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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Ceramics Bonding

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The Effect of Cd-Dopping on Sintering behavior of PNN-PT-PZ Ceramics (PNN-PZ-PT 세라믹스의 소결 거동에 미치는 Cd-doping 효과)

  • 조정호;김호기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1995.11a
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    • pp.217-220
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    • 1995
  • By substituting Cd\^2+/ into both A-site and B-site in PNN-PZ-PT ternary perovskite material, it is possible to determine the effects of the substitution site of Cd\^2+/ on sintering behavior. Sintering was performed in the temperature range from 1000C to 1300C. The substitution site of Cd\^2+/ is identified by XPS spectra. Although Cd\^2+/ is substituted into both A-site and B-site in PNN-PZ-PT, Cd\^2+/ prefers A-site to B-site. The density is influenced by substitution site of Cd\^2+/. If Cd\^2+/ replaces Pv\^2+/, weight gain is observed during sinterig process. On the contrary, if Cd\^2+/ replaces Ni\^2+/, weight loss is promoted during sintering. From these weight changes, it is believed that Cd\^2+/ changes the bonding strength between B-site cation and oxygen of octahedron in perovskite structure. The changes of lattice parameters as a function of Cd\^2+/ content were consistent with those of the bonding strength. The densities of A-site-doped compositions were higher than those of B-site-doped composition.

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A Study on Mechanical Characteristics of Interface of Ceramic/Metal Composites (세라믹/금속 이종재료 계면의 기계적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Do-Won;Kim, Hak-Kun;Song, Jun-Hee;Lim, Jae-Kyoo;Park, Chan-Gyung
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2000
  • Metal/Ceramic structures have many attractive properties, with great potential for applications that demand high stiffness, as well as chemical and biological stability, thermal and electrical insulation. They are currently in use for mechanical and thermal protection in cutting tool and engine parts. With all their great advantage, ceramics suffer from one major problem they are brittle, and are especially susceptible to cracking from surface contacts. Delamination at the interfaces with adjacent layers is a particularly disturbing problem, and can cause premature failure of a composite system. so determination of adhesive properties of coating is one of the most important problems for the extension of the use of coated materials. In this work, mechanical characteristics of Interface of ceramic/Metal composites are evaluated by means of hardness test, indentation test apparent interfacial toughness and bonding strength test. The interface indentation test provides a relation between the applied load(P) and the length of the crack(a) created at the interface between the coating and the substrate.

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A Surface Modification of Hastelloy X by Sic Coating and Ion Beam Mixing for Application in Nuclear Hydrogen Production

  • Kim, Jaeun;Park, Jaewon;Kim, Minhwan;Kim, Yongwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.205.2-205.2
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    • 2014
  • The effects of ion beam mixing of a SiC film coated on super alloys (hastelloy X substrates) were studied, aiming at developing highly sustainable materials at above 900C in decomposed sulfuric acid gas (SO2/SO3/H2O) channels of a process heat exchanger. The bonding between two dissimilar materials is often problematic, particularly in coating metals with a ceramics protective layer. A strong bonding between SiC and hastelloy X was achieved by mixing the atoms at the interface by an ion-beam: The film was not peeled-off at 900C, confirming excellent adhesion, although the thermal expansion coefficient of hastelloy X is about three times higher than that of SiC. Instead, the SiC film was cracked along the grain boundary of the substrate at above 700C. At 900C, the film was crystallized forming islands on the substrate so that a considerable part of the substrate surface could be exposed to the corrosive environment. To cover the exposed areas and cracks multiple coating/IBM processes have been developed. An immersion corrosion test in 80% sulfuric acid at 300C for 100 h showed that the weight retain rate was gradually increased when increasing the processing time.

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Ceramic and stainless steel brazing by active filler metal (활성 용가재를 이용한 세라믹 및 스테인레스강의 접합)

  • 김원배;김숙환;권영각;장래웅;배석천
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 1991
  • The direct brazing technology which could be used for the simplification of brazing process and the improvement of brazed joint quality was studied with Al2O3 and stainless steels. The brazing of Al2O3 to STS304 or STS430 was performed under different brazing conditions such as brazing filler metal, temperature, heating rate and brazing time. Microstructural observation and chemical analysis be SEM/EPAM were carried out to verify the quality of brazed joints. 4-point bending strength of brazed joints was also measured to find the optimal brazing conditions. The results showed that, in brazing of Al2O3, the mixed oxide layer resulted from the reaction between Ti in filler metal and oxide layer on the material surface to be brazed was found to be bery important for the joint quality. The width of oxide layer varied with the brazing conditions such as brazing time, heating rate and chemical composition of filler metals. The strength of brazed joints was more affected by the type of materials and their thermal properties than by brazing heat cycle.

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  • Kim, Chang-Hun;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Lim, Jang-Seop
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.386-396
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    • 2004
  • Statement of problem: It is not clear how to make a stable bonding between zirconia ceramic and resin cement. And the study about surface treatment of zirconia ceramic or bonding resin cement are not enough. Purpose: To measure and compare the shear bond strength of some resin cements on zirconia ceramic after different surface treatments. Material and method: 48 ceramic discs were made of 3 ceramic materials, zirconia ceramics (Zi-Ceram), heat-pressed ceramics (IPS Empress 2) and slip cast alumina ceramics (In-Ceram). According to the surface treatments of ceramic specimens and resin cements, specimens were classified into 6 groups and each group was composed of 8 specimens. For the surface treatment of Zi-Ceram group (test group), sandblasting and diamond bur preparation were applied and Superbond C&B and Panavia F were bonded respectively. For IPS Empress 2 group (control group), Variolink II was bonded after sandblasting, acid etching, silanization and for In-Ceram ALUMINA group (control group), Panavia F was bonded after sandblasting. After storing specimens in distilled water for 24 hours, the shear bond strength was measured by the universal testing machine. Results and conclusion: 1. Zi-Ceram group with Superbond C&B cement showed higher bond strength than with Panavia F cement regardless to the surface treatments (p<0.05). 2. In Zi-Ceram group with Superbond C&B cement, sandblasting treatment group (12.1MPa) showed higher bond strength than diamond bur treatment group (7.7MPa) (p<0.05). In Zi-Ceram group with Panavia F cement, there were no significant differences in the bond strength according to the surface treatments (p>0.05). 3. Zi-Ceram group with sandblasting and Superbond C&B cement (12.1MPa) showed the highest bond strength. The bond strength of this group was not significantly different from In-Ceram ALUMINA group (10.4MPa) (p>0.05) and lower than IPS Empress 2 group (15.9MPa) (p<0.05).

Study on the Chemically Method of Epoxy Restoration Material in Antic Ceramics and Stabilization of Their Materials (토기.도자기 복원에 사용된 에폭시 복원재료의 화학적 제거방법과 그 안정성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Won-Sik;Bae, Jin-Soo;Park, Gi-Jung;Hong, Tae-Kee;Wi, Koang-Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2010
  • The yellowing is always occurred phenomena in epoxy restoration material of antic-ceramics. For re-restoration of remains with epoxy restoration material, the epoxy elimination step is the first one in all course of restoration In this paper, the chemically elimination treatments methods of epoxy in various antic-ceramics were discussed. We fabricated the epoxy elimination material for antic-ceramics restoration which were made up Dichloromethane and Dichlormethane based Dimethylformamide solution. Dichloromethane and Dichloromethane + Dimethylformamide mixture were applied to epoxy in various antic-ceramic sample. Particularly, Dichloromethane + Dimethylformamide solution had the best result in variation of color change, gloss, vending strength, weight, exfoliation time test after deposition in this solution. Dichloromrthane had the volume increase characteristics for epoxy material and Dimethylformamide had the mollification ones. So, Dichloromathane increased exfoliation in approximal surface of the epoxy material and antic ceramic, and Dimethylformamide decreased the surface hardness of epoxy. In this result, epoxy material even inside of ceramic that have very weak inside bonding is adaptable and stable eliminated. And in order to show the perfect elimination of this material, we successfully dissolve the epoxy restoration material in one antic pottery that is in one university museum's possession using this mixture. So, there is guarantee in the eternity and stabilization of restoration for antic-ceramics.

The Effect of Al2O3 addition on the Characteristics of Sintering Behavior, Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered Si3N4 Ceramics (알루미나 첨가에 의한 질화규소의 방전 플라즈마 소결 거동과 상전이 특성 및 기게적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Chae, Jae-Hong;Kim, Dae-Gean;Kim, Kyoung-Hun;Park, Joo-Seok;Ahn, Jong-Pil;Sim, Kwang-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.94-98
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    • 2008
  • Silicon nitride(Si3N4) is one of the most widely used structural ceramic materials. However silicon nitride is difficult to sinter because of its strong covalent bonding characteristics. In this study, Si3N4 ceramics were fabricated by spark plasma sintering process with Y2O3 and Al2O3 addition to improve the sinterability and the mechanical properties and their phase transformation behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties were evaluated. Fully densified Si3N4 ceramics could be obtained by spark plasma sintering process at a lower temperature than conventional sintering method. The formation of network microstructure was affected by the addition of Al2O3 because it could accelerate a to α to β phase transformation of Si3N4. As a result, the mechanical properties depended on amounts of Al2O3 addition. The hardness value increased with increasing α-phase fraction, but fracture toughness value increase with increasing β-phase fraction.

Erosion Behavior of YAG Ceramics under Fluorine Plasma and their XPS Analysis (불소계 플라즈마에 노출된 YAG 세라믹스의 식각거동 및 XPS 분석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Beom;Kim, Dae-Min;Lee, Jung-Ki;Oh, Yoon-Suk;Kim, Hyung-Tae;Kim, Hyung-Sun;Lee, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.456-461
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    • 2009
  • Chemical composition and status of chemical bonding of the YAG(Y3Al5O12) ceramics after the exposure to fluorine plasma have been investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, with the analysis on its erosion behavior. On the surface, F showed the maximum content, decreasing with depth, meanwhile the cation composition remained almost constant, irrespective of the position. The peaks due to Y in the reaction layer consisted of two kinds, showing the Y-O and Y-F bonds. These surface modifications under fluorine plasma seem to promote the erosion of the YAG ceramics. Excess addition of Al2O3 or Y2O3 into stoichiometric YAG produced 2nd phases of Al2O3 and YAlO3, respectively, resulting in the slight difference in the local erosion rates. But, the overall average erosion rate was not sensitive to such excess additions of Al2O3 or Y2O3.

Flexural strength and microstructure of two lithium disilicate glass ceramics for CAD/CAM restoration in the dental clinic

  • Kang, Suk-Ho;Chang, Juhea;Son, Ho-Hyun
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: There has been a growing interest in glass ceramic systems with good esthetics, high fracture resistance and bonding durability, and simplified fabrication techniques using CAD/CAM. The aim of this study is to compare flexural strength before and after heat treatment of two lithium disilicate CAD/CAM blocks, IPS e.max CAD (Ivoclar Vivadent) and Rosetta SM (Hass), and to observe their crystalline structures. Materials and Methods: Biaxial flexural strength was tested according to ISO 6872 with 20 disc form specimens sliced from each block before and after heat treatment. Also, the crystalline structures were observed using field-emission scanning microscopy (FE-SEM, Hitachi) and x-ray diffraction (XRD, Rigaku) analysis. The mean values of the biaxial flexural strength were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney U test at a significance level of p = 0.05. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in flexural strength between IPS e.max CAD and Rosetta SM either before heat treatment or after heat treatment. For both ceramics, the initial flexural strength greatly increased after heat treatment, with significant differences (p < 0.05). The FE-SEM images presented similar patterns of crystalline structure in the two ceramics. In the XRD analysis, they also had similar patterns, presenting high peak positions corresponding to the standard lithium metasilicate and lithium disilicate at each stage of heat treatment. Conclusions: IPS e.max CAD and Rosetta SM showed no significant differences in flexural strength. They had a similar crystalline pattern and molecular composition.

Comparison of Shear Bonding Strength of Laminate Veneer by Lithium Disilicate Ceramics and Surface Treatment Methods (리튬디실리케이트 세라믹과 표면처리방법에 따른 라미네이트 베니어의 전단결합강도 비교)

  • Park, Sang-Joon;Chung, In-Sung
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study was to investigate the effect of three different surface treatments on the shear bond strength of lithium disilicate ceramics to enamel. Methods: Totally 60 lithium disilicate ceramic disc specimens were fabricated with IPS e.max press (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) and Mazic Claro (Vericom, Korea). 30 specimens in each lithium disilicate ceramic were assigned to 3 groups of the each following surface treatment: 1) 50μm airborne particle abrasion+silane, 2) 9.5% hydroflouric acid etching (HF)+silane, 3) 50μm airborne particle abrasion+9.5% HF+silane. Lithium disilicate ceramic surfaces after surface treatments were AFM examined. The shear bond strength was measured in a universal testing machine at 0.5mm/min crosshead speed. All data were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test(α=0.05). Results: The mean surface roughness of lithium disilicate ceramics ranged from 0.178μm to 0.441μm. The mean shear bond strengths ranged from 23.81±2.78MPa to 33.99±4.85MPa. Conclusion: 1. Mazic Claro showed higher shear bond strength than IPS e.max press at 3 different surface treatments, and no statistically significant was observed. 2. The shear bond strength of IPS e.max press was strongly enhanced as surface treated with 50μm airborne particle abrasion and 9.5% hydroflouric acid etching. And there was no statistical significance at the shear bond strength of Mazic Claro with surface treatments.