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A Syudy on the High Temprerties of the 5Layer Functionally Gradient Thermal Barrier Coating (5층열장벽 피막의 고온 물성에 관한연구)

  • Han, J. C.;Jung, C.;Song, Y. S.;Yoon, J. K.;Lo, B. H.;Lee, K. H.
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 1998
  • The Thermal Barrier Coating(TBC) has been used to improve the heat barrier and tribological properties of the aircraft engine and the automobile engine in high temperature. Especially, the high temperature tribological propertied of the cylinder haed and the piston crown of diesel engine was emphasized. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to evaluate the microstructure, tribological propeer in high tempearmal shock resistance and bonding strength of five layer functionally gradient TBC for the applications. The five layerwere composed with 100% ceramic insulating later, 75(ceramic):25 (metal) layer, 50:50 layer, 25:75 layer and 100% metal bonding layer to redude the thermal stress. the YSL and MSL poweders were the insulation ceramics powers. The NiCrAly, Inconel625 and SUS powders were the bonding and mixingg powders for plasma spray process. According to the result of high temperature wear test, the wera resistance of YSZ/NiCrAlY siytem was most out standing at 600 and 800C. At 400C, the wear resistance of YSZ/Inconel system was better than others. Wear volume at other temperature because of the low temperature degration of zirconia. The thermal shock mechanism of 5 later is the vertical crack gegration in insulating layer. this means that the initial cracks were generated in the top layer, and then developed into the composite layers during thermal shock test. Finally, these cracks werereached to the interface of coating and substrate and also, these vertioal cracks join with the horizontal cracks of the each layers. The bonding strength of YSZ/NiCrAlY and YSZ/Inconel 5 layer system is better than other 5layer systems. The theramal shock resistance of thermal barrier coating s with 5 layer system is better than that of 3 layers and 2 layers.

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Shear Bond Strength of Zirconia and Ceramics according to Dental Zirconia Surface Treatment (치과용 지르코니아 표면처리방법에 따른 지르코니아와 전장용 도재의 결합강도 관찰)

  • Lee, Gwang-Young;Choi, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The dental CAD / CAM system has been popular with the development of the digital dental industry. Zirconia is a typical material in dental CAD / CAM systems. Zirconia crowns are classified into single layer and double layer. This study is about the double layer crown of zirconia. The surface roughness, bond strength and fracture patterns of the zirconia surface were observed. Methods: Zirconia blocks were cut using a low speed cutter. Sintered to form a plate shape (6mm × 6mm × 3mm). The prepared specimens were surface treated in four ways. Surface roughness and bond strength were measured. And the fracture pattern was observed. Results: Result of surface treatment of zirconia. The surface roughness test results were as ET 2.87 ㎛, ST 2.67 ㎛, LT 2.44 ㎛, AT 2.41 ㎛, CN 2.08 ㎛ order. Bond Strength results were as LT 25.09 MPa, AT 23.27 MPa, ST 21.27 MPa, ET 21.09 MPa, CN 16.12 MPa order. Fracture patterns showed cohesive failure of 25-50% of the bond area. Conclusion: Surface roughness, bond strength and fracture pattern of the zirconia surface were observed. Etching the surface treatment of zirconia materials has been shown to affect the surface roughness. Zirconia special binder treatment has been shown to affect the bond strength improvement.

Joining Behavior of YSZ Ceramics to Al2O3-ZrO2-SiO2-R2O and Al2O2-ZrO2-SiO2-La2O3-R2O Glass Systems (Al2O3-ZrO2-SiO2-R2O와 Al2O3-ZrO2-SiO2-La2O3-R2O계 유리와 부분안정화 지르코니아간의 접합거동)

  • Choi, Jinsam;Bae, Won Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2015
  • The joining behavior of YSZ ceramics to the glasses used in the 9Al2O324ZrO251SiO216R2O and 9Al2O324ZrO251SiO27La2O39R2O (wt%) glass systems was investigated. The glass transition and softening temperatures were determined to be 430C and 760C, respectively. The behavior of the contact angle was inversely proportional to an increase in the temperature. The Zr element in YSZ acted as a nucleation agent and contributed to the bonding behavior at the interface.

Microstructural Behavior of Alumina Aggregate Compacts Prepared by Transient Liquid Phase Sintering

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Kim, Hai-Doo;Lee, Deuk-Yong;Kim, Dae-Joon
    • The Korean Journal of Ceramics
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.78-82
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    • 2000
  • Although alumina aggregates have been used as refractory aggregates due to the improved mechanical properties of refractories as a result of the low contraction of alumina aggregates, the aggregates have a difficulty in fabrication due to its low sinterability. Two types of alumina aggregates and a fused alumina aggregate containing transient liquid forming additives are prepared to investigate the sintering characteristics of aggregates. Al2O3rich composition in the Al2O3-MgO-SiO2(-TiO2) system is chosen for the transient liquid phase sintering and the final recrystallized bonding phase between grains inside the fused alumina aggregates is found to be a needle-like mullite phase. The flexural strength of alumina bars, reaction-bonded using the paste having a composition of Al2O3-MgO-SiO2-TiO2, is about 78 MPa, which is one half value of that of pure alumina.

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Synthesis of Electro-conducting Macroporous Aluminosilicate-Carbon Nanocomposite (전기전도성을 가지는 매크로다공성 알루미노실리케이트-탄소 복합체 제조)

  • Choi, Kwang Min;Cho, Woo-Seok;Kim, Jong-Young;Jung, Jong-Yeol;Baik, Seung-Woo;Lee, Kyu Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2017
  • Recently, macroporous ceramic materials with high electrical conductivity and mechanical strength are urgently needed for semiconductor and display manufacturing devices. In this work, we obtained electro-conducting macroporous aluminosilicate ceramics having surface resistivity of 108~1,010 ohm by dispersing electro-conducting carbon in ceramic matrix. By addition of 0.5~3.0 wt% frit glass, chemical bonding between grains was strengthened, and flexural strength was enhanced up to 160 MPa as a result. We evaluated the characteristics of present ceramics as vacuum chuck module for liquid crystal display display manufacturing devices.

Structural and Dielectric Properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 Ceramics Substituted by Nd, La, K and Na (Nd, La, K, Na이 치환된 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 세라믹의 구조 및 유전 성질에 관한 연구)

  • Kweon, Sook-Hwa;Park, Hyu-Bum;Kim, Jeong;Hong, Young-Sik;Kim, Si-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.839-845
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    • 1995
  • The structural and dielectric properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 ceramics substituted by Nd3+, La3+, K+ and Na+ were studied over 0~50 at.% substituent content. The 1 : 1 ordering behavior of Mg2+ and Nb5+ ions in the B site sublattice was observed in Nd3+-and La3+-modified compounds. The degree of ordering was increased with Nd3+, La3+ content in the compounds. But K+-or Na+-modified compounds did not exhibit the ordering behavior. This was explained by charge and size effect of A and B site cations and oxygen vacancies. As the mole fractions of substituent increased, the maximum values of dielectric constants were rapidly decreased and the phase transitions were broadened. Phase transition temperature was correlated with the covalency of A-O and B-O bonding.

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Bonding Characteristics of GaAs Surface after Wet Cleaning (습식세정에 따른 GaAs표면 결합상태의 연구)

  • Gang, Min-Gu;Park, Hyeong-Ho;Seo, Gyeong-Su;Lee, Jong-Ram;Gang, Dong-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.379-387
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    • 1996
  • 본 연구에서는 GaAs 소자제작 및 epi-layer 성장 공정에 있어 이용되어지는 HCI, H3PO4, 탈이온수(de-ionized water:DIW)를 통한 습식제정후 공기중 노출에 따른 오염을 최소화하여 표면상태 변화를 진성적(intrinsic)으로 관찰하고자 모든 세정처리를 아르곤 가스(argon gas)로 분위기가 유지되는 glove box에서 수행하였으며, 표면조성 및 결합상태 변화에 대한 관찰은 X-선 광전자 분광기(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy)를 통해 이루어졌다. 고진공하에서 GaAs를 벽개하여 관찰함으로써 Ga이 대기중 산소이온과 우선적으로 결합함을 알 수 있었고, 이런 GaAs 표면의 반응성에 대한 고찰을 바탕으로 습식세정에 따른 화학반응 기구가 제시 되어졌다. HCI 및 H3PO4/DIW/HCI처리후 CI-이온의 Ga 이온과의 반응에 의한 Ga-CI결합의 형성과 As 산화물의 높은 용해도에 따른 As 산화물의 완전한 제거 및 식각전 초기(bare)GaAsvyaus에 존재하는 원소(elemental)As 상태의 식각후 잔류가 관찰되어졌다. 또 HCI, H3PO4/DIW/HCI 처리하고 DIW로 세척후 표면상태 변화를 관찰한 결과, DIW처리에 의해 elemental As 상태가 증가함을 알 수 있었다.

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Joining of Mullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2) Ceramics for Semiconductor Back-End Process by Reaction-Bonded Aluminum Oxide (RBAO) Process (반응소결 알루미나 공정 (RBAO)을 이용한 반도체 후공정용 뮬라이트(3Al2O3·2SiO2) 세라믹스 접합)

  • Tae-Gyeong Kim;Hyun-Kwuon Lee
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we report on the joining of mullite ceramics using the reaction-bonded aluminum oxide method without applying any external pressure, in consideration of a possible multilayer ceramic substrate in semiconductor back-end process. For this purpose, Al/Al2O3/SiO2/Mullite powder mixture paste was applied to the joining surfaces between two parent mullite bodies of the same composition, and then sintered at 1,650 ℃ for 2 h in air, resulting in a dense and rigid mullite ceramic joints. Phase and microstructural analysis of the joined mullites showed that the reaction bonding by Al oxidation and thereafter mullite formation were completed during the heat treatment process. However, due to the difference in sintering behavior between the parent body and the joining layer, few pore of which size proportional to the joining layer thickness, were observed at some parts of the joining interface. The formation of the pore and its causes was discussed.

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    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.1485-1488
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    • 2018
  • The effect of additives on the densification behavior and mechanical properties of pure and additive (Zr, B and Mg)-added silica ceramics were investigated for their application to the matrix phase of a silica fiber reinforced silica (SiO2/SiO2f) composite. The additives affected the rate of densification and crystallization (or transformation) of the amorphous silica. Among the compositions, pure silica ceramics sintered at 900℃ for 1 h showed the maximum flexural strength. Based on the results, SiO2/SiO2f was fabricated by a repeated vacuum-assisted infiltration method followed by the heat treatment at 900℃ for 1 h. The relative density of the composite was 78.2% with a flexural strength of 22.4 MPa. Fractography revealed that the composite was damaged by strong bonding at the fiber/matrix interface and the fracture of fiber.

Brazing Filler Metal and Process for Stainless Steel (스테인리스강용 브레이징 합금과 브레이징 공정)

  • Hong, Sung Chul;Park, Sang Yoon;Jung, Do Hyun;Oh, Joo Hee;Lee, Jae Hoon;Kim, Wonjoong;Jung, Jae Pil
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2012
  • Brazing technology has been widely used among bonding technologies because it enables to bond various metals, even ceramics, dissimilar metals, and give higher bonding strength, cost down, automation, etc. However, there are many parameters to achieve optimal brazing joint such as brazing alloys, brazing atmospheres, designs and brazing methods, etc. The brazing parameters affect seriously on the characteristic of final brazing products. Stainless steel is broadly used in high temperature applications, chemical industry, heat exchangers, muffler of vehicles, and so on. Accordingly, in this article, brazing alloys, forms of brazing alloys, brazing methods and atmospheres for stainless steel were described.