• Title/Summary/Keyword: Central supply room

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Case Report on the Activities for Cost Reduction and Performance Improvement in the Central Supply Room in A University Hospital (종합병원의 비용절감과 업무개선을 위한 중앙공급실의 활동)

  • Song, Kyu Nam;Song, Sun Ok;Hwang, Un Soon;Koo, Bon Up;Choi, Hye Sook;Lee, Sang Yun
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.6 no.1_2
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    • pp.150-160
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    • 1999
  • Background : Because hospitals had to faced with financial hardship, we have to have more effective hospital management. In this study, we tried to improve job performance and to reduce cost maintaining safety in fields of patients care. Methods : Central Supply Room(CSR) staffs taught strategy of material cost reduction to middle level managers and staffs 14 times. All staffs and voluntary service workers, working in 33 nursing units, participated in this activity. We developed questionnaire to check the degree of participate in cost reduction activity and job performance in CSR, and quality improvement in the wards. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed and 197 returned. Results : Because CSR staffs developed new items and every item was managed at each department, stocks of each department were reduced. Overall, by comparing before and after cost reduction activity, almost 1.2 billion won reduced for one year. Staffs' loyalty and spirits of cost reduction were improved by changing clothes and duty environment. Furthermore, these activity improved patients' satisfaction. Conclusion : We suggest that CSR activity in a university hospital contributes to improve job performance and to reduce cost without any problem in patient care.

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Energy Saving System of EHP Control at the College Lecture Room (대학교 강의실 EHP 제어를 이용한 에너지 절약 시스템)

  • Jeong, Kybum
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2014
  • Heating and air conditioning system is changing rapidly from the traditional HVAC central supply system to the individual supply system with electrical heat pump system (EHP) in Korean school buildings. The individual supply system has advantages to turn on and off individually and to adjust the thermal comfort separately, but energy is wasted in the unoccupied classroom when the last leaving occupant does not turn off the controller. If the controller is to be off automatically while the classroom is not in use, energy consumption would decrease dramatically. This project aims to cease the unnecessary EHP supply in vacant classroom by inputting the class schedule from the central control room to reduce the energy-spending. Experimental measurements were carried out between the controlled classroom that is turned off when not in use and the uncontrolled room that is turned on continually. Occupant's comfort and energy consumption were measured and compared between the controlled case and the uncontrolled case. The energy consumption of controlled classroom case is 30-60% less than that of the uncontrolled classroom case. This result shows that controlling the cooling supply for the unoccupied classroom using the class schedule can decrease the energy consumption remarkably. This supply control system can be used to conserve energy in school structures like universities.

Job Description of Nurses in Central Supply Department using DACUM Technique (데이컴 기법을 이용한 중앙공급 간호사의 직무분석)

  • Oh, Eun Sil;Song, Soon Duk;Choi, E-Jung;Chun, Hyun Sook;Han, Hwa Soon;Ryoo, Sung Suk;Hwang, Moon Suk;Lee, Mi Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study aimed to use the DACUM analysis technique and identify the job description among nurses of the Central Supply Department, in order to clarify their duty and task descriptions, identify the characteristics of job. Methods: Through a DACUM workshop, job descriptions, and the job duties and tasks were derived. A total of 150 nurses from the Central Supply Departments of medical Institutions over 100 beds were surveyed using drafting and a job analysis table. Individual jobs' frequency, importance and difficulty were measured using a 3-point scale, and the results were analyzed using SPSS. Results: The nurses' job in the Central Supply Department consisted of 13 duties and 64 tasks. Duties with highest importance and difficulty was 'sterilization assurance system', the second was 'employee safety management' and the duty with highest frequency was 'manage packaging before sterilization'. Conclusion: This study clarified the types of nursing jobs in the Central Supply Departments, as well as identified the job characteristics and status in the given setting. Given the sterilization assurance system for preventing hospital infection, and safety management for ensuring work environment safe were found to be important duties, it is suggested for the department to stress those important jobs for managing hospital safety.

Analysis of Musculoskeletal Burdened Work among Nurses at a University Hospital (일개 대학병원 간호사의 근골격계 부담작업 분석)

  • Jeong, Eun-Hee;Koo, Jung‐Wan
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2006
  • Severities of musculoskeletal diseases (MSDs) have been recognized at the regular work such as manufacturing but incidence of MSDs are increasing also at the atypical work. The examples of those are health medical workers, office workers and service workers etc. Nurses among health medical workers are accomplishing to manage and recover the patients' health in the first place. Therefore, they are exposed to very stressful work conditions during caring the patients. This study was performed to analyze the musculoskeletal burdened work among nurses at a university hospital, in order to grasp the realities of the MSDs, analyze and prevent MSDs. We surveyed risk factors for ward, intensive care unit, delivery room, newborn room, operation room, function test room and central supply room at a university hospital in Seoul. It was executed for 2 months as the field study that was composed of simulation, real measurement, work motion assessment and subjective assessment. And the results were analyzed into ergonomics techniques. Works according to the criteria of musculoskeletal burdened work by the Ministry of Labor were scrub in operation room and heart ultrasonic function test. And a lot of works that need attention and management were also detected. So it should be required the education and systematic managements of MSDs for nurses.

A Study for Safe Storage Time for In-house Sterilized Products in a Korean Hospital (멸균품의 유효기간에 관한 연구 - 포장재와 보관환경 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Kesook;Kim, Jeong Hee;Yang, Shin Hye;Chae, Ji Yeun;Lee, Young Mee;Cho, Kyung Sook
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.258-276
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to justify the "prescribed shelf life" currently used in Samsung Medical Center and give recommendations based on scientific data to adopt for safe and cost-effective storage times for sterile goods Since the early 1970's, predetermined expiration dating policy has been used in Korea on all in-house sterilized products like any other countries; six months for the supplies wrapped in polyethylene peel pouches and two weeks for the rest. Recently, however, the studies suggest that current standards for preserving the sterility can be changing. It looks like we unnecessarily have too-short expiration date of sterilized supplies, that is far from being cost effective. Certainly, this research is an exciting project, especially in Korea, and will be leading and contributing to the paradigm shift of the conservative concept of shelf life for sterile supplies in Korean healthcare facilities. The major goal of this study was placed on the measurement of the recontamination time in packs wrapped in all kinds of wrapping materials used in S.M.C and stored in various conditions for periods ranging from three months to six months, and then develop a practical standard of "shelf life" based on the analyzed data. Objectives: To measure and compare the recontamination time of sterile packs among wrapppers and storage conditions, and develop a practical standard for the shelf life and storage conditions of sterile products. Samples and Method: The sterile integrity was investigated of the total 1,440 sterile sample packs containing gauze strip($1.5cm{\times}0.5cm$) we prepared and wrapped in nine wrapping materials (randomized reprocessed linens, linens reprocessed 99 times, linens reprocessed 120 times, new kraft paper, used kraft paper, new nonwoven fabrics, 6-time reprocessed nonwoven fabrics, new polyethylene peel pouches, used polyethylene peel pouches), and stored in four locations(closed cabinet of one of the typical wards, open shelf of one of ICUs, open shelf of separate storage room in ER, open shelf in OR), for three to six months, respectively in 1998. Each type of packs were opened weekly and the gauze strips inoculated into Brewer's thioglycollate broth at $35^{\circ}C$ for seven days. Results: There was no growth found for any types of the pack and storage conditions studied. Discussion: This study was conducted in an attempt to identify the possibility of extending the current shelf life for sterile goods we use in a sense of cost effectiveness. The findings suggest that we could extend our expiration dates, that means we can save a lot of materials and personnel time meeded for resterilizing, outdating, recleaning, wrapping, and reshelving. Then it will initiate a great reform in the field of healthcare in Korea, and now we are looking forward to this valuable revolution. We are going to continue this study and take all steps need to apply this new concept to our practice, and then trying to extend to other hospitals.

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Effect of the HVAC Conditions on the Smoke Ventilation Performance and Habitability for a Main Control Room Fire in Nuclear Power Plant (원자력발전소 주제어실 화재 시 공조모드가 배연성능 및 거주성에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Beom-Gyu;Lim, Heok-Soon;Lee, Young-Seung;Kim, Myung-Su
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.74-81
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluated the habitability of operators for main control room fires in nuclear power plants. Fire modeling (FDS v.6.0) was utilized for a fire safety assessment so that it could determine the performance of the smoke ventilation and operator habitability with the main control room. For this study, it categorized fire scenarios into three cases depending on the conditions in the HVAC system. As a result of fire modelling, it showed that Case 1 (with HVAC) would give rise to the worst situation associated with the absolute temperature, radiative heat flux, optical density, and smoke layer height as deliberating the habitability and smoke ventilation. On the other hand, it showed that Cases 2 (w/o HVAC) and 3 can maintain much safer situations than Case 1. In the case of temperature at 820 s, Cases 2 and 3 were up to approximately 63% greater than Case 1 in the wake of ignition. In addition, the influence of radiative heat flux of Case 1 was even larger than Cases 2 and 3. That is, the radiative heat fluxes of Cases 2 and 3 were approximately 68% higher than Case 1. Furthermore, when it comes to considering the optical density, Case 1 was approximately 93% greater than Cases 2 and 3. Accordingly, it expected that the HVAC system can influence a the performance on the smoke ventilation that can be sustainable for operator habitability. On the other hand, it revealed an inconsecutive pattern for the smoke layer height of Cases 2 and 3 because supply vents and exhaust vents were installed within the same surface.

A Study on the Development of Plan Types of Elderly Welfare Facility Using Closed Schools - In Case of Chungbuk Province - (폐교를 활용한 노인복지시설의 평면유형개발에 관한 연구 - 충북지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hak-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2019
  • Since 1980's, Countless schools across the nation, particularly in rural areas, have been closed down by the large fall in number of students. Otherwise, an elderly population has been increasing rapidly, so the demand for welfare services for the elderly population is also increasing. However, the supply of elderly welfare facilities remains inadequate. The purpose of this study is to propose remodelling plan of elderly welfare facility using Closed schools. The result of this study were as follows; in unit-based facility plans, Single room type can be used for elder who lives alone or an elderly couple. Senior Congregate Housing type can be used for four to five people. These two types have equal sunlight and ventilation conditions for each room, and are for an old man in relatively good health. Membership resort type is for the healthy senior who lives in the rural area or lives in the city who wants short-term residence. In case of a Nursing home type, the existing one-sided corridor was converted into a central corridor and each classroom is divided into four rooms. This type has advantage for nursing and management, on the other hand, the corridor is narrow and each room has differences for sunlight and ventilation.

Accurate Sub-1 V CMOS Bandgap Voltage Reference with PSRR of -118 dB

  • Abbasizadeh, Hamed;Cho, Sung-Hun;Yoo, Sang-Sun;Lee, Kang-Yoon
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.528-533
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    • 2016
  • A low voltage high PSRR CMOS Bandgap circuit capable of generating a stable voltage of less than 1 V (0.8 V and 0.5 V) robust to Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations is proposed. The high PSRR of the circuit is guaranteed by a low-voltage current mode regulator at the central aspect of the bandgap circuitry, which isolates the bandgap voltage from power supply variations and noise. The isolating current mirrors create an internal regulated voltage $V_{reg}$ for the BG core and Op-Amp rather than the VDD. These current mirrors reduce the impact of supply voltage variations. The proposed circuit is implemented in a $0.35{\mu}m$ CMOS technology. The BGR circuit occupies $0.024mm^2$ of the die area and consumes $200{\mu}W$ from a 5 V supply voltage at room temperature. Experimental results demonstrate that the PSRR of the voltage reference achieved -118 dB at frequencies up to 1 kHz and -55 dB at 1 MHz without additional circuits for the curvature compensation. A temperature coefficient of $60 ppm/^{\circ}C$ is obtained in the range of -40 to $120^{\circ}C$.