• Title/Summary/Keyword: Characteristics of rock mass

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Flexible and Lined Segment Tunnel for Underground Compressed Air Energy Storage(CAES) (복공식 압축공기 지하저장을 위한 가변성 분할 라이닝 터널기술)

  • Kim, Hyung-Mok;Rryu, Dong-Woo;Chung, So-Keul;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2009
  • Flexible and lined segment air-tight tunnelling technology for Compressed Air Energy Storage-Gas Turbine(CAES-G/T) power generation was introduced. The distinguished characteristics of the air-tight tunnel system can be summarized by two facts. One is that the high inner pressure due to compressed air is sustained by surrounding rock mass with allowing sufficient displacement of lining segment. The other is that the air-tightness of storage tunnel was enhanced by adopting a specially designed rubber sheet. The flexible lined air-tight underground tunnel can be constructed at a comparatively shallow depth and near urban area so that the locally distributed CAES-G/T power generation can be accomplished. In addition, this air-tight tunnelling technology can be applied to a variety of energy underground storage tunnels such as Compressed Natural Gas(CNG), Liquifed Petroleum Gas(LPG), DeMethyl Ether(DME) etc.

A Study on Optimization for Location and type of Dam Considering the Characteristic of Large Fault (대규모 단층특성을 고려한 최적 댐위치 및 형식 선정)

  • Kim, Han-Jung;Lyu, Young-Gwon;Kim, Young-Geun;Lim, Hee-Dae
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.227-242
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    • 2012
  • Youngju multipurpose dam is planned to minimizing the damage by flood and obtaining the water for industrial use in Nakdong river region. Faults in rock mass have strong influences on the behaviors of dam structure. Thus, it is very important to analyse for the characteristics of fault rocks in dam design. However, due to the limitation of geotechnical investigation in design stages, engineers have to carry out the additional geological survey including directional boring to find the distribution of faults and the engineering properties of faults for stability of dam. Especially, the selection of location of dam and type of dam considering fault zone must be analyzed through various experimental and numerical analysis. In this study, various geological survey and field tests were carried out to analyse the characteristics of the large fault zone through the complex dam is designed in foundation region. Also, the distribution of structural geology, the shape of faults and the mechanical properties of fault rock were studied for the reasonable design of the location and type of dam for long-term stability of the complex dam.

An experimental study on triaxial failure mechanical behavior of jointed specimens with different JRC

  • Tian, Wen-Ling;Yang, Sheng-Qi;Dong, Jin-Peng;Cheng, Jian-Long;Lu, Jia-wei
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.181-195
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    • 2022
  • Roughness and joint inclination angle are the important factors that affect the strength and deformation characteristics of jointed rock mass. In this paper, 3D printer has been employed to make molds firstly, and casting the jointed specimens with different joint roughness coefficient (JRC), and different joint inclination angle (α). Conventional triaxial compression tests were carried out on the jointed specimens, and the influence of JRC on the strength and deformation parameters was analyzed. At the same time, acoustic emission (AE) testing system has been adopted to reveal the AE characteristic of the jointed specimens in the process of triaxial compression. Finally, the morphological of the joint surface was observed by digital three-dimensional video microscopy system, and the relationship between the peak strength and JRC under different confining pressures has been discussed. The results indicate that the existence of joint results in a significant reduction in the strength of the joint specimen, JRC also has great influence on the morphology, quantity and spatial distribution characteristics of cracks. With the increase of JRC, the triaxial compressive strength increase, and the specimen will change from brittle failure to ductile failure.

Formation characteristics of gas hydrate in sediments (퇴적층에서의 가스 하이드레이트 생성 특성)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyoung;Lee, Won-Suk;Kim, Se-Joon;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Huh, Dae-Gi
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.630-633
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    • 2005
  • Some gases can be formed into hydrate by physical combination with water under appropriate temperature and pressure condition. Besides them, it was found that the pore size of the sediments can affect the formation and dissociation of hydrate. In this study, formation temperatures of carbon dioxide and methane hydrate have been measured using isobaric method to investigate the effects of flow rates of gases on formation condition of hydrate in porous rock samples. The flow rates of gases were controlled using a mass flow controller. To minimize Memory effect, system temperature increased for the dissociation of gas hydrates and re-established the initial saturation. The results show that the formation temperature of hydrate decreases with increasing the injection flow rate of gas. This indicates that the velocity of gas in porous media may act as kinds of inhibitor for the formation of hydrate.

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Characteristics of Faults and Folds by Using Subsurface Structural Data in Dogye Area, Korea (지하(地下) 석탄층(石炭層) 구조(構造)를 이용한 도계(道溪) 지역의 단층과 습곡구조의 특성)

  • Lee, Dong-Woo;Woo, Kyung-Sik;Seo, Kwang-Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 1994
  • Structural interpretation by using subsurface attitude of coal seam and outcrop patterns of folds and faults shows that wrench and thrust tectonics took place simultaneously in the study area. From the interference patterns of fold axes, three generations of folding are suggested: $F_1$ (NE-SW), $F_2$ (N-S), and $F_3$ (E-W). Differential displacement of rock mass from north to south yields to E-W fold and Osypcheon Fault. Geometry of subsurface coal seam show different patterns comparing to those of surface outcrop because of shallow-depth crustal shortening which took place post Cretaceous.

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On the Research and Development for High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal in Korea (고준위 방사성폐기물 처분 기술개발 현황)

  • Lee, Young-Up
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 1995
  • The amount of the high level radioactive wastes in Korea will be increased up to 14,297 MTU about 2010 year. Most of countries adopt the concept of deep burial repository in high level radioactive waste disposal. Because the high level radioactive wastes are very toxic in biosphere and to human, the data verifing its never return to the biosphere are requisite for the disposal. Presently, the evaluating techniques for the high level radioactive waste disposal are not fully developed. Therefore, in order to dispose the high level radioactive wastes in proper time the R & D of it is urged in our country. The R & D and/or the international joint research programme for the disposal of high level wastes have already been proceeded. In our country no plan for its disposal has been prepared. It is the time that the direction of the R & D is to be discused seriously. The R & D for the disposal of high level radioactive wastes in Korea is believed to be focused on developing the pecular techniques such as in situ characteristics of groundwater flowage, and change of properties of in situ rock mass at thermal effects.

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Complex failure mechanism of rock slopes (암반 사면의 복합 파괴 메커니즘 규명)

  • Yoon, Woon-Sang;Jeong, Ui-Jin;Park, Sung-Wook;Choi, Jae-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.10a
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    • pp.268-273
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    • 2006
  • Slope failures can be occurred by complex mechanism. In this cases, failures shows characteristics of complex failure mechanism during progressive mass movements. A case is a merged large slide with two sliding events triggered by slip on fault plane. Another case shows extension of failure area by sliding or subsidence at backyards of toppling areas. Generally, areas of progressive failures have wider than them of simple events.

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Hydrogeochemical Research on the Characteristic of Chemical Weathering in a Granitic Gatchment (水文化學的 資料를 통한 花崗岩質 流域의 化學的 風化特性에 關한 硏究)

  • Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1993
  • This research aims to investigate some respects of chemical weathering processes, espcially the amount of solute leaching, formation of clay minerals, and the chemical weathering rate of granite rocks under present climatic conditions. For this purpose, I investigated geochemical mass balance in a small catchment and the mineralogical composition of weathered bedrocks including clay mineral assemblages at four res-pective sites along one slope. The geochemical mass blance for major elements of rock forming minerals was calculated from precipitation and streamwater data which are measured every week for one year. The study area is a climatically and litholo-gically homogeneous small catchment($3.62Km^2$)in Anyang-shi, Kyounggi-do, Korea. The be-drock of this area id Anyang Granite which is composed of coarse-giained, pink-colored miner-als. Main rock forming minerals are quartz, K-Feldspar, albite, and muscovite. One of the chracteristics of this granite rock is that its amount of Ca and Mg is much lower than other granite rock. The leaching pattern in the weathering profiles is in close reltion to the geochemical mass balance. Therefore the removal or accumulation of dissolved materials shows weathering patterns of granite in the Korean peninsula. Oversupplied ions into the drainage basin were $H^+$, $K^+$, Fe, and Mn, whereas $Na^2+$, $Mg^2+$, $Ca^2+$, Si, Al and $HCO-3^{-}$ were removed from the basin by the stream. The consumption of hydrogen ion in the catchment implies the hydrolysis of minerals. The surplus of $K^+$ reflects that vegetation is in the aggravation stage, and the nutrient cycle of the forest in study area did not reach a stable state. And it can be also presumed that the accumulation of $K^+$ in the top soil is related to the surplus of $K^+$. Oversupplied Fe and Mn were presumed to accumulate in soil by forming metallic oxide and hydroxide. In the opposite, the removal of $Na^+$, Si, Al resulted from the chemical weathering of albite and biotite, and the amount of removal of $Na^+$, Si, Al reflected the weathering rate of the bedrock. But $Ca^2+$ and $Mg^2+$ in stream water were contaminated by the scattered calcareous structures over the surface. Kaolinite is a stable clay mineral under the present environment by the thermodynamical analysis of the hydrogeochemical data and Tardy's Re value. But this result was quite different from the real assemblage of clay miner-als in soil and weathered bedrock. This differ-ence can be explained by the microenvironment in the weathering profile and the seasonal variation of climatic factors. There are different clay forming environments in the stydy area and these differences originate from the seasonal variation of climate, especially the flushing rate in the weathering profile. As it can be known from the results of the analysis of thermodynamic stability and characteristics of geochemical mas balance, the climate during winter and fall, when it is characterized by the low flushing rate and high solute influx, shows the environmental characteristics to from 2:1 clay minerals, such as illite, smectite, vermiculite and mixed layer clay minerals which are formed by neoformation or transformation from the primary or secondary minerals. During the summer and spring periods, kaoli-nite is a stable forming mineral. However it should consider that the other clay minerals can transformed into kaolinite or other clay minerals, because these periods have a high flushing rte and temperature. Materials which are directly regulated by chemical weathering in the weathered bedrock are $Na^+$, Si, and Al. The leaching of Al is, however, highly restricted and used to form a clay mineral, and that of Si falls under the same category. $Na^+$ is not taked up by growing veget ation, and fixed in the weathering profile by forming secondary minerals. Therefore the budget of $Na^+$ is a good indicator for the chemical weathering rate in the study area. The amount of chemical weathering of granite rocks was about 31.31g/$m^2+$/year based on $Na^+$ estimation.

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Evaluation on Tunnel in Uncontinuous Rock Mass by Small-Scale Model Tests (축소모형실험에 의한 불연속면 암반에서의 병설터널 적용성 평가)

  • Kim, Hong-Taek;Yoo, Chan-Ho;Hwang, Jung-Soon;Yoon, Hyun-Don
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2008
  • In this study, estimation of behavioral characteristics between twin tunnels was performed through the series of laboratory experiment on the small scale tunnel model. In the model test, the experimental parameters were geological conditions, center to center distance between twin tunnels, application of discontinuous inclination. To estimated behavior of pillar and load-displacement relationship by model tests and numerical analyses.

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A numerical analysis study on the effects of rock mass anisotropy on tunnel excavation (암반의 이방성이 터널 굴착에 미치는 영향에 대한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Ji-Seok Yun;Sang-Hyeok Shin;Han-Eol Kim;Han-Kyu Yoo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.327-344
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    • 2024
  • In general tunnel design and analysis, rock masses are often assumed to be isotropic. Under isotropic conditions, material properties are uniform in all directions, leading to a higher evaluation of tunnel stability. However, actual rock masses exhibit anisotropic characteristics due to discontinuities such as joints, bedding planes, and faults, which cause material properties to vary with direction. This anisotropy significantly affects the stress distribution during tunnel excavation, leading to non-uniform deformation and increased risk of damage. Therefore, thorough pre-analysis is essential. This study analyzes the displacement and stress changes occurring during tunnel excavation based on rock anisotropy. A three-dimensional numerical analysis was performed, selecting anisotropy index and dip angles as variables. The results showed that as the anisotropy index increased, the displacement in the tunnel increased, and stress concentration became more pronounced. The maximum displacement and shear stress were observed where the dip planes met the tunnel.