• 제목/요약/키워드: Challenges

검색결과 5,886건 처리시간 0.031초

A Research on the Design Tendency of Urban Open Space from the Viewpoint of Landscape Urbanism in the New York Case (뉴욕사례를 통한 랜드스케이프 어바니즘 관점의 도시 오픈 스페이스 디자인 경향에 관한 연구)

  • Du, Bo-Yu;Hong, Kwan-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.889-904
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    • 2021
  • The planning of traditional urban has to face great challenges under the influence of the uncertainty and mobility of contemporary cities. While for this kind of challenge, it has brought the chance to develop Landscape Urbanism quickly. As an important practice place for Landscape Urbanism, open space provides a platform for many landscape designers to display. The purpose of this research is to explore the expression of the core content of Landscape Urbanism in open space, and propose the design tendency of open space in Korea. According to the constitution elements of urban open space and the core concept of Landscape Urbanism, this thesis establishes the analysis framework, which carries out the case empirical analysis for the open space of New York. Through case analysis, we can see that there are five major characteristics of Landscape Urbanism. That is, the integration or imitation of natural terrain, green infrastructure construction, emphasizing ecological resilience, adaptability to unplanned events, and analyzing the site from multiple scales. In this research, the design proposal proposed on the basis of Landscape Urbanism is able to provide enlightenment for the urban open space design of Korea in the future.

Optimum Stiffness of the Sleeper Pad on an Open-Deck Steel Railway Bridge using Flexible Multibody Dynamic Analysis (유연다물체동적해석을 이용한 무도상교량 침목패드의 최적 강성 산정)

  • Chae, Sooho;Kim, Minsu;Back, In-Chul;Choi, Sanghyun
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2022
  • Installing Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) is one of the economical ways to resolve the challenges of noise, vibration, and the open-deck steel railway bridge impact, and the SSF method using the interlocking sleeper fastener has recently been developed. In this study, the method employed for determining the optimum vertical stiffness of the sleeper pad installed under the bridge sleeper, which is utilized to adjust the rail height and absorb shock when the train passes when the interlocking sleeper fastener is applied, is presented. To determine the optimal vertical stiffness of the sleeper pad, related existing design codes are reviewed, and, running safety, ride comfort, track safety, and bridge vibration according to the change in the vertical stiffness of the sleeper pad are estimated via flexible multi-body dynamic analysis,. The flexible multi-body dynamic analysis is performed using commercial programs ABAQUS and VI-Rail. The numerical analysis is conducted using the bridge model for a 30m-long plate girder bridge, and the response is calculated when passing ITX Saemaeul and KTX vehicles and freight wagon when the vertical stiffness of the sleeper pad is altered from 7.5 kN/mm to 240 kN/mm. The optimum stiffness of the sleeper pad is calculated as 200 kN/mm under the conditions of the track components applied to the numerical analysis.

Parametric Study on Effect of Floating Breakwater for Offshore Photovoltaic System in Waves (해상태양광 구조물용 부유식 방파제의 파랑저감성능 평가)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sung;Kim, Byoung Wan;Lee, Kangsu
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2022
  • There has been an increasing number of studies on photovoltaic energy generation system in an offshore site with the largest energy generation efficiency, as increasing the researches and developments of renewable energies for use of offshore space and resources to replace existing fossil fuels and resolve environmental challenges. For installation and operation of floating photovoltaic systems in an offshore site with harsher environmental conditions, a stiffness of structural members comprising the total system must be reinforced to inland water spaces as dams, reservoirs etc., which have relatively weak condition. However, there are various limitations for the reinforcement of structural stiffness of the system, including producible size, total mass of the system, economic efficiency, etc. Thus, in this study, a floating breakwater is considered for reducing wave loads on the system and minimizing the reinforcement of the structural members. Wave reduction performances of floating breakwaters are evaluated, considering size and distance to the system. The wave loads on the system are evaluated using the higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM), considering the multi-body effect of buoys. Stresses on structural members are assessed by coupled analyses using the finite element method (FEM), considering the wave loads and hydrodynamic characteristics. As the maximum stresses on each of the cases are reviewed and compared, the effect of floating breakwater for floating photovoltaic system is checked, and it is confirmed that the size of breakwater has a significant effect on structural responses of the system.

A Study of the British Armed Forces Policy Utilizing Female Personnel during the War on Terror (테러와의 전쟁 시기 영국군의 여성인력 활용정책 연구)

  • Cho, Sang Keun;Kim, In Chan;Hong, Myung Sook;Yu, Sun Young;Chun, So Min;Park, Sang Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2022
  • The U.K. during the war on terrorism, the number of military serviceable resources decreased and the volunteer recruitment rate decreased due to the decline in the birth rate, but faced a situation in which complex security threats from IS and Russia gradually increased. As one of the measures to overcome these challenges, the British military promoted a policy to break down existing social conservatism and assign female personnel to close combat positions. The British military formed a consensus within the military through discovery of female military use cases, longitudinal studies, and combat experiments, and then conducted strategic communication to form a social consensus and collect public opinions. In addition, to improve the reliability of the policy, established a combat fitness evaluation system that any combatant who performs close combat should pass. In Korea, amid accelerating competition for hegemony between the U.S. and China, security threats are increasing due to a decrease in military serviceable resources caused by population cliffs. Therefore, the case of the British military will give us considerable implications while also helping to provide the direction necessary for establishing future women's workforce policies.

Design of Submarine Cable for Capacity Extension of Power Line (전력선 용량증대를 위한 해저케이블 설계)

  • Son, Hong-Chul;Moon, Chae-Joo;Kim, Dong-Sub
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2022
  • A submarine power cable is a transmission cable for carrying electric power below the surface of the water. Recently, submarine cables transfer power from offshore renewable energy schemes to shore, e.g. wind, wave and tidal systems, and these cables are either buried in the seabed or lie on the ocean floor, depending on their location. Since these power cables are used in the extreme environments, they are made to withstand in harsh conditions and temperatures, and strong currents. However, undersea conditions are severe enough to cause all sorts of damage to offshore cables, these conditions result in cable faults that disrupt power transmission. In this paper, we explore the design criteria for such cables and the procedures and challenges of installation, and cable transfer splicing system. The specification of submarine cable designed with 3 circuits of 154kV which is composed of the existing single circuit and new double circuits, and power capacity of 100MVA per cable line. The determination of new submarine cable burial depth and cable arrangement method with both existing and new cables are studied. We have calculated the permission values of cable power capacity for underground route, the values show the over 100MW per cable line.

A Study on the content analysis of Remote classes according to COVID-19 : Focusing on Kindergarten [Play ON] (코로나 19에 따른 원격수업 콘텐츠 분석연구 : 유치원 [놀이ON]을 중심으로)

  • Nam, ki-won;Choi, jung-hee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to present the direction of the development and utilization of remote class content for infants in a future educational environment through the analysis of remote class content for childhood. The analysis targets are 148 kindergarten [play ON] contents, and the analysis results according to "easy to use," "interest," "educational," "conformity of content," and "technicality" are as follows. Except for the 'conformity of content', there was a large variation in the score of content for each sub-area. In the case of "conformity of content," almost all of them received high scores for content production by incumbent teachers. With this in mind, we have drawn the following conclusions: First, it should be produced at an appropriate speed in consideration of the induction and understanding of childhoods' participation in play in the search and progress process, and it should be possible to play according to the challenges and levels using various strategies under the theme that all childhoods can be interested in. In addition, it was found that it was necessary to select topics, edit videos, and voice support so that childhoods can participate in the process of discovery and search, supporting childhoods' imagination, curiosity, and creative experiences.

Information Technologies as an Incentive to Develop the Creative Potential of the Educational Process

  • Natalia, Vdovychenko;Volodymyr, Kukorenchuk;Alina, Ponomarenko;Mykola, Honcharenko;Eduard, Stranadko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.408-416
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    • 2022
  • The new millennium is characterized by an unprecedented breakthrough in knowledge and information and communication technologies, and the challenges of the XXI century require modernized paradigms of interaction in all spheres of life. Education continues to play a key role in national and global growth. The key role of education and its leadership in developing creative potential, as the main paradigm of the countries' stability, have significantly influenced educational centers. The developers of educational programs use information technologies as an incentive to develop creative potential of educational process. Professional training of the educational candidate is enhanced by the use of information technologies, so the educational applicants should develop technological skills to be productive members of society. Using the latest achievements in the field of information technologies for the organization of the educational process helps to form the operational style of education applicants' thinking, which provides the ability to acquire skills of processing information, that is presented in the text, graphic, tabular form, and increase the level of general and informational culture necessary for better orientation in the modern information space. The purpose of the research is to determine the effectiveness of information technologies as an incentive to develop creative potential of educational process on the basis of the survey, to establish advantages and ability to provide high-quality education in the context of using information technologies. Methods of research: comparative analysis; systematization; generalization, survey. Results. Based on the survey conducted among students and teachers, it has been found out that the teachers use the following information technologies for the development of creative potential of the educational process: to provide video and audio communication process (100%), Moodle (95,6%), Duolingo (89,7%), LinguaLeo (89%), Google Forms (88%) and Adobe Captivate Prime (80,6%). It is determined that modular digital learning environments (97,9%), interactive exercises tools (96,3%), ICT for video and audio communication (96%) and interactive exercises tools (95,1%) are most conducive to the development of creative potential of the educational process. As a result of the research, it was revealed that implementation of information technologies for the development of creative potential of educational process in educational institutions is a complex process due to a large number of variables, which should be taken into account both on the educational course and on the individual level. It has been determined that the using the model of implementation information technologies for the development of creative potential in educational process, which is stimulated due to this model, benefits both students and teachers by establishing a reliable bilateral connection between teacher and education applicant.

Collaborative Disaster Governance Recognized by Nurses during a Pandemic (코로나19 대응 간호사가 인식하는 협력적 재난 거버넌스)

  • Rim, Dahae;Shin, Hyunsook;Jeon, Hyejin;Kim, Jieun;Chun, Hyojin;Oh, Hee;Shon, Soonyoung;Shim, Kaka;Kim, Kyung Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제51권6호
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    • pp.703-719
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: We aimed to identify collaborative disaster governance through the demand and supply analysis of resources recognized by nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: We used a descriptive study design with an online survey technique for data collection. The survey questions were developed based on focus group interviews with nurses responding to COVID-19 and expert validity testing. A 42-question online survey focusing on disaster governance was sent to nurses working in COVID-19 designated hospitals, public health offices, and schools. A total of 630 nurses participated in the survey. Demand and supply analysis was used to identify the specific components of disaster governance during a pandemic situation and analyze priority areas in disaster governance, as reported by nurses. Results: Demand and supply analysis showed that supplies procurement, cooperation, education, and environment factors clustered in the high demand and supply quadrant while labor condition, advocacy, emotional support, and workload adjustment factors clustered in the high demand but low supply quadrant, indicating a strong need in those areas of disaster governance among nurses. The nurses practicing at the public health offices and schools showed major components of disaster governance plotted in the second quadrant, indicating weak collaborative disaster governance. Conclusion: These findings show that there is an unbalanced distribution among nurses, resulting in major challenges in collaborative disaster governance during COVID-19. In the future and current pandemic, collaborative disaster governance, through improved distribution, will be useful for helping nurses to access more required resources and achieve effective pandemic response.

Development of Cell Therapeutics against Ischemic Vascular Diseases Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells: From Bench to Bed (중간엽줄기세포(MSC)를 이용한 허혈성 혈관질환 치료를 위한 세포치료제 개발: 기초연구에서 임상연구)

  • Lee, Eun Ji;Park, Shin Hu;Seo, Jeong Ho;An, Hyo Gyung;Nam, Si Hyun;Kwon, Sang-Mo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제32권7호
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    • pp.567-577
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the prevalence of ischemic diseases, such as ischemic heart disease, cerebral ischemia, and peripheral arterial disease, has been continuously increasing due to the aging population. The current standardized treatment for ischemic diseases is reperfusion therapy through pharmacotherapy and surgical approaches. Although reperfusion therapy may restore the function of damaged arteries, it is not effective at restoring the function of the surrounding tissues that have been damaged due to ischemia. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new treatment strategy that can safely and effectively treat ischemic damage and restore the function of surrounding tissues. To overcome these limitations, stem cell-based therapy to regenerate the damaged region has been studied as a promising strategy for ischemic vascular diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be isolated from diverse tissues and have been shown to be promising for the treatment of ischemic disease by regenerating damaged tissues through immunomodulation, the promotion of angiogenesis, and the secretion of various relevant factors. Moreover, new approaches to enhancing MSC function, such as cell priming or enhancing transplantation efficiency using a 3D culture method, have been studied to increase stem cell therapeutic efficacy. In this review, we provide various strategies by which MSCs are used to treat ischemic diseases, and we discuss the challenges of MSC transplantation, such as the differentiation, proliferation, and engraftment of MSCs at the ischemic site.

Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Bone Marrow Microenvironment: Current and Emerging Concepts (골수 미세환경에서 조혈줄기세포의 기능조절에 대한 고찰- 현재 및 새로운 개념)

  • Lee, Won Jong;Park, Seong Hyun;Park, Jun Hee;Oh, Seong Hwan;Lee, Dongjun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제32권6호
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    • pp.468-475
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    • 2022
  • The functional distinction between stem and progenitor cells is well established in several tissues, particularly in the blood. There, hematopoietic stem cells preserve their self-renewal potential and reconstitution ability in the bone marrow niche. Bone marrow represents a unique setting in which to examine how stroma influences tissue function. It was the setting in which the experimental definition of a niche was first provided in mammalian stem cell biology and where clear evidence for non-cell-autonomous oncogenesis was first defined. The relationship between bone and blood is ancient as all animals since the divergence of fish that have bones and blood, make blood in their bones. This long coevolution engendered complex interrelationships, including the first proposed and first experimentally defined niche for stem cells in mammals. Multiple bone marrow stromal cell types serve as regulators of hematopoiesis, and the dysfunction of some causes myelodysplasia and leukemia. However, no comprehensive atlas of stromal subpopulations exists. Therefore, we think these data point to something of importance, such as how the needs and challenges of the organism become translated down to distinct cell types that critically govern specific functions within tissues and do so at the level of a single molecule. We think this will be of broad interest to those focusing on systems biology and the physiology of organisms, particularly those seeking a molecular basis for understanding cell and tissue behavior. We summarized the current and emerging concepts of hematopoietic stem cells and bone marrow niche.