• Title/Summary/Keyword: Child class

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Emerging Poetry Composition and Poetic Expression in 4 year Olds Stemming from Forest Activities (숲 활동을 토대로 한 만 4세 유아의 자발적 동시 짓기 과정과 시적 표현)

  • Kim, Yu-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.59-80
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The purpose of the present study was to find out the development of 4-year-old children's emerging poetry composition process and features of poetic expression through their own forest experiences. This research also aims to explore the possibility of alternative poetry education for early childhood. Methods: This study collected data from one class of four-year olds through classroom observation, interviews with teachers, and the researcher's journal entries on events that occurred during forest walking activities. Results: Research findings showed that it was possible to encourage free expression of metaphors and imagination in children and they were able to share excitement about poetry with their classmates when provided with an alternative environment. One remarkable finding was that children's spontaneous writing and pleasure in poetry did not continue when given the new theme of 'Mom and Dad'. Conclusion/Implications: The results imply that to encourage the development of children's intuitive poetic words we need to be interested in how to organize and highlight the experiences of children. This study also suggests that positive methodological and teleological changes are needed for poetry education that is separate from language education.

Androgynous Equalitarianism of Parents Recognized by Adolescents and Educational Support for Children (청소년이 지각한 부모의 양성평등의식과 자녀교육지원)

  • Park Ok Im;Lim Jeong Soon;Kim Jeong Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of the research lies in investigating how the androgynous equalitarianism of parents recognized by adolescents and educational support for children differ in accordance with social and population factors. The subjects were 397 adolescents of secondary schools in Chonnam. The analysis of the results was carried out using SPSS/WIN 10.0 program. The results were as follows: (1) Adolescents were found to recognize the androgynous equalitarianism in their parents differently in accordance with gender, birth ranking, academic record, and father education level. (2) Educational support of parents recognized by adolescents, showed some notable differences in accordance with type of school, birth ranking, academic record, place of residence, mother's age, father education level, form of marriage, and economic class. (3) The relationship between androgynous equalitarianism and Educational support of parents recognized by adolescents had a positive correlation. In conclusion, it is essential to provide an atmosphere wherein the budding children can display their utmost potentiality regardless of gender to grow independent way of thinking and behaving and ability. Also consistent willingness to practice education in androgynous equalitarianism for the realization of equal society for both men and women is believed prerequisite.

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The Effect of Self-Regulation Ability, Materialism and Altruism on Ethical Consumption Behavior in Children Consumers

  • Bok, Mi-Jung;Seo, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2018
  • This purpose of this study was to analyze the variables associated with the ethical consumption behavior of children consumers. This subjects were 431 elementary school students. PASW 18.0 was used for data processing to do frequency analysis, T-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows. First, children consumers tend to a little higher everyday ethical consumption behavior than others-oriented ethical consumption behavior. Second, as a result of analyzing ethical consumption behavior according to social economic variables, a high tendency of ethical consumption behavior was shown in groups that personality is extrovert and their household economic status is over upper middle class and father's age is higher. Third, the variables affecting ethical consumption behavior of children consumers were self-regulation ability, materialism, altruism, personality tendency, household economic status. Materialism had a negative effect but self-regulation ability, materialism, altruism, personality tendency, and household economic status had a positive effect.

The emotional characeristics of gifted children: Suggestions for guidance of the gifted children's mental health (영재 아동의 정서적 특성에 관한 임상연구: 정신 건장을 위한 지도)

  • 윤여홍
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.53-72
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    • 1996
  • The present study dealt with the emotional characteristics, emotional development of gifted children and emphasized the emotional intelligence as the meta-ability for the development of creativity and intellectual abilities. The emotional vulnerability of gifted children was also hscussed with endogenous and exogeneous problems, internal dyssynchrony, and social context. To find out the real chief problems the gifted children have, the contents of individual counselling with mothers of the gifted in KAGE were categorized based on the Lazarus' BASIC ID and DSM-IV dagnosis. Total 128 cases were analyzed. Among them, 61 cases were from elementary schoolers, however, percentile data showed the most, 34% of infant class aged 30 months - 48 months. Usually, the number of counselling in each person was 1, but 17 cases were done more than 3 times. And, 8 cases had experiences to visit the other counseling center or neuropsychiatric clinic. The categories of chief problems were 10: information about gifted program, behavior, affect, sensation, school and cognitive functions, imagery and self concept, interpersonal relationship, personality, mental illness, and others. Many problems in each category were listed. Finally, the present study suggested the several guidance plan possibly useful in the gifted education center for the purpose of prevention of emotional difficulties and support for the mental health, including professional personnel, child counselling, emotional education, and parent counseling & education.

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The Effects of Family Structure, Parental Communication, Academic Problems, and Peer Relationship on Juvenile Delinquency (가족구조, 부모와의 의사소통, 학업문제와 친구관계가 청소년 비행에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Kyu-Reon
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.48 no.7
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of family structure(parentral marital status and socioeconomic status), parental communication, academic problems, and peer relationship on juvenile delinquency. The participants were 1009 middle school and high school students in Seoul city and Gyeonggi Province. The major results were as follows: 1) Parental marital status(divorced/seperated) had both direct and indirect positive effects and lower class in socioeconomic status had an indirect positive effect on academic problems and peer relationship on juvenile delinquency rates. 2) Open maternal communication had a direct negative effect on juvenile delinquency rates. However, open paternal communication had both direct and indirect negative effects. 3) Academic problems had both direct and indirect positive effects on juvenile delinquency rates. 4) Peer relationship had a direct positive effect on juvenile delinquency rates. 5) The level of effects that each variable had differed by delinquency types. Based on these results, implications for preventing juvenile delinquency were discussed.

The Influence of Educational Robot Experience on Children's Robot Image and Relationship Recognition (교육용 로봇 활용 경험이 유아의 로봇 이미지 및 관계 인식에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Lee, KyungOk;Lee, Byungho
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how young children recognize the image of robots, and how they understand the relationship between themselves and robots based on school experience. 20 children from kindergarten A had no direct experience with educational robots, whereas 20 children from kindergarten B had experience in using educational robots in their classroom. Total 40 children from age group 5 class participated in this study. We collected data using interview and drawing test. The findings of the study are as follows: First, participating children recognized robots as having both the character of a machine and a human. But children with previous robot experience provided description of robots as a machine-tool. Both groups were not able to explain the structure of robots in details. Second, participating children understood that they can develop a range of social relationships with robots, including simple help to family replacement. There were mixed views on robots among the children with previous experience, but children with no experience described robots as taking the role of peers or family members. These findings could contribute to the development of robots and related programs in the field of early childhood education.

Health Problems and Related Factors of Socially Vulnerable School-age Children in Seoul (서울지역 학령기 취약계층 아동의 건강문제와 관련 요인)

  • Kang, Kyungim;Kim, Sungjae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.181-193
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This is a qualitative descriptive study with the purpose of identifyng the health problems and related factors of socially vulnerable school-age children in Seoul, South Korea. Methods: Two focus group interviews and two individual interviews were conducted with eleven participants. They were two class teachers, three school nurses and two daycare teachers working at elementary schools and three social workers and a welfare worker working at community childcare centers. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The identified psychosocial problems were 'distracting and excessive behavior', 'depression and helplessness,' 'aggression and violent behaviors', and 'internet overdependence'. The revealed physical health problems were 'poor hygiene', 'obesity', and 'gastrointestinal problems'. In addition, the fact that physical and psychosocial problems are closely inter-linked was reaffirmed through practical examples. Meanwhile, socioeconomic, family environmental, social experiential and individual factors were found to affect children's health. Relationships within a family or a peer group and healthy lifestyle were considered critical issues to deal with in order to improve the childrens' health status. Conclusion: It was proved that socially vulnerable school-age children have various physical and mental health problems due to multiple factors. Therefore, it is required to design nursing approaches that help them achieve optimal health status.

Phenotypes of allergic diseases in children and their application in clinical situations

  • Lee, Eun;Hong, Soo-Jong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.62 no.9
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2019
  • Allergic diseases, including allergic rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis, are common heterogeneous diseases that encompass diverse phenotypes and different pathogeneses. Phenotype studies of allergic diseases can facilitate the identification of risk factors and their underlying pathophysiology, resulting in the application of more effective treatment, selection of better treatment responses, and prediction of prognosis for each phenotype. In the early phase of phenotype studies in allergic diseases, artificial classifications were usually performed based on clinical features, such as triggering factors or the presence of atopy, which can result in the biased classification of phenotypes and limit the characterization of heterogeneous allergic diseases. Subsequent phenotype studies have suggested more diverse phenotypes for each allergic disease using relatively unbiased statistical methods, such as cluster analysis or latent class analysis. The classifications of phenotypes in allergic diseases may overlap or be unstable over time due to their complex interactions with genetic and encountered environmental factors during the illness, which may affect the disease course and pathophysiology. In this review, diverse phenotype classifications of allergic diseases, including atopic dermatitis, asthma, and wheezing in children, allergic rhinitis, and atopy, are described. The review also discusses the applications of the results obtained from phenotype studies performed in other countries to Korean children. Consideration of changes in the characteristics of each phenotype over time in an individual's lifespan is needed in future studies.

On the Physical Function Evaluation, Prevention Training, and Cognitive Ability Improvement through the Design of a Healthcare Independence Support System based on Emotional Satisfaction of Senior Users

  • Lee, Sang Min;Kim, Joo Uk;Kim, Young Min
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2021
  • Recently, social technologies have been created to solve problems from businesses for the establishment of generational solidarity ecosystem in terms of employment, residential space, network and social capital, age, cognitive and environmental aspects. This is senior-friendly healthcare business system aimed at meeting the senior needs for health life to enjoy active consumption culture life even after retirement, becoming a catalyst for minimizing generational conflicts, preventing the cognitive and physical deterioration of seniority in the areas of life healthcare, fitness and well-aging, and expanding into systems necessary for seniority self-reliance. We would like to draw up the development and requirements of the concept of the service platform for the study of collective characteristics for generation solidarity with senior class and the establishment of a customized senior health life system for generation solidarity. This system is characterized by a platform that can prevent the decline of seniors' cognitive and physical functions and enhance emotional stability. It is significant in providing feedback on the risk perception index, fall index, and prevention training index information to the child through the analysis and extraction of the senior health index for risk perception, fall probability, and fall prevention.

Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers' Perceptions of Young Children's Free Play Time and the Roles of Teachers : Focusing on Photovoice (유아의 자유놀이시간과 교사의 역할에 대한 예비유아교사들의 인식: 포토보이스를 중심으로)

  • Jinhee Park
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2023
  • Objective: This study aimed to investigate Pre-service early childhood teachers' perceptions and roles regarding young children's free play time. Methods: The study utilized the photovoice method and involved 21 pre-service early childhood teachers who expressed interest in participating. Participants were enrolled in an infants teaching methodology class in B city. The study involved four virtual meetings conducted via untact teams, and the automatic recordings of these meetings were transcribed for analysis. Results: The results revealed that pre-service early childhood teachers recognized young children's free play time as a period to enjoy full freedom, develop as the main agent of their lives, and express their imagination. Furthermore, pre-service early childhood teachers perceived their roles during young children's free play time as a specialist infant observer, a connector between play and learning, and a versatile supporter. Conclusion/Implications: The findings suggest the need for a systematic curriculum to provide pre-service early childhood teachers with a balanced perspective and awareness of the meaning of free play and teacher roles. The study highlights the importance of expanding pre-practice courses for observation of play and field-oriented curriculum for incumbent teachers.