• Title/Summary/Keyword: Carcass Characteristics Meat Quality

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Effect of Corn Silage and Soybean Silage Mixture on Rumen Fermentation Characteristics In Vitro, and Growth Performance and Meat Grade of Hanwoo Steers (옥수수 사일리지와 대두 사일리지의 혼합급여가 In Vitro 반추위 발효성상 및 거세한우의 성장과 육질등급에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Juhui;Lee, Kihwan;Marbun, Tabita Dameria;Song, Jaeyong;Kwon, Chan Ho;Yoon, Duhak;Seo, Jin-Dong;Jo, Young Min;Kim, Jin Yeoul;Kim, Eun Joong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2022
  • The present study was conducted to examine the effect of soybean silage as a crude protein supplement for corn silage in the diet of Hanwoo steers. The first experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of replacing corn silage with soybean silage at different levels on rumen fermentation characteristics in vitro. Commercially-purchased corn silage was replaced with 0, 4, 8, or 12% of soybean silage. Half gram of the substrate was added to 50 mL of buffer and rumen fluid from Hanwoo cows, and then incubated at 39℃ for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h. At 24 h, the pH of the control (corn silage only) was lower (p<0.05) than that of soybean-supplemented silages, and the pH numerically increased along with increasing proportions of soybean silage. Other rumen parameters, including gas production, ammonia nitrogen, and total volatile fatty acids, were variable. However, they tended to increase with increasing proportions of soybean silage. In the second experiment, 60 Hanwoo steers were allocated to one of three dietary treatments, namely, CON (concentrate with Italian ryegrass), CS (concentrate with corn silage), CS4% (concentrate with corn silage and 4% of soybean silage). Animals were offered experimental diets for 110 days during the growing period and then finished with typified beef diets that were commercially available to evaluate the effect of soybean silage on animal performance and meat quality. With the soybean silage, the weight gain and feed efficiency of the animal were more significant than those of the other treatments during the growing period (p<0.05). However, the dietary treatments had little effect on meat quality except for meat color. In conclusion, corn silage mixed with soybean silage even at a lower level provided a greater ruminal environment and animal performances, particularly with increased carcass weight and feed efficiency during growing period.

Effects of Kaolinite (Macsumsuk) and Herb Mixtures on the Quality and Physicochemical Properties of Pork

  • Kim, Byung Ki;Hwang, Eun Gyeong;Jung, Dae Jin;Ha, Jae Jung;Oh, Dong Yep;Choi, Chang Bon
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 2014
  • The current study was conducted to identify technology for the production of high quality pork, based on the meat consumption habits of consumers. Macsumsuk, a type of kaolinite (a clay mineral), and/or a mixture of herbs (Mori Folium, Sophorae Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix, Citri Leiocarpae Exocarpium, and Pogostemi Herba) were added to the diets of fattening pigs. Sixty barrow pigs (4 kinds of treatment ${\times}5$ pigs/treatment ${\times}3$ replicates) were randomly assigned to either the Control (no additives), T1 (3% Macsumsuk), T2 (3% Herb mixtures), or T3 (3% Macsumsuk + 3% Herb mixtures) groups, and were fed the diets for 60 d. Dressed weights were in the order of T1 ($93.40{\pm}4.68kg$) > T2 ($91.40{\pm}6.52kg$) > Control ($88.80{\pm}1.57kg$) > T3 ($86.80{\pm}2.01kg$). Back-fat thickness of the Control animals ($23.2{\pm}1.03mm$) was significantly greater than that of the various treatment groups (p<0.01). Numeric values representing the carcass yield and quality grade were higher for all the treated groups than the Control group, thought the difference was not statistically significant. Crude fat content was significantly higher in the Control group ($2.23{\pm}0.34%$) than in the treated groups (p<0.05). The addition of both Macsumsuk and herb mixtures into the diets of the pigs significantly reduced cooking loss of the pork compared to the Control (p<0.05). No statistically significant changes were observed in the shear force (average $5.87{\pm}0.54kg/cm^2$), water holding capacity (average $54.59{\pm}3.16%$), or CIE values of the pork, whereas cholesterol levels significantly decreased (p<0.01) in those fed Macsumsuk and/or the herb mixtures. No significant changes in fatty acid composition, total saturated fatty acid (SFA), total unsaturated fatty acid (UFA), or UFA/SFA ratios were observed by any of the treatments. In conclusion, the results obtained from this study suggest that the addition of Macsumsuk and/or herb mixtures into the diets of growing and fattening pigs improves the pork quality by reducing cooking loss, decreasing cholesterol content, and enhancing sensory characteristics.

Study on the Productivity of Hanwoo Steers with Self-product Organic Rice Straw (자가 생산 유기볏짚을 이용한 거세한우 생산성 연구)

  • Cho, Won-Mo;Jeon, Byung-Su;Kim, Hyeng-Chul;Yang, Seung-Hak;Kim, Sang-Bum;Lee, Hyun-June;Ki, Kwang-Seok;Yeo, Joon-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.393-403
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate the productivity of Hanwoo steers by feeding self-product organic rice straw and concentrates(conventional, T1 and organic T2). Sixteen Hanwoo steers(8 months on the average) were randomly assigned to two treatment groups. Feeding trail was carried out in 2 treatment(8 heads/ treatment) by Hanwoo steers for 600 days form 8 to 28 months in age. The range of average daily gains of T1 and T2 were 0.76 to 0.77kg in the growing stage, 0.93 to 0.90kg in the first fattening stage, 0.99 to 0.84kg in the middle fattening stage, and 0.59 to 0.64kg in the latter fattening, respectively, and the gains for overall period was higher in T1 than in T2. Concentrates and total digestive nutrients(TDN)(T1) intakes per unit of kg gains were higher than T2 without significant difference. In carcass characteristics, the carcass weight in T1 were higher about 5% than in T2. According to the above results, it may be concluded that dry matter(DM) intakes, crude protein(CP) and TDN contents of feedstuff between treatments was no significant difference. but marbling in T2 score was higher than in T1 about 20%. There were no significant differences rib-eye area, back fat thickness and fat color(p>0.05).

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The Influence of Phase Feeding Methods on Growth Performance, Meat Quality, and Production Cost in Growing-Finishing Pigs (성장단계별 사료급여 방법이 육성-비육돈의 성장과 육질 그리고 생산비에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Tae-Sam;Heo, Pil-Seung;Lee, Geon-Young;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Ju, Won-Seok;Kim, Yoo-Yong
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2010
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of phase feeding methods on growth performance, carcass characteristics, pork quality, and economical efficiency in growing-finishing pigs. A total of 120 crossbred pigs ([Yorkshire ${\times}$ Landrace] ${\times}$ Duroc), average initial body weight 25.23 ${\pm}$ 2.66 kg, were allotted to 5 treatments by body weight and sex in a randomized complete block (RCB) design. Each treatment had 6 replicates with 4 pigs per pen. The treatments were 1) A (fed late weaner feed during whole phase), 2) B (fed late weaner feed in growing phase and grower feed in finishing phase), 3) C (fed grower feed during whole phase), 4) D (fed grower feed in growing phase and early finisher feed in early and late finishing phase), 5) E (fed grower feed in growing phase, early finisher feed in early finishing phase and late finisher feed in late finishing phase). Commercial diets bought from private feed company were used for this experiment. During the early growing phase (6 wks), treatments A and B showed higher growth performance than that of other treatments (P<0.05). However, growth performance tended to be similar among treatments at 10 wks after feeding and there was no difference in time of market weight (13 wks). Moreover, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration was lowered in treatment E than other treatments during whole experimental period (P<0.01). Carcass characteristics and pork quality were measured when body weight of pigs reached at 110.33 ${\pm}$ 2.1 kg. Days to market weight (110 kg), quality grade, pork color, and pork pH did not show any significant difference among treatments. These results suggested that phase feeding based upon growth stages of pigs showed no detrimental effects on growth performance and the pork quality. Moreover, feed cost was saved approximately 37% by phase feeding method without delaying of days to market weight compared to general conventional feeding method (B) of swine farm in Korea.

Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Bacteriophage on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles, Carcass Characteristics and Fecal Microflora in Broilers (육계 사료 내 Bacteriophage의 첨가가 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 혈액 특성, 도체 특성 및 분내 미생물 조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seung Cheol;Kim, Jae Won;Kim, Jung Un;Kim, In Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2013
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of bacteriophage SE supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, visceral organ weight, meat quality and excreta microflora in broilers. A total of 340 1-d-old ROSS 308 broilers (mixed gender) with an initial average body weight (BW) of $41.71{\pm}0.16$ g were randomly allotted to 4 treatments with 5 replicate pens per treatment and 17 broilers per pen for 31 days. Dietary treatments were: 1) CON, control diet, 2) SE05, CON+0.05% bacteriophage, SE 3) SE10, CON+0.10% bacteriophage SE, and 4) SE15, CON+0.15% bacteriophage SE. During d 15 to 31, broilers fed SE15 diet had a higher (P<0.05) body weight gain than broilers fed CON diet. Overall, body weight gain in SE10 and SE15 was greater (P<0.05) than that in CON. Apparent total tract nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics did not differ (P>0.05) among treatments. The water holding capacity was increased (P<0.05) in SE15 compared with CON. Other meat quality in terms of pH value, breast muscle color ($L^*$, $a^*$, $b^*$) and drip loss were unaffected by dietary supplementation with bacteriophage SE. The visceral weight of bursa of Fabricius was increased (P<0.05) in broilers fed the bacteriophage SE incorporated diets compared with those fed the CON diet. No difference (P>0.05) was observed in visceral weight of liver, spleen, breast muscle, abdominal fat, gizzard and excreta concentrations of Lactobacillus, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with 0.10 and 0.15% bacteriophage SE could improve the growth performance, breast muscle water holding capacity and bursa of Fabricius visceral weight in broilers.

The Effects of Dietary $MgSO_4$ Supplement on Serum Stress Hormones Concentrations and Pork Quality in Late Finishing Pigs (출하 전 마그네슘 단기급여가 돼지의 혈중 스트레스 관련 호르몬 함량 및 육질에 미치는 영향)

  • Seong Pil-Nam;Lee Jong-Eun;Cho In-Chul
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.66-70
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of MgSO₄ supplement on meat quality and serum stress hormones concentrations in late finishing pigs. Sixty castrated Landrace pigs (average weight±S.D., 106.5±8.9 kg) were assigned to a control diet (without MgSO₄ supplement) and diet with MgSO₄(10 g/kg diet) supplemented. Pigs had free access to diets and water during five-day feeding period. At the end of feeding experiment, pigs were fasted for 16 hours and transported to commercial slaughter plant (30-minute transportation distance). After 2-hour lairage time, pigs were slaughtered, and blood samples were collected at bleeding procedure of slaughter. Pigs fed the diet with MgSO₄ supplement had higher (p<0.05) serum magnesium concentrations than those in pigs fed a control diet. Serum adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol concentrations determined at slaughter were not significantly different between dietary groups. Carcass temperature, pH at 24h post- slaughter, drip loss and color characteristics were not influenced (p>0.05) by short-term supplement of MgSO₄. Pigs fed the diet supplemented with MgSO₄ diet had lower PSE incidence (23.3%) compared to pigs fed the control diet (33%). These results indicate that short-term supplement of dietary MgSO₄ in late finishing pigs may not be beneficial in improving pork quality, and further study needs to assess feeding regime of magnesium supplement.

Effects of Dietary Energy Level on Growth and Meat Quality of Korean Black Goats (사료의 에너지 수준이 육성기 흑염소의 발육과 육질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, S.H.;HwangBo, S.;S. W. Kim;Kim, Y.K.;Sang, B.D.;Myung, J.H.;Hur, S.N.;Jo, I.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.509-514
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate the optimal energy level at growing Korean black goat from April 20 to November 6, 2006. Forty male Korean black goat were divided into four treatments and were fed with concentrate feed containing ME 2.4, 2.6, 2.8 and 3.0 Mcal/kg with CP 15% and rice straw. Average daily gains of were 59.8, 65.4, 73.2 and 77.2 g/day in groups fed with ME 2.4, 2.6, 2.8 and 3.0 Mcal/kg diet, respectively. There was a tendency to increase ADG as the ME level of concentrate feed grew. Dressing percentage were 49.73, 48.64, 50.19 and 51.36% in each group, and were increased as the ME level grew. Meat percentage ranged between 53.1 and 55.3%, and were almost constant. Ranges of crude fat contents and water holding capacity were and 57.9~59.0%, which were increased as the ME level grew. On the other hand, shear force were between 2.8 and 3.1 kg/cm2, which were decreased as the ME level grew. These results suggest that the optimal energy level at growing goat's concentrate is ME 3.0 Mcal/kg.

Studies on Growth Performance and Meat Quality Improvement of the Unselected Hanwoo Bulls in the Performance Test (한우 당대검정 탈락축의 산육능력 및 육질 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Cheol;Lee, Chang-Woo;Park, Byung-Ki;Lee, Sang-Min;Kwon, Eung-Gi;Im, Seok-Ki;Jeon, Gi-Jun;Park, Yeon-Soo;Hong, Seong-Koo
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.427-434
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to investigate the growth performance and meat quality improvement according to castration, optimal feeding management and ruminally protected amino acid-enriched fatty acid (RPAAFA) for the unselected Hanwoo bulls in the performance test. Bulls were castrated at approximately 14 months of age. Sixteen Hanwoo steers, 15 months of age and weighing $412.9{\pm}24.9kg$, were distributed into 2 groups. Steers were fed a basal diet supplemented with RPAAFA at 0 g (control) or 100 g (treatment), respectively for 12 months. Steers were slaughtered at 27 months of age. Average daily gain for treatment tended to be higher (p=0.10) than that of control, whereas feed conversion ratio tended to be lower (p=0.07) in treatment than in control. The supplementation of RPAAFA did not affect rib eye area, back fat thickness, meat color, fat color, texture and maturity. The appearance rates of yield 'A' grade and high quality grade ($1^{++}$, $1^+$ and 1) were higher in treatment than in control. The content of moisture, fat, protein and ash in longissimus muscles were similar between control and treatment. The supplementation of RPAAFA did not affect water-holding capacity, oxidation and reduction potential, myoglobin and fatty acid contents in longissimus muscles. Thus, present results indicate that castration, optimal feeding management and RPAAFA may be recommended for improving growth performance and quality grade of the unselected Hanwoo bulls in the performance test.

Effects of Feeding Type of Concentrates During Growing Period and Slaughter Age on Growth Performance, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Characteristics in Growing-Fattening Holstein Steers (홀스타인 거세우에 대한 육성기 농후사료 급여형태 및 출하월령이 성장발육, 사료이용성 및 도체특성에 미치는 효과)

  • Kang, S.W.;Jeong, H.Y.;Ahn, B.S.;Oh, Y.K.;Son, Y.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.989-998
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    • 2004
  • The objectives of this work was to investigate the effects of feeding type of concentrates during growing period and slaughter age on growth performance, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics in growing-fattening Holstein steers. Treatments were two concentrates feeding types(ad libitum or restricted 1.9% of BW) and three slaughter ages(at 19, 22 or 25 mo). Body weight at slaughter was numerically higher(approx. 8.3%) for the restricted than the ad libitum feeding groups. TDN intake rate was higher(8.4%) for the restricted than the ad libitum feeding groups. One mo slaughter delay increased TDN intake by 4%. Despite the lack of significances, higher back fat thickness and rib-eye area appeared in the restricted feeding or the late slaughter groups compared with the ad libitum feeding or the early slaughter groups. Marbling score(mean 2.46) numerically increased when the steers were restrictively fed concentrates compared with the ad libitum feeding groups. In addition, significant increases in the marbling score were associated with the slaughter age delay. In economic analysis, increases in total income were associated with the restricted feeding and the slaughter age delay. Whereas the highest monthly income appeared in the restricted feeding-and-slaughter at 22 mo group. In conclusion, the optimal feeding system may be 1) the restricted concentrates feeding(1.9% of BW) during growing period and 2) the late slaughter age(22${\sim}$25 mo of age) in growing-fattening Holstein steers fed rice straw.

Effects of Dietary Escherichia coli Phytase Supplementation on Growth Performance, Carcass Quality and Excretion of Copper and Zinc Concentrations in Finishing Pigs (Escherichia coli phytase의 첨가가 비육돈의 생산성, 도체특성 및 분 내 구리와 아연 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Y.H.;Shin, S.O.;Park, J.C.;Jung, H.J.;Cho, J.H.;Chen, Y.J.;Yoo, J.S.;Moon, H.G.;Ji, S.Y.;Kim, I.C.;Lee, S.J.;Kim, I.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to evaluate effects of dietary Escherichia coli phytase supplementation on growth performance, carcass quality and excretion of copper and zinc concentrations in finishing pigs. The total of seventy two [(Landrace×Yorkshire)×Duroc] pigs(65.43±0.72 kg in average initial body weight) were used in 56 days assay. Dietary treatments included 1) CON (basal diet) 2) P5(basal diet+phytase 0.05%) and 3) P10 (basal diet + phytase 0.1%). There were three dietary treatments with six replicate pens per treatment and four pigs per pen. During the overall periods, ADFI(Average daily feed intake) was increased (P<0.05) in phytase supplementation treatments compared to CON treatment. At the 5th week, dry matter, nitrogen and ash digestibilities were higher in P5 treatment than in CON and P10 treatments(P<0.05) and CON treatment showed the lowest effect on nutrition digestibility(P<0.05). However, phosphorus digestibility was higher in both phytase supplementation treatments than in CON treatment(P<0.05). The pH of M. logissimus dorsi was significantly higher in CON treatment than phytase supplementation treatments(P<0.05). L* value of M. logissimus dorsi muscle color was significantly increased(P<0.05) in P10 treatment compared to CON and P5 treatments. Also, a* value was increased (P<0.05) in CON treatment compared with phytase supplementation treatments. However, excretion of copper and zinc concentrations were no significant difference among the treatments. In conclusion, the effect of Escherichia coli phytase showed in ADFI, digestibilities, pH and color of meat in finishing pigs.