Incidences in Radish and Chinese Cabbage. I. Major Diseases in Radish and Chinese Cabbage grown in Alpine Areas in Jeonbug Province (고냉지단경기채소(무우. 배추) 및 평야지 추작채소단지에 발생하는 주요병해조사 I. 전북고냉지단경기 무우, 배추 주요병해)

  • So I.Y.;Lee S.H.;Kim H.M.;Lee W.H.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.20 no.3 s.48
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 1981
  • Vegetables including Chinese cabbage and radish have been grown in alpine areas such as Muju, Namweon, Jinan and Jangsu during the shortage period of vegetables. The incidence of various diseases, environmental factors such as temperatures and rainfalls, and aphid populations as virus vector were observed at 10-day intervals from July to September in those areas. Disease incidence showed no significant difference among locations. Major diseases in Chin ese cabbage were bacterial soft rot, white spot, downy mildew, mosaic virus, Alternaria leaf spot and Fusarium seedling blight. Major diseases in radish were virus, white rust, black rot, root rot, leaf spot and Fusarium seedling blight. Disease incidence reached peak on Aug. 20 with $27\%$ infection in radish and with $20\%$ infection in Chinese cabbage during the growing season, and declined thereafter. Percentage of infection in each growth stage showed $25\%$ at root thickening stage and $26\%$ at the harvest time in radish; and the head formation stage, $24\%$ at the harvest time. The data indicate that disease incidence in radish increased rapidly at late growing stage and progressively increased in Chinese cabbage Seedling blight caused by Fusarium sp. and root rot caused by Aphanomyces sp. were also observed in those areas. Cool and wet weather appeared to be favorable for disease incidences during the rainy period of growing season although average temperature was about $25^{\circ}C$. Populations of aphids were lower in the alpine vegetable growing area than that of flat areas. Aphids as virus vectors from total aphids collected were $73.5\%$ or 289 virus vectors /993 total aphids in Namweon and $18.1\%$ or 31 virus vectors/171 total aphids in Muju. The most prerevalent species of aphids was Myzus persicae Sulz.

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Application of UAV-based RGB Images for the Growth Estimation of Vegetable Crops

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Jung, Sang-Jin;Kwon, Young-Seok;Kim, Hak-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.45-45
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    • 2017
  • On-site monitoring of vegetable growth parameters, such as leaf length, leaf area, and fresh weight, in an agricultural field can provide useful information for farmers to establish farm management strategies suitable for optimum production of vegetables. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are currently gaining a growing interest for agricultural applications. This study reports on validation testing of previously developed vegetable growth estimation models based on UAV-based RGB images for white radish and Chinese cabbage. Specific objective was to investigate the potential of the UAV-based RGB camera system for effectively quantifying temporal and spatial variability in the growth status of white radish and Chinese cabbage in a field. RGB images were acquired based on an automated flight mission with a multi-rotor UAV equipped with a low-cost RGB camera while automatically tracking on a predefined path. The acquired images were initially geo-located based on the log data of flight information saved into the UAV, and then mosaicked using a commerical image processing software. Otsu threshold-based crop coverage and DSM-based crop height were used as two predictor variables of the previously developed multiple linear regression models to estimate growth parameters of vegetables. The predictive capabilities of the UAV sensing system for estimating the growth parameters of the two vegetables were evaluated quantitatively by comparing to ground truth data. There were highly linear relationships between the actual and estimated leaf lengths, widths, and fresh weights, showing coefficients of determination up to 0.7. However, there were differences in slope between the ground truth and estimated values lower than 0.5, thereby requiring the use of a site-specific normalization method.

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Variation of Functional Compounds in Leafy Chinese Cabbage Grown Under Different Light Conditions in a Plant Factory (광 조건에 따른 식물공장 재배 쌈 배추의 기능성 성분 변화)

  • Chung, Sun-Ok;Kim, Yun-Mi;Ryu, Dong-Gi;Kim, Sun-Ju;Park, Jong-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.526-529
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    • 2014
  • A recently developed Chinese cabbage cultivar, Shinhong Ssam, was cultured under different light conditions at a plant factory to evaluate effects of light on the production of functional compounds. The effects of the following combinations of red (R), blue (B), and white (W) LED light were compared to that of fluorescent light: R+B, R+W, and R+B+W. Under R+B light, the Chinese cabbage failed to grow well. In contrast, under R+W, R+B+W, and fluorescent light conditions, cabbages had similar growth rates. Cyanidin, the only anthocyanidin detected, accumulated in cabbages under LED conditions to levels more than 2-fold of that in cabbages grown under fluorescent light. Phenolic acid and flavonol levels varied subtly, whereas caffeic acid was found to be between 70- and 160-fold greater in LED-illuminated cabbages than in those exposed to fluorescent light. The amounts of free amino acids and sugars that affect the taste of vegetables were greater in the cabbages exposed to LED light than in those grown under fluorescent light conditions. In conclusion, R+W LED light produced Shinhong Ssam with greater nutritional value than those grown under R+B+W LED and fluorescent lights.

The Effects of Kimchi on Hematological and Immunological Parameters in vivo and in vitro (In vivo와 in vitro에서 김치가 혈액성상과 면역세포배양에 미치는 영향)

  • 송영선;김미정;권명자;송영옥;이은경;윤현주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.1208-1214
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    • 1997
  • This study was designed to know the effect of kimchi on the hematological and immunological parameters in vivo and in vitro, respectively. To study the effects of kimchi on the hematological parameters, rats(S.D., male) were divided into 4 groups and fed diets containing of 3%, 5% and 10% kimchi or kimchi free diet(control) for 6 weeks. The results of CBC(complete blood cell) tests obtained from the bloods of rates were as follows ; In 10% kimchi group, the level of WBC(white blood cells), RBC(red blood cells), Hgb(hemoglobin), Hct(hematocrit) were increased significantly than those of control group(p<0.05). MCV(mean corpuscular volume), one of the red cell indices, was also increased significantly in the animals fed 10% kimchi(p<0.05). RDW(Red cell distritution width) and PCT(plateletcrit) was lowest in 10% kimchi group(p<0.05). To examine the effects of kimchi on immune cell growth in vitro, three types of mouse immune cells-spleen cells, bone marrow cells, thymus cells-were cultured with extracts of salted Chinese cabbage, fresh kimchi and fermented kimchi(for 1 week) for 12 or 20 days. Control was supplemented with PBS(phosphate buffer saline) excluding kimchi extract. The results of spleen cell, bone marrow cell, and thymus cell cultures showed similar tendency: control medium accelerated death of cells, extracts of salted Chinese cabbage reduced the rate of cell death, and extracts of fresh kimchi and fermented kimchi promoted cell growth. From these results, it could be suggested that kimchi possibly has an effect on the hematopoietic ability and increases immune cell development and growth in vivo.

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Crop Performance and Soil Chemical Properties Affected by Amounts of Normal Water after Simulated Acid Rain (인공산성(人工酸性)비 후(後) 일반(一般)비 처리량(處理量)에 따른 작물생육(作物生育)과 토양(土壤)의 화학성(化學性))

  • Kim, Bok-Jin;Park, Suen-Do;Lee, Suk-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.341-347
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    • 1996
  • A green-house experiment was conducted to investigate the growth of Chinese cabbage, radish, and soybean and changes in soil chemical properties after application of 5 and 10mm of pH 2.7 simulated acid rain(SAR) followed by 0, 5, and 10mm of pH 6.0 normal water at the three-day intervals 20 times for Chinese cabbage and radish and 42 times for soybean. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Visual damages by SAR were white-yellow leaf spots, dark brown or light green leaf color, and wrinkled leaf margins in all crops. The degree of visual damages was severer at 10mm than at 5mm SAR and it was reduced as the amounts of normal water increased after SAR application. 2. Chlorophyll content was higher at 10mm than at 5mm SAR application and increased as the amounts of normal water increased after SAR application in all crops. 3. Fresh weights of Chinese cabbage heads and radish roots and grain yield of soybean were higher at 10mm than at 5mm SAR, while they increased as the amounts of normal water increased at the same SAR level. 4. Changes in the mineral contents of plants were not consistent, while S content in radish and soybean increased as the amounts of SAR increased. 5. SAR lowered soil pH, while it increased soil N and S contents. Contents of soil organic matter, P, and exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K were not affected by the amounts of SAR.

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