• Title/Summary/Keyword: Challenges

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An Analysis of Cultural Hegemony and Placeness Changes in the Area of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul (서울 송현동 일대의 문화 헤게모니와 장소성 변화 분석)

  • Choe, Ji-Young;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2022
  • The History and Culture Park and the Lee Kun-hee Donation Hall will be built in Songhyeon-dong, Seoul. Political games from the Joseon Dynasty to the present greatly influenced the historicity of Songhyeon-dong. However, place analysis was limited to changes in landowners and land uses rather than a historical context. Therefore, this study analyzed the context in which the placeness of Songhyeon-dong changed according to the emergence of cultural hegemony using the perspective of modern cultural geography and comparative history. As a result of the analysis, cultural hegemony in historical transitions, such as Sinocentrism, maritime expansion, civil revolutions, imperialism, nationalism, popular art, and neoliberalism, was found to have created new intellectuals in Bukchon, including Songhyeon-dong, and influenced social systems and spatial policies. In this social relations, the placeness of Songhyeon-dong changed as follows. First, the founding forces of Joseon created pine forests as Bibo Forests to invocate the permanence of the dynasty. In the late Joseon dynasty, it was an era of maritime expansion, and as Joseon's yeonhaeng increased, a garden for the Gyeonghwasejok, who enjoyed the culture of the Qing dynasty, was built. Although pine forests and gardens disappeared due to the development of housing complexes as the population soared during the Japanese colonial era, Cha Gyeong's landscape aesthetics, which harmonized artificial gardens and external nature, are worth reinterpreting in modern times. Second, the wave of modernization created a new school in Bukchon and a boarding house in Songhyeon-dong owned by a pro-Japanese faction. Angukdongcheon-gil, next to Songhyeon-dong, was where thinkers who promoted civil revolution and national self-determination exchanged ideas. Songhyeon-dong, the largest boarding house, served as a residence for students to participate in the March 1st Movement and was the cradle of the resulting culture of student movements. The appearance of the old road is preserved, so it is a significant part of the regeneration of walking in the historic city center, connecting Gwanghwamun-Bukchon-Insadong -Donhwamunro. Third, from the cultural rule of the Government General of Joseon to the Military Government, Songhyeon-dong acted as a passage to western culture with the Joseon Siksan Bank's cultural housing and staff accommodations at the U.S. Embassy. Ancient and contemporary art coexisted in the surrounding area, so the modern and contemporary art market was formed. The Lee Kun-hee Donation Hall is expected to form a cultural belt for citizens with the gallery, Bukchon Hanok Village, the Craft Museum, and the Modern Museum of Art. Discourses and challenges are needed to recreate the place in harmony with the forests, gardens, the street of citizens' birth, history and culture park, the art museum, and the surrounding walking network.

Application of Greenhouse Climate Management Model for Educational Simulation Design (교육용 시뮬레이션 설계를 위한 온실 환경 제어 모델의 활용)

  • Yoon, Seungri;Kim, Dongpil;Hwang, Inha;Kim, Jin Hyun;Shin, Minju;Bang, Ji Wong;Jeong, Ho Jeong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.485-496
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    • 2022
  • Modern agriculture is being transformed into smart agriculture to maximize production efficiency along with changes in the 4th industrial revolution. However, rural areas in Korea are facing challenges of aging, low fertility, and population outflow, making it difficult to transition to smart agriculture. Among ICT technologies, simulation allows users to observe or experience the results of their choices through imitation or reproduction of reality. The combination of the three-dimension (3D) model and the greenhouse simulator enable a 3D experience by virtual greenhouse for fruits and vegetable cultivation. At the same time, it is possible to visualize the greenhouse under various cultivation or climate conditions. The objective of this study is to apply the greenhouse climate management model for simulation development that can visually see the state of the greenhouse environment under various micrometeorological properties. The numerical solution with the mathematical model provided a dynamic change in the greenhouse environment for a particular greenhouse design. Light intensity, crop transpiration, heating load, ventilation rate, the optimal amount of CO2 enrichment, and daily light integral were calculated with the simulation. The results of this study are being built so that users can be linked through a web page, and software will be designed to reflect the characteristics of cladding materials and greenhouses, cultivation types, and the condition of environmental control facilities for customized environmental control. In addition, environmental information obtained from external meteorological data, as well as recommended standards and set points for each growth stage based on experiments and research, will be provided as optimal environmental factors. This simulation can help growers, students, and researchers to understand the ICT technologies and the changes in the greenhouse microclimate according to the growing conditions.

Trend Analysis of Barrier-free Academic Research using Text Mining and CONCOR (텍스트 마이닝과 CONCOR을 활용한 배리어 프리 학술연구 동향 분석)

  • Jeong-Ki Lee;Ki-Hyok Youn
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2023
  • The importance of barrier free is being highlighted worldwide. This study attempted to identify barrier-free research trends using text mining. Through this, it was intended to help with research and policies to create a barrier free environment. The analysis data is 227 papers published in domestic academic journals from 1996 when barrier free research began to 2022. The researcher converted the title, keywords, and abstract of an academic thesis into text, and then analyzed the pattern of the thesis and the meaning of the data. The summary of the research results is as follows. First, barrier-free research began to increase after 2009, with an annual average of 17.1 papers being published. This is related to the implementation guidelines for the barrier-free certification system that took effect on July 15, 2008. Second, results of barrier-free text mining i) As a result of word frequency analysis of top keywords, important keywords such as barrier free, disabled, design, universal design, access, elderly, certification, improvement, evaluation, and space, facility, and environment were searched. ii) As a result of TD-IDF analysis, the main keywords were universal design, design, certification, house, access, elderly, installation, disabled, park, evaluation, architecture, and space. iii) As a result of N-Ggam analysis, barrier free+certification, barrier free+design, barrier free+barrier free, elderly+disabled, disabled+elderly, disabled+convenience facilities, the disabled+the elderly, society+the elderly, convenience facilities+installation, certification+evaluation index, physical+environment, life+quality, etc. appeared in a related language. Third, as a result of the CONCOR analysis, cluster 1 was barrier-free issues and challenges, cluster 2 was universal design and space utilization, cluster 3 was Improving Accessibility for the Disabled, and cluster 4 was barrier free certification and evaluation. Based on the analysis results, this study presented policy implications for vitalizing barrier-free research and establishing a desirable barrier free environment.

Captive Affects, Elastic Sufferings, Vicarious Objects in Melodrama -Refiguring Melodrama by Agustin Zarzosa (멜로드라마 속의 사로잡힌 정동(Captive Affects), 탄력적 고통(Elastic Sufferings), 대리적 대상(Vicarious Objects) -어구스틴 잘조사의 멜로드라마 재고)

  • Ahn, Min-Hwa
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.429-462
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    • 2019
  • This paper argues how the concept of melodrama can be articulated with the Affect Theory and Posthumanism in relation to animal or environment representation which have emerged as the new topics of the recent era. The argument will be made through the discussion of Agustin Zarzosa's book, Refiguring Melodrama in Film and Television: Captitve Affects, Elastic Sufferings, Vicarious Objects. Using a genealogical approach, the book revisits the notion of mode, affect, suffering (hysteria), and excess which have been dealt with in the existing studies of melodrama. In chapter one, he broadens the concept of melodrama as a mode into the means of redistribution of suffering across the whole society in the mechanism of the duo of evil and virtue. It is the opposition of Brooks's argument in which melodrama functions as the means of proving the distinction between evil and virtue. Chapter two focuses on the fact that melodrama is an elastic system of specification rather than a system of signification, with the perspective of Deleuzian metaphysics. Through the analysis of Home from the Hill (Vincente Minnelli, 1959), this chapter pays attention to an 'affect' generated by the encounters between the bodies and the Mise-en-Scène as a flow not of a meaning but of an affect. Chapter three argues that melodrama should reveal an unloved (woman's) suffering, opposing the discussion on the role of melodrama as the recovery of moral order. Safe (Todd Haynes, 1995), dealing with female suffering caused by the industrial and social environment, elaborates on the arguments on melodrama in relation to female hysteria with ecocritical standpoints. The rest of the two chapters discusses the role of melodrama for the limitation and extension of the notion of the human through 'animal' and 'posthuman' melodrama. It argues that the concept of melodrama as 'excess' and 'sacrifice' blurs the boundary between human and inhuman. In summary, although the author Zarzosa partly agrees with Peter Brook's notion of mode, affect and sufferings,he elaborates the concept of melodrama, by articulating philosophical arguments such as Deleuzianism, feminism, and posthumanism (Akira Lippit and Carry Wolf) with the melodrama. Thefore, Zarzosa challenges the concepts of melodrama led by Brooks, which had been canonical in the field.

A Study on the Narratives of Lee Ae-rim's Comic Books -Focusing on the Characteristics of Repetition, Coincidence, and Fantasy (이애림 만화 서사 연구 -반복, 우연, 환상의 특성을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Cheong
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.281-313
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    • 2019
  • This paper was written to investigate the narrative traits of Lee Ae-rim's Comic Books. Lee Ae-rim arrived on the scene with the boom of comic book magazines in the 1990s. Although she started her career as a Comic Book writer, she expanded her own area gradually and has been working actively as an animation director as well. The superficial characteristics of Lee Ae-rim's works can be summed up as sexuality, grotesqueness, and fantasy. In other words, Lee Ae-rim's comic books are mainly characterized by the visualization of sexual, grotesque, and fantastic shapes. Lee Ae-rim has faced challenges with her own overwhelming and compelling images like no one else. For that reason, it is true that people haven't paid careful attention to the hidden stories behind her pictures. This paper considers that looking back on the narratives that Lee Ae-rim has been interested in, from early days to recent days, that is to say, the contexts of stories, is a shortcut to reveal a point of contact between her past, present, and future. Especially, this paper focused on the properties of the circulated and repeated stories, the stories ruled by fate and coincidence, and the stories in which elements of fantasy encounter an attempt of violation. As a result, it was found that the narratives of Lee Ae-rim's comic books demand us to face suppressed desires in a new way, by wrapping up the most fundamental aspects of human being in universality and constancy with specificity and grotesqueness. The reason why Lee Ae-rim has continued the avant-garde and omnidirectional works thus far explains what our society suppresses, inversely. Moreover, the narratives of Lee Ae-rim are significant, by being devoted to the right function of art not only to disclose suppressed desires but to satisfy them. Making an in-depth investigation of the narratives of Lee Ae-rim's comic books in various contexts, this research is intended to establish a diversity of Korean comic books, by adding meaning to the creative values of individual writers.

The 50th Anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: present status and challenges (유네스코 세계유산 협약 50주년, 현재 및 과제)

  • LEE Hyunkyung ;YOO Heejun ;NAM Sumi
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.264-279
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    • 2023
  • The 50th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention was in 2022. In order to reflect on the present and future of the meaning of World Heritage, this paper examines the development and changes of the UNESCO World Heritage system. After promulgating the convention in 1972, the UNESCO World Heritage system prioritized the protection of heritage sites in the world that were at risk due to armed conflicts and natural disasters to bequeath heritage to the next generation. In addition, the UNESCO World Heritage's emphasis on Outstanding Universal Value represents the particular culture of human beings formed during a certain period of time, and acts as a significant source of soft power in public diplomacy. The UNESCO World Heritage might be perceived as a shared heritage that has not only become a channel to understand various national values, but also an effective medium to convey one of UNESCO's main principles, that is, peacebuilding. However, the UNESCO World Heritage is now at the center of conflicts of heritage interpretation between many stakeholders related to invisible wars, such as cultural wars, memory wars, and history wars as the social, political, and cultural contexts concerning World Heritage have dramatically shifted with the passing of time. Paying attention to such changing contexts, this paper seeks to understand the main developments in UNESCO World Heritage's discourse concerning changes to the World Heritage Operation Guidelines and heritage experts' meetings by dividing its 50-year history into five phases. Next, this paper analyzes the main shifts in keywords related to UNESCO World Heritage through UNESDOC, which is a platform on which all UNESCO publications are available. Finally, this paper discusses three main changes of UNESCO World Heritage: 1) changes in focus in World Heritage inscriptions, 2) changes in perception of World Heritage protection, and 3) changes of view on the role of the stakeholders in World Heritage. It suggests new emerging issues regarding heritage interpretation and ethics, climate change, and human rights.

An Economic Analysis Study of Recycling PET·OPP Laminated Film Waste Generated during DECO Film Manufacturing (DECO 필름 제조시 발생하는 PET·OPP 합성 폐필름 재활용의 경제성 분석 연구)

  • Mi Sook Park;Da Yeon Kim;Soo Jin Yang;Seong You Lee;Chun San Kim;Ok Jin Joung;Yong Woo Hwang
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2023
  • The treatment of waste plastic has primarily been entrusted to small companies, which has resulted in challenges in obtaining an accurate overview of the current state of affairs and ensuring profitability. Consequently, despite the presence of recycling technology, their practical application has proven to be challenging. In this study, as part of the waste plastic material recycling plan, it is assumed that the PET/OPP laminated waste film is peeled off at the waste film generation site for the second use. The recycling rate of PET/OPP delaminated waste film is assumed to be 2%, 10%, and 30% referring to the figures suggested by "Life-cycle Post Plastic Measures" from the Korean government. In this study, a physical separation method was developed as a recycling approach for waste PET. A result of cost-benefit analysis was conducted to evaluate the economic viability of the recycling process based on changes in the recycling rate. The findings indicated that a recycling rate of waste PET was 30% or higher resulted in a cost-benefit ratio (Benefit-cost ratio, BCR) of 1.32, exceeding the threshold of BCR ≥1, which is considered to meet the minimum requirement for cost-benefit balance. As the government's allocation ratio and unit price are expected to increase in the future, the cost-benefit ratio is expected to increase further. This case is expected to serve as a pilot initiative for waste PET recycling and foster profit creation for businesses in similar industries.

Simulation Analysis of Urban Heat Island Mitigation of Green Area Types in Apartment Complexes (유형별 녹지 시뮬레이션을 통한 아파트 단지 내 도시열섬현상 저감효과 분석)

  • Ji, Eun-Ju;Kim, Da-Been;Kim, Yu-Gyeong;Lee, Jung-A
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to propose effective scenarios for green areas in apartment complexes that can improve the connection between green spaces considering wind flow, thermal comfort, and mitigation of the urban heat island effect. The study site was an apartment complex in Godeok-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea. The site selection was based on comparing temperatures and discomfort index data collected from June to August 2020. Initially, the thermal and wind environment of the current site was analyzed. Based on the findings, three scenarios were proposed, taking into account both green patches and corridor elements: Scenario 1 (green patch), Scenario 2 (green corridor), and Scenario 3 (green patch & corridor). Subsequently, each scenario's wind speed, wind flow, and thermal comfort were analyzed using ENVI-met to compare their effectiveness in mitigating the urban heat island effect. The study results demonstrated that green patches contributed to increased wind speed and improved wind flow, leading to a reduction of 31..20% in the predicted mean vote (PMV) and 68.59% in the predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PET). On the other hand, green corridors facilitated the connection of wind paths and further increased wind speed compared to green patches. They proved to be more effective than green patches in mitigating the urban heat island, resulting in a reduction of 92.47% in PMV and 90.14% in PET. The combination of green patches and green corridors demonstrated the greatest increase in wind speed and strong connectivity within the apartment complex, resulting in a reduction of 95.75% in PMV and 95.35% in PET. However, patches in narrow areas were found to be more effective in improving thermal comfort than green corridors. Therefore, to effectively mitigate the urban heat island effect, enhancing green areas by incorporating green corridors in conjunction with green patches is recommended. This study can serve as fundamental data for planning green areas to mitigate future urban heat island effects in apartment complexes. Additionally, it can be considered a method to improve urban resilience in response to the challenges posed by the urban heat island effect.

The Exploration of New Business Areas in the Age of Economic Transformation : a Case of Korean 'Hidden Champions' (Small and Medium Niche Enterprises (경제구조 전환기에서 새로운 비즈니스 영역의 창출 : 강소기업의 성공함정과 신시장 개척)

  • Lee, Jangwoo
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 2009
  • This study examines the characteristics of 24 Korean hidden champions such as key success factors, core competences, strategic problems, and desirable future directions. The study categorized them into 8 types with Danny Miller's four trajectories and top manager's decision making style(rationality and passion). Danny Miller argued in his book, Icarus paradox, that outstanding firms will extend their orientations until they reach dangerous extremes and their momentum will result in common trajectories of decline. He suggested four very common success types: Craftsmen, Builders, Pioneers, Salesmen. He also suggested common trajectories of decline:Focusing(from Craftsmen to Tinkers), Venturing(from Builders to Imperialists), Inventing(from Pioneers to Escapists), Decoupling(from Salesmen to Drifts). In Korea, successful startups appear to possess three kinds of drive: Technology-drive, Vision-drive, Market-drive. Successful technology-driven firms tend to grow as craftsmen or pioneers. Successful vision-driven and market-driven ones tend to grow as builders and salesmen respectively. Korean top managers or founders seem to have two kinds of decision making style: Passion-based and Rationality-bases. Passion-based(passionate) entrepreneurs are biased towards action or proactiveness in competing and getting things done. Rationality- based ones tend to emphasis the effort devoted to scanning and analysing information to better understand a company's threats, opportunities and options. Consequently this study suggested 4*2 types of Korean hidden champions: (1) passionate craftsmen, (2) rational craftsmen, (3) passionate builders, (4) rational builders, (5) passionate pioneers, (6) rational pioneers, (7) passionate salesmen, (8) rational salesmen. These 8 type firms showed different success stories and appeared to possess different trajectories of decline. These hidden champions have acquired competitive advantage within domestic or globally niche markets in spite of the weak market power and lack of internal resources. They have maintained their sustainable competitiveness by utilizing three types of growth strategy; (1) penetrating into the global market, (2) exploring new service market, (3) occupying the domestic market. According to the types of growth strategy, these firms showed different financial outcomes and possessed different issues for maintaining their competitiveness. This study found that Korean hidden champions were facing serious challenges from the transforming economic structure these days and possessed the decline potential from their success momentum or self-complacence. It argues that they need to take a new growth engine not to decline in the turbulent environment. It also discusses how firms overcome the economic crisis and find a new business area in promising industries for the future. It summarized the recent policy of Korean government called as "Green Growth" and discussed how small firms utilize such benefits and supports from the government. Other implications for firm strategies and governmental policies were discussed.

How Do Students Use Conceptual Understanding in the Design of Sensemaking?: Considering Epistemic Criteria for the Generation of Questions and Design of Investigation Processes (중학생의 센스메이킹 설계에서 개념적 이해는 어떻게 활용되는가? -질문 고안과 조사 과정 설계에서 논의된 인식적 준거를 중심으로-)

  • Heesoo Ha
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.495-507
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    • 2023
  • Teachers often encounter challenges in supporting students with question generation and the development of investigation plans in sensemaking activities. A primary challenge stems from the ambiguity surrounding how students apply their conceptual understandings in this process. This study aims to explore how students apply their conceptual understandings to generate questions and design investigation processes in a sensemaking activity. Two types of student group activities were identified and examined for comparison: One focused on designing a process to achieve the goal of sensemaking, and the other focused on following the step-by-step scientific inquiry procedures. The design of investigation process in each group was concretized with epistemic criteria used for evaluating the designs. The students' use of conceptual understandings in discussions around each was then examined. The findings reveal three epistemic criteria employed in generating questions and designing investigation processes. First, the students examined the interestingness of natural phenomena, using their conceptual understandings of the structure and function of entities within natural phenomena to identify a target phenomenon. This process involved verifying their existing knowledge to determine the need for new understanding. The second criterion was the feasibility of investigating specific variables with the given resources. Here, the students relied on their conceptual understandings of the structure and function of entities corresponding to each variable to assess whether each variable could be investigated. The third epistemic criterion involved examining whether the factors of target phenomena expressed in everyday terms could be translated into observable variables capable of explaining the phenomena. Conceptual understandings related to the function of entities were used to translate everyday expressions into observable variables and vice versa. The students' conceptual understanding of a comprehensive mechanism was used to connect the elements of the phenomenon and use the elements as potential factors to explain the target phenomenon. In the case where the students focused on carrying out step-by-step procedures, data collection feasibility was the sole epistemic criterion guiding the design. This study contributes to elucidating how the process of a sensemaking activity can be developed in the science classroom and developing conceptual supports for designing sensemaking activities that align with students' perspectives.