• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chemical fertilizer

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Effect of Nitrogen Rate on the Ionic Balance and the Variance with Leaf Sequance in Mulberry (Morus alba L.) Leaves (시용질소양이 상엽중 이온 균형 및 엽위별 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • 이운주
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 1983
  • In a field trial, the influence was studied by measurement of growth and leaf yields and chemical composition (in organic cations and anions and total nitrogen) with two nitrogen dressings (lower nitrogen treatment 25kg and higher nitrogen treatment 75kg urea/10a as the summer fertilizer) after the summer cutting. The results were as follows; 1. With increasingn nitrogen dressing, branch length and weight were enchanced. The fresh weight of leaves was higher to be 273.6kg/10a in the higher nitrogen treatment than in the lower nitrogen treatment on 20 September. 2. The moisture content of leaves lasted above 73% until on 30 August. Afterward it decreased sharply upto 63% on 20 September. In higher nitrogen treatment it was higher about 0.1∼1.8% than in lower nitrogen treatment. The increasing nitrogen dressings combined with leaf condition led to be soft until on 10 October. 3. Dry matter weight of leaves started decreasing around on 10 September, whereas that of branches increased until around 30 September indicating that the dry matter moved to branch and root from leaves. 4. The increase in Ca$\^$2+/ content was particularly evident, whereas the K$\^$+/ and Mg$\^$2+/ decreased with growth. The Ca$\^$2+/ content was much higher in the high nitrogen treatment than in the low nitrogen treatment. 5. With rapid decrease in total nitrogen and water in the leaves around the end of August, the Ca$\^$2+/ and Cl$\^$-/ which were higher in the lower part moved up to the upper part. Whereas the K$\^$+/, H$_2$PO$_4$$\^$-/ and SO$_4$$\^$2-/ which were higher in the upper part moved down to the lower part. 6. Total nitrogen content decreased sharply 3,200me/kg DM to 2,000me/kg DM at the end of August changing the maxmium content of total nitrogen from upper to lower part in the low nitrogen treatment on 12 September and in the high nitrogen treatment on 22 September, and an apex of branches was died and fallen 10 days after respectively. 7. The sum of cation in leaves (∑C) increased from 1400me/kg DM to 1600me/kg DM with growth, wherease that of anions (∑A) was approximatly the same during the whole growing season. As the result, the ionic balance (C-A) increased from 1000me/kg DM to 1200me/kg DM. 8. ∑C, ∑A and (C-A) were higher in the high nitrogen treatment than in the low nitrogen treatment due to be much higher of Ca$\^$2+/ content and higher of NO$\^$-/$_3$, SO$\^$2-/$_4$ and H$_2$PO$_4$$\^$-/ content.

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Effects of streambed geomorphology on nitrous oxide flux are influenced by carbon availability (하상 미지형에 따른 N2O 발생량 변화 효과에 대한 탄소 가용성의 영향)

  • Ko, Jongmin;Kim, Youngsun;Ji, Un;Kang, Hojeong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.11
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    • pp.917-929
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    • 2019
  • Denitrification in streams is of great importance because it is essential for amelioration of water quality and accurate estimation of $N_2O$ budgets. Denitrification is a major biological source or sink of $N_2O$, an important greenhouse gas, which is a multi-step respiratory process that converts nitrate ($NO_3{^-}$) to gaseous forms of nitrogen ($N_2$ or $N_2O$). In aquatic ecosystems, the complex interactions of water flooding condition, substrate supply, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical properties modulate the extent of multi-step reactions required for $N_2O$ flux. Although water flow in streambed and residence time affect reaction output, effects of a complex interaction of hydrodynamic, geomorphology and biogeochemical controls on the magnitude of denitrification in streams are still illusive. In this work, we built a two-dimensional water flow channel and measured $N_2O$ flux from channel sediment with different bed geomorphology by using static closed chambers. Two independent experiments were conducted with identical flume and geomorphology but sediment with differences in dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The experiment flume was a circulation channel through which the effluent flows back, and the size of it was $37m{\times}1.2m{\times}1m$. Five days before the experiment began, urea fertilizer (46% N) was added to sediment with the rate of $0.5kg\;N/m^2$. A sand dune (1 m length and 0.15 m height) was made at the middle of channel to simulate variations in microtopography. In high- DOC experiment, $N_2O$ flux increases in the direction of flow, while the highest flux ($14.6{\pm}8.40{\mu}g\;N_2O-N/m^2\;hr$) was measured in the slope on the back side of the sand dune. followed by decreases afterward. In contrast, low DOC sediment did not show the geomorphological variations. We found that even though topographic variation influenced $N_2O$ flux and chemical properties, this effect is highly constrained by carbon availability.

Breeding of new variety Pleurotus pulmonarius using protoplast fusion technique (원형질체융합 기법을 이용한 산느타리 계통육성)

  • Gwon, Hee-Min;Lee, Yun-Hae;Kim, Jeong-Han;Baek, Il-Sun;Kang, Hee-Wan;Choi, Jong-In
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2021
  • In this study, monokaryons of "Heukari" (Pleurotus ostreatus) and "Hosan" (Pleurotus pulmonarius) were separated to remove the cell wall, and a cross-species protoplast fusion was developed through chemical treatment with polyethylene glycol. The protoplast-fused PF160306 and PF160313 strains have a culture period of 10 and 2 days shorter than that of the "Heuktari" and "Hosan" cultivars, respectively. Furthermore, the growth of the strains was faster than that of the existing cultivars. The yield was 135.9 g per bottle, which was approximately 8% higher than that of the commercially available "Hosan" cultivar; however, it was not statistically significant. A growth survey was conducted after treatment at five temperatures (15, 18, 21, 23, and 25℃). The growth of the strains accelerated with the increase in temperature. However, at 21℃, the yellow color of pileus was the brightest. Band pattern, assessed using URP Primer 7, was similar to that of the "Hosan" cultivar. The DPPH radical scavenging capacity and polyphenol content were 62.5% and 43.5 mg/mL, respectively, for "Sunjung" and 65.7% and 49.9 mg/mL, respectively, for PF160313. Furthermore, the antihypertensive activities of the "Sunjung" cultivar and PF160313 were similarly high at 74% and 75%, respectively. In conclusion, cross-species hybridization via the protoplast fusion technique can be used for obtaining primary data for mushroom breeding to develop new varieties. In addition, the protoplast fusion technique might aid in expanding the market for yellow mushrooms.

Monitoring Soil Characteristics and Growth of Pinus densiflora Five Years after Restoration in the Baekdudaegan Ridge (백두대간 마루금 복원사업지에서의 5년 경과 후 토양특성 및 소나무 생장 모니터링)

  • Han, Seung Hyun;Kim, Jung Hwan;Kang, Won Seok;Hwang, Jae Hong;Park, Ki Hyung;Kim, Chan-Beom
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to monitor the soil characteristics and growth of Pinus densiflora and to determine the effect of soil characteristics on growth rate five years after an ecological restoration project in Baekdudaegan ridge including Ihwaryeong, Yuksimnyeong, and Beoljae sites. The ecological restoration project was executed with the forest of P. densiflora in 2012-2013. In April 2018, we collected soil samples from each site and measured the height and the diameter at breach height (DBH) of P. densiflora. Although there was no significant change of soil pH compared to the early stage of restoration (one year after the project), it was high in Ihwaryeong, and Beoljae with values of 7.7 and 6.4, respectively. Also, the organic matter decreased by 70-80%, and the available phosphorus (P) was unchanged in three restoration sites. The decreased organic matter can be attributed to restriction of inflow and thus decomposition of litter in the early stage after the restoration. The tree height growth rate ($m\;yr^{-1}$) of P. densiflora in Yuksimnyeong was the highest at 1.02, followed by Beolja at 0.75 and Ihwaryeong at 0.17. The height growth rate showed negative relationships with soil pH and cations, including Na and Ca concentrations and a positive relationship with available phosphate. The low growth rate in the Ihwaryeong site, in particular, might result from the poor nutrient availability due to high soil pH and the decrease in water absorption into the root due to high Na and Ca concentrations. The substantial reduction of organic matter after five years indicates that the need for soil improvement using chemical fertilizer and biochar.

Influence of Varied Pre-planting N Levels in a Medium on the Growth of Chinese Cabbage and Pak-choi Seedlings in Paper Pot Raising (종이포트 육묘시 기비로 혼합된 질소 시비수준이 배추와 청경채 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun Cheul;Park, Myong Sun;Jang, Yoonah;An, Sewoong;Choi, Jong Myung
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 2019
  • The optimum N concentrations incorporated as pre-planting nutrient charge fertilizer were determined for seedling raising using cylindrical paper pots. A root medium was formulated by blending of peat moss (particles smaller than 2.84 mm were 80-90%) and perlite (1 to 3 mm) with the ratio of 7:3 (v/v). The treatment N concentrations incorporated during the root medium formulation were adjusted to 0, 150, 250, 500, and $750mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ and the concentrations of essential nutrients except N were equal in all treatments. After making of paper pots and putting into the 40-cell tray, the seeds of Chinese cabbage ('Chunmyeong Bom Baechu') and pak-choi ('Hanog cheonggyeongchae') were sown. During the raising of seedlings, weekly analysis of medium pH, EC and concentrations of inorganic elements were conducted. After 21 and 20 days after seed sowing of Chinese cabbage and pak-choi, the growth of the above-ground parts were measured and contents of inorganic elements in the plant tissues were analyzed. During the growing period, pH of the root media rose gradually and the EC decreased rapidly at week 3. The pH of root media at harvest was in the range of 5.3 to 5.9 in Chinese cabbage and 4.93 to 5.39 in pak-choi. Growth of the aboveground parts in terms of fresh and dry weight in both the plants were the highest in the $250mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ N treatment and the lowest in the control treatment. The elevation of pre-planting N concentrations in root medium resulted in the increase of tissue N content and decrease of P, Ca, and Mg contents. The regression equation derived from the influence of varied pre-planting N concentrations on dry weight of above-ground tissue were $y=-0.0036x^2+0.0021x+0.0635$ ($R^2=0.9826$) in Chinese cabbage and $y=-0.16x^2+0.0009x+0.032$ ($R^2=0.991$) in pak-choi. When the low critical concentration of pre-plant N is taken at the point where dry weight of above-ground tissue is 10% less than maximum (0.40 g in Chinese cabbage and 0.16 g in pak-choi), those point are 0.36 g and 0.144 g per plant in Chinese cabbage and pak-choi, respectively. The lower critical N concentrations of root media calculated from the regression equations are $196mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ for Chinese cabbage and $187mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ for pak-choi. These results indicate that optimum pre-plant N concentrations for seedling raising using paper pots are in the range of 196 to $250mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ for Chinese cabbage and 187 to $250mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ for pak-choi.

Influences of Major Nutrients in Surface Water, Soil and Growth Responses to Application of Supplemental Activated Biochar Pellet Fertilizers in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivation (벼 재배 시 활성 바이오차 팰렛 비료 시용에 따른 논 표면수와 토양의 주요 양분 함량 및 벼 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, SangBeom;Park, DoGyun;Jeong, ChangYoon;Nam, JooHee;Kim, MinJeong;Nam, HongShik;Shim, ChangKi;Hong, SeungGil;Shin, JoungDu
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2022
  • The application of supplemental activated biochar pellet fertilizers (ABPFs) was evaluated by investigating key factors such as changes of surface paddy water and soil chemical properties and rice growth responses during the growing season. The treatments consisted of control, activated rice hull biochar pellet (ARHBP-40%), and activated palm biochar pellet (APBP-40%) applications. It was shown that the lowest NH4+-N and PO4--P concentrations were observed in surface paddy water to the ARHBP-40%, while the NH4+-N concentration in the control was abruptly decreased until 30 days after transplant in the soil. However, the lowest NH4+-N concentration in the blended biochar application was 9.18 mg L-1 at 1 day of transplant, but its ABPFs application was observed to be less than 1 mg L-1 at 56 days after transplant. The lowest PO4--P concentration in paddy water treated ARHBP-40% ranged from 0.06 mg L-1 to 0.08 mg L-1 until 30 days after transplant among the treatments. For the paddy soil, the NH4+-N concentration in the control was abruptly decreased from 177.7 mg kg-1 to 49.4 mg kg-1, while NO3--N concentration was highest, 13.2 mg kg-1 in 14 days after transplant. The P2O5 concentrations in the soils increased from rice transplants until the harvesting period regardless of the treatments. The highest K2O concentration was 252.8 mg kg-1 in the APBP-40% at 84 days after transplant. For the rice growth responses, plant height in the control was relatively high compared to others, but grain yield was not significantly different between the control and ARHBP-40%. The application of ARHBP-40% can minimize nitrogen and phosphorous application rates into the agro-ecosystem.

Biological Yielding Potential of Rice in Association with Climatic Factors in Yeongnam Region (영남지역 기상과 수도의 한계생산력 해석)

  • Kim, Soon-Chul;Lee, Soo-Kwan;Chung, Geun-Sik
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 1985
  • Meteorological year variations for rice crop from 1973 to 1984 were compared by using air temperature and sunshine hour for nursery period, cooling index for reproductive stage and meteorological yield productivity index for ripening period. The most optimum transplanting date and heading date for crop yield based on real transplanting date-grain yield relationship or heading date-grain yield relationship, meteorological yield productivity index and actual results showed good agreement each other. Around May 26 for transplanting and August 10 for heading were the most optimum date in Indica/Japonica hybrid cultivars while these were about June 8 and August 23 for Japonica cultivars, respectively. On the other hand, theoretical late limiting heading date for safe ripening were August 20 for Indica/Japonica hybrid cultivars and August 30 for Japonica cultivars, respectively, for both methods, cumulative temperature method during ripening with 80% believable frequency and meteorological yield productive index method having 1000(kg/10a) yielding potential. Based on the yield forecast trial, the highest values of photosynthetic efficiency, 2.5%, and crop growth rate, 23g/㎡/day, were recorded during 30 days before rice heading. Considering the photosynthetic efficiency and solar radiation, the potential crop growth rate was more or less 30g/㎡/day and the biological grain yielding potential in a existing cultural practices was approximately 900-1000(kg/10a) in Milyang weather condition. To increase further yielding potential, either photosynthetic efficiency or harvest index or both should be improved by manipulating appropriate canopy architecture, plant spacing, fertilizer, chemical, etc.

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Removal Velocities of Pollutants under Different Wastewater Injection Methods in Constructed Wetlands for Treating Livestock Wastewater (인공습지 축산폐수처리장에서 주입방법에 따른 오염물질의 제거속도 평가)

  • Kim, Seong-Heon;Seo, Dong-Cheol;Park, Jong-Hwan;Lee, Choong-Heon;Lee, Seong-Tea;Jeong, Tae-Uk;Kim, Hong-Chul;Ha, Yeong-Rae;Cho, Ju-Sik;Heo, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2012
  • In order to effectively treat livestock wastewater in constructed wetlands by natural purification method, removal velocities of pollutants under different injection methods in constructed wetlands were investigated. The removal velocities of chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solid (SS), T-N and T-P by continuous injection method were slightly rapid than those by intermittent injection method in full-scale livestock wastewater treatment plant. The removal velocity (K; $day^{-1}$) of COD by continuous injection method was $0.38\;d^{-1}$ for $1^{st}$ bed, $0.13\;d^{-1}$ for $2^{nd}$ bed, $0.17\;d^{-1}$ for $3^{rd}$ bed, $0.05\;d^{-1}$ for $4^{th}$ bed and $0.17\;d^{-1}$ for $5^{th}$ bed. The removal velocities (K; $day^{-1}$) of COD in $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ beds by intermittent injection method were $0.210\;d^{-1}$, $0.086\;d^{-1}$, $0.222\;d^{-1}$, $0.053\;d^{-1}$ and $0.137\;d^{-1}$, respectively. The removal velocity (K; $day^{-1}$) of SS by continuous injection method was $0.750\;d^{-1}$ for $1^{st}$ bed, $0.108\;d^{-1}$ for $2^{nd}$ bed, $0.120\;d^{-1}$ for $3^{rd}$ bed, $0.086\;d^{-1}$ for $4^{th}$ bed and $0.292\;d^{-1}$ for $5^{th}$ bed. The removal velocities (K; $day^{-1}$) of SS in $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ beds by intermittent injection method were $0.485\;d^{-1}$, $0.056\;d^{-1}$, $0.174\;d^{-1}$, $0.081\;d^{-1}$ and $0.227\;d^{-1}$, respectively. The removal velocity (K; $day^{-1}$) of T-N by continuous injection method was $0.361\;d^{-1}$ for $1^{st}$ bed, $0.121\;d^{-1}$ for $2^{nd}$ bed, $109\;d^{-1}$ for $3^{rd}$ bed, $0.047\;d^{-1}$ for $4^{th}$ bed and $0.155\;d^{-1}$ for $5^{th}$ bed. The removal velocities (K; $day^{-1}$) of T-N in $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ beds by intermittent injection method were $0.235\;d^{-1}$, $0.071\;d^{-1}$, $0.171\;d^{-1}$, $0.058\;d^{-1}$ and $0.126\;d^{-1}$, respectively. The removal velocity (K; $day^{-1}$) of T-P by continuous injection method was $0.803\;d^{-1}$ for $1^{st}$ bed, $0.084\;d^{-1}$ for $2^{nd}$ bed, $0.076\;d^{-1}$ for $3^{rd}$ bed, $0.118\;d^{-1}$ for $4^{th}$ bed and $0.301\;d^{-1}$ for $5^{th}$ bed. The removal velocities (K; $day^{-1}$) of T-P in $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ beds by intermittent injection method were $0.572\;d^{-1}$, $0.049\;d^{-1}$, $0.090\;d^{-1}$, $0.112\;d^{-1}$ and $0.222\;d^{-1}$, respectively.

Soil properties in Panax ginseng nursury by parent rock (모암별 인삼묘포지의 토양특성에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Ell-Sik;Park, Gwan-Soo;Song, Suck-Hwan;Lee, Sam-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2003
  • A research has been done for growing characteristics of Korean ginseng in Geumsan of Chungnam Province. It had been made to determine the transitional element concentrations of the rocks, divided by biotitic granite(GR) and phyllite(PH). The physical and chemical properties of their weathering soils and ginseng nursery soils were analyzed. The texture in the GR weathering and ginseng nursery soils were sandy clay, and the texture of the PH weathering and ginseng nursery soils were heavy or silty clay. The bulk densities of the GR and PH weathering soils were $1.21{\sim}1.32g/cm^3$ and $1.26{\sim}1.38g/cm^3$, respectively. Also, the bulk densities of the GR and PH ginseng nursery soils were $1.02{\sim}1.10g/cm^3$, respectively. The pH (4.80) of the GR weathering soil were lower than the pH of the PH(5.34) weathering soil. The pH in the 2 year and 4 year-ginseng nursery soil of the GR were 4.39 and 4.40. In addition, those of the PH were 5.24 and 5.34, respectively. The difference in pH of the two nursery soils could be from the pH difference between the two parent materials. The organic matter contents of the GR weathering soils(0.24%) were higher than those of the PH(1.02%) weathering soils. The organic matter of the 2 and 4 year-ginseng GR nursery soils were 0.87% and 1.52%, and of the PH nursery soils were 2.06% and 2.96%, respectively. The total nitrogen contents of the GR weathering soils were 259.43ppm and of the PH weathering soils were 657.22ppm. Those of 2 and 4 year-ginseng GR nursery soils were 588.04ppm and 657.22ppm and those of the PH nursery soils were 1037.72ppm and 1227.96ppm, respectively. The nitrate and ammonium contents of the GR weathering soils were the extremely small, and those of the PH weathering soils were 6.7ppm and 9.94ppm. Those of 2 year-ginseng GR nursery soils(223.09ppm and 26.96ppm) were higher than those of PH(19.46ppm and 8.23ppm) nursery soils. And those of 2 year-ginseng PH nursery soils(14.22ppm and 16.84ppm) were lower than those of PH(306.93ppm, 34.21ppm) nursery soils. The difference was due to fertilizer types and more deposits of nitrate after oxidation of ammonium. The phosphate contents of the GR and PH weathering soils were 14.41ppm and 38.60ppm. Those of GR 2 and 4 year-ginseng nursery soils were 46.89ppm and 102.44ppm and those of the PH nursery soils were 147.04ppm and 38.60ppm. The cation exchange capacities of the GR weathering soils were 12.34me/100g and those of the PH weathering soils were 15.40me/100g. Those of 2 and 4 year-ginseng GR nursery soils were 15.80me/100g and 7.70me/100g and those of PH nursery soils were 12.14me/100g and 12.83me/100g. All of exchangeable cation($K^+$, $Ca^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Na^+$) contents in the nursery soils were higher than those in the weathering soils. The $SO_4{^2-}$ contents of the weathering soils in both of the GR(5.98ppm) and PH(9.94ppm) were higher than those of the GR and PH ginseng nursery soils. The $Cl^-$) contents of the GR and PH weathering soils were a very small and those of the nursery soils(2-yr GR: 39.06ppm, 4-yr GR: 273.43ppm, 2-yr PH: 66.41ppm, 4-yr PH: 406.24ppm) were high because of fertilizer inputs.

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Genesis and Characteristics of the Soil Clay Minerals Derived from Major Parent Rocks in Korea IV. Genesis and Distribution of the Soil Clay Minerals (한국(韓國)의 주요(主要) 모암(母岩)에서 발달(發達)된 토양점토광물(土壤粘土鑛物)의 특성(特性)과 생성학적(生成學的) 연구(硏究) IV. 토양점토광물(土壤粘土鑛物)의 분포(分布) 및 생성(生成))

  • Um, Myung-Ho;Lim, Hyung-Sik;Kim, Tai-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.202-212
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    • 1992
  • This study reports on the genesis and mineralogical characteristics of the clay minerals in the soils derived from the five major parent rocks of granite, granite-gneiss, limestone, shale, and basalt in Korea. The investigation on the mineralogical aspects of primary and secondary minerals of the rocks and coarse fractions in the soils have been already reported. In this report, the identification of clay minerals in the soil clay fractions was done through the analyses of chemical, X-ray diffraction, and thermal methods. The studies showed clearly that much of the clay minerals was evolved by the weathering of primary minerals and some were further developed by the transformation of secondary minerals. Cation exchange capacity(CEC) of the clay fractions increased with higher amotunts of vermiculite, chlorite, and illite, however, decreased with higher hydroxy octahedral sheet within the interlayer spaces of vermiculite even if dominant clay with vermiculite. Feldspars in the granite and granite-gneiss might be completely transformed to kaolin mineral, Illite, chlolrite, and vermiculite formed by the alteration of micas, amphibole, augite, and primary chlorile seem to be subsequently transformed to the mixed layer minerals such as illite/vermiculite, illite/chlorite, and chlorite/vermiculite. These weathering products may be ultimately transformed into kaolin minerals. The smectite minerals in the clay fractions of the soils developed on the limestone are considerably present and they seem to be formed directly by the precipitation from high Mg solution and/or by the transformation of vermiculite from micas and chlorite in the parent materials. Abundant presence of illite in the soil clays developed on the shale is considered to have inherited from the fine particles and more resistant hydrous muscovite. The weathering sequences of the hydrous muscovite were as follows according to the degree of soil development ; hydrous muscovite ${\rightarrow}$ illite/vermiculite mixed layer(Inceptisols, Daegu series) and hydrous muscovite ${\rightarrow}$ illite/vermiculite mixed layer ${\rightarrow}$ vermiculite ${\rightarrow}$ kaolin mineral(Alfisols, Buyeo series). The plagioclase in the basalt might be mostly weathered to kaolin minerais. The augite in the basalt is likely to be transformed through progressive stage of weathering, augite ${\rightarrow}$ chlorite ${\rightarrow}$ chlorote/vermiculite mixed layer ${\rightarrow}$ vermiculite ${\rightarrow}$ kaolin. Another weathering sequence of augite could be expected, augite ${\rightarrow}$ chlorite ${\rightarrow}$ illite by the presence of illite and illite/vermiculite mixed layer in the clay fractions. Vermiculite and gibbsite were quantified from thermogravimetry(TG) and kaolin minerals, from both TG and differerential thermal analysis (DTA). Vermiculite in Jangseong series from the limestone was the dominant clay mineral of 21.7 percent and had a range in the order of 9.2 percent in Buyeo series to 5.4 percent in Daegu series from the shale. The rest soils ranged from 8.8 to 28.3 percent. Kaolin minerals were the dominant clay mineral of 32.7 percent in Asan series from the granite-gneiss and Gueom series of 32.0 percent from the basalt. The soils from the limestone ranged from 9.4 to 14.9 percent. The rest soils ranged from 8.9 to 28.6 percent. Gibbsite were 3.9 and 2.3 percent for Weoljeong and Chahang series from the granite, respectively. In Asan and Cheongsan series from the giranite-gneiss were 1.4 and 4.5 percent, respectively, and 3.6 percent in Jangpa series from the basalt.

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