• Title/Summary/Keyword: Call-center

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A Study on School Library Media Center as an infrastructure of lifelong learning in society (평생학습사회의 기반구축과 학교도서관매체 센터에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo So-young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.127-148
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to assert the fact that School Library Media Center(SLMC) is the most important body which influences the whole process of loaming in school and at the same time it functions as a very essential infrastructure of acquiring loaming in the society. The writer analysed the studies on learning outcomes across a range of educational conditions and settings. She found that loaming outcomes are influenced positively by the educational conditions and settings that accomodate the student diversity and individualization, and loaming materials for their individual needs. It means that the outcomes of effective teaming are influenced by using teaming materials of individual student guided by teachers and teacher librarians. In case, school education furnishes desirable programs of SLMC and use it properly, students canhave enough experiences what and how they learn by using library materials during their school days. As school days are in their early days of their lifetime, they are easy to carry their way of loaming with them even after they finish school. The members of society who are accustomed to use library materials during their school days will have loaming needs for their better life. The writer wants to call it the loaming needs of society that school produces. A teaming society is composed of two factors One is the loaming needs of the people and the other is the environment to meet them. SLMC produces loaming needs, and it meets to the needs of student learning. Consequently it can be said SLMC is the infrastructure for loaming society. The author pointed out that the Educational Reformation Draft of current Government does not mention about learning materials prerequisite to enhance student loaming outcomes, especially in relation to their creativity. She concluded educators of every level of school including government officials in charge of education have to think and do something about reformation of School Library Media Center for the fulfillment of the goal of Korean Educational Reformation Draft announced by the Educational Reformation Committee Draft announced by the Educational Reformation Committee May 31, 1995.

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Gracilis Muscle Free Flap Transplantation Followed Up Over 10 Years (10년 이상 추시된 박 근 유리 판 이식술)

  • Yu, Chang Eun;Park, Ki Tae;Lee, Jun-Mo
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.108-112
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Gracilis muscle free flap transplantation is chosen in the medium sized soft tissue defect and bone exposure from trauma and chronic osteomyelitis in the lower extremity. We set a study to search for gracilis free flaps to know whether symptoms were cured or recurred in patients that have passed over 10 years from flap transplantation. Materials and Methods: From August 1995 through September 2010, we have performed 28 cases of gracilis muscle free flap in the lower extremities. Ever since no case visited to demand any discomfort, breakdown or recurrence in the flap site on outpatient basis. We made a telephone call to patients or relatives documented in the medical record and only 2 cases visited outpatient department and 9 cases postponed the visit who satisfied with the final result but 17 cases had wrong telephone numbers. Causes, area of lower extremity, recipient vessels in the lower extremity, condition of the donor thigh and overall satisfaction of the flap transplantation in activities of daily living were investigated and written down in the medical record. Results: 11 cases were reviewed after average postoperative 13.7 years. Gracilis muscle flaps were not break down at the recipient site in all cases. The wound of donor thigh wound healed good and overall activities of daily living was satisfied in all cases. Conclusion: Gracilis muscle flaps which had performed and followed up average 13.7 years revealed confident in the medium sized soft tissue defect and bone exposure from trauma and chronic osteomyelitis in the lower extremity.

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Relationship between Preharvest Factors and the Incidence of Storage Disorders in 'Fuji' Apples during CA Storage

  • Kweon, Hun-Joong;Kim, Mok-Jong;Moon, Yong-Sun;Lee, Jin-Wook;Choi, Cheol;Choi, Dong-Geun;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Kang, In-Kyu
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of pre-harvest factors on fruit quality and the incidence of storage disorders in 'Fuji' apple during CA storage. Incidence of storage disorders varied, depending on the growing regions, field conditions, and altitude of the orchards. Results indicated that fruit maturity may play a crucial role in the incidence and severity of flesh browning and watercore. The incidence of these storage disorders increased with fruit maturity until 180 days after full bloom (DAFB). In addition, occurrence of watercore was correlated with the incidence of flesh browning during CA storage. The incidence of flesh browning was positively correlated with the sum of the diurnal temperature range from September through October and amount of precipitation from August to October in 1996-1999 growing years. These results suggested that 'Fuji' apple should be harvested no later than 180 DAFB because the late harvested fruits were prone to development of watercore which was correlated with the incidence of flesh browing during CA storage in Korea.

Effects of the Nurse-led Discharge Education on Symptom Experience and Self-Care Compliance in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (일대일 퇴원교육이 만성폐쇄성 폐질환자의 증상경험 및 자가간호수행에 미치는 효과)

  • Cho, Eun-Hye;Hwang, Seon-Young
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.595-604
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the effects of the nurse-led one-on-one discharge education on the levels of symptom experience and self-care compliance among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who had not previously participated in an education or respiratory rehabilitation program. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental pre-and post-test design with nonequivalent control group. Sixty seven hospitalized patients (34 for experimental and 33 for control groups) were recruited from in-patient units of a general hospital from August to November, 2010. The one-on-one education session of symptom management and daily self-care was administered to experimental group for 50 minutes along with a follow-up phone call. Self-administered questionnaire was administered at the pretest and at 1 month after discharge. Results: The subjects were 67.43(${\pm}10.24$)years old in average. The mean differences of symptom experience (t=3.39, p=.001) and self-care compliance (t=-38.13, p<.001) in the experimental group was significantly higher than those of the control group. Conclusion: Nurse-led one-on-one discharge education was effective in reducing the level of symptom experience and enhancing self-care compliance at home within one month after discharge. Therefore, this form of one-on-one education provided by nurses might be applicable effectively for COPD patients who do not have access to respiratory rehabilitation programs.

A Study on the Theoretical System and Publication Background of Jinkuiyuhanjing(金匱玉函經) (『금궤옥함경(金匱玉函經)』의 성서(成書) 배경과 학술 체계)

  • Kim, Sanghyun;Yun, Kiryoung;Kim, Hyeil;Yoon, Eunkyung;Jang, Woochang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : This study aims to investigate the background of, and theoretical system behind the Jinkuiyuhanjing that was edited and published at the same time as the Shanghanlun by the Jiaozhengyishuju (governmental publishing sector) of Northern Song. Methods : To determine the background against which Jinkuiyuhanjing was published, its position and meaning within the Medical Texts Editing Project of the Jiaozhengyishuju was firstly examined. For its theoretical background, the contents of Zhengzhizongli, which is considered to be an introduction to the Jinkuiyuhanjing was thoroughly analyzed. Moreover, to understand the unique philosophy of the Jinkuiyuhanjing, referneces were made to relevant contents in the 'Shinhyeong' chapter of the Donguibogam. Results : The findings of the study call for a re-evluation of the Jinkuiyuhanjing as holding a unique philosophical perspective and having an independent lineage instead of being a supplementary material to the Shanghanlun as it was once understood. Conclusions : The research of Zhangzhongjing's Classical Formulas(經方) revealed that the theoretical thinking and contents of Jinkuiyuhanjing hold much value and should be actively studied and applied. Furthermore, it lends important meaning in understanding the tradition of Korean Classical Formulas as represented in the Donguibogam.

A Study on Mathematical Model of Manoeuvring Motion of Manta-type Unmanned Undersea Vehicle at Large Attack Angles (Manta형 무인잠수정의 대각도 받음각을 갖는 조종운동 수학모델에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Jun-Young;Sohn, Kyoung-Ho;Kim, June
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.328-341
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    • 2010
  • The authors adopt the Unmanned Undersea Vehicle(UUV), which has taken the shape of manta(Sohn et al. 2006). They call here it Manta-type Unmanned Undersea Test Vehicle(MUUTV). MUUTV is designed with the similar concept of UUV called Manta Test Vehicle(MTV), which was originally built by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, USA(Lisiewicz and French 2000, Sirmalis et al. 2001, U.S. Navy 2004). The present study deals with evaluation of extreme motion of MUUTV at large attack angles. Extreme motion contains, for example, rising and depth change due to operation of hovering thrusters attached to MUUTV, lateral motion due to ocean current applied to MUUTV at low advance velocity, and so on. Numerical simulation technique has been utilized. The previous mathematical model on manoeuvring motion of MUUTV(Bae et al. 2009a) is basically adopted. Based on the results of present model experiment on extreme motion, the mathematical model is revised and supplemented in order to describe extreme motion. The hydrodynamic derivatives related to extreme motion are obtained from present model experiment and the other derivatives are referred to previous work(Bae et al. 2009a).

MultiHammer: A Virtual Auction System based on Information Agents

  • Yamada, Ryota;Hattori, Hiromitsy;Ito, Takayuki;Ozono, Tadachika;Chintani, Toramastsu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2001.01a
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we propose a virtual action system based on information agents, We call the system the MultiHammer, MultiHammer can be used for studying and analyzing online actions. MuiltiHammer provides functions of implement-ing a meta online action site and an experiment environ-ment. We have been using MultiHammer as an experiment as an experiment environment for BiddinBot. BiddingBot aims at assisting users to bid simultaneously in multiple online auctions. In order to bid simultaneously in multiple online auctions. In order to analyze the behavior of BiddngBot, we need to pur-chase a lot of items. It is hard for us to prepare a lot of fund to show usability and advantage of BiddingBot. MultiHam-mer enables us to effectively analyze the behavior of BiddingBot. MultiHammer consists of three types of agents for information collecting data storing and auctioning. Agents for information wrappers. To make agent work as wrarp-pers, we heed to realize software modules for each online action site. Implementing these modules reguires a lot of time and patience. To address this problem, we designed a support mechanism for developing the modules. Agents for data storing record the data gathered by agents for informa-tion collecting. Agents for auctioning provide online services using data recorded by agents for data storing. By recording the activities in auction sites. MultiHammer can recreate any situation and trace auction for experimentation, Users can participate in virtual using the same information in real online auctions. Users also participate in real auc-tions via wrapper agents for information collecting

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Identifying Factors for Corn Yield Prediction Models and Evaluating Model Selection Methods

  • Chang Jiyul;Clay David E.
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.268-275
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    • 2005
  • Early predictions of crop yields call provide information to producers to take advantages of opportunities into market places, to assess national food security, and to provide early food shortage warning. The objectives of this study were to identify the most useful parameters for estimating yields and to compare two model selection methods for finding the 'best' model developed by multiple linear regression. This research was conducted in two 65ha corn/soybean rotation fields located in east central South Dakota. Data used to develop models were small temporal variability information (STVI: elevation, apparent electrical conductivity $(EC_a)$, slope), large temporal variability information (LTVI : inorganic N, Olsen P, soil moisture), and remote sensing information (green, red, and NIR bands and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), green normalized difference vegetation index (GDVI)). Second order Akaike's Information Criterion (AICc) and Stepwise multiple regression were used to develop the best-fitting equations in each system (information groups). The models with $\Delta_i\leq2$ were selected and 22 and 37 models were selected at Moody and Brookings, respectively. Based on the results, the most useful variables to estimate corn yield were different in each field. Elevation and $EC_a$ were consistently the most useful variables in both fields and most of the systems. Model selection was different in each field. Different number of variables were selected in different fields. These results might be contributed to different landscapes and management histories of the study fields. The most common variables selected by AICc and Stepwise were different. In validation, Stepwise was slightly better than AICc at Moody and at Brookings AICc was slightly better than Stepwise. Results suggest that the Alec approach can be used to identify the most useful information and select the 'best' yield models for production fields.

Creativity Development and Design in Digital Era (디지털 시대의 창조성 개발과 디자인)

  • Rhi, Joo-Myung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2005
  • In Korean language, 'changeu'(originality) and 'changjo'(creativity) has been used as almost same meaning, because these have similar pronunciation. However, originality means idea and creativity means process. The former is based on intuition, and the latter is on both of logic and intuition. Intuition process is not perceived very well, but logic has very clear one. We can find the due for that creating something is not difficult too much anymore, because the process is identified. The creation process is a problem solving process and it has the design on its center. Designer study the problem solving process and learn how to solve the problem with many cases on its studio class. Then we can call them as a creator. The meaning of design that it is a styling is very usual in Korean public and even designers. However, it will be not valid anymore in the upcoming digital age, which reproduction is possible with a little restriction. Design should be back as an original methodology for creation with the designer's own capability such as conception, intermediation, and visualization.

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Evaluating the Quality of the Differential Police Response Strategy: Applications of Statistical Quality Control Charts (통계적 품질관리도를 활용한 차별적 경찰대응전략의 평가)

  • Lee, Myungwoo;Kim, Jihoon;Park, Hanho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to evaluate the quality of Differential Police Response strategy. Although it has been approximately three years since these new police response systems were introduced, there is no research to evaluate them empirically. Using two types of statistical quality control techniques, Xbar-R control charts for variables data and P charts for attributes data, this study analyzes approximately 3,000 calls reported throughout the year 2012 to the 112 Integrated Dispatch Center in Ik-san police station. The Xbar-R control charts revealed that the police did not consistently respond to an emergency call for service (i.e., code one case) within 3 minutes. The P control chart also identified that there was a significant variation in the portion/number of defective calls where police failed to respond to non-emergency calls for service within 5 minutes. The results from this study suggest the police may need to review the target response time for code 1 and code 2 respectively.