• Title/Summary/Keyword: Canonical View

검색결과 21건 처리시간 0.02초

Canonical Ensemble 로 代表된 系의 에너지 分布則 및 熱力學的牀態量의 道出에關하여 (A New Method on the Derivation of the Thermodynamic Quantities for a System Represented by the Canonical Ensemble)

  • 김순경
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 1954
  • Fowler obtained thermodynamic quantities assuming the theory which could be derived by representing the system with microcanonical ensemble, in order to introduce the temperature T of the system proper, he considered the combined systems which are composed of the system proper and another arbitrary system that is in thermal contact with the former, and represented the combined system by a microcanonical ensemble, here, he used the steepest descent method in his calculation. This Fowler's treatment is not only unsatisfactory at the point of theoretical view but also he could not make the formulation of free energy of Helmholtz's so that this formular was forced to be assumed. From the point of Quantum Statistical Mechanical view, the materially closed system which is in an equilibrium state with the temperature T is best represented by canonical ensemble. At the actual derivation of the distribution law and thermodynamic quantities, however, in order to avoid the difficulty of calculation Tolman proceeded his calculation either representing the system proper by the grand-canonical ensemble or adding a certain limitation.

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고유시점 재구성을 이용한 방향 변화에 강인한 게이트 인식 (Robust Gait Recognition for Directional Variation Using Canonical View Synthesis)

  • 정승도;최병욱
    • 전자공학회논문지CI
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2004
  • 게이트는 사람의 걷는 방법 혹은 그 특성을 나타내는 용어로써, 최근 컴퓨터 비젼 기술을 이용하여 개개인을 분별하기 위한 게이트 특징정보를 추출하고자 하는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다 게이트 인식의 경우 카메라가 고정되어 있다고 하더라도 사람이 걸어가는 방향에 따라 영상을 기반으로 추출한 게이트 정보가 달라지는 단점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 영상내의 정보만을 이용하여, 걷는 방향에 종속적인 게이트 인식의 단점을 보완할 수 있는 방안을 제안한다. 먼저 게이트 영상으로부터 걷는 방향을 찾고, 간단한 연산을 통해 평면 호모그래피를 추정한다. 추정된 호모그래피를 이용하여 고유시점의 영상으로 재구성하면, 게이트 방향에 따른 시점 변화를 보정할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 게이트 실루엣 영상을 영역별로 나누고 각 영역의 평균 정보와 변화량을 특징으로 사용하여 인식 실험을 진행하였다. 실험 결과, 제안한 방법을 적용했을 경우, 그렇지 않은 경우에 비하여 게이트 방향 변화에 강인한 인식 결과를 보임을 확인하였다.

평면사진계측에 의한 유방형태 분석 (An Analysis of Junior High School Girls' Breast Shape by Plane Photogrammetry)

  • 김경숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the fundamental data for a dummy design used I read-made clothing and underwear production I terms of a pattern of breast types based o their morphological characteristics in accordance with different pattern of breast types. The breast's side and frontal views of the breast were measured with 90 junior high school girls of age between 13 and 16 residing in the urban area of Seoul using the plan photogrammetry. 1. The correlation between the side view body measurement and the breast's side and front view were analyzed by using the canonical correlation analysis, whereby the side view body measurement is showing a 39% of the breast's side view and frontal view. 2. The breast's side and front view has been classified by cluster analysis. The results of custer analysis for the breast's side and front view would be turned out the four cluster. 1) The cluster Ⅰ, The most volumed breast's side view.(20%) 2) The cluster Ⅱ, The fastest growing breast's front view.(38%) 3) The cluster Ⅲ, the latest growing breast.(3%) 4) The cluster Ⅳ, the middle degree growing breast.(39%)

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축제참가자가 지각하는 사회교환관점과 고객시민행동 간의 관계 -보령머드축제를 중심으로- (Relationship among Social Exchange Point of View and Customer Citizenship behavior in the Festival Participants' Perception -Focused on the Boryeong Mud Festival-)

  • 유도재;전정아;송민수
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.208-221
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 관광산업의 대표인 지역축제 참가자를 대상으로 고객시민행동 요인과 사회교환관점 요인들 간에 어떠한 관계가 있는지 실증적으로 조사하여 지역축제의 활성화에 기여하고자 하는데 중요성이 있다. 사회교환관점의 요인으로는 고객만족, 고객신뢰, 공정성지각, 지각된 고객지원을 선택하였고 고객시민행동의 측정도구로는 고객애호도, 고객협조, 고객참여를 사용하였다. 본 연구를 수행함에 있어서 조사대상의 모집단은 보령머드축제 참가자 239명을 대상으로 진행하였으며 수집된 자료는 SPSS/PC+ WIN 13.0을 이용하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 유의적으로 도출된 정준함수1에서 사회교환관점 활동인 고객만족, 고객신뢰, 고객지원, 공정성지각은 고객시민행동인 고객애호도, 고객참여도, 고객협조에 기여하는 상대적 설명력이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 정준함수2에서는 사회교환관점 활동인 공정성지각, 고객지원은 고객시민행동인 고객참여도에 기여하는 상대적 설명력이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구의 분석결과 연구가설의 사회교환관점 활동과 고객행동은 유의한 관계를 갖고 있다는 가설은 부분적으로 유의함을 할 수 있다. 결론적으로 고객시민행동의 구현은 서비스 상황에서 관광객의 지각에 달려 있다는 점을 제시하고 있다.

의미 있는 개체 제시 방식이 선호도에 미치는 영향: 중심 편향 원리와 규범적 관점의 상호작용을 중심으로 (The Influence of Presentation Mode on Preference of the Meaningful Entities: The Interaction between Inward Bias and Canonical View Point)

  • 정혜녕;윤신애;이현석;홍우평
    • 감성과학
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구의 목적은 의미 있는 대상의 선호도 판단에 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려진 원리인 내적 편향 원리와 규범적 관점 간의 상호작용 양상을 연구하는 데에 있다. 개별 개체의 친숙도가 규범적 관점에 영향을 미친다는 점 또한 고려하여 친숙도 수준에 따른 두 선호도 원리의 작용 양상을 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 이중 대안 선택 과제를 활용한 행동 반응 실험을 진행하였으며, 친숙도 수준(높음/낮음)에 따라 각 8개의 단일 개체를 실험 재료로 하여 내적 편향 원리 준수 여부와 규범적 관점 준수 여부를 조작하였다. 실험 결과, 내적 편향 원리를 준수한 상태에서 개체가 제시된 경우가 내적 편향 원리가 위배된 상태로 개체가 제시된 경우보다 더 선호되었다. 선호 판단에 걸리는 반응시간 또한 더 짧은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 규범적 관점 준수 여부는 선택 빈도 및 반응 시간에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 더불어, 개체의 친숙도는 선호도 판단과 관련된 의사 결정에 간섭 요인으로 작용하는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 개체 선호도 원리 중 내적 편향의 강도가 규범적 관점에 비해 더 우세하며, 단일 개체가 제시될 때 그에 대한 선호 판단에 있어서 그 개체가 가진 속성보다 시각적 문맥과의 상호작용이 중요하게 작용한다는 것을 시사한다.

금연행위와 관련된 개인적 특성 및 경험과 인지 및 감정 사이의 상호관련성 분석 (Analysis of Relationships between the Factors of Personal Characteristics, Experiences, the Factors of Cognition and Affect Relating to Smoking Cessation Behavior)

  • 오현수
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.463-475
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the study was to examine if individual characteristics and experiences related to smoking behavior identified from the literature were significantly associated with behavior-specific cognitions and affect in the same way as presented in Pender's Revised Health Promotion Model(Pender, 1996). The subjects selected for this study were 400 college students enrolled in more than 10 colleges located in Seoul and Kyunggi-Inchon province. According to the study results, personal factors (i.e., perceived health status, the past history of disease, and symptoms related to smoking) and related behavior (i.e., the degree of alcohol consumption, and exercise) are significantly associated with behavior-specific cognitions and affect (i.e., perceived barriers to smoking cessation, perceived self-efficacy, and perceived benefits of smoking cessation). The canonical correlation between two groups of variables was .59, and it turned out to be statistically significant. Thirty-four percent of variance of the relationship between two group of variables was explained by two canonical variates which turned out to be significant in the study results. The result could be interpreted from the view of psycho-social area as follows: overall, this study includes important variables which explain the association between two groups of variables.

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Dissipation Inequality of LTI System Based on Pencil Model

  • Shibasato, Koki;Shiotsuki, Tetsuo;Kawaji, Shigeyasu
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 1998년도 제13차 학술회의논문집
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 1998
  • The concept of dissipativity and passivity are of interest to us from a theoretical as well as a practical point of view. It is well known that the Riccati equation is derived from the dissipation inequality which expresses the fact that the system is dissipative; the energy stored inside the system doesn't exceed the amount of supply which flows into the system. The pencil model is regarded as a representation based on behavioral approach introduced by J.C. Willems. It has first order in the internal variable and zeroth order in the external variable. In general, any matrix pencil is transformed into a canonical form which is consist of several kind of sub-pencils, One of them has row full rank for $^\forall S\;\in\;\mathds{C}\;\bigcup{\infty}$, we call it under-determined mode of the model. In our opinion, most important properties of dynamical system lay in the mode. According to the properties of canonical form for pencil, it is shown that the storage function which characterizes the dissipativity of the system can be written as a LMI for the under-determined mode, if the system doesn't include impulse mode.

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중수의 열역학적 성질과 흡착특성 (Statistical Thermodynamical Properties and Adsorption Characteristics of Heavy Water)

  • 조창현;박형석;장세헌
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 1971
  • The statistical thermodynamical properties of heavy water are calculated according to the transient state theory of significant liquid structure. The calculated values are shown to be in good agreement with the observed ones. The grand canonical ensemble partition function for the adsorbed phase of heavy water on graphite surface is derived using the theory. The adsorption isotherm, the surface pressure, the molar entropy and the molar internal energy for the adsorbed phase and then the molar heat of adsorption are calculated according to the derived partition function. The thermodynamic properties of the adsorbed water are also calculated and the results are compared with those of heavy water and discussed in view of the experimentally observed phenomena.

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  • Melnikov, B.F.;Melnikova, A.A.
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.135-150
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    • 2002
  • The present paper discusses non-deterministic finite Rabin-scott's automate. The majority of works recently dealing with this subject were, in fact, concerned only with properties of a canonical term automata or of some objects equivalent to it. This article continues the series of works in which the authors state a different point of view, describing the finite automata as just another invariant of the given regular language called basis finite automaton. In this article the authors argue on some new properties for the basis finite automaton. One of them is included into basis automaton's table of binary relations. It is stated that this table can not contain either identical strings or identical columns. Another property depicts a possibility to obtain any finite automaton for a given regular language by the process of duplicating or combining some of its states.

Performance Study of Defected Ground Structure Patch Antenna with Etched psi (ψ) Shaped Stubs

  • Nadeem, Iram;Choi, Dong-You
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2018
  • In this article, a novel design of patch antenna with wide band characteristics is presented. The proposed antenna is having electrical dimensions of $0.14{\lambda}{\times}0.11{\lambda}$ (at lower initial frequency) and footprints of $150mm^2$. Structural parameters optimization shows 3.1-23.5 GHz frequency range for a (reflection coefficient) $S_{11}{\leq}-10dB$ and simulated gain 6.8 dB is obtained. An equivalent circuit model is proposed to get an insight view of antenna. Advanced Systems Design (ADS) simulation results are obtain which confirm the validity of proposed model. Degenerated foster canonical form has been used to explain the reactance and capacitive behavior idea of simulated proposed antenna's input impedance later on an equivalent circuit model and smith chart is also suggested. HFSS and CST have been used to analyze antenna behavior. The proposed antenna can be further used for microwave image detection applications.