• 제목/요약/키워드: CarbonNet project

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호주 깁스랜드 분지 CarbonNet CCS 프로젝트의 지질학적 분석 (Geological analysis of the CarbonNet CCS project in the Gippsland Basin, Australia)

  • 조현욱;오주원;이영주;한아름;이재영
    • 지구물리와물리탐사
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2023
  • 최근 우리나라에서도 2030 국가 온실가스 감축목표를 달성하기 위한 이산화탄소 지중저장 기술이 큰 주목을 받고 있으나, 국내 대규모 CCS 사업이 지연되면서 우리나라의 이산화탄소를 해외 저장소에 저장하는 국외감축 사업이 주목을 받고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 호주 깁스랜드 분지에서 추진 중인 CarbonNet 프로젝트의 개발 현황을 조사하여 단기적으로는 국내감축을 위한 대규모 저장소 탐사, 장기적으로는 국외감축 부지 정보 축적을 위한 보조자료로 활용하고자 한다. 먼저 호주의 퇴적분지와 호주에서 추진 중인 CCS 사업을 간략히 소개하고, 대규모 CCS 사업이 추진 중인 깁스랜드 분지의 지질학적 형성과정을 분석한다. 이후 CarbonNet 프로젝트의 부지 선정 과정을 정리하고, 선정된 펠리컨 부지의 CCS 적합성을 논의하고자 한다.

산림탄소상쇄 사업에 따른 이차적 배출량 산정에 관한 연구 (Estimation of Secondary Emissions from Forest Carbon Offset Projects)

  • 김영환
    • 한국기후변화학회지
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.257-265
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    • 2015
  • For estimating a net removal of carbon dioxides from a forest carbon offset project, it is necessary to consider secondary emissions occurred from the use of machineries or vehicles. According to the forest carbon standard in Korea, a default rate (5%) could be applied for estimating secondary emissions of small projects, which provide annual net removals less than or equal to $600tCO_2$, while secondary emissions should be estimated for larger projects with field survey. In this study, we intended to develop a methodology for estimating the secondary emission of a forest carbon project. For this purpose, we analyzed the working process and the carbon emissions of the forest management activities for major tree species in Korea. Based on the developed methodology, we estimated the secondary carbon emission of a reforestation project. The result showed that the secondary carbon emission of a reforestation project was estimated between 0.42% and 1.19 % compared to net removals, that is to say that the current default rate in the forest carbon standard could give an overestimated secondary emission.

산림탄소흡수량 정부구매를 위한 산림탄소상쇄 사업의 평균저감비용 분석 (Analysis of the Average Abatement Cost of Forest Carbon Offset Projects for the Government Purchase of Forest Carbon Credits)

  • 김영환
    • 한국기후변화학회지
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.391-396
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    • 2016
  • This study was intended to analyze the average abatement cost (AAC) of forest carbon offset projects to suggest a basic credit price for government purchase of forest carbon credits. For this purpose, an a/reforestation project and a forest management project were designed with 30 years of project period. It is assumed to plant pine trees (Pinus densiflora) for the a/reforestation project, while it is assumed to replace rigida pine trees(Pinus rigida) with oak trees (Quercus acutissima) for the forest management project. For each project, the forest carbon stock was calculated and the revenue and the cost were analyzed with standardized management activities. Korea Forest Service has supported private forest owners the cost of management activities and the consulting fee for designing carbon offset project. Therefore, the AAC were analyzed for two cases : the one with subsidy for consulting fee (case 1) and the other with subsidy for both consulting fee and management costs (case 2). In addition, the sensitiveness of AAC was analyzed according to the 4 credit prices : ₩5,000, ₩10,000, ₩15,000 and ₩20,000. The result showed that the AAC analyzed for the case 1 was so high that net revenue would not be expected from all project types with any credit price. However the AAC analyzed for the case 2 was relatively lower than the AAC of case 1. Net revenue was expected from a/reforestation project with credit price over ₩10,000, while from forest management project with credit price over ₩15,000. Based on the AAC analyzed in this study, ₩15,000 was suggested as the basic price for government purchase of forest carbon credit.

탄소흡수원을 고려한 개발사업 환경영향평가 방안(II) - 주택 재개발 사업을 중심으로 - (Environmental Impact Assessment for Development Projects Considering Carbon Sink and Sequestration(II) - Focused on a Housing Redevelopment Project -)

  • 황상일;박선환
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we investigated the effect of carbon sequestration and sink on the environmental impact assessment of a housing redevelopment project. Through the case study, we found that the amount of carbon sequestration and sink increased with the increase of the area of park and green space and, furthermore, the amount of carbon emission decreased slightly with implementation of district heating and renewable energy. Therefore, it is necessary for its land use plan to be established to minimize the amount of net carbon emission, taking account of both the amount of present carbon emission and the amount of the future carbon sink, sequestration, and emission.

탄소 중립을 위한 철도 건설 사업 온실가스 평가항목의 탄소흡수원 분야 환경영향평가 개선 방안 연구 (Study on Improving Environmental Impact Assessment of Carbon Sink in the Greenhouse Gas Evaluation Criteria for Railway Construction Projects for Carbon Neutrality)

  • 황진후;;원주희;김민정;박다혜;전성우
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2023
  • The railway project is an essential green transportation tool that is considered suitable for the domestic and foreign policy direction of carbon neutrality, but there are some limitations, such as damaging important carbon absorption sources during construction. This study analyzed the environmental impact assessment related to carbon absorption sources of greenhouse gas evaluation items conducted during the railway project, and limitations and implications were derived. The analysis of environmental impact assessment guidelines related to railway projects and carbon absorption sources dealt with prediction and reduction methods related to carbon absorption sources, but guidelines, including environmentally friendly railway construction guidelines, lacked descriptions. Since the greenhouse gas environmental impact assessment, 83 railway project environmental impact assessments have been reviewed, but in some cases, carbon absorption-related predictions have not been implemented, or carbon absorption-related reduction measures have been insufficient. In addition, there were cases where there was a limit to calculating emissions and reduction or where the reduction value was insignificant compared to emissions. In order to supplement the environmental impact assessment in the field of carbon absorption sources related to railway construction projects, alternatives such as quantitative emission and low reduction calculation, review of the no net loss system using the total environmental resource system, and linkage with climate change impact assessment are needed.

탄소의 사회적 비용에 따른 수상 태양광 사업의 경제성 변화 (Changes in the Economic Feasibility of a Floating Photovoltaics Project due to the Social Cost of Carbon)

  • 임재준;김진수
    • 신재생에너지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2024
  • Renewable energy sources play a key role in achieving carbon neutrality and zero net emissions in the power generation sector. Various efforts have been made to support the deployment of renewable energy, particularly solar photovoltaic and wind power, including policies to internalize the external cost of carbon emissions. In this study, we conducted a financial analysis of a 800 MW floating photovoltaic system and compared it with ground solar power generation. Additionally, we conducted a cost-benefit analysis that included the social cost of carbon. The findings showed that the floating photovoltaic project can meet the profitability target through an appropriately designed internalization of the social cost of carbon.

광해방지사업의 전과정 온실가스 배출량 산정방법에 대한 연구 (Study on Estimation Methods of Life Cycle GHGs Emission for the Mine Reclamation Project)

  • 김수로;곽인호;위대형;박광호;백승한
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제54권6호
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    • pp.733-741
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    • 2021
  • 전세계적으로 2015년 파리기후협약에서 정한 목표에 따라 2050년까지 탄소중립을 위하여 각 국가는 감축목표를 수립 및 선언하고, "장기 저탄소 발전전략" (Long-term low greenhouse gas Emission Development Strategies, LEDS)을 수립, 감축 목표 설정을 위한 로드맵 등을 발표하고 있다. 국제사회의 탄소중립사회 전환 가속화에 따라 2020년말까지 128개국이 탄소중립을 선언하였으며, G20 회원국을 중심으로 지속적으로 탄소중립선언이 확대되고 있다. 우리나라도 2020년 12월 탄소중립의 능동적 대응을 통해 탄소중립과 경제성장, 국민 삶의 질 향상을 동시 달성하는 기반 마련을 위한 "2050 탄소중립 추진전략"을 발표하였고, 이를 위한 정책과제를 단계적으로 추진하고 있다. 우리나라에서 온실가스 감축을 위하여 시행되고 있는 온실가스에너지 목표관리제 및 온실가스 배출권거래제 상쇄제도 등 의무감축제도의 영역에서 벗어나 있어 종합적인 탄소관리는 미흡하며, 현재 광해방지사업으로 인한 이산화탄소배출량을 정량화한 사례는 없다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 전세계적인 탄소중립의 관심과 정부 정책 기조에 따라 탄소 중립 실현을 위해서 한국광해광업공단의 주 업무인 광해방지사업에 대하여 국내외 탄소배출량 산정 방법으로 제시된 표준방법을 검토하고, 광해방지사업에 적합한 탄소배출량 산정 방법을 제시하고자 하였다.

해외 탄소저감 사업의 위험요소를 고려한 사업 경제성 변동 분석 (A Study on Variation of Economic Value of Overseas Carbon Reduction Projects with Risk Factors)

  • 박종열;좌성훈
    • 한국건설관리학회논문집
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2023
  • 최근 온실가스에 의한 기후변화가 심화하고 있어, 국제사회는 UN 기후변화협약을 통해 온실가스 감축 노력을 경주하고 있다. 본 연구는 해외 탄소저감 사업에 투자함에 있어 고려해야할 위험요소 및 투자 판단의 방법론을 제시함을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 2건의 실제 해외 프로젝트 사례를 연구 대상으로 선정하였다. 분석 방법으로는 주요 위험요소의 데이터를 확률분포로 정의하고 이를 경제성 분석 모델에 적용하여 몬테카를로(Monte Carlo) 시뮬레이션 방법으로 사업의 순현재가치를 확률적으로 추정하였다. 또한, 정책적 변화에 따른 순현재가치의 변동 범위를 분석하였다. 그 결과 A 프로젝트의 순현재가치는 기본 가정하의 확정적 값보다 평균값이 19% 하향하였고, 음(-)의 순현재가치를 나태낼 확률이 12.2%로 나타났다. B 프로젝트의 경우 평균값이 12.5% 하향, 음(-)의 순현 재가치 확률은 1% 미만으로 나타났다. 정책적 변화를 고려하면 A 프로젝트는 총 탄소배출권 발생량 대비 72.9% 이상을 획득하여야 경제적 이득을 취할 수 있으며, B 프로젝트의 경우 49.5% 이상을 획득하면 경제성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석 결과로써 A 프로젝트 사례는 기본가정 하의 확정적 순현재가치보다 평균값이 현저히 하향하여, 주요 위험요인의 변동에 따라 투자결정에 유의가 필요하며, 정책적 변화를 고려하면 탄소배출권 분배 비율을 프로젝트 규모에 따라 차등 적용해야한다는 정책적 시사점을 구체적으로 제시하였다.

탄소시장과 탄소펀드 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Carbon Market and Carbon Funds Development.)

  • 손우식;박명섭
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제46권
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    • pp.265-313
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    • 2010
  • Kyoto Protocol is an international convention on concrete performance program for UNFCCC(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which regulate and prevent to global warming and officially came into effect on February 16, 2005. Kyoto flexible mechanisms, the agreed environmental system in March 1997 in the Third Conference of Parties in UNFCCC General Assembly, Emission Trading System(ETS), Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) and Joint Implementation(JI), are key policies related to environment. In advanced countries, greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced average 5.2% level compared to 1990 in total emissions during 2008-2012. World leading carbon market finished the trial on the EU ETS I greenhouse gas emissions trading system, EU ETS II is operated regularly after 2008. World Bank leads to make 'Prototype Carbon Fund(PCF)' in April 2004, which is the world first carbon fund and a representative public carbon fund type, World Bank operate various funds including present PCF. Thus, I would like to propose as follows in relation to this study: First, in the validity analysis of carbon funds, it would be needed to analyze the Emission Reduction Cost Efficiency(ERCE) of carbon. The ERCE is a break-even value which brings the Net Present Value(NPV) to zero. NPV approach is used among projects and it enables potential projects to be compared and evaluated the ERCE on the basis of the net present value of net future cash flows. Therefore, according to results of analysis, carbon funds should be developed and invested. Second, it would be necessary to allow of issuing bonds together with carbon funds, carbon finance etc. Third, carbon funds, it would be reasonable to have a relatively enough maturity in project and as a financial derivatives in the international financial markets, it is needed various types of transactions. Fourth, it would be needed to standardize the carbon emissions trading for more efficiently. Fifth, it would be necessary to establish and invest in various kinds of domestic and overseas global carbon funds, including governments, privates, governments and privates sectors. And it is also needed to establish the medium and long term plans for carbon funds. Sixth, it would be needed to foster the advanced trade mechanisms for carbon funds in the most effective ways. Finally, carbon funds should be used in harmony with international societies to reduce global warming as the social responsible investing funds and it should be contribute to sustainable development. In addition, it would seem that carbon funds should be studied on establishing the contributable standard of sustainable development in the future assignment.

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기후 인자와 관련된 육상 탄소 순환 변동: 탄소추적시스템과 CMIP5 모델 결과 비교 (Response of Terrestrial Carbon Cycle: Climate Variability in CarbonTracker and CMIP5 Earth System Models)

  • 선민아;김영미;이조한;부경온;변영화;조천호
    • 대기
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.301-316
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes the spatio-temporal variability of terrestrial carbon flux and the response of land carbon sink with climate factors to improve of understanding of the variability of land-atmosphere carbon exchanges accurately. The coupled carbon-climate models of CMIP5 (the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project) and CT (CarbonTracker) are used. The CMIP5 multi-model ensemble mean overestimated the NEP (Net Ecosystem Production) compares to CT and GCP (Global Carbon Project) estimates over the period 2001~2012. Variation of NEP in the CMIP5 ensemble mean is similar to CT, but a couple of models which have fire module without nitrogen cycle module strongly simulate carbon sink in the Africa, Southeast Asia, South America, and some areas of the United States. Result in comparison with climate factor, the NEP is highly affected by temperature and solar radiation in both of CT and CMIP5. Partial correlation between temperature and NEP indicates that the temperature is affecting NEP positively at higher than mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, but opposite correlation represents at other latitudes in CT and most CMIP5 models. The CMIP5 models except for few models show positive correlation with precipitation at $30^{\circ}N{\sim}90^{\circ}N$, but higher percentage of negative correlation represented at $60^{\circ}S{\sim}30^{\circ}N$ compare to CT. For each season, the correlation between temperature (solar radiation) and NEP in the CMIP5 ensemble mean is similar to that of CT, but overestimated.