• 제목/요약/키워드: Calcium

검색결과 8,764건 처리시간 0.039초

Aspergillus oryzae 배양물의 급여가 육계의 생산성, 장내미생물, 혈청성분 및 계사환경 요인에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Feeding Aspergillus oryzae Ferments on Performance, Intestinal Microflora, Blood Serum Components and Environmental Factors in Broiler)

  • 김상호;박수영;유동조;이상진;류경선;이동규
    • 한국가금학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구에서 AO 배양물의 급여가 육계의 생산성, 장내미생물, 계사내 환경 및 혈청내 생화학성분의 변화에 대한 영향을 구명하고자 2차례에 걸쳐 시험을 실시하였다. 시험 I에서는 육계 초생추(Abor Acres) 360수를 평사에서 5주간 사양실험을 실시하였으며, 첨가된 AO 배양물은 AOS와 AOL 2종의 균주를 이용하여 각각 배양하였다. 대조구는 기초사료를 급여하였으며, 2개의 처리구에는 기초사료에 배양물을 각각 0.1%씩 첨가하였다. 시험 II도 육계 초생추(Abor Acres) 360수를 평사에서 5주간 사양실험을 실시하였다. 시험 I의 결과를 바탕으로 성적이 우수한 AOL균주를 이용하여, 적정 첨가수준을 조사하고자 첨가수준을 각각 0, 0.1, 0.2%로 하였다. 시험 I 에서 증체량은 AO 첨가구가 대조구에 비하여 22∼38g 높게 나타났으나 유의성은 인정되지 않았다. 사료섭취량은 증체량이 다소 높았던 AO 첨가구에서 많았으나 통계적 유의성은 인정되지 않았으며, 사료요구율 역시 처리간 차이가 없었다. 혈청내 생화학성분은 AO 배양물 급여구에서 당과 칼슘의 함량이 증가하였으며, cholesterol, blood urea nitrogen 및 총단백질의 함량은 감소하였다. 계분내 암모니아 가스 발생량은 최고발생량을 기준으로 대조구에 비하여 25∼50% 정도 감소하였으며, 바닥재 수준 함량은 차이자 없었다. 시험II에서는 종료시 체중이 AO 배양물 급여구가 무첨가에 비하여 모두 증가한 것으로 나타났다(P<0.05). 사료섭취량 역시 AO 배양물 급여구에서 높게 나타났으며, 사료요구율을 처리간에 차이가 없었다. 장내미생물은 AO 배양물 급여구의 회장과 맹장에서 유산균의 수가 대조구보다 많은 것으로 나타났다(P<0.05). 또한 회장에서는 살모넬라 및 대장균의 수가 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 이상의 결과에서 AO 배양물의 급여는 육계의 생산성을 향상시키며, 장내미생물총 및 사육환경을 개선시키는 것으로 판단된다.

인천시 고잔동에서 제기된 유리섬유에 의한 건강피해 역학 조사 (Health Assessment for Glass Fibre Landfill at Gozan-dong, Inchon)

  • 조수헌;주영수;김경렬;이강근;홍국선;은희철;송동빈;홍재웅;권호장;하미나;한상환;성주헌;강종원
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.77-101
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    • 1997
  • In September 1994, residents of Gozan-dong, Incheon City, made a petition to the government about their health problems which might be caused by previous glass fibre landfill nearby 'H' company. In february 1995, at regular academic meeting of occupational and environmental medicine, a research team of 'D' University presented that they had found glass fibres in groundwater of the area through their survey. They were suspicious of probable association between ingestion of groundwater contaminated with glass fibres and skin tumors among residents. A joint research team was formed and carried out the survey of environment concerning groundwater and its glass fibre existence, and health assessment of residents in the area and industrial workers of 'H' company during May to November, 1995. Analysis of groundwater flow system indicates that the flow lines from the glass fibre landfill pass through or terminate at the 6 houses around the landfill. This means that the groundwater of the 6 houses around the glass fibre landfill could be affected by some possible contaminants from the landfill, but the groundwater quality of the other houses was irrelevant to the landfill. The qualitative and qualitative analyses for glass fibres in 54 groundwater samples including those from the nearby 6 houses, were carried out using SEM equipped with EDS, resulting in no evidence for the presence of glass fibres in the waters. Major precipitates, formed in waters while boiling, were identified as calcium carbonates, in particulary, aragonites in needle form. The results of health assessments of 889 residents in Gozan-dong, participated in this study, showed statistically significant differences in past medical histories of skin tumor and respiratory disease between the exposed group (31 persons who inhabited in 6 houses around the landfill) and the control group, but no significant differences in past medical histories of other diseases, such as cancer mortality, current gastroscopic findings, current skin diseases and respiratory diseases, etc. Also, we could not prove any glass fibres in excised specimens of 9 skin tumors in both groups and there were no health problems possibly associated with glass fibres in employees of the 'H' company. After all, we could not authenticate the association, raised by prior investigators, between groundwater streams, assumedly contaminated with glass fibres or not, and specific disease morbidities or common disease/symptom prevalences. That is, we could not find any glass fibres in groundwater as the only exposure factor of this study hypothesis, and there were not enough certain evidences such as increasing disease prevalences, for examples, skin, respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases etc, possibly related to glass fibre exposure, in exposed group. As a matter of course, the conditions for confirming causal association, for example, strength of the association, consistency of the association, specificity of the association, temporality of the association and dose-response relationship etc, have not been satisfied. In conclusion, we were not able to certify the hypothesis that contamination of groundwater with glass fibres might cause any hazardous health effects in residents who used it for drinking.

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산화적지의 식생회복에 관한 생태학적 연구 (Ecological Studies on Vegetation Recovery of Burned Field after Forest Fire)

  • Kang, Sang Joon;Jong Tai Lee
    • 환경위생공학
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 1990
  • 충청북도 일원에서 1976년부터 1981년사이에 산불이 발생한 산화적지와 그에 인접한 비산화지의 식생과 토양성분을 조사하여, 산화 후의 식생회복과 토양성분과의 관계를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 79-B의 우점종 순위가 억새-산거울-싸리의 순으로 비산화지와 같게 나타나 산화 후 2년째 회복되었고, 그 후 산화적지에서 싸리가 점차 우점종으로 발달하여 산화 후 5년이 지난 76-B의 우점종 순위가 싸리-산거울-억새의 순이었다. 2. 생활형 조성은 산화 후 2년째부터 조사지소에 따라 H-e-$D_1-R_5$ 또는 Ph-e-$D_1-R_5$로 산화적지와 비산화지가 같게 되어, 산화 후 2년째에 산화적지의 생활형이 회복되었다. 3. 천이도는 81-B의 DS=423, 81-U의 DS=524로 산화적지가 낮았으나, 산화 후 2년째인 79-B의 DS=510, 79-U의 DS=520으로 거의 같았고, 산화 후 3년째부터는 산화적지가 비산화지보다 점차 높게 나타나 산화적지는 비산화지보다 천이가 빠르게 진행됨을 알 수 있다. 4. Shannon-Wiener function, Morishita's index 및 Simpson's index 등 종 다양성의 분석 결과에 의하면, 산화 당년에는 복잡한 군집이었으나 산화 후 2~3년째에 비산화지와 같은 단순한 군집으로 회복되었다. 또한 Evenness index의 분석 결과, 산화 당년에 식물종수가 비산화지보다 많았으나 산화 후 2년째부터 비산화지와 같은 종수가 되었다. 6. 산화적지의 식생은 산화 후 2~3년째에 비산화지의 식생과 거의 같게 회복되었고, 토양성분도 2~3년째에 회복되었다. 따라서, 산화 후 식생회복 과정과 토양성분의 변화사이에는 밀접한 관련이 있었다.

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수도작(水稻作)에서 시용질소효과 증대요인의 해석적(解析的) 연구 (Studies on the Factors Enhancing the Effects of Nitrogen Application of Rice Culture in Korea)

  • 허범량
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.131-155
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    • 1983
  • 수도작(水稻作)에 있어서 시용질소(施用窒素)의 효과는 토양(土壤)이나 품종(品種) 및 무기성분(無機成分)의 영향(影響)을 받는 것이 널리 알려져 있으나 효과증진 요인(要因)에 대(對)한 해석(解析)은 많지 않다. 우리나라 답토양(畓土壤)에서 현재(現在) 재배(栽培)되고 있는 품종(品種)들에 대하여 토양개량(土壤改良) 및 시용방법(施用方法)에 따른 질소효과와 질소(窒素), 규산(珪酸) 및 칼리와의 상호관계를 중심(中心)으로 검토한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 전국 413개소(個所) 답토양에서 10a당 정조수량(正租收量)의 범위(範圍)는 무질소구 200~850kg, 질소적정시용구 350~1,051kg이었으며 질소시용(窒素施用)에 의(依)한 증수는 50~650kg으로서 조사(調査)된 답토양간에 수량정도(收量程度)의 차(差)가 컸다. 2. 무질소하(無窒素下)에서 수량(收量)이 높은 토양은 유기물(有機物)과 인산(燐酸) 및 석회(石灰)의 함량(含量)이 높은 반면(反面) 시비구(施肥區)에서 증수량이 많았던 토양(土壤)은 유기물(有機物), 인산(燐酸), 칼리, 석회(石灰) 등(等)의 함량(含量)이 낮으며 유효규산함량이 많은 토양에서 증수효과가 컸다. 3. 질소증시에 따른 수량증가가 22.4kg/10a이상(以上)에서 감소(減少)되는 현상(現象)은 질소흡수량(窒素吸收量) 저하(低下)에서 오는 것이 아니라 규산흡수량(珪酸吸收量) 저하(低下)와 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 4. 토양개량(土壤改良) 방법별(方法別) 효과는 객토(客土), 심경(深耕) 및 Ca, Mg, $Sio_2$의 종합시용(綜合施用)이 효과적이었으며 특(特)히 질소(窒素) 시용효과 증대를 위해서는 $Sio_2$ 및 Ca/Mg 비율(比率)이 높아야 하는 것으로 나타났다. 5. 질소수준(窒素水準)에 따른 수량(收量)과 수량구성요소간(收量構成要素間)의 상관관계는 질소(窒素) 저수준(低水準)에서는 수수와 상관이 높고, 질소(窒素) 고수준(高水準)에서는 등숙율(登熟率)과 상관(相關)이 있었다.

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암모니움 Toxicity에 의(依)한 배추의 Tip-burn에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Studies on Tip-burn of Chinese Cabbage by Ammonium Toxicity)

  • 이상은;임수길
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.389-398
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    • 1984
  • 질소(窒素)의 형태(形態) 및 칼슘의 농도(濃度)가 배추의 생리장해(生理障害)인 Tip-burn 발생(發生)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 밝히기 위하여 Ca 3수준(水準)(0, 8, $16meq/{\ell}$)을 주구(主區)로 놓고 결구형성기(結球形成期)를 전후(前後)하여 질소(窒素)의 형태(形態)($NO_3{^-}-N$, $NH_4{^+}-N$) 및 농도(濃度) (4, 8, $16meq/{\ell}$)를 달리하는 10개(個) 처리(處理)를 세구(細區)로 놓아 총(總) 30개(個) 처리(處理) 2반복(反覆)으로서 사경재배(砂耕栽培)로 실험(實驗)하였다. 실험결과(實驗結果)를 보면 우선 Ca 수준(水準)에 관계(關係)없이 모든 $NH_4{^+}-N$ 처리구(處理區)에서 Tip-burn이 발생(發生)되었으며 수량(收量)이 낮았는데 $NH_4{^+}-N$ 처리구(處理區)의 뿌리는 담(湛)하게 상해(傷害)를 받았으며 누수(漏水)의 pH는 5.0이하(以下)로 낮아졌다. 결구형성기(結球形成期) 이전(以前)에 $NH_4{^+}-N$의 처리(處理)로 Tip-burn이 발생(發生)되었던 식물체(植物體)는 결구형성기(結球形成期) 이후(以後)에 $NO_3{^-}-N$으로 질소(窒素)의 형태(形態)를 바꿈에 따라 건전(健全)한 생육(生育)을 보였으며 반대(反對)의 경우($NO_3{^-}-N{\rightarrow}NH_4{^+}-N$)에는 Tip-burn이 발생(發生)하였다. 배추의 수량(收量)은 위의 상황(狀況)을 그대로 반영(反影)하였다. 식물체중(植物體中)의 양분함량(養分含量)을 보면 $NH_4{^+}-N$ 처리(處理)는 내엽중(內葉中)의 T-H 함량(含量)을 증가(增加)시켰으나 K 및 Ca함량(含量)을 감소(減少)시킨 반면 Ca처리(處理)는 내엽중(內葉中)의 T-N과 K의 함량(含量)에 영향(影響)을 미치지 않았다. $NH_4{^+}-N$ 처리(處理)는 식물체중(植物體中) Ca 전이(傳移)를 방해(防害)하였으나 $NO_3{^-}-N$ 처리(處理)는 전이(傳移)를 촉진(促進)하였으며 Tip-turn증상(症狀)을 보인 엽(葉)은 건전(健全)한 엽(葉)에 비(比)해 Ca함량(含量)이 낮았다. Internal rot는 결구후기(結球後期)에 나타나는 Tip-burn 증상(症狀)으로 높은 농도(濃度)의 $NO_3{^-}-N$ 처리(處理)에 의(依)해 발생(發生)되었으며 내엽중(內葉中) Ca 함량(含量)은 Ca 농도(濃度) 증가(增加)에 따라 증가(增加)하였으나 Internal rot와는 상관(相關)이 없었다. 배추의 Tip-burn은 종래(從來)의 학설(學說)에 의(依)한 Ca 결핍증상(缺乏症狀)이라기 보다는 오히려 Ammonium toxicity에 의(依)해 뿌리가 심한 장해(障害)를 받고 그에 따라 식물체(植物體)가 water stress($NO_3{^-}-N$에서 자란 식물은 95% 수분함량, $NH_4{^+}-N$에서 자란 식물은 91% 수분함량)를 받기 때문에 나타나는 증상(症狀)으로 사려(思慮)되며 Internal rot도 Ca 결핍(缺乏)보다는 질소과용(窒素過用)에 의(依)해서 생기는 것으로 생각된다.

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한국인(韓國人)의 균형식(均衡食) 권장에 관한 연구(硏究) -한국인(韓國人)의 식생활(食生活)의 추이(해방후 30년간)- (Research on Proper Dietary Recommendations for Korea)

  • 이기열;이양자
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 1977
  • This study was designed to evaluate the changes and improvements in the Korean diet during the last thirty years (since independence in 1945), and to make recommendations for the improvement of their nutritional status, consequently contributing to the physical and mental welfare of the Korean people. The results and recommendations are as follows: 1. The total calorie and carbohydrate intake decreased by $8{\sim}12%$ in the 1970's, as compared with the 1940's and the 1950's. 2. The intake of calcium and vitamiu A increased $30{\sim}50%$ and $20{\sim}60%$ respectively in the 1960's and 1970's as compared with the 1940,s. But this intake level is still lower than the RDA values. 3. The vitamin C intake was somewhat higher in the mountainous and farming areas than in urban areas. 4. In the 1970's, the decrease of untriend intake due to seasonal variation was marked especially for protein, niacin, vitamin $B_1$, and vitamin C. 5. The consumption of protein foods (meats and legumes) increased in an amount of $15{\sim}36g$ per day. There was a marked increase in the intake of meat in farming areas and of milk in urban areas in the 1970's. This increased intake of animal proteins is a very desirable dietary change. 6. The cereal consumption was lowest in urban areal, but there was a general decrease in the intake of the cereal group in the entire area in the 1970's. For the farmers, the intake of cereal food decreased most, from 750 g to 576 g, but cereals still composed a high proportion of the entire diet. 7. Fruits and vegetables showed the highest intake for the urban people, as expected. For the whole area, this food group showed an increase of 8.7% in the 1970's, as compared with the 1960's. 8. The gradual ihcrease in the intake of the fats and oil group was a desirable dietary change. but the absolute amount was too low. 9. A 7% increase in height and a 9% incrrase in weight for growing children and adolescents was observed in the 1970's as compared with the 1940's, but several kinds of deficiency diseases, such as nutritional anemia and dental caries were still apparent in many areas. 10. To improve cur food life and to cope with food shortages faced in Korea, an efficient and nationwide nutrition education program should be implemented. This would maximize efficiency of intake from the limited food sources for a balanced diet. 11. As it is of utmost importance to provide growing children with a desirable physical, sccial mental, and especially nutritional environment, a well-planned and organized school feeding program should be practiced widely and efficiently. 12. Young mothers and pregnant women should be educated on the importance of their children's nutrition, especially for the critical fetal and infancy periods. 13. More thorough and continuous nutritional survey studies on the changes in dietary patterns for the entire nation should be pursued, evaluated and documented. This would Provide a good information guide for future nutritional study programs. 14. It is the nutritionistist's strong desire that national leaders, especially decision makers recognize the fact that improvement of the nutritional status of the People is one of the most economic and preventative ways of improving their physical and mental health. This is closely related to the economic development and strength of the nation.

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자소(紫蘇)의 산지별(産地別) 화학조성(化學組成) -제일보(弟一報) 지질(脂質)의 특성(特性) 및 지방산조성(脂肪酸組成)- (Chemical Composition of Perilla frutescens Britton var. Crispa Decaisne Cultivated in Different Areas of Korea -Part 1. Characteristics of Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition-)

  • 박호식;김정기;조무제
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.224-229
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    • 1981
  • 한약재(韓藥材)로서 널리 이용(利用)되고 있는 자소(紫蘇)(Perilla frutescens Britton var. crispa Decaisne)를 지역별(地域別)(광주(廣州), 대구(大郎), 제주(濟州))로 배양(培養) 하여 얻은 종실(種實)의 일반성분(一般性分), 무기성분(無機成分) 및 지방(脂肪)의 여러가지 특성(特性)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 자소종실(紫蘇種實)의 일반성분(一般成分)은 단백질함량(蛋白質含量)이 15%정도로서 산지별(産地別) 차이가 거의 없었으나 조지방(粗脂肪)은 28(제주(濟州))${\sim}$34%(대구(大邱)), 탄소화물(炭水化物)은 40(대구(犬邱))${\sim}$44%(제주(濟州))로서 산지별(産地別)로 상당한 차이(差異)가 있었다. 2. 무기성분(無機成分)의 함량(含量)은 $K(426{\sim}446mg%)$, $SiO_2(197{\sim}229m%)$, $Ca(124{\sim}136mg%)$가 비교적 많고 P, Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe 등(等)은 $30{\sim}56mg%$로서 서로 비슷한 함량(含量)을 나타내었다. 무기성분(無機成分)중 Fe 및 Mn의 함량(含量) 산지별(産地別)로 다소 차이가 있었으나 다른 무기성분(無機成分)은 산지별(産地別)로 별차이가 없었다. 3. 자소유지(紫蘇油脂)의 염화가는 $194{\sim}199$, 요오드가(價)는 $196{\sim}200$, 산가(酸價)는 $4{\sim}5$로서 산지별(産地別)로는 거의 차이(差異)가 없었으나 다른 식물유(植物油)에 비하여 요오드가(價)가 현저하게 높았다. 4. 자소유지(紫蘇油脂의) 조성(組成)으로서 triglyreride가 전체(全體)의 $92{\sim}95%$, 불염화물이 $1.7{\sim}1.9%$, phospholi-pid가 $1.2{\sim}1.3%$, free fatty acid가 $0.7{\sim}0.9%$, free sterol이 $1.1{\sim}1.4$이며 sterol이 주구성분(主構成分)으로 되여 있는 불염화물의 함량(含量) 및 phospholipid의 함량비(含量比)가 다른 식물유지(植物油脂)에 비하여 상당치 높았다. 5. 전체지방조성(全體脂肪組成)으로서 불포화지방산함량(不飽和脂肪酸含量)이 현저히 많으며 그중에서도 linolenic acid가 전체(全體)의 50% 이상을 차지하고 있다 각지방(各脂肪) fraction별(別) 지방산조성(脂肪酸組成)은 phospholipid의 구성지방산(構成脂肪酸)이 triglyceride 구성지방산(構成脂肪酸)에 비(比)하여 포화지방산(飽和脂肪酸)인 palmitate의 함량(含星)이 현저히 높았고 sterylglycoside 구성지방산(構成脂肪酸)이 sterylester 구성지방산(構成脂肪酸)에 비(比)하여 불포화지방산함유비율(不飽和脂肪酸含有比率)이 매우 높았다. 산지별(産地別) 지방산조성(脂肪酸組成) 차이(差異)를 보면 total fatty acid 조성(組成)에는 큰차이가 없었으나 phospholipid 구성지방산조성(構成脂肪酸組成)에는 큰 차이가 있어 광주산(廣州産)의 경우 palmitate의 함량비(含量比)가 24%인데 비하여 대구산(大邱産)은 11.8%로서 2배(倍)이상의 차이(差異)를 보여 주었다.

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  • Varo, Ana-Garrido;MariaDoloresPerezMarin;Cabrera, Augusto-Gomez;JoseEmilioGuerrero Ginel;FelixdePaz;NatividadDelgado
    • 한국근적외분광분석학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국근적외분광분석학회 2001년도 NIR-2001
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    • pp.1153-1153
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    • 2001
  • Directive 79/373/EEC on the marketing of compound feeding stuffs, provided far a flexible declaration arrangement confined to the indication of the feed materials without stating their quantity and the possibility was retained to declare categories of feed materials instead of declaring the feed materials themselves. However, the BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) and the dioxin crisis have demonstrated the inadequacy of the current provisions and the need of detailed qualitative and quantitative information. On 10 January 2000 the Commission submitted to the Council a proposal for a Directive related to the marketing of compound feeding stuffs and the Council adopted a Common Position (EC N$^{\circ}$/2001) published at the Official Journal of the European Communities of 2. 2. 2001. According to the EC (EC N$^{\circ}$ 6/2001) the feeds material contained in compound feeding stufs intended for animals other than pets must be declared according to their percentage by weight, by descending order of weight and within the following brackets (I :< 30%; II :> 15 to 30%; III :> 5 to 15%; IV : 2% to 5%; V: < 2%). For practical reasons, it shall be allowed that the declarations of feed materials included in the compound feeding stuffs are provided on an ad hoc label or accompanying document. However, documents alone will not be sufficient to restore public confidence on the animal feed industry. The objective of the present work is to obtain calibration equations fur the instanteneous and simultaneous prediction of the chemical composition and the percentage of ingredients of unground compound feeding stuffs. A total of 287 samples of unground compound feeds marketed in Spain were scanned in a FOSS-NIR Systems 6500 monochromator using a rectangular cup with a quartz window (16 $\times$ 3.5 cm). Calibration equations were obtained for the prediction of moisture ($R^2$= 0.84, SECV = 0.54), crude protein ($R^2$= 0.96, SECV = 0.75), fat ($R^2$= 0.86, SECV = 0.54), crude fiber ($R^2$= 0.97, SECV = 0.63) and ashes ($R^2$= 0.86, SECV = 0.83). The sane set of spectroscopic data was used to predict the ingredient composition of the compound feeds. The preliminary results show that NIRS has an excellent ability ($r^2$$\geq$ 0, 9; RPD $\geq$ 3) for the prediction of the percentage of inclusion of alfalfa, sunflower meal, gluten meal, sugar beet pulp, palm meal, poultry meal, total meat meal (meat and bone meal and poultry meal) and whey. Other equations with a good predictive performance ($R^2$$\geq$0, 7; 2$\leq$RPD$\leq$3) were the obtained for the prediction of soya bean meal, corn, molasses, animal fat and lupin meal. The equations obtained for the prediction of other constituents (barley, bran, rice, manioc, meat and bone meal, fish meal, calcium carbonate, ammonium clorure and salt have an accuracy enough to fulfill the requirements layed down by the Common Position (EC Nº 6/2001). NIRS technology should be considered as an essential tool in food Safety Programs.

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목질(木質)의 열수추출(熱水抽出) 및 CaCl2 첨가(添加)가 목질(木質)-세멘트 보드의 휨강도(强度) 및 팽윤율(膨潤率)에 미치는 영향(影響) (The Effects of Hot Water Extraction of Wood Meal and the Addition of CaCl2 on Bending Strength and Swelling Ratio of Wood-Cement Board)

  • 안원영;신동소;최돈하
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.49-53
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    • 1985
  • The effects of pre-treatments, the hot water extraction of wood meal and the addition of chemical ($CaCl_2$) to wood-cement water system on the properties of wood-cement composite such as modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), water sorption ratio and swelling ratio of resulting boards were studied in this experiment. The wood meals through 0.83mm(20 mesh) and retained on 0.42mm(35 mesh) screen were prepared from Pinus densiflora S. at Z. and Larix leptolepsis G. For hot water extraction, 500 grams of wood meal for each species were heated to boiling with 1,500ml of distilled water in 2-liter beaker for 6 hours. Every 2 hours, the wood meals were washed with boiling distil1ed water and reheated to boiling again. After 6 hours boiling, the boiled wood particles were collected by pouring this particles on 200 mesh screen. The collected particles then washed twice with hot distilled water and dried for 24 hours in an oven at $109{\pm}20^{\circ}C$. A mixture of 663.4 grams of cement with 331.7 grams of wood meal based on oven-dry weight were dry-mixed in a plastic vessel. The mixture was kneaded with 497.6ml of distilled water in the ratio of 1.5ml of water to a gram of wood meal. To add calcium chloride to the mixture as an accelerator, $CaCl_2$ 4% solution by weight per volume, was added to pine-or larch-cement board in the ratio of 3% to cement weight. To set wood-cement board, this mixture was clamped at 30cm ${\times}$ 30cm, in thickness of 1.5cm for 3 days at room temperature, declamped and then placed at open condition for 17 days. The target density was 1.0. The four specimens sized to 5cm in width and 28cm in length were used for MOR and MOE test for each treatment. After MOR test, the tested specimens were cut to the size of 5cm ${\times}$ 5cm for water sorption and swelling test. The twenty specimens used to measure the water sorption ratio (soaking 24 hours) and ten of these were used for swelling ratio measurement The results obtained were as follows: 1) Larch was not suitable for wood-cement boards because larch-cement board developed no strength, but pine showed 97.9kg/$cm^2$ by hot water extraction. 2) To increase MOR, hot water extraction was more effective than the addition of $CaCl_2$ in pine and larch because the $CaCl_2$ addition was seemed to speed up the ratio of cement hydration without reacting with the wood substances. 3) The water sorption ratio was lowered by the addition of $CaCl_2$ to wood-cement system because the chemical additive accelerated the rate of cement hydration. 4) In pine-cement board, the swelling ratio from 0.37 to 0.42 percent was observed in length and the swelling ratio from 0.88 to 2.0 percent in thickness. As a rule, the swelling ratio of wood-cement board was very low and the swelling ratio in thickness was higher than in length.

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쌀 가공제품을 위한 다양한 쌀의 품질분석 (Quality Analysis of Diverse Rice Species for Rice Products)

  • 김혜련;권영희;김재호;안병학
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.142-148
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    • 2011
  • 쌀 가공제품을 위한 다양한 쌀의 품질분석을 위해 국내산 쌀 19품종과 수입쌀 1종의 일반성분과 형태검정, 이화학적 특성 및 호화특성을 분석하였다. 수분함량은 $11.11{\pm}0.20-13.28{\pm}0.03%$였으며 단백질과 지방 함량은 각각 $5.04{\pm}0.03-7.02{\pm}0.10$, $0.18{\pm}0.01-0.73{\pm}0.05%$였다. 무기질 함량은 칼슘이 $3.56{\pm}0.11-6.69{\pm}0.08mg/100g$, 나트륨이 $3.39{\pm}0.01-17.43{\pm}0.04mg/100g$, 인이 $64.12{\pm}0.88-102.0{\pm}0.36mg/100g$, 아연이 $0.95{\pm}0.01-1.75{\pm}0.0mg/100g$, 철이 $0.19{\pm}0.0-0.69{\pm}0.02g/100g$, 마그네슘이 $9.89{\pm}0.47-23.31{\pm}0.21mg/100g$, 칼륨이 $47.11{\pm}3.49-82.19{\pm}1.08mg/100g$ 그리고 망간이 $0.47{\pm}0.0-1.14{\pm}0.01mg/100g$의 함량을 보였다. 20품종 중 18품종의 크기가 소립이었으며 아밀로즈 함량은 $10.3{\pm}1.27-19.4{\pm}0.15%$였고 전분가는 $70.8{\pm}2.67-80.1{\pm}5.09%$를 나타내었다. 알칼리 붕괴도는 5-6등급의 상태였고 호응집성의 측정 결과 gel은 $63.0{\pm}7.0-100{\pm}0.0mm$ 사이로 흘러 '연함'을 나타내 양질의 상태를 보였다.