• 제목/요약/키워드: Carbachol (CCh)

검색결과 16건 처리시간 0.022초

Involvement of the Phospholipase C β1 Pathway in Desensitization of the Carbachol-activated Nonselective Cationic Current in Murine Gastric Myocytes

  • Kim, Byung Joo;So, Insuk;Kim, Ki Whan
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2006
  • In murine gastrointestinal myocytes muscarinic stimulation activates nonselective cation channels via a G-protein and $Ca^{2+}$-dependent pathway. We recorded inward cationic currents following application of carbachol ($I_{CCh}$) to murine gastric myocytes held at -60 mV, using the whole-cell patch-clamp method. The properties of the inward cationic currents were similar to those of the nonselective cation channels activated by muscarinic stimulation in other gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells. CCh-induced $I_{CCh}$ and spontaneous decay of $I_{CCh}$ (desensitization of $I_{CCh}$) occurred. Unlike the situation in guinea pig gastric myocytes, desensitization was not affected by varying $[EGTA]_i$. Pretreatment with the PLC inhibitor (U73122) blocked the activation of $I_{CCh}$, and desensitization of $I_{CCh}$ was attenuated in PLC ${\beta}_1$ knock-out mice. These results suggest that the desensitization of $I_{CCh}$ in murine gastric myocytes is not due to a pathway dependent on intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ but to the PLC ${\beta}_1$ pathway.

Muscarinic Receptor Subtype Controlling the Carbachol-Induced Muscle Contraction in Guinea Pig Gastric Antrum

  • Rhee, Jong-Chul;Uhm, Dae-Yong;Kang, Tong-Mook
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2000
  • Stimulation of muscarinic receptors by carbachol (CCh) in the circular smooth muscle of the guinea pig gastric antrum causes muscle contraction. In the present study, muscarinic receptor subtype controlling the muscle contraction in response to CCh was studied using putative muscarinic receptor antagonists. Isometric force of the isolated circular muscle strips was measured in an organ bath. CCh contracted the muscle in a dose-dependent way, and each of the three muscarinic receptor antagonists, 4-diphenylacetoxy- N-methylpeperdine methiodide (4-DAMP), methoctramine and pirenzepine shifted the concentration- response curves to the right without significantly reducing the maximum force. The affinities of the muscarinic antagonists $(pA_2\;values)$ obtained from Schild plot analysis were 10.15, 7.05 and 6.84 for 4-DAMP, methoctramine and pirenzepine, respectively. These results suggest that the $M_3-subtype$ mainly mediate the muscle contraction in response to CCh in guinea pig gastric antrum.

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Inhibitory Effect of Caffeine on Carbachol-Induced Nonselective Cationic Current in Guinea-Pig Gastric Myocytes

  • Kim, Sung-Joon;Min, Kyung-Wan;Kim, Young-Chul;Lee, Sang-Jin;So, In-Suk;Kim, Ki-Whan
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.353-359
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    • 1998
  • In gastrointestinal smooth muscle, muscarinic stimulation by carbachol (CCh) activates nonselective cation channel current ($I_{CCh}$) which is facilitated by intracellular [$Ca^{2+}$] increase. Caffeine is widely used in experiments to mobilize $Ca^{2+}$ from intracellular stores. This study shows a strong inhibitory effect of caffeine on $I_{CCh}$ in guinea-pig gastric myocyte. In this study, the underlying mechanism of the inhibitory effect of caffeine was investigated. $I_{CCh}$ was completely suppressed by the addition of caffeine (10 mM) to the superfusing solution. Inhibition of $I_{CCh}$ by caffeine was not related to the intracellular cAMP accumulation which was expected from the phosphodiesterase-inhibiting effect of caffeine. The blockade of $InsP_3-induced$ $Ca^{2+}$ release by heparin had no significant effects on the activation of $I_{CCh}$. When the same cationic current had been induced by intracellular dialysis of $GTP[{\gamma}S]$ in order to bypass the muscarinic receptor, the inhibitory effect of caffeine was significantly attenuated. The results of this study indicate that both intracellular signalling pathways for $I_{CCh}$, proximal and distal to G-protein activation, are suppressed by caffeine. A major inhibition was observed at the proximal level.

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Carbachol-induced Phosphorylation of Phospholipase D1 through Protein Kinase C is required for the Activation in COS-7 cells

  • Lee, Byoung-Dae;Kim, Yong;Han, Jung-Min;Suh, Pann-Ghill;Ryu, Sung-Ho
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.182-187
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    • 2001
  • Phospholiapse D (PLD), and phosphatidic acid generated by it, have been implicated in receptor-mediated intracellular signaling. Carbachol (CCh) is known to activate PLD1, and protein kinase C (PKC) is known to mediate in this signaling pathway In recent reports (Kim et al., 1999b; Kim et al., 2000), we published our observations of the direct phosphorylation of PLD1 by PKC and we described the phosphorylation-dependent regulation of PLD1 activity. In this study, we investigated the phasphorylation and compartmentalization of PLD1 in terms of CCh signaling in M3 muscarinic receptor (M3R)-expressing COS-7 cells. CCh treatment of COS-7 cells transiently coexpressing PLD1 and M3R stimulated PLD1 activity and induced direct phosphorylation of PLD1 by PKC. The CCh-induced activation and phosphorylation of PLD1 was completely blocked upon pretreatment of the cells with PKC-specific inhibitors. We looked at the localization of the PLD1 phosphorylation by PKC and found that PLD1 was mainly located in the caveolin-enriched membrane (CEM) fraction. Based on these results, we conclude that CCh induces the activation and phosphorylation of PLD1 via PKC and that the phosphorylation of PLD1 occurs in caveolae.

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쥐 해마에서 M1 무스카린 아세틸콜린 수용체의 활성에 의한 GluA2 세포내이입 연구 (Activation of the M1 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Induces GluA2 Internalization in the Hippocampus)

  • 류근오;석헌
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제25권10호
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    • pp.1103-1109
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    • 2015
  • 뇌 해마의 콜린성 신경분포는 학습과 기역에 연관성이 있는 것으로 알려져 있으며 이의 작용제인 carbachol 투여 시 장기기억 저하가 유도됨이 알려져 왔다. 그러나 이러한 콜린성 자극에 의한 해마 신경세포의 시냅스 내 변화기작은 완전히 알려지지 않고 있다. 본 연구에서는 아세틸콜린 수용체의 활성에 의하여 유도되는 장기기억 저하 현상에 있어 alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) 수용체가 후시냅스 표면으로부터 사라지는 현상과 이의 조절기작에 대하여 알아보고자 한다. 이를 위하여 쥐 해마의 일차세포를 추출하고 체외에서 배양한 성숙 신경세포에 carbachol 을 투여하여 장기기억 저하를 유도 하였으며, 후시냅스의 표면으로부 터 AMPA 수용체의 아단위체인 GluA2가 M1 무스카린 수용체의 길항제에 의하여 저해 되었다. 또한 콜린성 자극 에 의한 GluA2의 내재화 현상의 작용기작 연구를 위하여 쥐 해마 절편에 carbachol 투여 후 GluA2와 직접적인 상호작용을 하는 Glutam내재화 되었음을 확인하였다. 이러한 현상은 ate receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1) 과 clathrine 단백질이 매개하는 세포내이입 작용을 하는 adaptin-α 단백질의 결합 변화를 관찰하였다. GluA2는 carbachol 자극에 의해 세포내이입 과정에서 adaptin-α 와의 결합이 증가하였으며 반대로 GRIP1과는 해리되었다. 이는 아세틸콜린의 수용체의 자극에 의하여 GluA2의 내제화 작용이 수반되며, 이의 작용기작으로 GluA2의 후시 냅스 표면 발현시에 결합하고 있는 GRIP1과 해리 되면서 장기기억 저하 현상이 유도됨을 의미한다.

Cloning and Characterization of Muscarinic Receptor Genes from the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

  • Seo, Jung Soo;Kim, Moo-Sang;Park, Eun Mi;Ahn, Sang Jung;Kim, Na Young;Jung, Sung Hee;Kim, Jin Woo;Lee, Hyung Ho;Chung, Joon Ki
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2009
  • To investigate the regulatory mechanism underlying the contractile response in the intestinal smooth muscle of the nile tilapia (Orechromis niloticus), we used pharmacologic and molecular approaches to identify the muscarinic subreceptors and the intracellular signaling pathways involved in this motility. Myography assays revealed that an M1- and M3-subtype selective antagonist, but not a M2-subtype selective antagonist, inhibited carbachol HCl (CCH)-induced intestinal smooth muscle contraction. In addition, a phospholipase C inhibitor, but not an adenylate cyclase inhibitor, blocked the contractile response to CCH. We also cloned five muscarinic genes (OnM2A, OnM2B, OnM3, OnM5A, and OnM5B) from the nile tilapia. In the phylogenetic analysis and sequence comparison to compare our putative gene products (OnMs) with the sequences obtained from the near complete teleost genomes, we unexpectedly found that the teleost fish have respectively two paralogous genes corresponding to each muscarinic subreceptor, and other teleost fish, except zebrafish, do not possess muscarinic subreceptor M1. In addition, the expression pattern of the nile tilapia muscarinic subreceptor transcripts during CCH-induced intestinal smooth muscle contraction in the proximal intestinal tissue was analyzed by real-time PCR surveys and it was demonstrated that CCH increased the OnMs mRNA expression rapidly and transiently.

Helicobacter pylori Vacuolating Toxin Exhibits Polar Activity of $Cl^-$ Secretion and Secretory Response to Carbachol in T84 Cells

  • Jin, Nan-Ge;Jin, Yong-Ri;So, In-Suk;Kim, Ki-Whan
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.289-293
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    • 2004
  • To investigate whether VacA (vacuolating toxin) produced by Helicobacter pylori Korean stain 99 induces intestinal secretion, purified VacA was added to T84 cell monolayers mounted in Ussing chambers, and electrical parameters were monitored. Mucosal addition of low pH-pretreated VacA increased short circuit current (Isc). The effect was time- and dose-dependent and saturable. The time-to-peak Isc was concentration-dependent. Chloride channel inhibitors, niflumic acid or 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate (NPPB), inhibited VacA-stimulated Isc. Carbachol (CCh)-induced increase of Isc was prolonged by the addition of VacA to the mucosal side only. The effect was unaltered by the addition of niflumic acid. VacA did not show cytopathic effects. These studies indicate that VacA is a nonlethal toxin that acts in a polar manner on T84 monolayers to potentiate $Cl^-$ secretion and the response to CCh secretion without decrease in monolayer resistance. VacA may contribute to diarrhea diseases in human intestinal epithelial cells.

Inhibition of the Desensitization of Canonical Transient Receptor Potential Channel 5 by Dimethyl Sulfoxide

  • Kim, Byung-Joo;So, In-Suk
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.227-231
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    • 2007
  • The classic type of transient receptor potential channel(TRPC) is a molecular candidate for $Ca^{2+}$-permeable cation channel in mammalian cells. TRPC5 is rapidly desensitized after activation by G protein-coupled receptor. Herein we report the effect of dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) on the desensitization of TRPC5. TRPC5 was initially activated by muscarinic stimulation with $50{\mu}M$ carbachol(CCh) and then decayed rapidly even in the presence of CCh(desensitization). DMSO in the pipette solution slowed the rate of this desensitization. Under the control conditions, TRPC5 current spontaneously declined to $6{\pm}1%$ of the initial peak amplitude 60 sec after CCh application and to $1{\pm}0.5%$ after 120 sec. But, in the presence of 0.01%, 0.1% and 1% DMSO, TRPC5 current spontaneously declined to $55{\pm}2%,\;68{\pm}1%\;and\;100{\pm}0.2%$ of the initial peak amplitude 60 sec after CCh application and to $38{\pm}2%,\;61{\pm}1%\;and\;100{\pm}1%$ after 120 see, respectively. The results suggest that DMSO can internally attenuate the desensitization of TRPC5 current through unknown mechanisms that remain to be elucidated.

Excitatory Effect of $M_1$ Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor on Automaticity of Mouse Heart

  • Woo Sun-Hee;Lee Byung Ho;Kwon Kwang-Il;Lee Chin Ok
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • 제28권8호
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    • pp.930-935
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    • 2005
  • We have investigated the effects of relatively high concentration of carbachol (CCh), an agonist of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR), on cardiac automaticity in mouse heart. Action potentials from automatically beating right atria of mice were measured with conventional microelectrodes. When atria were treated with $100{\mu}M$ CCh, atrial beating was immediately arrested and diastolic membrane potential (DMP) was depolarized. After exposure of the atria to CCh for $\~4 min$, action potentials were regenerated. The regenerated action potentials had lower frequency and shorter duration when compared with the control. When atria were pre-exposed to pirenzepine $(1{\mu}M)$, an $M_1$ mAChR antagonist, there was complete inhibition of CCh-induced depolarization of DMP and regeneration of action potentials. Pre-exposure to AFDX-116 (11 ({2-[(diethylamino)-methyl]-1-piperidyl}acetyl)-5, 11-dihydro-6H-pyridol[2,3-b][1,4] benzodiazepine-6-one base, $1{\mu}M$), an $M_2$ mAChR antagonist, failed to block CCh-induced arrest of the beating. However, prolonged exposure to CCh elicited gradual depolarization of DMP and slight acceleration in beating rate. Our data indicate that high concentration of CCh depolarizes membrane potential and recovers right atrial automaticity via $M_1$ mAChR, providing functional evidence for the role of $M_1$ mAChR in the atrial myocytes.

Activation of acetylcholine receptor elicits intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, transient cytotoxicity, and induction of RANKL expression

  • Heo, Seong-Jong;Kim, Min Seuk
    • International Journal of Oral Biology
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    • 제41권3호
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    • pp.119-123
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    • 2016
  • Acetylcholine receptors (AChR) including muscarinic and nicotinic AChR are widely expressed and mediate a variety of physiological cellular responses in neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Notably, a functional cholinergic system exists in oral epithelial cells, and nicotinic AChR (nAChR) mediates cholinergic anti-inflammatory responses. However, the pathophysiological roles of AChR in periodontitis are unclear. Here, we show that activation of AChR elicits increased cytosolic $Ca^{2+}([Ca^{2+}]_i)$, transient cytotoxicity, and induction of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) expression. Intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ mobilization in human gingival fibroblast-1 (hGF-1) cells was measured using the fluorescent $Ca^{2+}$ indicator, fura-2/AM. Cytotoxicity and induction of gene expression were evaluated by measuring the release of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and RT-PCR. Activation of AChR in hGF-1 cells by carbachol (Cch) induced $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ increase in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment with a high concentration of Cch on hGF-1 cells caused transient cytotoxicity. Notably, treatment of hGF-1 cells with Cch resulted in upregulated RANKL expression. The findings may indicate potential roles of AChR in gingival fibroblast cells in bone remodeling.