• 제목/요약/키워드: CT장치

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A study of incisive canal using a cone beam computed tomography (cone beam형 전산화 단층촬영장치를 이용한 절치관의 연구)

  • Kim Gyu-Tae;Hwang Eui-Hwan;Lee Sang-Rae
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: To investigate the anatomical structure of the incisive canal radiographically by a cone beam computed tomography. Materials and Methods: 38 persons (male 26, female 12) were chosen to take images of maxillary anterior region in dental CT mode using a cone beam computed tomography. The tube voltage were 65, 67, and 70kVp, the tube current was 7 mA, and the exposure time was 13.3 seconds. The FH plane of each person was parallel to the floor. The images were analysed on the CRT display. Results: The mean length of incisive canal was 15.87 mm±2.92. The mean diameter at the side of palate and nasal fossa were 3.49 mm±0.76 and 3.89 mm± 1.06, respectively. In the cross-sectional shape of incisive canal, 50% were round, 34.2% were ovoid, and 15.8% were lobulated. 87% of incisive canal at the side of nasal fossa have one canal, 10.4% have two canals, and 2.6% have three canals, but these canals were merged into one canal in the middle portion of palate. The mean angles of the long axis of incisive canal and central incisor to the FH plane were 110.3°±6.96 and 117.45°±7.41, respectively. The angles of the long axis of incisive canal and central incisor to the FH plane were least correlated (r= 0.258). Conclusion : This experiment suggests that a cone beam computed radiography will be helpful in surgery or implantation on the maxillary incisive area.

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Finite Element Analysis of Wrist Orthosis with 3D Printing (3D 프린트를 통해 제작된 손목 보조기의 유한요소해석)

  • Choi, Hyeun-Woo;Kang, Inyeong;Noh, Gunwoo;Seo, Anna;Lee, Jong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.947-953
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to manufacture a wrist brace using a computerized tomography system, clinical design software (MediACE 3D Program), and 3D printer. After acquiring the Dicom file of the upper limb with a computed tomography, the wrist brace was designed using the MediACE 3D Program to create a "stereolithography" file. The designed wrist brace was printed using a 3D printer. To verify the effectiveness of wrist assistive device manufactured by 3D printing technology, the stress distribution of the pressure and orthosis applied to bone and skin is represented by finite element analysis. It is expected that the wrist brace can be manufactured by reinforcing the part where the damage caused by pressure and breakage of the brace frequently occurs with the result of finite element analysis when producing the wrist brace.


  • Park, Ji-Hye;Lee, Sung-Bok;Kwon, Kung-Rock;Choi, Dae-Gyun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.537-548
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    • 2006
  • Statement of problem : The use of mouthguard is important as the leisure life is popular today. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a mouthguard on stress distribution in teeth, maxilla and mandible for maxilla impact. Material and methods: The 3-dimensional finite element model was based on a CT scan film of an average korean adult when the subject is using a customized mouthguard which was made with the Signature Mouthguard system of Dreve. The load was applied to the upper central incisor cervical area parellel impact force for 0.1sec(L1). The Von-mises stress analysis with a mouthguard and without a mouthguard was compared. Results: The results of this study were as follows: 1. Without the mouthguard, stress was concentrated on teeth and alveolar bone in all load conditions. 2. With the mouthguard. maximum stress value was decreased and stress was dispersed in all load conditions. 3. Stress extinction with the mouthguard was faster than without the mouthguard in all load conditions. Conclusion: We acknowledged that the mouthguard has a stress buffer effect as the maximum stress value was decreased and stress was dispersed when impact force was applied.

Lung Lobe Torsion with Concurrent Intestinal Lymphangiectasia in a Maltese Dog (Maltese 개에서 림프관 확장증을 동반한 폐염전 발생 증례)

  • Yoon, Hun-Young;Jeong, Soon-Wuk
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.262-266
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    • 2011
  • A 4-year-old intact male, Maltese dog weighing 2.2 kg was presented for evaluation of tachypnea and hyperthermia. On initial evaluation, the dog was dyspneic, but alert and responsive. Muffled heart sound was noted with auscultation of the right hemithorax. The radiographic findings were consolidation of the right middle lung lobe, pleural effusion, and abdominal fluid accumulation. Thoracic computed tomography confirmed a contrast-enhancing mass within the right middle lung lobe. Surgical exploration of the thoracic cavity was performed using a right fifth intercostal thoracotomy. Examination of the right lung lobe revealed $360^{\circ}C$ torsion of the right middle lung lobe at the level of the hilus, in a clockwise direction. Lung lobectomy was performed using a thoracoabdominal stapling device with 2.5-mm vascular staples. Full-thickness intestinal biopsy by exploratory laparotomy was taken from the jejunum for histological assessment. Histopathologic examination of the full-thickness intestinal biopsy revealed distended lacteal located within the submucosa of the jejunum. Intestinal lymphangiectasia was resolved with prednisone and low fat diets. Subsequent communication with the owner revealed that the patient was in good health 6 months post-discharge.

Evaluation of danger zone in mesial root of mandibular first molar by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) (Cone beam형 전산화단층촬영장치를 이용한 하악 제1대구치 근심 치근의 danger zone에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Yoo-Rhee;Choi, Yong-Suk;Choi, Gi-Woon;Park, Sang-Hyuk
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: To examine the danger zone of mesial root of mandibular first molar of patient without extraction using CBCT (cone-beam computed tomography) to avoid the risk of root perforation. Materials and Methods: 20 mandibular first molars without caries and restorations were collected, CT images were obtained by CBCT ($PSR9000N^{TM}$, Asahi Roentgen Co., Japan), reformed and analyzed by V-work 5.0 (CyberMed Inc., Korea), Distance between canal orifice and furcation was measured. In cross sectional images at 3, 4 and 5 mm below the canal orifice, distal wall thickness of mesiobuccal canal (MB-D), distal wall thickness of mesiolingual canal (ML-D), distal wall thickness of central part (C-D), mesial wall thickness of mesiobuccal canal (MB-M) and mesial wall thickness of mesiolingual canal (ML-M) were measured, Results: The mean distance between the canal orifice and the furcation of the roots is 2.40 mm, Distal wall is found to be thinner than mesial wall. Mean dentinal wall thickness of distal wall is about 1 mm, The wall thickness is thinner as the distance from the canal orifice is farther. But significant differences are not noted between 4 mm and 5 mm in MB-D and C-D, MB-D is thinner than ML-D although the differences is not significant. Conclusion: The present study confirmed the anatomical weakness of distal surface of the coronal part of the mesial roots of mandibular first molar by CBCT and provided an anatomical guide line of wall thickness during endodontic treatment.

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Analysis of Scattering Rays and Shielding Efficiency through Lead Shielding for 0.511 MeV Gamma Rays Based on Skin Dose (피부선량을 기준으로 0.511 MeV 감마선에 대한 납 차폐체의 산란선 및 차폐 효율 분석)

  • Jang, Dong-Gun;Park, Eun-Tae
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.259-264
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    • 2020
  • Radiation causes radiation hazards in the human body. In Korea, a case of radiation necrosis occurred in 2014. In this study, the scatter and shielding efficiency according to lead shielding were classified into epidermis and dermis for 0.511 MeV used in nuclear medicine. In this study, experiments were conducted using the slab phantom that represents calibration and the dose of human trunk. Experimental results showed that the shielding rate of 0.25 mmPb was 180% in the epidermis and 96% in the dermis. Shielding at 0.5mmPb showed shielding rates of 158%in the epidermis and 82% in the dermis. As a result of measuring the absorbed dose by subdividing the thickness of the dermis into 0.5 mm intervals, when the shielding was carried out at 0.25 mmPb, the dose appeared to be about 120% at 0.5 mm of the dermis surface, and the dose was decreased at the subsequent depth. Shielding at 0.5 mmPb, the dose appeared to be about 101% at the surface 0.5 mm, and the dose was measured to decrease at the subsequent depth. This result suggests that when lead aprons are actually used, the scattering rays would be sufficiently removed due to the spaces generated by the clothes and air, Therefore, the scattered ray generated from lead will not reach the human body. The ICRU defines the epidermis (0.07), in which the radiation-induced damage of the skin occurs, as the dose equivalent. If the radiation dose of the dermis is considered in addition, it will be helpful for the evaluation of the prognosis for radiation hazard of the skin.

Recent Status of Commercial PET Cyclotron and KOTRON-13 (KOTRON-13과 상용 PET 사이클로트론의 최근 기술 동향)

  • Chai, Jong-Seo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • This paper is described on the development of KOTRON-13 and recent status of PET cyclotron by commercial cyclotron companies. KIRAMS has developed medical cyclotron which is KIRAMS-13. Samyoung Unitech produces KOTRON-13 with transfered technology by KIRAMS. As a part of Regional Cyclotron Installation Protect, KOTRON-13 cyclotrons and $[18F]FDG$ production modules are being installed at regional cyclotron centers in Korea. The medical concern with radiation technology has been growing for the last several years. Early cancer diagnosis through the cyclotron and PET-CT have been brought to public attention by commercial cyclotron models in the world. The new commercial cyclotron models are introduced compact low energy cyclotrons developed by CTI, GE, Sumitomo in recent. It produces different short-lived radioisotopes, such as $[^{18}F],\;[^{11}C],\;[^{13}N]\;and\;[^{15}O]$. For the better reliability acceleration particle is proton only. The characteristics of new model cyclotrons are changed to lower energy corresponding to less 13 MeV. New models have self-shielding and low power consumption. Design criteria for the different types of commercial cyclotrons are described with reference to hospital demands.

Endovascular Treatment of a Lumbar Spinal Epidural Arteriovenous Fistula with Radiculopathy: A Case Report (신경근 압박을 동반한 요추부 척수 경막외 동정맥루의 혈관 내 치료: 증례 보고)

  • Hyun Hwang;Jae Ho Shin;Jae Taek Hong;Yon Kwon Ihn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.82 no.6
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    • pp.1628-1633
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    • 2021
  • Spinal epidural arteriovenous fistulas (SEDAVFs) are rare spinal vascular malformations that are difficult to diagnose and treat. SEDAVFs can be asymptomatic; however, symptoms can arise from the compression of adjacent nerve roots by dilated vein and perimedullary venous reflux, caused by shunting into the epidural venous plexus. A 31-year-old male presented to our institution with a 2-year history of progressively worsening low-back pain, radiating thigh pain, and sensory changes in his lower extremities. MRI and CT angiography demonstrated dilated epidural vascular lesion compressing the nerve root. The SEDAVF was embolized with multiple coils, which alleviated the nerve root compression from the engorged venous varix and improved the patient's radiculopathy. Our experience from this case shows that endovascular coil embolization using the transarterial approach can be an effective treatment for SEDAVF and an alternative to surgical ligations.

A Study on Load Current and Temperature to Expect Lifetime of High-Power Cables (고전력 케이블의 잔여 수명 예측을 위한 부하 전류 및 온도 연구)

  • Um, Kee-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Woo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.199-203
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    • 2015
  • With the development of industry these days, the demand for electric power increases and the larger capacity for power transfer is required. The scales of facilities should become larger; and the relative systems are required to operate with a higher degree of reliability. Therefore, stabilization of electric power systems is an important issue. The high degree of reliability required in the process of production and supply of electric power is an essential part of industrial society. Accident such as blackouts causes a hugh amount of economic losses to the high-tech industrial society dependent upon electric power. This paper is about the basic study of the relations between the load current and lifetime of power cables in operation. In order to do the research, we installed a current transformer and an equipment for measuring temperature at the 6.6. kV cables in operation. The two equipments have been installed on the cable systems in operation for the last 20 years. Since the insulation resistance of most of the cables showed the value larger than the threshold, it was not easy to tell the remaining lifetime of cables. The load current of the cables was almost constant. The surrunding temperature was $15{\sim}25^{\circ}C$, little variation of temperature values.

The Objective Measurement of the Lung Parenchyma Motion for Planning Target Volume Delineation (폐 부위 Planning Target Volume(PTV)설정시 폐 움직임의 객관적 측정)

  • Chung, Weon-Kyu;Cho, Jeong-Gill
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : To quantify the movement of lung Parenchyma for ICRU 50 Planning Target Volume (PTV) delineation of the lung region. Materials and Method : Fluoroscopic observations and measurements are Performed on 10 patients with chest region cancer who have normal putmonary functions We have divided the lung region into 12 parts for the right lung, 10 parts for the left lung and four to five Points of lung parenchyma were selected for anatomical analysis Points, Fluoroscopic images are sent to a computer and then movements are measured. Results : Both lowe lobes showed the longest longitudinal movements because of breathing (average 14.1mm, maximum 22.1mm), while anteroposterior displacement showed the smallest value. Lateral movements of the lung parenchyma averaged 6.6mm, and the maximum value was 9.1mm, (both hilar regions showed maximum values because of cardiac motion) Conclusion : We could quantify the lung movements by measuring parenchyma displacements. The movements of both upper lobes were less than those of the middle and upper lobes in longitudinal and transverse movements. Optimal margins can be selected for PTV delineation using these results.

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