• 제목/요약/키워드: China-India

검색결과 372건 처리시간 0.027초

아시아 불교미술에서 지표로서의 환경 (Environment as an Indicator in the Buddhist Art of Asia)

  • 이정희
    • 조형예술학연구
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.61-86
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    • 2008
  • 불교와 불교미술은 인도에서 발원하였지만, 그것들은 각 나라에 전파되면서 국제적인 환경을 만들어 냈다. 불교는 각 나라에 일종의 꾸러미의 형식으로 전파되었다. 예를 들면 불경, 불상과 불화의 도상과 양식, 건축과 그 기법, 복잡한 의식, 승려나 여승이 기거하는 사찰에서 건축적 요소와 그 기법들이 함께 소개되었다 불교의 시작은 인도의 아쇼카 왕조시기(reign of King Asoka)로 거슬러 올라가지만, 이후 각 나라의 정치적, 지적, 예술적, 종교적, 사회적, 자연적 환경, 지리적, 지질적 환경에 맞게 전개됐다. 불교미술은 토착화하면서 그 지역민을 닮은 상이 만들어 졌고, 또 지역마다 독특한 특색을 나타내면서 발전하기 시작했다. 스투파(stupa)와 차이챠 홀(chaitya hall)은 수도원의 독특한 분위기를 만들어 내곤 중앙아시아의 대상인들은 인도의 문화가 중국에 전해지는데 공헌했을 뿐만 아니라, 그들이 지나던 교역루트의 자연환경 덕분에 화려한 색채의 벽화들이 제작되고 보존될 수 있었다. 불교와 불교 미술이 중국과 한국, 일본에 전해졌을 때, 불교는 국가 제도와 사회적 조직의 일부가 되었다. 정치적 목적에 의해 거대한 불상들이 산속의 동굴에 만들어 지기도 했다. 중국은 스투파를 사각형의 기둥으로 변형시켰고, 기와를 얹은 지붕 형식의 탑을 만들어 냈다. 한국은 불교미술을 중국에서 일본으로 전파시켰을 뿐만 아니라, 고유한 방식으로 그것을 변형시켰다. 석굴암의 깊은 명상에 잠긴 듯한 보살상들의 이미지가 그 좋은 예이다. 중국에서는 신유교 철학이 국-가의 공식적인 이념이 되면서 선종의 부흥하기도 했으며, 일본의 선승들은 신도들의 명상을 북돋기 위해 선종 형식의 정원을 만들어 냈다. 티벳의 밀교에서도 불교미술의 중요한 발전양상을 확인할 수 있다. 밀교의 미술은 예술적 환경 뿐만 아니라, 지적이고 종교적인 것에도 속한다. 한편 티벳의 신들이 그들의 배우자를 안고 있는 모습은 신과 신자들의 융합을 상징하기도 한다. 불교미술은 독창적인 환경을 만들어 냈고, 여라 나라에 전파되면서, 상당한 변화를 낳았다.

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불교사상을 중심으로 살펴본 가사 (A Study ont the Kasaya in relation to Buddhist Thought)

  • 김경숙;안명숙
    • 복식
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    • 제46권
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the philosophy behind the Kasaya and its evolution through its clothing material colour structure and sewing. According to the study the results were as follows. 1. The philosophy behind the dressing of the Kasaya can be found in the Therefore wearing the Kasaya symbolizes the Buddhist philosophy of Jat'ailshisongbul ("Simultaneous attaining of Buddhahood for Everyone") 2. The material symbolizes endurance and contentiment by being satisfied with any kind of clothes may they be good or bad. The material of the kasaya comes to signify the harmony among the monk's community 3. The Kasaya uses peculiar colours and the prohibits the use of the five primary and seconary colous. This is to symbolize equality wherein there is no distinction between the noble and the mean. 4. The structure of the Kasaya according the takes the form of a field The Jo is cut lengthwise and divided in nine grades following the Mahayana tradition as written in the This idea reflects the philosophy of salvation of the Pure land thought. The Je has many Jang('long') and fex Dan('short') The meaning of this is that all living beings by self-cultivation can overcome the dirty law of the secular world and follow the way of the sage who have attained their Buddha nature. 5. With respect to the sewing after finishin the sewing the Jang and the Dan are combined together representing the interdependence between the holy person and the common person. Therefore the sewing ssymbolizes the interconnection among all living beings as it arise from the "conditional causation" law. As I have shown above the philosophy behind of the Kasaya developed and was enriched as it cross over China from India to the Original Buddhist thought with which was created in India was added the richness of the Mahayana buddhist thought. As I have shown above the philosophy behind of the Kasaya developed and was enriched as it cross over China from India to the Original Buddhist thought with which was created in India was added the richness of the Nahayana Buddhist thought with which was created in India was added the richness of the Mahayana buddhist thought. As a result the Dasaya came to signify the "field image". The field-image symbolized by the kasaya came to signify the "heart-field" of all living beings. The "heart-field" by its cultivation is field with blessings. Therefore from the sanghati the Nine Grade the evolution and changes in the designs of the kasaya through the different periods of history became clearly an expression how it is possible for anybody to attend the Buddha nature. This changes also show how the Buddhist precepts became reformed from the original Buddhism.ecepts became reformed from the original Buddhism.

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한국 기업의 인도 진출 방안 (Strategies of the into the India of the Korean Firms)

  • 유하상
    • 한국항만경제학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.196-215
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구에서는 먼저 인도 경제의 발전 과정 및 전망에서는 광대한 토지와 인구를 가지고 있어 중국에 버금가는 경제 잠재력에도 불구하고 아직은 각종 법제도적 규제와 사회문화적 한계로 잠재력을 발휘하지 못하고 있다. 그러나 1991년 New Industry Policy 이후 각종 규제를 철폐하는 등 외국인 직접 투자를 개방하고 있다. 이애 따라 골드만삭스는 인도 경제는 2012년 중국을 추월하고, 2032년에는 일본을 앞질러 중국, 미국에 이어 3위의 경제 대국이 될 것으로 전망하고 있다. 한편 한국은 현재 인도가 16위의 교역 상대국에 머물러 있으나, 1990년대 후반 이후 대우, 헌대 자동차와 엘지, 삼성전자 등의 대기업을 선두로 하여 인도 진출을 가속화하고 있어 인도와의 경제교역 비중이 높아질 전망으로 있다. 제3장에서는 인도의 투자 환경을 좀 더 구체적인 진출 사례를 중심으로 분석하였으며, 이를 토대로 하여 제4장에서는 한국 기업이 인도 진출시 극복하여야 할 제약 요소와 그 대응 전략을 도출하였다. 먼저 정부차원의 대응 전략으로는 인도 진출과 관련된 시장 정보와 지원을 체계적으로 담당할 전문기구의 설립 필요성과 인도에 대한 정확한 분석을 할 수 있는 전문가의 육성을 지적하였다. 이어서 우리나라도 일본인 정착촌과 같은 인도내 중소기업 전용 공단의 설립을 검토할 필요가 있으며, 현재 추진 중에 있는 한 인 CEPA를 조속히 타결시켜야 한다는 점을 주장하였다. 기업차원에서는 초기에는 직접수출 방식으로 진출하였다가 점차 직접투자 방식으로 전환해 나가야 하며, 단독 진출 투자보다는 대기업을 중심으로 한 클러스트형 진출 방식을 제시하였다. 그리고 철저한 현지화를 위해 현지인의 소비 성향이나 문화 등을 철저하게 이해하는 것이 중요한 성공요소이며, 지역별로 투자 환경이 다르므로 입지 선정에 신중을 기할 것을 지적하였다. 중국에 대한 현지 투자에 한계를 느끼고 있는 우리에게 인도는 또 하나의 기회를 제공해주고 있다. 그러나 아직은 많은 투자 제약 요소가 존재한다. 따라서 인도 진출시에는 정확한 정보 분석과 신중한 접근이 요구된다. 본 논문이 인도 진출을 계획하고 있는 기업에게 도움이 되기를 기대한다.

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Cancer: Scenario and Relationship of Different Geographical Areas of the Globe with Special Reference to North East-India

  • Sharma, Jagannath Dev;Kalit, Manoj;Nirmolia, Tulika;Saikia, Sidhartha Protim;Sharma, Arpita;Barman, Debanjana
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권8호
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    • pp.3721-3729
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    • 2014
  • Background: Cancer is becoming the most important public health burden around the globe. As per the GLOBOCAN 2008 estimates, about 12.7 million cancer cases and 7.6 million cancer deaths were estimated to have occurred in 2008. The burden of cancer cases for India in the year 2020 is calculated to be 1,148,757 (male 534,353; female 614,404) compared to 979,786 in 2010. The pattern of cancer incidence is varying among geographical regions, esophageal cancer for example being high in China, lung cancer in USA, and gallbladder cancer in Chile. The question remains why? Is it due to the diversity in genome pool, food habits, risk factor association and role of genetic susceptibility or some other factors associated with it? In India, the North East (NE)-India region is seeing a marked increase in cancer incidence and deaths, with a very different cancer incidence pattern compared to mainland India. The genome pool of the region is also quite distinct from the rest of India. Northeastern tribes are quite distinct from other groups; they are more closely related to East Asians than to other Indians. In this paper an attempt was made to see whether there is any similarity among the pattern of cancer incidence cases for different sites of NE-India region to South or East-Asia. Materials and Methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), Pearson Correlation coefficient test was assessed to evaluate the linkage of North-East India region to other regions. A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: The results clearly shows that there are similarities in occurrence of cancer incidence patterns for various cancer sites of NE-India with South and East-Asian regions, which may lead to the conclusion that there might be a genetic linkage between these regions.

Direction Of Trade Of Major Agricultural Commodities From India

  • Kumar, K. Nirmal Ravi
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.36-49
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    • 2020
  • This study pertains to direction of exports direction of major agricultural commodities viz., rice, maize, bengal gram, chillies and cotton from India. In the ensuing next decade during 21st century, India is likely to witness changes in the export pattern of these commodities due to both internal and external constraints. One of the major internal constraints is mounting cost of production. Similarly, one of the most important external constraints include excessive subsidization by importing countries that makes Indian commodities less competitive in the international market. So, the important research question is to analyse the direction of exports of major agricultural commodities from India during post-WTO regime. The dynamic nature of trade pattern of the selected commodities was analyzed by employing the first order Markov process by examining gains and losses in respect of export shares of major Indian agricultural commodities to different countries. During the post-WTO regime, it was found that Saudi Arabia for rice, Bangladesh for maize, Pakistan for bengal gram, Malaysia for (dry) chillies, China, mainland for cotton are the loyal destinations for the commodities. The increasing demand for the selected commodities in countries like Saudi Arabia, Côte d'Ivoire for rice; Malaysia for maize; Pakistan and Algeria for Bengal gram; USA and Sri Lanka for (dry) chillies and Vietnam, Pakistan and Indonesia for cotton need to be explored for augmenting the exports. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential that consumer preferences in newer markets, market intelligence and impediments for augmenting exports need to be researched. It is also high time to analyze the export competitiveness of selected commodities across these importing countries.

A Research on the Nuclear Deterrence Strategy of South Korea through Dispute of India and Pakistan

  • Dong-Kwon Cho;Young-Hwan Ryu;Sin-Young Yu
    • 방사선산업학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.411-416
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    • 2023
  • From Cold War, Nuclear weapons have emerged military power into a very dangerous and important way of each national security. Throughout the era, the U.S. had stationed nuclear weapons in South Korea. But President George Bush initially started the withdrawal of nuclear tactical weapons deployed abroad in 1991. After that, under the protection of the nuclear umbrella, South Korea guarantees that the United States would operate its nuclear weapons to protect South Korea if it would be needed and the economy of South Korea has rapidly developed as more strong countries in the world. However, South Korea has seen and been realized the present state from the recent war between Russia and Ukraine. The protection of the U.S. nuclear umbrella from nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles of North Korea is unlikely to be permanently guaranteed. At the same time, South Korea should consider the security environment changes of surrounding nations such as China as military power acceleration and Russia as re-formation ambition. Because of these reasons, South Korea independently wants to protect itself and have the own nuclear weapons as a way to counter security threats. A majority of South Koreans also definitely believe that North Korea will not denuclearize or give up because North Korea has been having nuclear weapons as the final survival strategy of Kim Jong Un's regime. However, South Korea considers and makes new nuclear strategy through the role and effect of nuclear deterrence strategy in dispute between India and Pakistan and how to overcome the paradox of nuclear deterrence strategy. Therefore, this research is to suggest the effective nuclear deterrence strategy of South Korea from new security threats of surrounding nations through dispute between India and Pakistan. The focus of this research is that what is the role and paradox of nuclear deterrence strategy in dispute between India and Pakistan and how to find the effective nuclear deterrence strategy of South Korea.

'Muslim Diaspora' in Yuan China: A Comparative Analysis of Islamic Tombstones from the Southeast Coast

  • MUKAI, Masaki
    • Asian review of World Histories
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.231-256
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a case study of the Muslim diaspora through comparative analysis of Islamic tombstones from the Southeast Coast of China under Mongol rule. The locations of the nisbas in the Islamic tombstones are widely dispersed, covering Xinjiang, Transoxiana, Iran, Khorasan, Khwarazm, Armenia, Syria, Palestine, and Arabia. Unexpectedly, we did not find a single named location from India or Southeast Asia. It is well known that notable descendants of distinguished families traditionally produced officials, intellectuals, and wealthy merchants, and surrendered to the Mongols during the war against the Qara Khitai Khanate and the Khwarazm Empire. There were a great number of appointed officials with Muslim names in the Jianghuai (around Lower Yangtze) and Fujian regions. This is consistent with the concentration of epitaphs written in Arabic on the southeast coast of China. The frequent use of the specific tradition of the prophet Muhammad associating the death of the exile with martyrdom in Islamic tombstones in Quanzhou, Hangzhou, and Yangzhou indicates that the Muslims in these port cities eventually established an interregional or diasporic identity of Muslim foreighners whoimmigrated into the region.

Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Intergenic spacer (IGS) region of ten microsporian isolates infecting Indian vanya silkworms (Samia cynthia ricini and Antheraea assamensis).

  • Hassan, Wazid;Surendra Nath, B.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2016
  • Ten microsporidian isolates from Samia cynthia ricini, and Antheraea assamensis in India along with a Nosema reference strain (NIK-1s_mys) from B. mori India were characterised morphologically and molecular based tools. The test isolates observed elongated oval in shape while reference strain was oval and ranging from 3.80 to 4.90 m in length and 2.60 to 3.05 m in width. The ribosomal DNA region 'IGS' of test isolates assessed by PCR amplification, followed by cloning and sequencing. IGS sequence and phylogenetic analysis of test microsporidian isolates showed very close relationship with three Nosema references species: N. philosamia, N. antheraea isolated from Philosamia cynthia ricini and Antheraea perny in China respectively and N. disstriae from Malacosma disstriae in Canada. The clustering pattern of dendogram reveals all test isolates appear distinct from Nosema std. (NIK-1s_mys) India used as reference strain in the study. The result suggests IGS indeed a suitable and highly applicable molecular tool for identifying and characterise the microsporidian isolates in similar population.

인도-태평양(FOIP) 전략과 전력분산의 치명성에 관한 연구 (A Study on US Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy and Distributed Lethality)

  • 김태성
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권44호
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    • pp.28-53
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    • 2018
  • The U.S. has recently developed Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy and Distributed Lethality strategy based on a common perception that they are responding to China's threats. In the future, it is anticipated the following. Strengthen cooperation of the U.S.-India-Vietnam navy, Maximizing the combined combat power between the U.S. and regional navies, Improving its ability to restore damage control, Economic cooperation between the Pacific and Indian countries. The meanings given to the Korean navy are as follows. First, South Korea should pursue cooperation with the Indian Navy, which will grow into a regional balance on China's growth. The growth of the Indian navy is expected to increase cooperation with other Pacific countries. The government should seek ways to promote cooperation with india navy in various fields. Secondly, it is a joint drill between the U.S. Navy and the Korean Navy. Recently, the Korea-U.S. joint drill has not been conducted and many changes are expected to be made regarding the implementation of the joint drill in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to possible changes in the naval relationship between Korea navy and the U.S. navy Also, due to distributed lethality strategy, preparations for operations and training with U.S.navy will be necessary. Lastly, it should contribute to cooperation among regional countries in preparation for maritime territorial disputes. The growth of the Chinese navy and the territorial disputes in the East and South China sea has raised the possibility of accidental military clashes at sea. Therefore, the government should make efforts to create multilateral security cooperation systems that can continue to promote the prevention of armed conflict.

Attitudes Toward Mini-Packaging Products: The Case of China

  • Pornpitakpan, Chanthika;Li, Qiuling;Sy-Changco, Joseph A.;Chen, Junsong
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Business Review
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 2019
  • Proposing that the main barriers to mini-packaging success in China, in contrast to India and the Philippines, is Chinese consumers' sociocultural values and attitudes toward products in mini packages, this study investigates the factors that potentially make the China market relatively not conducive to buying products in mini packages via a survey of 468 Chinese adults in Shanghai (first-tier city) and Zhuhai (second-tier city). Results show that respondents agree that products in mini packages are difficult to store once opened, are more expensive than are larger-sized products, do not provide good value for money, entail frequent shopping, are harmful to the environment, are not advertised, and are mainly for trying new products and for traveling. They disagree with many possible reasons for the unpopularity of products in mini packages. This study's contributions are (1) providing in-depth quantitative analysis of the possible reasons mini-packaging is not popular in China, (2) offering managerial advice for using mini-packaging to increase brand competitiveness, (3) developing a scale to measure attitudes toward products in mini packages; and (4) being empirical as opposed to merely anecdotal/speculative like some studies in this area.