• Title/Summary/Keyword: CRM models

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The Selection of CRM Systems in Financial Institution Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP를 이용한 금융기관의 CRM 시스템 선정)

  • Hong, Tae-Ho;Kim, Eun-Mi;Suh, Bo-Mil
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.137-154
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    • 2008
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is indispensable for companies in recent business environment, in which the customers are recognized as more valuable asset to increase the earning power of enterprise. For gaining competitive advantage, most companies want to maintain existing customer relationships and generate more profits with customers through long-term relationships. In this study, we developed the models which are designed to select CRM systems in financial institution, which is one of competitive sectors and undergoes rapid changes due to M&A(Merger and acquisition), innovation and reengineering in Korea. The selection model of CRM systems for financial institution was developed utilizing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the expert's knowledge were built up of three groups; researcher group, developer group, and user group. We found that there are significant deferences for the weights of criteria in our selection model according to the kind of experts. This study provides helpful guidance on how to assign appropriate weights to each criteria in selection models when financial institution introduce the CRM systems.

Development of Prediction Model for Churn Agents -Comparing Prediction Accuracy Between Pattern Model and Matrix Model- (대리점 이탈예측모델 개발 - 동적모델(Pattern Model)과 정적모델(Matrix Model)의 예측적중률 비교 -)

  • An, Bong-Rak;Lee, Sae-Bom;Roh, In-Sung;Suh, Yung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.221-234
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The Purpose of this study is to develop a model for predicting agent churn group in the cosmetics industry. We develope two models, pattern model and matrix model, which are compared regarding the prediction accuracy of churn agents. Finally, we try to conclude if there is statistically significant difference between two models by empirical study. Methods: We develop two models using the part of RFM(Recency, Frequency, Monetary) method which is one of customer segmentation method in traditional CRM study. In order to ensure which model can predict churn agents more precisely between two models, we used CRM data of cosmetics company A in China. Results: Pattern model and matrix model have been developed. we find out that there is statistically significant differences between two models regarding the prediction accuracy. Conclusion: Pattern model and matrix model predict churn agents. Although pattern model employed the trend of monetary mount for six months, matrix model that used the amount of sales per month and the duration of the employment is better than pattern model in prediction accuracy.

A Study on CRM Practices for Public sector Insurance Companies

  • Dinesh, Reetha
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2012
  • Organizations pursue a CRM strategy for the purpose of increasing business performance and value. However, firms face a multitude of organizational challenges associated with this endeavor. To reduce their risk of failure, it is suggested that firms undertake a deep analysis of organizational readiness prior to committing to a CRM initiative. Insurance sector is no exception to this fact. There is an increased need to concentrate on the various challenges thrown open by the public insurance firms in implementing CRM. Many insurance firms have invested into customer driven CRM but research indicates varying outcomes (Schmith 2004). While it is clear that there are significant issues involved in the CRM implementation and success and environment faced by the public sector. It is clear that business should have an easier time in applying CRM systems is the strategic value for public sector. With customers demanding more service and accessibility from administrators, public sector CRM software technologies have to offer best solutions for achieving process and cost objectives (Souder 2001). With results which go far beyond improved service delivery and include sustained cost reductions, increased customer knowledge and better employee morale, CRM software implementation and post product environments offer great upside value. Although there are material differences in public sector use of CRM strategy, they share at least one glaring similarity - they have much to gain from proven CRM software technology. As business methods cross over in the public sector, many government bodies are investigating how they can adopt and adapt various CRM models (Bleyer 2003). There is a need to understand the similarities and differences in public sector CRM to foster shared knowledge, business processes and planning functions to integrate disparate technologies and software platforms and then, of course, the organizational culture to support knowledge sharing (Peters 1997). For the public sector, there are clearly identified CRM processes which have resulted in increased profits and improved efficiency. These have focused on sales, marketing and customer service activities, which often operate along fundamentally different lines in various public sector insurance companies. Thus the present research paper makes an attempt to explore how public sector CRM methods can be adopted and subsequently adapted.

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Role of Decision Support Systems in Marketing Management

  • Arshi Naim;Kholood Alqahtani
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2024
  • This paper is an extended paper showing the role of Decision Support Systems (DSS) in other fields of Marketing Management (M.Mgnt). DSS facilitates in decision making many M.Mgnt concepts and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of them and it depends on the firm's tasks for developing and retaining customers while achieving their satisfaction and enhancing the sense of belongingness for their products and services. Profit maximization, the process of customer value, and building strategic values for the firm are the three empirical benefits of CRM that are achieved through analytical, operational, and direction (AOD) capabilities respectively. This research focuses on the application of DSS models of what-if analysis (WIA) for CRM at (AOD) and also shows the dependence on the Information Success model (ISM). Hypothetical data are analyzed for (AOD) by three types of (WIA) to attain CRM and profit maximization and this analytical method can be used by any customer-oriented firm as a general model.

An Analysis on Enterprise Competitive Advantage Determination Factors to Effect Enterprise Results for Each SaaS Business Model: focusing on Group-Wares, POS-System, CRM and ERP (SaaS 비즈니스 모델별 서비스 기업 경쟁력 결정 요인분석: 그룹웨어, POS 시스템, CRM 및 ERP를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Shin-Pyo;Lee, Choon-Yeul
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2008
  • Recently, software distribution method, along with advent of era of Web 2.0, is rapidly evolving from ASP(Application Service Provider) method into SaaS(Soft as a Service) method due to development in concepts and technologies including SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) Web Service, On Demand and Component. Determining factor in market competitiveness of newly emerging SaaS business model will be analyzed by focusing on Group-Wares, POS(Point of Sale) System, CRM(Customer Relationship Management) and ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning), which are the most representative SaaS business models in Korea. It is anticipated that the outcome of analysis of determining factors for market competitiveness for each of the main SaaS Business Models acquired through questionnaire survey can be utilized as important benchmarking material in setting the direction of cultivating SaaS market by the government as well as new entries into SaaS market.

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What IF Analysis Impacting CRM in Medical Sector

  • Arshi Naim;Kholood Alqahtani;Mohammad Faiz Khan
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2023
  • Decision Support Systems (DSS) is an Information Systems (IS) application that aids in decision-making processes for many business concepts and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of them and it depends on the firm's tasks for developing and retaining customers while achieving their satisfaction and enhancing the sense of belongingness for their products and services. Profit maximization, the process of customer value, and building strategic values for the firm are the three empirical benefits of CRM that are achieved through analytical, operational, and direction (AOD) capabilities respectively. This research focuses on the application of DSS models of what-if analysis (WIA) for CRM at (AOD) and also shows the dependence on the Information Success model (ISM). Hypothetical data are analyzed for (AOD) by three types of (WIA) to attain CRM and profit maximization and this analytical method can be used by any customer-oriented firm as a general model and for the purpose of the study we have compared the CRM between patients and hospital management.

Research about a successful adopting for the CRM in the companies (기업에서의 성공적인 CRM 정착에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Gipyoung
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2011
  • Prior to the introduction of the CRM, we need to analyze the characteristics and the situations of the company, and should establish a clear vision of the CRM. And each company should identify elements and technologies for introducing the most suitable CRM for them, and optimize them, with long-term perspective. In addition, it requires the implementation strategy which integrates the existing company's routine marketing activities with the concept of the CRM. According to the implementation strategy, the company should improve the business process which is the most effective in investment step by step, and the information system strategy, which develops system investment gradually, should harmonize with it. First, we recognized that raising the company value is important by maximizing customer lifetime value (LTV) by understanding customer needs, and achieving the company's goal through customer satisfaction. Second, we understood that adopting the CRM should be accompanied by changes in the structure, business process and customer contact channels, and it can be successfully integrated with business when it gets proper understandings and attentions of the management. Third, the reality is that there are few cases of successful implementation of domestic companies, and some companies that successfully implement the system mean nothing but implement the solution for developing the CRM. Therefore, it needs to be observed for the long haul, and it seems that we need to approach more systematically to implementation cases for each industry about implementation of the CRM. Fourth, the CRM is no longer the preserve of major companies, and it is the time that medium and small sized enterprises also need it. Taking lesson from Switzerland's small size store merchants who successfully adopt right size of the CRM for their business, for domestic medium and small sized enterprises, the necessity to develop business through developing the CRM models which fit their situations and maintaining relationships with customers has been grown. Fifth, for adopting the CRM business processes, changing or converting the CRM system to the model which fits the company's situation is important rather than applying the advanced company's CRM system model. In other words, the CRM solution which can maximize their own strength by developing the CRM program that makes the most of features and characteristics of the company should be adopted.

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Estimating Customer Value under B2B Environment Using Description and Prediction Models (B2B 거래에서 서술모델과 예측모델을 이용한 고객가치 산정)

  • 박찬주;박윤선;주상호;유우연
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.135-149
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    • 2003
  • Developing a proper program for customer evaluation is one of the most imminent tasks to implement CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Design of the Customer Value model is an important key to the customer evaluation progrgm. This paper proposes two models for estimating Customer Value. The first one is a Description Model for Customer Value based on customer CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) data. This model represents as quantitative numbers what customers feel from the company or the service. The second one is a Prediction Model which employs factor analysis and regression to predict customer value. This paper exploits the two models to evaluate Customer Value as well as for customer behavior prediction.

Three-dimensional evaluation on the repeatability and reproducibility of dental scanner-based digital models (치과용 스캐너로 채득한 디지털 모형의 반복성 및 재현성에 관한 3차원적 평가)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Tak;Kim, Jae-Hong;Kim, Woong-Chul;Kim, Ji-Hwan
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the repeatability and reproducibility of two dental scanners. Methods: The master die and the stone replicas(Kavo, Germany) were digitized in touch-probe scanner(Incise, Renishaw, UK), white light scanner(Identica, Medit, Korea) to create 3-dimensional surface-models. The number of points in the point clouds from each reading were calculated and used as the CAD reference model(CRM). Discrepancies between the points in the 3-dimensional surface models and the corresponding CRM were measured by a matching-software(Power-Inspect R2, Delcam Plc, UK). The t-student test for one samples were used for statistical analysis. Results: The reproducibility of both scanner was within $3{\mu}m$, based on mean value. The mean value between measurements made directly on the touch probe scanner digital models and those made on the white light scanner digital models was $2.20-2.90{\mu}m$, and was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion: With respect to adequate data acquisition, the reproducibility of dental scanner differs. Three-dimensional analysis can be applied to differential quality analysis of the manufacturing process as well as to evaluation of different analysis methods.

An Inventory Policy of the Minimum Cost with the Product Availability in CRM (CRM에서 제품 유용성을 고려한 최소비용 재고정책)

  • Lim Joo-Young;Kim Hyun-Soo;Choi Jin-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2005
  • This study tries to develop the models of measuring the level of product availability accommodated for features of specific customers dividing customers into VIP customers and general customers. Functions of costs that the models are composed of are cost of holding safety stock and cost of lost opportunities. The existing model of measuring the level of product availability which focused on cost of holding safety stock for VIP customers should be reinforced by considering cost of lost opportunities caused by general customers' quitting trades with a company. This study tries to present realistic solutions for problems in making decisions related to the total inventory. This study concludes that the model of the level of product availability meeting general customers' needs is more efficient according to increasing of a latent demand of the general customers who quit trades with a company and the cost of lost opportunities.