• 제목/요약/키워드: Cardiotocography

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.015초

Classification of cardiotocograms using random forest classifier and selection of important features from cardiotocogram signal

  • Arif, Muhammad
    • Biomaterials and Biomechanics in Bioengineering
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2015
  • In obstetrics, cardiotocography is a procedure to record the fetal heartbeat and the uterine contractions usually during the last trimester of pregnancy. It helps to monitor patterns associated with the fetal activity and to detect the pathologies. In this paper, random forest classifier is used to classify normal, suspicious and pathological patterns based on the features extracted from the cardiotocograms. The results showed that random forest classifier can detect these classes successfully with overall classification accuracy of 93.6%. Moreover, important features are identified to reduce the feature space. It is found that using seven important features, similar classification accuracy can be achieved by random forest classifier (93.3%).

조산 방지 및 자궁수축 관리의 한의학적 치료 (Prevention of Preterm Birth and Management of Uterine Contraction with Traditional Korean Medicine)

  • 김은섭;장은하;김남형;장새별
    • 대한한방부인과학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.24-33
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the benefit of Traditional Korean Medicine as an adjuvant therapy in management of early uterine contractions and the prevention of Preterm Birth (PTB). Methods: It is a case report of a 38 year-old-woman hospitalized for irregular uterine contractions and cervical change at 33+3/7weeks of gestation. After 7 trials of IVF and artificial insemination, conception was successful via IVF with help of traditional Korean medicines. 2 TKMs were prescribed: Gami-danggui-san, and Antae-eum. 120 ml of Gami-danggui-san was given twice a day morning and evening along with same amount of Antae-eum once a day from 31 August 2013 to 28 November 2013. Tocolytics (Ritodrine) was administered as a first aid for maintenance of pregnancy. Information regarding progress until the delivery was collected during the patient’s visit. Results: As of 34+2/7 weeks of gestation, intermittent uterine contractions appeared (5-12 min) on cardiotocography and vaginal bleeding was also smeared at 34+3/7 weeks. However, enhanced tocolytics and continuous administration of herbal medicine sustained the pregnancy to term. At 37+2/7 weeks, no sign of labor with restored cervical length was confirmed. The woman gave a term birth to a healthy infant via vaginal delivery at 39+3/7 gestational weeks. Conclusions: Our report implies the potential of herbal medicine as a adjuvant therapy for preterm labor treatment. Further studies are needed to assess the safety and efficacy of TKM herbal medicine as a therapeutic alternative for curing preterm birth.

음악중재가 비수축검사 임부의 불안과 태아심음 양상에 미치는 효과 (Effect of Music Intervention on Maternal Anxiety and Fetal Heart Rate Pattern During Non-Stress Test)

  • 오명옥;김영점;백초희;김주희;박노미;유미정;송한솔
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제46권3호
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    • pp.315-326
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this cross-over experimental study was to examine effects of music intervention on maternal anxiety, fetal heart rate pattern and testing time during non-stress tests (NST) for antenatal fetal assessment. Methods: Sixty pregnant women within 28 to 40 gestational weeks were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n=30) or control group (n=30). Music intervention was provided to pregnant women in the experimental group during NST. Degree of maternal anxiety and fetal heart rate pattern were our primary outcomes. State-trait anxiety inventory, blood pressure, pulse rate, and changes in peripheral skin temperature were assessed to determine the degree of maternal anxiety. Baseline fetal heart rate, frequency of acceleration in fetal heart rate, fetal movement test and testing time for reactive NST were assessed to measure the fetal heart rate pattern Results: The experimental group showed significantly lower scores in state anxiety than the control group. There were no significant differences in systolic blood pressure and pulse rate between the two groups. Baseline fetal heart rate was significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group. Frequency of acceleration in fetal heart rate was significantly increased in the experimental group compared to the control group. There were no significant differences in fetal movement and testing time for reactive NST between the two groups. Conclusion: Present results suggest that music intervention could be an effective nursing intervention for alleviating anxiety during non-stress test.