• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cell Buffer

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Do Paneth Cells Regulate the Zinc Body Burden? (Zinc 대사와 관련된 Paneth 세포활성의 변화에 관한 조직화학적 연구)

  • Jo, Seung-Mook;Kim, Sung-Jun;Park, Seung-Kook;Kang, Tae-Cheon;Won, Moo-Ho
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 2000
  • Paneth cells have been suggested to contribute to the elimination of excess metals into the intestinal lumen. The purpose of this study wat to investigate the changes of the zinc pools in rats subjected to functional loading with zinc salt by mean of both light and electron microscopical autometallography (AMG). Wistar rats 4 were administrated with zinc chloride (20 mg/kg body weight) intraperitoneally dissolved in 1 ml distilled water. The control group received 1 ml saline IP. After further one hour the animals were transcardially perfused with 0.4% sodium sulphide dissolved in 0.1 M PB fellowed by 3% glutaraldehyde solution for 10 minutes. Pieces of ileum were frozen with solid $CO_2$ and sectioned on a cryostat. The sections $(20{\mu}m)$ were autometallographically developed. Sections selected for EM were reembedded on top of a blank Epon block, from which ultrathin sections (100 nm) were cut. The ultrathin sections were double stained with uranyl acetate (30 min) and lead citrate (5 min), then examined under electron microscope. Studies of comparable sections from control and zinc loaded animals with the AMG selenium method gave quite different results. The control animals demonstrated a weakly positive staining in the cytoplasm of the Paneth cells. In the electron microscope the AMG silver grains were found to be located in the cytoplasm, while the electron dense secretary granules and other cell organelles were void of staining. Few AMG grains were located at the apical surface of the Paneth cells. In sections from zinc loaded rats, the AMG grains were seen in abundance in the lumen of the Lieberkuhn crypts at light microscopic levels. At EM levels the zinc revealing silver grains were located in the cytoplasm as in the controls, but much more AMG grains were shifted into the secretary granules. Furthermore, profound AMG grains were found in the lumen of the crypts and surrounding vessels. And a few grains were seen in the endothelium. The AMG technique demonstrated a pattern of AMG grains in the Paneth cells that strongly suggests a transport of zinc ions through these cells.

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Glass Dissolution Rates From MCC-1 and Flow-Through Tests

  • Jeong, Seung-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.257-258
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    • 2004
  • The dose from radionuclides released from high-level radioactive waste (HLW) glasses as they corrode must be taken into account when assessing the performance of a disposal system. In the performance assessment (PA) calculations conducted for the proposed Yucca Mountain, Nevada, disposal system, the release of radionuclides is conservatively assumed to occur at the same rate the glass matrix dissolves. A simple model was developed to calculate the glass dissolution rate of HLW glasses in these PA calculations [1]. For the PA calculations that were conducted for Site Recommendation, it was necessary to identify ranges of parameter values that bounded the dissolution rates of the wide range of HLW glass compositions that will be disposed. The values and ranges of the model parameters for the pH and temperature dependencies were extracted from the results of SPFT, static leach tests, and Soxhlet tests available in the literature. Static leach tests were conducted with a range of glass compositions to measure values for the glass composition parameter. The glass dissolution rate depends on temperature, pH, and the compositions of the glass and solution, The dissolution rate is calculated using Eq. 1: $rate{\;}={\;}k_{o}10^{(ph){\eta})}{\cdot}e^{(-Ea/RT)}{\cdot}(1-Q/K){\;}+{\;}k_{long}$ where $k_{0},\;{\eta}$ and Eaare the parameters for glass composition, pH, $\eta$ and temperature dependence, respectively, and R is the gas constant. The term (1-Q/K) is the affinity term, where Q is the ion activity product of the solution and K is the pseudo-equilibrium constant for the glass. Values of the parameters $k_{0},\;{\eta}\;and\;E_{a}$ are the parameters for glass composition, pH, and temperature dependence, respectively, and R is the gas constant. The term (1-Q/C) is the affinity term, where Q is the ion activity product of the solution and K is the pseudo-equilibrium constant for the glass. Values of the parameters $k_0$, and Ea are determined under test conditions where the value of Q is maintained near zero, so that the value of the affinity term remains near 1. The dissolution rate under conditions in which the value of the affinity term is near 1 is referred to as the forward rate. This is the highest dissolution rate that can occur at a particular pH and temperature. The value of the parameter K is determined from experiments in which the value of the ion activity product approaches the value of K. This results in a decrease in the value of the affinity term and the dissolution rate. The highly dilute solutions required to measure the forward rate and extract values for $k_0$, $\eta$, and Ea can be maintained by conducting dynamic tests in which the test solution is removed from the reaction cell and replaced with fresh solution. In the single-pass flow-through (PFT) test method, this is done by continuously pumping the test solution through the reaction cell. Alternatively, static tests can be conducted with sufficient solution volume that the solution concentrations of dissolved glass components do not increase significantly during the test. Both the SPFT and static tests can ve conducted for a wide range of pH values and temperatures. Both static and SPFt tests have short-comings. the SPFT test requires analysis of several solutions (typically 6-10) at each of several flow rates to determine the glass dissolution rate at each pH and temperature. As will be shown, the rate measured in an SPFt test depends on the solution flow rate. The solutions in static tests will eventually become concentrated enough to affect the dissolution rate. In both the SPFt and static test methods. a compromise is required between the need to minimize the effects of dissolved components on the dissolution rate and the need to attain solution concentrations that are high enough to analyze. In the paper, we compare the results of static leach tests and SPFT tests conducted with simple 5-component glass to confirm the equivalence of SPFT tests and static tests conducted with pH buffer solutions. Tests were conducted over the range pH values that are most relevant for waste glass disssolution in a disposal system. The glass and temperature used in the tests were selected to allow direct comparison with SPFT tests conducted previously. The ability to measure parameter values with more than one test method and an understanding of how the rate measured in each test is affected by various test parameters provides added confidence to the measured values. The dissolution rate of a simple 5-component glass was measured at pH values of 6.2, 8.3, and 9.6 and $70^{\circ}C$ using static tests and single-pass flow-through (SPFT) tests. Similar rates were measured with the two methods. However, the measured rates are about 10X higher than the rates measured previously for a glass having the same composition using an SPFT test method. Differences are attributed to effects of the solution flow rate on the glass dissolution reate and how the specific surface area of crushed glass is estimated. This comparison indicates the need to standardize the SPFT test procedure.

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Physico-chemical characteristics and ${\beta}-galactosidase$ activity of Lactobacillus plantarum from kimchi (김치에서 분리한 유산균 Lactobacillus plantarum의 이화학적 특성 및 ${\beta}-galactosidase$ 활성)

  • Kang, Mi-Seon;Rhee, Young-Hwan
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 1996
  • Three strains of inhibitory lactic acid bacteria (No. 49, No. 61, No. 75) against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escheirchia coli(ATCC33694) and Bacillus subtilis(ATCC6633) were isolated from kimchi, and then, identified to be Lactobacillus plantarum after examinations of their biological and physiological characteristics. To investigate a possible application of these three lactobacilli in milk fermentation industry, we made yogurts and then evaluated their ${\beta}-galactosidase$ activities at various; incubation time(from 24 hrs to 72 hrs). The result of experiment was that ${\beta}-galactosidase$ activities were reached maximum at 48 hrs and that reduced gradually with the lapse of time. And the ${\beta}-galactosidase$ activity of lactobacilli, and their viable cell counts at $37^{\circ}C$ for 2 hrs under various pH conditions were investigated. ${\beta}-galactosidase$ activities of 3 strains were reduced 50% at pH 3.5, but there were no remaining activities at pH 2.5, and pH 1.5, respectively. The frequency of the survival cell of lactobacilli in yogurt were $0.12{\sim}0.75%$ at pH 2.5, $$6.3{\times}10^{-5}{\sim}2.7{\times}10^{-3}% at pH 1.5, respectively, but there was no significant difference at pH 3.5. The values of original pH, titratable acidity as lactic acid, viscosity, and viable cells of yogurts were $4.08{\sim}4.30,\;1.05{\sim}1.25%,\;1,818{\sim}2,124\;cps\;and\;7.3{\times}10^8{\sim}3.0{\times}10^9\;cfu/m{\ell}$, respectively. To estimate buffer capacity of yogurt, the volume of 1.0 N HCl to 2 unit below original pH of yogurt($100\;m{\ell}$) was $11.98{\sim}13.02\;m{\ell}$ and the volume of 1.0N NaOH to 4 unit above original pH of yogurt($100\;m{\ell}$) was $10.82{\sim}12.86\;m{\ell}.

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Effect of Imipramine on the Contractility of Single Cells Isolated from Canine Detrusor (Imipramine이 배뇨근 세포의 수축성에 미치는 직접작용)

  • Huh, Chan-Wook;Lee, Kwang-Youn;Kim, Won-Joon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 1994
  • The objective of this study was to establish a good methodology to isolate single smooth muscle cells that are alive and respond properly to pharmacological agents. Canine urinary bladders were employed as the source of single cells, and acetylcholine, atropine and imipramine were used as indicators of pharmacological responsiveness. Imipramine, an antidepressant drug exhibited the anticholinergic and calcium antagonizing properties on rat detrusor muscle. To establish a control value for a further experiment to elucidate the mechanism of action of imipramine on detrusor muscle, we measured the concentration-response of single cells to acetylcholine in the presesnce of imipramine by length of the cells and compared the result with the response in the presence of atropine. Tiny chops of smooth muscle taken from anesthetized canine urinary bladder were incubated in collagenase solution at $36^{\circ}C$ for 17-20 minutes. The collagenase solution included collagenase 1.2 mg/ml, soybean tryspin inhibitor 0.08 mg/ml, bovine serum albumin 2% in 10 ml Krebs-Henseleit buffer solution aerated with a consistent breeze of 95/5% $O_2/CO_2$, to maintain the pH at 7.4. After washing with plain K-H solution on 450 mesh, cells were dissociated from the digested tissue for 12-15 minutes. Cell suspension was transfered in 5 ml test tubes and acetylcholine was added for the final concentration to be $10^{-14}M{\sim}10^{-9}M$. To find the optimal time to fix the cells to determine the contractile responses, 1% acrolein was added 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 and 120 seconds after the administration of ACh. The length of cells fixed by acrolein were measured by microscaler via CCTV camera on phaes-contrast microscope. The average length of 50 cells from a slide glass was taken as the value of a sample at the very concentration point. Single cells were isolated from canine detrusor. The length of untreated cells varied from 82 ${\mu}m$ to 94 ${\mu}m$. The maximal response to actylcholine $10^{-9}M$ was accomplished within 5 seconds of exposure, and the shortening was $19{\pm}3$%. Atropine reduced the contraction of the cells concentration-dependently. Imipramine which exerts a cholinergic blocking action on some smooth muscles also reduced the contraction concentration-dependently and by a similar pattern as atropine. These findings document that imipramine may exerts a cholinergic blocking activity in the single smooth muscle cells isolated from canine urinary bladder.

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  • Park, Yun-Kyung;Kim, Sang-Cheol
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.28 no.2 s.67
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    • pp.311-327
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Transforming Growth Factor-${\beta}$ (TGF-${\beta}$) on the viability of human periodontal ligament cells, in-vitro and on the experimental tooth movement in rat, in-vivo. Human periodontal ligaments were cultured from the first premolar tooth extracted for the purpose of the orthodontic treatment. 0.1, 1, 5 and 10ng/m1 of TGF-${\beta}$ was given to the cultured wells, respectively and the viability was evaluated by MTT assay. Twenty Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 5 experimental groups(4 rats in each) where 100g of force was applied from helical spring across the maxillary incisors. TGF-${\beta}$ was injected via Hamilton syringe into the periodontal ligament at the mesial and the distal surface of a maxillary incisor of 2 rats in each experimental group. Phosphate buffer saline(PBS) was injected in 2 other rats as controls. Experimental groups were sacrificed at 1, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after force application, respectively. The obtained tissues were evaluated histologically. The obtained results were as follows: 1. The viability of periodontal ligament cells in 0.1ng/ml of TGF-${\beta}$ was not significantly different from that of control at 1-, 2- and 3-day of cultivation. 2. The viability of periodontal ligament cells was significantly increased at 3-day in 1ng/ml or 5ng/ml of TGF-${\beta}$, and at 2-,3-day in 10ng/ml of of TGF-${\beta}$. 3. The zone of hyalinization in periodontal ligament in pressure side was smaller in TGF-${\beta}$ injection group than that in control group at 3-day after the application of experimental force in rat. But no difference was seen after 7-day. 4. Osteoclastic activity and capillary prolieferation in pressure side were greater in TGF-${\beta}$ injection group than that in control group at 3-day to 7-day. 5. Osteoblastic activity and new bone fomation in tension side were greater in TGF-${\beta}$ injection group than that in control group at 3-day to 14-day.

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Studies on the Cold Attenuation and Protective Effects of a Thermostable Newscastle Disease Virus Isolated from Korean Pheasants (한국산 꿩으로부터 분리한 열안정성 뉴캣슬병 바이러스의 저온순화와 방어효과)

  • K. H. Kwak;S. C. Han;T. J. Kim;K. S. Chang;M. H. Jun;H. J. Song
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2001
  • Newcastle disease virus, CBP-1 strain isolated from Korean pheasants was passaged for 173 times by 9-day-old specific pathogenic free (SPF) embryonated eggs at $37^{\circ}C$ (parent strain) and subsequently passaged for 15 (cold attenuation (CA) -15) and 30(cold attenuation (CA) -30) times by 10-day-old of commercial broiler chicks embryonated eggs at $29^{\circ}C$, respectively, The Physical and chemical properties (sensitivity to lipid solvents, low pH and thermostability), pathogenicity (mean death time, intracerebral pathogenic index and intravenous patho-genic index), safety, booster or protective effect and characterization of temperature sensitivity were measured in cold attenuated CA-15 or 30 strain and compared to those of parent CBP-1 strain. NDV, CBP-1 CA-30 strain acquired cold attenuation and decreased infectivity at $41^{\circ}C$ compared to those of parent strain grown at $37^{\circ}C$. It lost hemagglutination activity (HA) and cell infectivity at $56^{\circ}C$ for 30, 60, and 120 Min. CA-30 strain treated with ethyl ether also lost its HA and cell infectivity. Both CA-30 and parent strains exhibited a little resistant to HA at pH 3.0 glycine HCI buffer. Intracerebral pathogenic index (ICPI) and intravenous pathogenic index (IVPI) of parent strain were 1.12 and 1.45, but decreased to 0.75 and 0.00 in CA-30 strain, respectively. The safety was evaluated by mortality in chicks inoculated with 10$^{4.0}$ EID$_{50}$ /0.1 ml. The mortalities of parent, CA-30 and commercial Bl strains were 17.5, 12.0 and 0.0%, respectively. The safety of CA-30 strain was higher than that of parent strain. The booster effects of CA-30 strain and parent strain performed in 4-week-old chicks after being vaccinated with primary commercial Bl strain.

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Effects of Potassium-Channel Opener on Thallium-201 Kinetics: In-vitro Study in Rat Myocyte Preparations and In-vivo Mice Biodistribution Study (K-통로개방제가 배양심근세포와 생쥐 체내의 Thallium-201역동학에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jae-Tae;Kim, Eun-Ji;Ahn, Byeong-Cheol;Sohn, Kang-Kyun;Lee, Kyu-Bo;Ha, Jeoung-Hee;Kim, Chun-K.
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 1996
  • Background : Potassium channel opener (K-opener) opens ATP-sensitive K'-channel located at cell membrane and induces potassium efflux from cytosol, resulting in intracellular hyperpolarization. Newly synthesized K-opener is currently examined for pharmacologic potency by means of rubidium release test from smooth muscle strip pre-incubated with Rb-86. Since in-vivo behavior of thallium is similar to that of rubidium, we hypothesized that K-opener can alter T1-201 kinetics in vivo. Purpose : This study was prepared to investigate the effects of pinacidil (one of potent K-openers) on the T1-201 uptake and clearance in cultured myocyte, and in-vivo biodistribution in mice. Methods : Spontaneous contracting myocytes were prepared to imitate in-vivo condition from 20 hearts of 3-5 days old Sprague-Dawley rat and cultured for 3-5 days before use ($5{\times}10^5$ cells/ml). Pinacidil was dissolved in 10% DMSO solution at a final concentration of 100nM or l0uM and was co-incubated with T1-201 in HBSS buffer for 20-min to evaluate its effect on cellular T1-uptake, or challenged to cell preparation pre-incubated with T1-201 for washout study. Two, 40 or $100{\mu}g$ of pinacidil was injected intravenously into ICR mice at 10 min after $5{\mu}Ci$ T1-201 injection, and organ uptake and whole body retention rate were measured at different time points. Results : Co-incubation of pinacidil with T1-201 resulted in a decrease in T1-201 uptake into cultured myocyte by 1.6 to 2.5 times, depending on pinacidil concentration and activity of T1-201 used. Pinacidil enhanced T1-201 washout by 1.6-3.1 times from myocyte preparations pre-incubated with T1-201. Pinacidil treatment appears to be resulted in mild decreases in blood and liver activity in normal mice, in contrast, renal and cardiac uptake were mildly decreased in a dose dependent manner. Whole body retention ratios of T1-201 were lower at 24 hour after injection with $100{\mu}g$ of pinacidil than control. Conclusion : These results suggest that treatment with K-opener may affect the interpretation of T1-201 myocardial images, due to decreasing thallium accumulation and enhancing washout from myocardium.

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A Gelatinase A Isoform, GA110, of Human Follicular Fluid Is Degraded by the Bovine Oviductal Fluid Component (소의 수란관액에 의한 사람 난포액의 Gelatinase A 동위효소인 GA110의 분해)

  • Kim, Min-Jung;Kim, Ji-Young;Leec, Seung-Jae;Yoon, Yong-Dal;Cho, Dong-Jae;Kim, Hae-Kwon
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2001
  • When mammalian oocytes ovulate into the oviduct, associating follicular fluid components are exposed to the oviductal environment, possibly resulting in the mutual interaction between fillicu1ar and oviductal fluids. In the Present study, we have demonstrated for the first time that components of fallicular fluid could be modified by the oviductal fluid. Gelatin zymographic analyses of human follicular fluid (hFF) obtained from IVF patients showed consistently the presence of 110 kDa gelatinase (GA110) in addition to many bands among which 62 kDa gelatinase was predominant. Addition of EDTA or phenanfhroline to the gelatinase substrate buffer during gel incubation abolished GA110 band whereas phenylmethylsulffnyl fluoride (PMSF) did not. In contrast, bovine oviductal fluid(bOF) exhibited only 62 kDa gelatinase. Surprisingly, when bOF was added to hFF in 1:1 ratio and then the mixture was incubated for 3 h at 37$^{\circ}$C, GA110 of hFF disappeared. Disappearance of GA110 by bOF was observed even within 30 min after mixing with hFF. Addition of aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA) to hFF also abolished enzymatic activity of GA110 but increased the activityof 62 kDa gelatinase. However, APMA abolished many other gelatinases as well unlike bOF. Interestingly, treatment of hFF with EDTA for 3 h remarkably increased the enzymatic activity of GA110 but not that of other gelatinases. Addition of phenanthroline, PMSF or soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) did not affect overall gelatinase activities. Again, addition of bOF to the hFF pretreated with any of the above proteinase inhibitors abolished the appearance of GA110. Human serum also showed GAI 10 of which activity was greatlyenhanced by EDTA treatment. Similar to hFF, serum GA110 also disappeared by the addition of bOF. Human granulosa cell homogenate did not reveal any appreciable gelatinase activity except 92 kDa gelatinase. Anti-human gelatinase A antibody reacted with 62 kDa gelatinase of hFF. Based upon these results, it is concluded that bOF could selectively degrade an isoform of gelatinase A present in hFF and human serum.

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Growth Rate of Bacillus cereus and Heat Resistance of its Spores (Bacillus cereus균(菌)의 증식속도(增殖速度)와 포자(胞子)의 내열성(耐熱性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Myeong-Sook;Chang, Dong-Suck
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 1982
  • The growth rate and heat resistance of two types of Bacillus cereus isolated from cooked rice were observed. The FB-1 strain showed positive to haemolysis and negative to starch hydrolysis, but FB-2 strain positive to both reaction. The cell number of B. cereus FB-1 reached to more than $10^7\;cells/ml$ within 6 to 12 hours at $25{\sim}35^{\circ}C$ when cultured on the medium of cooked rice homogenate (cooked rice 30g-phosphate buffer solution 80 ml), but the numbers at its maximum growth were only $10^4{\sim}10^6\;cells/ml$ at $45{\sim}55^{\circ}C$. The specific growth rate of FB-1 strain were $0.82hr^{-1}\;at\;20^{\circ}C$, $1.76hr^{-1}\;at\;30^{\circ}C$, $2.21hr^{-1}\;at\;35^{\circ}C$ and $1.84hr^{-1}\;at\;40^{\circ}C$, respectively. D-values of FB-1 and FB-2 spores at $70{\sim}100^{\circ}C$ were in the range from 18 to 3.1 min and 23.5 to 3.7 min, respectively.

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Characterization of a Psychrophilic Metagenome Esterase EM2L8 and Production of a Chiral Intermediate for Hyperlipemia Drug (메타게놈유래의 저온성 에스터라제 EM2L8의 효소적 특성과 이를 활용한 고지혈증 치료제 키랄소재의 생산)

  • Jung, Ji-Hye;Choi, Yun-Hee;Lee, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Hyung-Kwoun
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.118-124
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    • 2009
  • Esterase EM2L8 gene isolated from deep sea sediment was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) and the esterase activity of the cell-free extract was assayed using p-nitrophenyl butyrate-spectrophotometric method. Its optimum temperature was $40-45^{\circ}C$ and 45% activity of the maximum activity was retained at $15^{\circ}C$. The activation energy at $15-45^{\circ}C$ was calculated to be 4.9 kcal/mol showing that esterase EM2L8 was a typical cold-adapted enzyme. Enzyme activity was maintained for 6 h and 4 weeks at $30^{\circ}C$ and $4^{\circ}C$, respectively. When each ethanol, methanol, and acetone was added to the reaction mixture to 15% concentration, enzyme activity was maintained. In the case of DMSO, enzyme activity was kept up to 40% concentration. (S)-4-Chloro-3-hydroxy butyric acid is a chiral intermediate for the synthesis of Atorvastatin, a hyperlipemia drug. When esterase EM2L8 (40 U) was added to buffer solution (1.2 mL, pH 9.0) containing ethyl-(R,S)-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyrate (38 mM), it was hydrolyzed into 4-chloro-3-hydroxy butyric acid with a rate of $6.8\;{\mu}mole/h$. The enzyme hydrolyzed (S)-substrate more rapidly than (R)-substrate. When conversion yield was 80%, e.e.s value was 40%. When DMSO was added, hydrolysis rate increased to $10.4\;{\mu}mole/h$. The plots of conversion yield vs e.e.s in the presence or absence of DMSO were almost same, implying that the reaction enantioselectivity was not changed by the addition of DMSO. Taken together, esterase EM2L8 had high activity and stability at low temperatures as well as in various organic solvents/aqueous solutions. These properties suggested that it could be used as a biocatalyst in the synthesis of useful pharmaceuticals.