• Title/Summary/Keyword: Characteristics of Educational Contents

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Contents Analysis of Basic Software Education of Non-majors Students for Problem Solving Ability Improvement - Focus on SW-oriented University in Korea - (문제해결력 향상을 위한 비전공자 소프트웨어 기초교육 내용 분석 - 국내 SW중심대학 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Eunsill;Kim, Jaehyoun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2019
  • Since 2015, the government has been striving to strengthen the software capabilities required for future talent through software-oriented university in Korea. In the university selected as a software-oriented university, basic software education is given to all departments such as humanities, social science, engineering, natural science, arts and the sports within the university in order to foster convergent human resources with different knowledge and software literacy. In this paper, we analyze the contents of basic software education for twenty universities selected as software-oriented universities. As a result of analysis, most of the basic software education which is carried out to the students of the non-majors students was aimed at improvement of problem solving ability centered on computational thinking for future society and improvement of convergence ability based on computer science. It uses block-based educational programming language and text-based advanced programming language to adjust the difficulty of programming contents and contents reflecting characteristics of each major. Problem-based learning, project-based learning, and discussion method were used as the teaching and learning methods for problem solving. In the future, this paper will help to establish the systematic direction for basic software education of non-majors students.

The Needs on the Drug Free Education in Adolescents (청소년의 약물남용 예방교육 요구도 조사)

  • Jung Hyang-Mi;Lee Hwa-Za;Kim Young-Hae
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This study was intended to present basic data of a more effective drug free education program by examining and analyzing the needs of drug and health education in the adolescent. Method: The study subjects were 480 students from six high schools in Pusan. The data were collected by a self-administered questionnaire between June 1 and June 10, 1999. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test in SPSS program were used for data analysis. Result: The scoring rate of knowledge for drug abuse of the subjects was 26.8%. For the scores of knowledge according to the type of drug, cigarettes were the highest at 38.4%, and for the scores of knowledge according to items, the abuse part was 59%, also the highest. The needs of drugs and drug education for the subjects had an average of 19.59. For the score of needs according to the items, plans to maintain and improve health was 1.72, the highest, methods to control anger and stress was 1.66, toxicity of drugs was 1.51, and medicinal use of drugs was 1.44. For the characteristics of the subject and characteristics relating to drugs, and the comparison of needs of drug education, consisted of students who said they liked or disliked their school life, those who have had drug education at school, who having received drug education by various kinds of materials, all had high needs for the education. Conclusion: It is necessary that drug free education plans including plans to maintain and improve health on the basis of the needs of drug education for the adolescent and other contents such as the methods to control anger and stress are established. Development of various kinds of audio-visual materials, publicity booklets and educational programs for parents etc. are needed in order to make the adolescent have an interest in drug free education, and recognize its importance.

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A Study on the Work-related Low Back Pain of Workers at a Refractories Manufacturing Factory (모 연와제조 공장 근로자의 작업과 관련된 요통 및 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Cheong, Hoe Kyeong;Lim, Hyun Sul;Kim, Ji Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 1997
  • Work-related low back pain(below LBP) is one of the major cause of morbidity, disability, limitation of activity and economic loss. Therefore the work-related LBP is one of the major issue in the field of industrial safety and health. This study was performed for detecting the risk factors and proposing the effective control programs of work-related LBP. The subjects were male workers employed at the welding and metal factory. The data was collected by self-reported questionnaire, interview and checking abdomen muscular and grasping power for two days on October, 1993. The contents of questionnaire were as follow: the experience of LBP, general characteristics, physical characteristics, employment status, type of work and working environment. The number of cases was 104 with a history of work-related LBP, so the prevalence of work-related LBP was 35.0%, and the number of controls was 140 without any history of LBP. As a result, marital status, educational level, abdomen muscular power, tenure, category of job, satisfaction of job, working posture, satisfaction for table and chair and lifting materials showed a statistical significance between the case and control groups. 284 Lifting jobs were quantified by NIOSH lifting equation method and ergonomic computer modelling methods. There were no significant differences in the action limit and disc compression force between group with LBP and without LBP. But in the lifting frequency and cumulative disc compression force there were significant differences. Therefore work-related LBP should be prevented by the ergonomic and environmental control.

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Proposal for dementia-related curriculum development for dental hygiene degree programs in Korea

  • Lee, Kyeong-Hee;Choi, Yoon-Young;Jung, Eun-Seo
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.891-905
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine the current state of dementia-related education for dental hygiene degree programs in Korea, as well as to develop a dementia-related curriculum for dental hygiene programs suitable for the social characteristics of Korea. Methods: The study was conducted between April and November 2018. First, the current state of dementia-related education for dental hygiene programs in colleges throughout Korea and dementia-related education for other health care-related fields were investigated. Based on the initial findings, the basic content of the preliminary curriculum was constructed. Second, based on the opinion of the dementia-related curriculum development committee comprising 10 professors of dental hygiene, the operations of dementia-related courses and relevant details were constructed. Third, these operations and relevant details were assessed and revised based on focus-group interviews. Fourth, the dementia-related curriculum was developed based on the study findings and literature review. Results: The name of the course in the developed curriculum was set as "Elderly Dental Hygiene and Practicum." The course was established as a "major elective," and was offered as two units with two instructional sessions of two hours each. The learning goal for this course was acquiring the methods for understanding and managing the characteristics of the elderly. A consensus was reached regarding conducting the theoretical and practical lessons on some of the dementia-related content. The dementia-related curriculum comprised 10 "required contents" which is to be conducted over three weeks of theoretical lessons and two weeks of practical lessons. Conclusions: With the growing elderly population, the development and operation of the curriculum for geriatric oral health interventions are warranted in dental hygiene education. However, continued discussions and improvements are needed on the extent of educational content, considering various dementia-related symptoms and general geriatric systemic diseases.

The effect of job stress in jobholders on xerostomia (직장인의 직무스트레스가 구강건조감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Myung-Eun
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the effect between job stress in jobholders and xerostomia. Methods : 250 jobholders living in Jecheon city were the subjects of this questionnaire. The questionnaire was made up of three contents and 37 items: general characteristic(13), job stress(14), degree & behavior of xerostomia(10). The data were analyzed by two-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA to examine the subjects general characteristics, job stress and degree of xerostomia and were analyzed by Chi-square test to examine the subjects general characteristics, job stress and behavior of xerostomia. Results : Only 215 jobholders were evaluated due to inadequate responses. The results were as follow. 1. As general characteristic of jobholder, male(83.7%) were more than women(16.3%), 30~39 year-old(47%) in age variable, university graduation(63.7%) in the last educational background variable, 2~3 million won(31.2%) in the month average income variable, 1~5 year(33.5%) in tour of duty variable, non-smoker(47.9%) in smoking variable were most. Married(58.6%) were more than unmarried(39.5%). Alcoholic(69.8%) were more than non-alcoholic(30.2%). 2. As classification of job stress, high strain group was 28.4%, active group was 26%, low strain group was 24.2%, passive group was 21.4%. 3. Analysis of effect between general characteristic and degree & behavior of xerostomia showed smoker were statistical significantly higher than non-smoker on 'dry eat', 'Am-sal', 'Night awake', 'Slip-liq'and 'Gumcandy'(p<0.05) and showed alcoholic were statistical significantly higher than non-alcoholic on 'Dry PM', 'Night awake, $H_2O$-bed'(p<0.05). 4. Analysis of effect between job stress and degree & behavior of xerostomia showed hight strain group were statistical significantly higher than low strain group on 'Dry PM', 'Dry-day', 'Am-sal', 'Eff-life'and 'Night awake'(p<0.05). Conclusions : As high strain group were higher than other groups on degree & behavior of xerostomia, stress would be factor that have an effect on xerostomia. Thus consider and management of stress is necessary for diagnosis and treatment of xerostomia.

Lesson Plan Development Based on Marjorie M. Brown’s Home Economics Curriculum Paradiam in Area of Human Development and Family Relationship (Morjorie M. Brown의 가정과 교과과정 모형에 근거한 ‘인간발달과 가족관계’ 영역의 학습지도안 개발)

  • 장혜경;유태명
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.109-131
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    • 1994
  • This study developed and proposed a lesson plan for the area of “Human development and family relationship”in secondary home economics curriculum. In current educational practice in secondary home economics curriculum, the employed goal and the nature of home economics are neither stated specifically nor closely interrelated. This problem has led us not being able to achieve pursuing goal of home economics education and to employ appropriate teaching methods. In view of this situation, the purpose of this study was to propose a lesson plan reflecting the contents and teaching methods to overcome difficulties and inefficiency in the current practice of secondary home economics education. The theoretical background of the lesson plan was based on the Marjorie M. Brown’s philosophy of home economics which can be summerized as follows: 1. The goal of home economics is to help individuals and families to become autonomous in their own family life and to be more capable of interacting with others in behalf of well-being of the family and of social evolution toward a free society. 2. The characteristics of home economics is conceptualized as practical science and personal service profession. 3. the nature of problems which home economics should deal with is perennial and practial. 4. Practial reasoning composed of historical understanding, critical action, and reflective thinking is appropriate for the previously mentioned goal and characteristics of home economics and for dealing with perennial practial problems. The lesson plan was proposed for one of perennial problem, “How should we understand, create, and maintain our family culture\ulcorner”by employing practial reasoning and teaching models such as “role play”and “classroom meeting.”

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Characteristics and Classification of Armscye Circumference using 3D Scan Data (3차원 인체형상자료를 이용한 겨드랑둘레선의 형태특성 및 유형)

  • Choi, Kueng-Mi;Park, Sun-Mi;Nam, Yun-Ja;Jun, Jung-Ill;Ryu, Young-Sil
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of armscye circumference which will be used to develop total contents for the apparel industry. The subjects of this study were 16- to 49-year-old women whose 3D body shape data were analyzed. 72 length and length-ratio measurements were taken to each subject' armscye circumference. The used analysis methods are descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis. The results are follows; 1. Considering the Length of armscye circumference, the result of principal component analysis were extracted 3 factors and those factors comprised 95% of total variance. As the result of the cluster analysis of factor scores, subjects were classified into 4 cluster by their size characteristic. 2. Considering the length-ratio of armscye circumference, the result of principal component analysis were extracted 5 factors and those factors comprised 96.45% of total variance. As the result of the cluster analysis of factor scores, subjects were classified into 5 cluster by their shape characteristic. So that, this research could be useful to manufacture garment which reflected 3D body figure and improved fitting.

A study on the teaching of the Chinese language in the Chosun Dynasty in the context of international exchanges (국제 교류 시각에서 본 조선시대 한문교육 분석)

  • Wang, jinling
    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2022
  • Through literary research, this study aims to study chinese characters in the Chosun Dynasty from the perspective of international exchange. While sorting out the historical materials, it investigates the implementation organ, educational content and main characteristics of Chinese education in the Chosun Dynasty, its influence on the Korean peninsula at that time and Its enlightenment to today's Chinese international education. The results show that the Chinese language education institutions in the Chosun Dynasty mainly played the role of Chinese language education in the Si service academy and the Sheng Wen Academy. The contents of Chinese language education mainly include the development of oral Chinese teaching materials, the publication of rhymes and other reference books, the compilation of dictionaries and the training of Chinese translators. Through the in-depth study of Chinese rhymes, the Korean Peninsula created its own Korean national character in 1443, getting rid of the will of Chinese characters. The invention of Korean language has greatly encouraged the political, economic and cultural development of the Korean peninsula. In addition, the Chinese language education in the Chosun Dynasty provides a good experience for today's Chinese international education in China.

No-reference Image Blur Assessment Based on Multi-scale Spatial Local Features

  • Sun, Chenchen;Cui, Ziguan;Gan, Zongliang;Liu, Feng
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.4060-4079
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    • 2020
  • Blur is an important type of image distortion. How to evaluate the quality of blurred image accurately and efficiently is a research hotspot in the field of image processing in recent years. Inspired by the multi-scale perceptual characteristics of the human visual system (HVS), this paper presents a no-reference image blur/sharpness assessment method based on multi-scale local features in the spatial domain. First, considering various content has different sensitivity to blur distortion, the image is divided into smooth, edge, and texture regions in blocks. Then, the Gaussian scale space of the image is constructed, and the categorized contrast features between the original image and the Gaussian scale space images are calculated to express the blur degree of different image contents. To simulate the impact of viewing distance on blur distortion, the distribution characteristics of local maximum gradient of multi-resolution images were also calculated in the spatial domain. Finally, the image blur assessment model is obtained by fusing all features and learning the mapping from features to quality scores by support vector regression (SVR). Performance of the proposed method is evaluated on four synthetically blurred databases and one real blurred database. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can produce quality scores more consistent with subjective evaluations than other methods, especially for real burred images.

Changes in the Awareness of International Development Cooperation among Students Taking International Development Cooperation and Healthcare ('국제개발협력과 헬스케어' 수강생의 국제개발협력 인지도 변화)

  • Kim, Laki;Kim, Minkyung;Lee, Hyo Young;Shin, Eun Kyu;Kim, Soojeong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2022
  • Purpose : This study aimed to identify the educational effects of the International Development Cooperation and Healthcare course from 2018 to 2020. Methods : Changes in awareness of international development cooperation (understanding international development cooperation as well as government Official Development Assistance [ODA], thoughts on aid, and thoughts on government's aid scale) were analyzed using web-based surveys. The pre-course survey was conducted 1-2 weeks before the semester started, and the post-course survey was conducted 1-2 weeks after the semester ended. All data were analyzed using the SPSS 26.0 program, and statistical significance was set at p< .05. Results : A total of 314 people participated in the survey before taking the course, and 286 people participated in the survey after taking the course. Analysis of the changes in students' awareness of international development cooperation showed that all items (understanding international development cooperation and government ODA, as well as having thoughts on aid and government's aid scale) were improved. Regarding changes in awareness according to general characteristics, thoughts on aid were statistically significant according to all characteristics except for 2018. Regarding government's aid scale, awareness scores increased after taking the course in students who majored in healthcare, fine arts and athletics, broadcasting and media studies, and digital contents. Conclusion : This study showed that changes in awareness of international development cooperation were largest in second-year students. Compared to changes regarding international development cooperation, government ODA, and thoughts on aid, changes regarding thoughts on government's aid scale were minor. In the future, it is necessary to develop class content suitable for the first-year level and to supplement and operate content that can change the way of thinking on government's aid scale.