• Title/Summary/Keyword: Change point

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The Comparison of Effectiveness between Near Acupuncture Point Needling and Near Acupuncture with Remote Acupuncture Point Needling on Treating Low Back Pain of Acute Stage (급성기(急性期) 요통(腰痛)의 침치료(鍼治療)에 있어서 근위취혈(近位取穴)과 원위취혈병용(遠位取穴倂用)의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Ki-Bum;Lee, Jin-Seok;Kim, Dae-Joong;Song, Kye-Hwa
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : The Purpose of this report is to examine the effect of Remote Acupuncture Point Needling in the Low Back Pain patient of Acute Stage. Methods : From October 1st 2005 to May 31th 2006, 30 cases of low back pain patients at acute stage were divided into 2 groups; one group(control group) took near acupuncture point needling, and the other group(test group) took near acupuncture point needling with remote acupuncture point needling. For evaluating change of pain, Visual Analog Scale(VAS) was checked before and after Treatment. Results : Both acupuncture therapy showed good effect on low back pain of acute stage. And test group showed better effect on decreasing pain than control group. It was proved by the difference between VAS checked before treatment and what checked after treatment. But it was not significant statistically. Conclusion : Near acupuncture point needling and remote acupuncture point needling can be recommended as a useful therapy to treat low back pain of acute stage.

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Comparison of Structural Change Tests in Linear Regression Models

  • Kim, Jae-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1197-1211
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    • 2011
  • The actual power performance of historical structural change tests are compared under various alternatives. The tests of interest are F, CUSUM, MOSUM, Moving Estimates and empirical distribution function tests with both recursive and ordinary least-squares residuals. Our comparison of the structural tests involves limiting distributions under the hypothesis, the ability to detect the alternative hypotheses under one or double structural change, and smooth change in parameters. Even though no version is uniformly superior to the other, the knowledge about the properties of those tests and connections between these tests can be used in practical structural change tests and in further research on other change tests.

A Speaker Change Detection Experiment that Uses a Statistical Method (통계적 기법을 이용한 화자변화 검출 실험)

  • Lee, Kyong-Rok;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we experimented with speaker change detection that uses a statistical method for NOD (News On Demand) service. A specified speaker's change can find out content of each data in speech if analysed because it means change of data contents in news data. Speaker change detection acts as preprocessor that divide input speech by speaker. This is an important preprocessor phase for speaker tracking. We detected speaker change using GLR(generalized likelihood ratio) distance base division and BIC (Bayesian information criterion) base division among matrix method. An experiment verified speaker change point using BIC base division after divide by speaker unit using GLR distance base method first. In the experimental result, FAR (False Alarm Rate) was 63.29 in high noise environment and FAR was 54.28 in low noise environment in MDR (Missed Detection Rate) 15% neighborhood.

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The Development of Temporal Mining Technique Considering the Event Change of State in U-Health (U-Health에서 이벤트 상태 변화를 고려한 시간 마이닝 기법 개발)

  • Kim, Jae-In;Kim, Dae-In;Hwang, Bu-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.18D no.4
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2011
  • U-Health collects patient information with various kinds of sensor. Stream data can be summarized as an interval event which has aninterval between start-time-point and end-time-point. Most of temporal mining techniques consider only the event occurrence-time-point and ignore stream data change of state. In this paper, we propose the temporal mining technique considering the event change of state in U-Health. Our method overcomes the restrictions of the environment by sending a significant event in U-Health from sensors to a server. We define four event states of stream data and perform the temporal data mining considered the event change of state. Finally, we can remove an ambiguity of discovered rules by describing cause-and-effect relations among events in temporal relation sequences.

Reduction Efficiency Analysis of Furrow Vegetation and PAM (Polyacrylamide) Mulching for Non-Point Source Pollution Load from Sloped Upland During Farming Season (경사밭 고랑 식생 및 PAM (Polyacrylamide) 멀칭에 따른 영농기 비점오염 저감효과 분석)

  • Yeob, So-Jin;Kim, Min-Kyeong;An, Nan-Hee;Choi, Soon-Kun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2023
  • As a result of climate change, non-point source pollution (NPS) from farmland with the steep slope during the rainy season is expected to have a significant impact on the water system. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of furrow mulching using alfalfa and PAM (Polyacrylamide) materials for each rainfall event, while considering the load characteristics of NPS. The study was conducted in Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, in 2022, with a testbed that had a slope of 13%, sandy loam soil, and maize crops. The testbed was composed of four plots: bare soil (Bare), No mulching (Cont.), Vegetation mulching (VM), and PAM mulching (PM). Runoff was collected from each rainfall event using a 1/40 sampler and the NPS load was calculated by measuring the concentrations of SS, T-N, T-P, and TOC. During farming season, the reduction efficiency of NPS load was 37.1~59.5% for VM and 38.2~75.7% for PM. The analysis found that VM had a linear regression correlation (R2=0.28~0.86, P-value=0.01~0.1) with elapsed time of application, while PM had a quadratic regression correlation (R2=0.35~0.80, P-value=0.1). These results suggest that the selection of furrow mulch materials and the appropriate application method play a crucial role in reducing non-point pollution in farmland. Therefore, further studies on the time-series reduction effect based on the application method are recommended to develop more effective preemptive reduction technologies.

An Observational Study on the Change of Micro-meteorological Environment due to Deforestation (삼림파괴로 인한 미기후 환경변화에 관한 관측적 연구)

  • Lim, Jung-Sub;Lee, Bu-Yong;Kim, Hae-Dong;Kim, Hak-Yoon;Hwang, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2009
  • We investigated the change of several meteorological variables due to deforestation. We established two sets of automatic weather observation system: one on a hill where forest was destructed by lumbering (Point 1) and the other in a neighboring district (Point 2) of fairly preserved forest. The observations were continued for one year (2006. 12-2007. 12). In this study, we analysed the data observed for one week from the nea day after summertime rainfall. The results showed that the air temperatures of Point 1 were about $1.5^{\circ}C$ higher than those of Point 2 during the daytime. But there were small gaps between the two poults during the nighttime. The relative humidities also differed greatly between the two during the daytime. It was as high as about 10% at Point 2. The surface and underground (15 cm in depth) soil temperatures were also fealty different between the two points during the daytime. They were $3-10^{\circ}C$ higher at Point 2 than those of Point 1. And the gaps reduced drastically during the nighttime. The averaged soil moistures were 7.1% at Point 1 and 19.5% at Point 2 during the observation period, respectively. The differences of wind direction were small, but the wind speeds differed between the two points. The observed wind speeds during the observation period were roughly estimated to be about 0.5m/s at Point 1 and 0.3m/s at Point 2. The heat budget analysis was also performed based on the observation data.

Observation of the Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Smoking Cessation in Male High School Students from 2015 to 2017 (2015년부터 2017년까지 시행한 이압요법을 통한 남자 고등학생 금연효과 관찰)

  • Lee, Gi-hyang;Jeon, Sang-woo;Kan, Sei-young
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1202-1209
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to confirm the effects of an auricular acupressure (AA) program for smoking cessation in high school students from 2015 to 2017. Methods: The study investigated 12 high school students who had been smokers. Subjects were treated for three years. Each program was composed of five AA treatments. Average daily smoking and adverse reactions were checked for one week before each procedure. The AA was administered weekly at the endocrine point, lung point, throat point, nasal fossae point, bronchial tube point, and mouth point. Results: The mean number of cigarettes smoked per day after each year of treatment significantly decreased from 5.33±3.58 to 3.54±2.08 in 2015 (p=0.046). However, it increased from 5.75±2.30 to 6.00±3.61 in 2017 (p=0.80). The number of cigarettes smoked before treatment was found to be higher than the number of cigarettes after treatment in the previous year. No significant results were obtained from analysis of the change in the amount of smoking within each year. Conclusion: Social influence, such as the subject's academic stress and peer relationships, may have been a major factor in the change in the amount of smoking. Although the AA did not show a strong effect in smoking cessation, it appears to have value as a supplementary means of stopping smoking.

Development and Application of the Grid-Distributed Model for Contribution Rate Analysis on Non-point Source Pollution According to Landuse (토지피복별 비점부하량 기여율 해석을 위한 분포형 모델 개발 및 적용)

  • Ahn, Jung-Min;Jung, Kang-Young;Kim, Shin;Lee, Hae-Jin;Shin, Suk-Ho;Yang, Duk-Seok;Shin, Dongseok;Na, Seung-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.78-89
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    • 2017
  • Water quality monitoring network data is being affected continuously due to non-point source pollution arising from agricultural land located on the Gwangsancheon outlet in the Nakdong River basin. In this study, we have performed analysis of water quality monitoring system, water quality pattern using SOM and water quality in the Gwangsancheon for sub-basin located at Gisan-myeon in the Nakdong River basin. We have developed and applied the model to estimate the runoff and non-point source loading. As a result of SOM pattern, the effect of non-point source pollution was the largest in the paddy fields and fields. As a result of the developed model, we found contribution rate and reduction rate for non-point source loading according to change of landuse because the reduction effect of nonpoint pollutants was 20.9% of SS, 9.9% of TN, 21.2% of TP and 8.9% of TOC depending on the landuse change.

Image Dependent Gamut Mapping Using the Variable Anchor Point Based on the change of lightness (휘도값 변화에 기초하여 가변하는 앵커점을 이용한 영상 의존 색역 사상 방법)

  • Kim, Shin-Dong;Kim, Kyeong-Man;Lee, Chae-Soo;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.36S no.1
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    • pp.38-50
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    • 1999
  • Currently many devices reproduce electronic images in the various ways. However the color that is reproduced in any device is different from the original color due to the difference in the gamut between devices. In this paper, an image dependent gamut mapping method is proposed. This method clips the chroma with compensating for the change of lightness caused by the lightness scaling. The anchor point, which is the center point in the mapping, is set as a lower point by the proposed method than a point by the conventional mapping method. This reduces the color difference between point. In addition, to heighten the color contrast on the constant hue, the different two mapping methods are applied to the printer gamut which is divided in two region, bright region and dark region. Consequently, the printer output image was highly consistent with the corresponding monitor image.

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Dynamic Simple Correspondence Analysis

  • Choi Yong-Seok;Hyun Gee Hong;Seo Myung Rok
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2005
  • In general, simple correspondence analysis has handled mainly correspondence relations between the row and column categories but can not display the trends of their change over the time. For solving this problem, we will propose DSCA(Dynamic Simple Correspondence Analysis) of transition matrix data using supplementary categories in this study, Moreover, DSCA provides its trend of the change for the future by predicting and displaying trend toward the change from a standard point of time to the next.