• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cell complex

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The Effects of 12 Weeks Combined Exercise on Brain Nerve Growth Factor, Inflammation-Related Factor in Obese High School Girls (12주 복합운동이 비만 여고생의 뇌신경세포 생성인자 및 염증인자에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Jeongpyo;Heo, Junhoe;Kim, Hyunjun;Park, Jangjun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : To provide data on exercise prescription for obesity management and prevention of cardiovascular disease in girl's high school and to prepare basic data for more effective exercise program for lifestyle improvement and prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. This study examines the effects on brain nerve growth factor and inflammatory factors, and the relationship between obesity factor and brain neuron cell production factor and inflammatory factor changes by complex exercise. Methods : The subjects of the study were obese students with a body fat percentage of 30 % or higher after obtaining body fat percentage of high school girls in C-city. Among them, 20 students who wanted to participate in the program of this study and did not participate in special exercise and diet therapy within the last 6 months were radio-sampled into groups of exercise group and control group, but attendance rate was low and The final exercise group (9) and control group (9) were measured, except for one student who did not respond. Results : Analysis of the range of variation in body composition, BMI, lean body mass, and the interaction between the groups showed significant differences (p<.05). TC, TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C as variables of blood lipids, TC and TG were not significantly different and TG was significantly different (p<.05) in interactions. HDL-C showed a significant difference (p<.01) in interactions, an increase in exercise group, and a significant decrease in control group (p<.05). There was a significant difference (p<.05) in BDNF interaction, an increase in the exercise group and a decrease in the control group, but no significant difference. NGF tended to increase in both exercise and control groups. IL-6 had a significant difference in timing (p<.05) and significantly decreased (p<.01) in the exercise group, and TNF-α interacted with timing (p<.05), and a significant increase in the control group. Conclusion : This study confirmed 12-week compound exercise program was effective in increasing the expression of basal fitness or CNS factor, but not enough to actually improve brain function. Fat mass and obesity are also affecting vascular inflammatory factors.

Fine Structures of the Enteroendocrine Cells in the Duodenal Mucosa of the Hedgehog, Erinaceus koreanus (고슴도치 십이지장 점막의 장내분비세포의 미세구조)

  • Choi, Wol-Bong;Won, Moo-Ho;Seo, Ji-Eun
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 1987
  • In order to discriminate the enteroendocrine cell types in the mucosal epithelium of the normal duodenum of the Korean hedgehog (Erinaceus koreanus). The tissues were fixed in the mixture of 1% paraformaldehyde and 1% glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), and postfixed in 2% osmium tetroxide (phosphate buffer, pH 7.2). They were embedded in Araldite, and the ultrathin sections were made by LKB-V ultratome following the inspection of semithin sections stained with toluidine blue-borax solutions. Ultrathin sections contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate were observed with JEM 100B electron microscope. At least six types of enteroendocrine cells distributed in the mucosal epithelium of the duodenum were identified according to their morphological characteristics mainly based on the size, shape, number and electron density of the secretory granules. Type I cells had moderately developed organelles. The secretory granules were pleomorphic ($370X510nm$), and the granule cores with high electron density were enveloped in limiting membrane and characterized by a narrow halo. Type II cells contained an indented nucleus and well-developed organelles. The secretory granules were round (350 nm) and classified in two kinds by electron density, moderate and high. Both granules were surrounded by limiting membrane and those with high electron density showed often a wide halo. Type III cells had an indented nucleus. The secretory granules with various electron density were round (220 nm) in shape. The granules with high electron density were enveloped in limiting membrane and characterized by a narrow halo, but those with low or moderate electron density had not been observed the limiting membrane. Type IV cells contained an indented nucleus and moderately developed organelles. The secretory granules were round (180 nm) in shape, and the granule cores with high electron density were enveloped in limiting membrane and showed often a wide halo. Type V cells had a large amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Secretory granules with low or moderate electron density were round (230 nm) in shape, and surrounded by limiting membrane and showed a narrow halo. Type VI cells contained an oval nucleus and well-developed organelles, especially Golgi complex. The secretory granules with high electron density were round (210 nm) in shape. The granules were enveloped in limiting membrane and showed often a wide halo.

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Fine Structure on the Spermiogenesis of Octopus minor on the Western Coast of Korea I (한국 서해안 서해낙지 (Octopus minor)의 정자 완성에 관한 미세구조 I)

  • Chang, Nam-Sub;Kim, Sang-Won;Han, Jong-Min
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2001
  • The spermiogenesis of a Korean octopus, Octopus minor, inhabiting western of Korea Sea was observed by electron microscopy . The obtained results are as follows: The spermiogenesis of Octopus miner proceeds through four stages; early- , mid- , and late-spermatid, and mature sperm. An early spermatid is a spherical cell looking light due to the low electron density. The acrosome formed from Golgi complex of the upper nucleus looks dark due to the high electron density. The extra-nuclear rod (enr) stemming from proximal centriole is transformed from round shape into oval shape, elongating to the upper nucleus. In our observation, the axoneme was being formed from distal centriole, and the manchette composed of a number of microtubules is also found around nuclear membrane. In a mid-spermatid, chromatins in the nucleus contract shaping fine threads, and the manchette is also observed around nuclear membrane. Especially, the spherical acrosome is transformed into long oval one which is tinged with a number of horizontal stripes and has the middle electron density. In a late-spermatid, chromatins in the nucleus contract thick and short. Furthermore, the mitochondrial sleeve, in which the axoneme is surrounded with mitochondria, is observed at middle piece. The axoneme has a typical structure of 9+2 and around it, 9 coarse fibers are observed. Also in the acrosome cavity of mature sperm, horizontal striation is found. However, regularly spaced processes are peculiarly observed in there. A sperm is about 390 fm long, whose head is bent a little like a banana while the acrosome region is helical. In the middle piece of sperm, $11\sim12$ mitochondria are surrounding coarse fibers that reach the main piece of tail, while nothing but 9+2 structured axoneme is found in the end piece.

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배양액이 마우스 핵이식 재구축배의 초기발생에 미치는 영향

  • 심보웅;권오용;이은화;김순희;서정선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Embryo Transfer Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.76-76
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    • 2002
  • 본 실험은 Piezo-미세조작기(PrimeTech Ltd., Japan)를 사용하여 마우스 핵이식 후 재구축배를 CZB와 KSOM 두가지 배양액을 사용하여 체외배양성적을 비교 검토하였다. MII의 미수정란은 성숙한 4~5주령 B6D2Fl에 hCG 주사 후 14시간째에 과적 방법을 통해 난관의 팽대부로 부터 회수하였고, metaphase II chromosome-spindle complex와 최소량의 세포질을 내경이 10$\mu\textrm{m}$인 피펫으로 흡입하여 탈핵하였다. 핵이식에 사용된 난구세포(8-l0$\mu\textrm{m}$)는 3시간동안 12% PVP 에처리 하여 piezo-미세조작기를 이용하여 세포질에 세포의 핵을 직접 미세주입 하였다. 핵이식 후 생존한 재구축배는 2시간동안 배양한 후 10mM SrC1$_2$와 5$\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$의 cytochalasin B가 첨가된 $Ca^{2+}$-free CZB에서 6시간 활성화 처리하였다, 활성화 처리 후 위전핵이 관찰된 재구축란을 CZB 와 KSOM 배지에서 배양하면서 발달률을 비교하였고, 상실배 및 배반포배로 발달한 재구축배를 day 3 대리모에 이식하였다. 표 1에서 보는 바와 같이 재구축배의 2-cell로의 발달률에 있어서 KSOM이 CZB에 비하여 유의적으로 높게 나타났으며(P<0.05), 또한 4-cell과 상실배/배반 포배로의 발달률에 있어서도 KSOM이 CZB에 비하여 유의적으로 높은 발달률을 나타내었다(P<0.01). 또한 KSOM 배지에서 배양된 상실배/배반포배를 대리모에 이식한 경우에 11.5 d.p.c에 생존한 태아가 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과로 핵이식 재구축배의 활성화 처리 후의 발생에는 KSOM 배지가 CZB 배지에 비하여 유효함을 확인 할 수 있었다.그와 같은 배양 기술을 이용하여 외래유전자를 도입한 일련의 결과에 관하여 보고 하고자한다., 이것은 세포내 유전자가 transfection되지 않은 세포도 neo selection에서 선발된다는 것을 제시하고 있다. 따라서 체세포를 이용한 형질전환동물 생산을 위해서는 세포내 유전자 도입과 선발 과정에서 나타난 colony에 대하여 보다 엄격한 screen을 하는 것이 필요한 것으로 생각된다.로 우점하였다. 여름철 식물플랑크톤 대발생에 영향은 수온과 직산염이 중요하였으나, 부유물질 크게 기여하지 못하였다.애를 확인하고 지도 관점을 파악하는 것을 포함한다. 그러나 본 논문은 역사발생적 수학 학습-지도 원리의 실제적인 적용에 관하여는 기초적인 연구에 지나지 않기 때문에, 역사발생적 원리를 학교수학에 실제적으로 적용하기 위해서는 각각의 내용에 대한 철저한 역사적 분석을 바탕으로 하는 후속 연구가 필요하다./TEX>구성교육${\lrcorner}$이 조선총독부의 관리하에서 실행되었다는 것을, 당시의 사범학교를 중심으로 한 교육조직을 기술한 문헌에 의해 규명시켰다.nd of letter design which represents -natural objects and was popular at the time of Yukjo Dynasty, and there are some documents of that period left both in Japan and Korea. "Hyojedo" in Korea is supposed to have been influenced by the letter design. Asite- is also considered to have been "Japanese Letter Jobcheso." Therefore, the purpose of this study is to look into the origin of the letter designs in t

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Design of High-Performance Motion Estimation Circuit for H.264/AVC Video CODEC (H.264/AVC 동영상 코덱용 고성능 움직임 추정 회로 설계)

  • Lee, Seon-Young;Cho, Kyeong-Soon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.7
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2009
  • Motion estimation for H.264/AVC video CODEC is very complex and requires a huge amount of computational efforts because it uses multiple reference frames and variable block sizes. We propose the architecture of high-performance integer-pixel motion estimation circuit based on fast algorithms for multiple reference frame selection, block matching, block mode decision and motion vector estimation. We also propose the architecture of high-performance interpolation circuit for sub-pixel motion estimation. We described the RTL circuit in Verilog HDL and synthesized the gate-level circuit using 130nm standard cell library. The integer-pixel motion estimation circuit consists of 77,600 logic gates and four $32\times8\times32$-bit dual-port SRAM's. It has tile maximum operating frequency of 161MHz and can process up to 51 D1 (720$\times$480) color in go frames per second. The fractional motion estimation circuit consists of 22,478 logic gates. It has the maximum operating frequency of 200MHz and can process up to 69 1080HD (1,920$\times$1,088) color image frames per second.


  • Ahn, Byung-Duk;Kim, Young-Jae;Jang, Ki-Taeg;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Chong-Chul;Hahn, Se-Hyun;Kim, Jung-Wook
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.324-332
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    • 2008
  • Traumatic crown fracture in mixed dentition or early permanent dentition is relatively common. Crown fracture is classified into simple or complicated crown fracture by the presence of pulp exposure. The condition of pulp must be considered in treatment of crown fractures with pulp exposure. Treatment of immature crown-fractured incisor with pulp exposure is more complex because of its incomplete root formation. Pulp capping, partial pulpotomy, cervical pulpotomy can be used for continuous root development in immature crown-fractured incisor with pulp exposure. The success rate of partial pulpotomy is very high and there are several advantages of partial pulpotomy because the cell-rich coronal pulp tissue is preserved. This paper reports 2 cases of crown-fractured permanent incisors with pulp exposure that had been treated by partial pulpotomy successfully.

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Effects of Supplemental Levels of Bazhen on Growth Performances, Serum Traits, Immunity, Meat Quality and Antioxidant Activity of Taiwan Country Chickens

  • Lien, Tu-Fa;Lin, Kou-Joong;Yang, Ling-Ling;Chen, Lih-Geeng
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.675-682
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    • 2013
  • One hundred and sixty Taiwan country chickens (d-old chicks) were randomly assigned into four groups with four replicates and equal sex. Basal diets were supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1 and 2% of Bazhen powder, a traditional Chinese herbal medicine complex. The study was conducted for 14 wks. Experimental results indicated that Bazhen supplement did not influence feed intake, body weight gain and feed:gain ratio. Compared with control group, the percentage of serum HDL (high-density lipoprotein) linearly increased (p<0.03) and that of VLDL+LDL (very low-density+low-density lipoprotein) linearly decreased (p<0.03) in Bazhen supplemented groups, that 2% Bazhen was significantly different with control group (p<0.05). Chickens fed diets containing 2% Bazhen displayed reduced (p<0.05) serum GOT (glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase) levels. The IgG, ${\gamma}$-globulin levels and PHA (phytohemagglutinin) skin challenge results in 1% Bazhan supplemented group were higher (p<0.05) than in the control group, the SRBC (sheep red blood cell) and ND (newcastle disease) titers in Bazhen supplemented groups were linear higher (p<0.05) than in the control group. The liver catalase activity and the capacity of scavenging DPPH (${\alpha}$-${\alpha}$-diphenyl-${\beta}$-picrylhydrazyl) radical were linearly increased (p<0.03) in Bazhen supplemented groups, and the 1 and 2% groups were different from the control group (p<0.05). Liver TBARS (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances) levels in all Bazhen supplemented groups and total glutathione level in the 2% group were reduced (p<0.05) compared to the control group and displayed a linear response (p<0.05). The TBA (thiobarbituric acid) and pH value of the breast muscle after 24 h post-mortem in the Bazhen supplemented groups was linear lower (p<0.05) than in the control group. Results from this study demonstrated that Bazhen supplement in chicken had several beneficial effects, including increased SRBC and ND titers, HDL and IgG, ${\gamma}$-globulin levels, PHA skin challenge result, decreased VLDL+LDL and GOT levels, and displayed antioxidation effects in serum and carcass meat parameters.

Comparison of α1-Antitrypsin, α1-Acid Glycoprotein, Fibrinogen and NOx as Indicator of Subclinical Mastitis in Riverine Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

  • Guha, Anirban;Guha, Ruby;Gera, Sandeep
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.788-794
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    • 2013
  • Mastitis set apart as clinical and sub clinical is a disease complex of dairy cattle, with sub clinical being the most important economically. Of late, laboratories showed interest in developing biochemical markers to diagnose sub clinical mastitis (SCM) in herds. Many workers reported noteworthy alternation of acute phase proteins (APPs) and nitric oxide, (measured as nitrate+nitrite = NOx) in milk due to intra-mammary inflammation. But, the literature on validation of these parameters as indicators of SCM, particularly in riverine milch buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) milk is inadequate. Hence, the present study focused on comparing several APPs viz. ${\alpha}_1$-anti trypsin, ${\alpha}_1$-acid glycoprotein, fibrinogen and NOx as indicators of SCM in buffalo milk. These components in milk were estimated using standardized analytical protocols. Somatic cell count (SCC) was done microscopically. Microbial culture was done on 5% ovine blood agar. Of the 776 buffaloes (3,096 quarters) sampled, only 347 buffaloes comprising 496 quarters were found positive for SCM i.e. milk culture showed growth in blood agar with $SCC{\geq}2{\times}10^5$ cells/ml of milk. The cultural examination revealed Gram positive bacteria as the most prevalent etiological agent. It was observed that ${\alpha}_1$-anti trypsin and NOx had a highly significant (p<0.01) increase in SCM milk, whereas, the increase of ${\alpha}_1$-acid glycoprotein in infected milk was significant (p<0.05). Fibrinogen was below detection level in both healthy and SCM milk. The percent sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, predictive values and likelihood ratios were calculated taking bacterial culture examination and $SCC{\geq}2{\times}10^5$ cells/ml of milk as the benchmark. Udder profile correlation coefficient was also used. Allowing for statistical and epidemiological analysis, it was concluded that ${\alpha}_1$-anti trypsin indicates SCM irrespective of etiology, whereas ${\alpha}_1$-acid glycoprotein better diagnosed SCM caused by gram positive bacteria. NOx did not prove to be a good indicator of SCM. It is recommended measuring both ${\alpha}_1$-anti trypsin and ${\alpha}_1$-acid glycoprotein in milk to diagnose SCM in buffalo irrespective of etiology.

TATA box binding protein and ribosomal protein 4 are suitable reference genes for normalization during quantitative polymerase chain reaction study in bovine mesenchymal stem cells

  • Jang, Si-Jung;Jeon, Ryoung-Hoon;Kim, Hwan-Deuk;Hwang, Jong-Chan;Lee, Hyeon-Jeong;Bae, Seul-Gi;Lee, Sung-Lim;Rho, Gyu-Jin;Kim, Seung-Joon;Lee, Won-Jae
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.2021-2030
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    • 2020
  • Objective: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) has been extensively used in the field of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) research to elucidate their characteristics and clinical potential by normalization of target genes against reference genes (RGs), which are believed to be stably expressed irrespective of various experimental conditions. However, the expression of RGs is also variable depending on the experimental conditions, which may lead to false or contradictory conclusions upon normalization. Due to the current lack of information for a clear list of stable RGs in bovine MSCs, we conducted this study to identify suitable RGs in bovine MSCs. Methods: The cycle threshold values of ten traditionally used RGs (18S ribosomal RNA [18S], beta-2-microglobulin [B2M], H2A histone family, member Z [H2A], peptidylprolyl isomerase A [PPIA], ribosomal protein 4 [RPL4], succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit A [SDHA], beta actin [ACTB], glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [GAPDH], TATA box binding protein [TBP], and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltrasnfrase1 [HPRT1]) in bovine bone marrow-derived MSCs (bBMMSCs) were validated for their stabilities using three types of RG evaluation algorithms (geNorm, Normfinder, and Bestkeeper). The effect of validated RGs was then verified by normalization of lineage-specific genes (fatty acid binding protein 4 [FABP4] and osteonectin [ON]) expressions during differentiations of bBMMSCs or POU class 5 homeobox 1 (OCT4) expression between bBMMSCs and dermal skins. Results: Based on the results obtained for the three most stable RGs from geNorm (TBP, RPL4, and H2A), Normfinder (TBP, RPL4, and SDHA), and Bestkeeper (TBP, RPL4, and SDHA), it was comprehensively determined that TBP and RPL4 were the most stable RGs in bBMMSCs. However, traditional RGs were suggested to be the least stable (18S) or moderately stable (GAPDH and ACTB) in bBMMSCs. Normalization of FABP4 or ON against TBP, RPL4, and 18S presented significant differences during differentiation of bBMMSCs. However, although significantly low expression of OCT4 was detected in dermal skins compared to that in bBMMSCs when TBP and RPL4 were used in normalization, normalization against 18S exhibited no significance. Conclusion: This study proposes that TBP and RPL4 were suitable as stable RGs for qPCR study in bovine MSCs.

A Study on Integraion Method for Improvement of Numerical Stability of Meshfree Method (무요소법의 수치적 안정성 개선을 위한 적분기법 연구)

  • Kang, JaeWon;Kang, Da Hoon;Cho, Jin Yeon;Kim, Jeong Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.210-218
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    • 2018
  • In order to generate meshes automatically for finite element analysis of complex structures such as aircraft, a large number of triangular elements are typically created. However, triangular elements are less accurate than rectangular elements, so it is difficult to obtain a reliable solution. This problem can be improved through the meshfree method using the back cell integration. However, this method also causes some problems such as over-use of the integration points and inefficiency of the integral domain. In order to improve these problems, a method of performing integration by setting the integral area based on a node basis has been proposed, but in the case of incompressible material problems, the numerical accuracy deteriorates due to the vibration phenomenon of the solution. Therefore, in this paper, the modified meshfree method is proposed which sets the integral domain as an element domain instead of the nodal domain, and the proposed method improves the numerical instability caused by the conventional meshfree method without decreasing the accuracy regardles of the shape of integral domain. The effectiveness of the modified meshfree method is verified by using 2-D examples.