• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cable insulation aging

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Insulation Aging Diagnostics of Submarine Medium Voltage Power Cables (배전급 해저케이블의 절연열화진단)

  • Mo, Jong-Myung;Yi, Dong-Young;Song, Kwang-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.149-152
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    • 2001
  • In this work, we have conducted insulation aging assessment and maintenance for submarine medium voltage power cable systems to discriminate and maintain bad cables economically. We have found that aging status of submarine cable systems are very poor and in progress. We have found that insulation status were improved with the replacement of cable terminations. We have confirmed with the electrical and structural analysis of terminations, that the poor aging status of cables are mainly caused not by the cable insulations but by the aging of cable terminations. From the above results, we have also confirmed that the domestic diagnostic system is successful and convenient for the discrimination and maintenance of the damaged cables economically.

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Normalization Diagnosis of Aging Process on Partial Discharge Signals of CV Cable (CV케이블의 부분방전 신호를 통한 열화과정의 정량적 진단)

  • 소순열;임장섭;김진사;이준웅;김태성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1997.11a
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    • pp.451-455
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    • 1997
  • The partial discharge has been blown as the chief breakdown of power equipments. The analysis and the recognition is much difficult because the partial discharge signal is very small and has complex aging pattern. Recently, insulation aging diagnosis based on pattern of phase(Ф), partial discharge magnitude(q), number(n) has been very important. Owing to depreciate the reappearance of aging progress at the electrical tree pattern and to be difficult to analyze visually, the study on partial discharge pattern is suggested to normalizing analysis method of partial discharge signals. This parer is purposed on prediction of life-time measurement of cv-cable, on decision of risk degree with normalization and real-time measurement of partial discharge signals for aging diagnosis of cv-cable. As normalizing the aging signals of electrical tree in cv-cable, it is able to confirm risk degree of insulation material with the distribution of Ф-q-n and recognize the process of aging pattern using neural network.

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Insulation Diagnostics and Maintenance of Submarine Medium Voltage Power Cable Systems (해저 케이블 시스템의 열화진단 및 유지보수)

  • 이동영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2003
  • A study on the insulation aging assessment and maintenance for submarine medium voltage power cable systems has been performed The purpose of this work is the economic discrimination and maintenance of bad cables which is likely to cause cable system failure. 1 have found that aging status of submarine cable systems are very poor and in progress. Therefore, we have the replacement of cable terminations and repeat the diagnostic measurement Insulation status were improved with the replacement of cable terminations. I have confirmed, with the electrical md structural analysis of terminations, that the poor aging status of cables are mainly caused not by the cable insulations but by the aging of cable terminations. From the above results, I have also confirmed that the domestic diagnostic system is successful and convenient for the discrimination and maintenance of the damaged cables economically.

A Study on the Remain Life with Aging in 22kV CV cable (22kV 전력케이블의 열화 판정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kwan-Woo;Mok, Young-Soo;Kim, Bo-Kyeong;Park, Bok-Ki;Park, Dae-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.19-21
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we studied on life-decision of underground cable of live-lines state. As all equipments have been wear, underground cables decided design-life on the whole 30 years because underground cable have been occurred aging as time goes. CV cable has been become about 30 years after installation in the South Korea, is come to a important point of time with estimation about life. Study target cable is 22 kV CV cables in this point of view and installation cable is about 10 years before and behind. Measurement method used dc leakage method of live-lines state that applied voltage of 50V in neutral point and data is analyzing result that is measured during 5 years. In this result, insulation resistance could confirm that change according to season and cause is effect of humidity, seasons and load current. Also, according as data is gone aging, insulation resistance by Weibull distribution could confirm functionally its decrease. As a result, the aging speed of cable that water tree is gone could confirm fastness very. Numerical analysis result, cable that water tree is not gone could confirm that life of cable that has passed 10 years remains about $10{\sim}20$ years.

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A Study on Insulation Degradation Phenomena in 22kV CV Power Cable (22kV CV케이블에 있어서 절연열화현상의 고찰)

  • Kang, Moo-Seong;Kim, Dong-Shik;Jung, Seong-Yong;Park, Dae-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07c
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    • pp.1797-1800
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    • 1996
  • In this study, the insulation selected in degra-dated-power cable has been observed and aging process about the insulation has been investigated. Most Insulation aging process initiates in the interface of semiconducting layer and the type of the process is the fractal form that was observed between the the semiconducting layer and insulation layer. It is possible to estimate degree of the degration of cable with breakdown test and obtained data have been used to get parameters in order to use Weibull distribution. With this method it is considered to be possible to estimate situation of degration and life prediction.

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Estimation of Electrical & Physical Characteristics by Thermal History in XLPE Insulation (XLPE 절연체에서의 열이력에 의한 전기, 물리적 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin;Shim, Sung-Ik;Jeon, Seung-Ik
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.183-184
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study is to find out the effects of thermal aging condition on dielectric strength and degree of crtstallinity of XLPE insulation. Thermal properties of XLPE insulation were investigated by DSC(differential scanning calorimetry) and dielectric strength were analyzed using AC BDV tester. Aging of XLPE samples were conducted through different four conditions. The degree of crtstallinity and AC BDV were changed by thermal history. From these results, it can be suggested that DSC and AC BDV test are suitable for diagnostic method of extra high voltage XLPE cable.

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Analysis of Influence for High Frequency voltage Accelerated Aging of XLPE Cable (고주파 전압이 XLPE cable의 가속열화에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, We-Young;Hu, Jong-Chul;Yun, Dae-Hyuk;Park, Tae-Gone
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.07c
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    • pp.1670-1672
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    • 2004
  • XLPE compound have used for insulation of 22.9kV power cable. XLPE insulation is aged for use long time in distribution line. The cause of aging is water tree is happening and growth. Accelerated water tree test method are Accelerated volatge aging method and high frequency aging method. In this paper, high frequency accelerated water tree was performed. And the result was analysed AC breakdown voltage and size and number of water trees.

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Comparison of Electrical Tree Initiation According to Flow Pattern in EHV Power Cable Insulation (초고압 전력 케이블 절연층의 Flow Pattern 방향각에 따른 전기 트리 개시 특성 비교)

  • Lee, Seung-Yoo;Kim, Young-Ho;Cho, Dae-Hee;Lee, In-Ho;Park, Wan-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07d
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    • pp.1532-1534
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    • 1999
  • Electrical treeing phenomenon, regarded as pre-breakdown which accelerates aging process leading an insulation to the complete breakdown, is with no doubt extremely fatal to the performance of the insulation. Investigated in this paper is electrical treeing representing local dielectric failure according to flow pattern, the flow history of liquid polyethylene formed during the extrusion process. Experiments of electrical tree initiation by means of ramp tests were conducted using newly developed electrode system with point-to-point structure. Constant voltage tests were also carried out with the electrode system to estimate the life time of the insulation. Results were analyzed using statistical method such as Weibull distribution.

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Properties on the Distribution Pattern of Discharge Signals Generated in the Power Cable (전력 케이블에서 발생되는 방전 신호의 분포패턴에 관한 특성 분석)

  • 소순열;홍경진;이우기;이동인;김태성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1998
  • After Computer-based PD measurement was referred in the 1970's, the new technology and a number of digital system have been studied. And the selection of PD patterns, extraction of relevant information for PD recognition are discussed because the number of pulse as a function of discharge magnitude and discharge pulse as a function of the power frequency cycl4e offer the information of the aging insulation. This paper investigates the discharge phase($\phi$) and magnitude(q), as well as the number of discharge(n) with regard to discharge signals generated in power cable. Therefore, according to properties analysis on the distribution of $\phi$ , q and n, it is able to apply in the aging analysis of power cable which visual observation is impossible and distribution change of discharge signals offers much information for risk degree on aging progress of insulation materials.

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Efficiency appraisal of 22.9kV tree retardant power cable (22.9kV 트리억제형 전력케이블의 성능평가)

  • Kim, We-Young;Yun, Dae-Hyuk;Park, Tae-Gone
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.179-182
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    • 2002
  • XLPE compound have used for insulation of 22.9(kV) power cable. But tree retardant power cable has developed and is going to br used commonly. TR XLPE compound retard production and growth of water tree. In this paper, tensile strength, elongation at break, degree of crosslinking, lightning impulse test, AC breakdown test, cyclic aging for 14days and accelerated water treeing test of TR XLPE insulated power cable were examined according to the KEPCO buying spec. & AEIC CS 5-94 standards. before and after As the result, tensile strength, elongation at break and degree of crosslinking test results of TR XLPE insulation were higher than requirement values. After accelerated water treeing test for 120 days, 240 days and 360 days, AC breakdown voltages were not decreased for accelerated water treeing aging duration

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