• Title/Summary/Keyword: C. difficile 감염

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Analysis of Clostridium Difficile Toxin Value in Diarrhea Patients (설사증 환자에서 Clostridium Difficile Toxin Value 분석)

  • Kwon, Se-Young;Yoon, In-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2010
  • Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) is an important nosocomial infectious diarrhea and is associated with antibiotic use. Recently, incidence of C. difficile has been increasing in hospitals. A total of 1,329 stool specimens were examined from January, 2005 to December, 2008. This study analyzed the incidence and clinical characteristics of C. difficile infections on them. Out of 1,329 stool specimens, 283 specimens showed toxin A/B positive, using EIA. The positive rate was 21.2%; with the highest incidence among and above the 70years old. On endoscopy, psedo membranous colitis was found in 57.7%, and 19.5% of patients were normal. Pathologic finding showed PMC in 26.8% of patients, AAC in 52.2%. C. difficile was associated with PMC, however, endoscopic and pathologic findings tests showed normal to PMC.

Prevalence of Clostridium difficile Infections in Pigs in Jeju (제주도 돼지에서 Clostridium difficile 감염 양상)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Seok;Jung, Ji-Youl;Kang, Sang-Chul;Shin, Bo-Moon;Lee, Eun-Joo;Hwang, Eui-Kyung;Park, Bong-Kyun;Kim, Dae-Yong;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.232-235
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    • 2011
  • Clostridium (C) difficile has been recognized as an important emerging pathogen in both humans and animals. The prevalence of C. difficile in rectal feces and frozen colons of 132 pigs with diarrhea from the Jeju Island was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect C. difficile toxin A and B genes. PCR findings revealed toxin A and B in 5 pigs (3.8%), including 2 suckling pigs, 2 weaned pigs and 1 growing pig. The result of PCR was closely matched histopathologic lesions of C. difficile in large intestines of pigs. Histopathologically, the cecum and colons of C. difficile toxin-positive pigs had severe submucosal and mesocolonic edema. Mucosal lesions ranged from random single cell necrosis and exfoliation to segmental, transmural necrosis of the cecum and colon. According to bacteriology, 4 C. difficile-positive pigs (80%) were co-infected with Salmonella typhimurium.

A Case of Clostridium difficile Pseudomembranous Colitis (Clostridium difficile 감염에 의한 위막성 대장염 1례)

  • Seo, Jung-Ho;Lee, Jong-Won;Lee, Chang-Han;Chung, Ki-Sup
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 2000
  • Pseudomembranous colitis, thought to be uncommon in children, is a bacterial, toxin-mediated inflammatory process resulting in acute or chronic diarrhea and is characterized by colonic pseudomembranes. It is mediated by toxins produced by Clostridium difficile and is increasingly recognized in pediatric population. Diagnosis is based on positive culture of C. difficile in selective media and positive test of C. difficile toxin. Oral metronidazole or vancomycin are the main treatment options but avoidance of further antibiotics should also be encouraged where possible. We have experienced a case of pseudomembranous colitis in a 4-year-old female presented with septic shock and colitis. This case was diagnosed with positive test of C. difficile toxin B and confirmed by isolation of the organism on cultire in selective media. Symptoms have been ameliorated by discontinuation of antibiotics and administration of metronidazole and oral vancomycin, and ICU care.

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Epidemiology and Clinical Characteristics of Clostridium difficile-associated Disease in Children: Comparison between Community- and Hospital-acquired Infections (소아에서 발생한 Clostridium difficile 관련 질환의 역학과 임상양상: 지역사회감염과 원내감염의 비교)

  • Cho, Hye-Jung;Ryoo, Eell;Sun, Yong-Han;Cho, Kang-Ho;Son, Dong-Woo;Tchah, Hann
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Recent studies have reported an increase in the incidence of community-acquired Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CA-CDAD) among children. There is an overall lack of information on CA-CDAD in the pediatric population. The aim of our study was to compare the epidemiologic and clinical features between CA-CDAD and hospital-acquired C. difficile-associated disease (HA-CDAD) in children. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of all patients who were diagnosed with C. difficile-associated disease (CDAD) at Gil Hospital between April 2008 and March 2009. The diagnosis of CDAD was made when patients with gastrointestinal symptoms had positive results for C. difficile toxins A and B assay or stool culture. Results: Sixty-one (male, 32 and female, 29) patients were included. The mean age was 3.79${\pm}$4.54 years. Of the 61 patients, 22 (36.1%) were <1 year of age. Twenty-three patients (37.7%) had a history of antibiotic exposure in the previous 3 months. Forty-one patients (67.2%) were diagnosed with CA-CDAD. There were no significant differences in age, gender, symptoms, laboratory findings, recovery period, complications, and recurrence between the CA-CDAD and HA-CDAD groups. On the other hand, exposure to antibiotics was significantly more frequent among patients in the HA-CDAD group (p=0.005). Conclusion: This study suggests that the occurrence of CA-CDAD is increasing in the pediatric population, especially in younger children with no history of exposure to antibiotics and in outpatients. Awareness of the increasing incidence of CA-CDAD and prompt investigation of C. difficile in susceptible patients is needed to avoid misdiagnosis and for appropriate therapy.

Status of Infectious Disease Inpatients at Long-Term Care Hospitals in Korea (국내 요양병원의 감염병 입원환자 실태 분석)

  • Bang, Ji Ya;Lee, Hanju;Son, Yedong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.134-143
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the status of infectious disease inpatients at long-term care hospitals in Korea. A descriptive study was conducted on patients with 14 infectious diseases at 798 long-term care hospitals during 2016-2017. The number of infected patients, total admission days, and total medical expenses were higher in 2017 than in 2016. The most common infectious diseases were enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile, influenza, and scabies. The number of hospitals with patients who had enterocolitis due to C. difficile and resistance to carbapenem was higher in 2017 than in 2016. Hospitals with 150-299 beds had higher numbers of infectious disease patients than those with under 150 or over 300 beds. Therefore, intensive efforts are needed to control the most common diseases at long-term care hospitals, such as enterocolitis due to C. difficile, influenza, and scabies. It is recommended to apply relevant guidelines related to infection control management as well as implement educational programs. It will also be necessary to develop applicable infection monitoring standards and support the facilities and health workforce of long-term care hospitals under 300 beds through an effective infection surveillance system.

A Study on the Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infection in Chest PA Projection of Contact Infected Patients (접촉성 감염환자 흉부검사 시 의료관련감염 예방에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Kim, Dong-Jin;Lee, Bae-Won
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2018
  • This study proposes measures and methods to reduce healthcare associated infections by comparing and analyzing the bacterial contamination level before and after putting on personal protective equipment (PPE) on the test equipment and the contact infected patients getting chest PA projections. Among the 50 inpatients who were diagnosed with C. difficile, MRSA, and VRE, 28 patients who were instructed to undergo chest PA projection and follow-up were chosen, The 3 parts that come in contact with the detector, chin, chest, and hands, were designated for all, and the bacterial contamination level before and after disinfection and before and after putting PPE was determined. Statistical analysis was performed using Medcalc version 14, and quantitative analysis was performed using paired student t-test, with statistical significance being noted at p<0.05. Results for the comparison of the mean values before and after disinfection of the detector, chin (3.000), chest (2.000), and hands (3.430), showed that the number of bacteria after disinfection was lower than it was before disinfection. Analyzing for each part before and after disinfection, there were statistically significant differences for the chin, chest, and hands (p<0.01). Results for the comparison of the mean values before and after putting on PPE, chin (2.202), chest (2.140), and hands (4.213), showed that the number of bacteria after putting on PPE was lower than it was before putting on PPE. Analyzing for each part before and after putting on PPE, there were statistically significant differences for the chin, chest, and hands (p<0.03). As a result, it was confirmed that the number of bacteria after putting on PPE was lower than it was before putting it on. In the future, expanding the research scope for contact infected patients will establish standards for quarantine guidelines depending on the way it spreads, and contribute to the prevention of healthcare associated infections.

Le Lien de Causalit$\acute{e}$ et la Prescription Extinctive en Mati$\acute{e}$re de Responsabilit$\acute{e}$ M$\acute{e}$dicale en Droit Français (프랑스법상 의사책임분야(醫事責任分野)에서의 인과관계와 소멸시효론에 관한 소고)

  • Park, Soo-Gon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.367-397
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    • 2014
  • Dans le contentieux m$\acute{e}$dical, il est difficile de prouver l'existence d'un lien de causalit$\acute{e}$ entre la faute m$\acute{e}$dicale et les pr$\acute{e}$judices subis par la victime. R$\acute{e}$partir bien de façon raisonnable la charge de la preuve du lien causal est alors une des questions pr$\acute{e}$occup$\acute{e}$es par la doctrine cor$\acute{e}$enne. La Cour supr$\hat{e}$me cor$\acute{e}$enne semble toutefois facilliter l'indemnisation des victimes dans les cas o$\grave{u}$ la responsabilit$\acute{e}$ du m$\acute{e}$decin a ${\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ mise en cause, et cela en admettant des fois une solution op$\acute{e}$rant un renversement de la charge de la preuve du lien causal. Une telle attitude a ${\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ m$\hat{e}$me affirm$\acute{e}$e dans un arr$\hat{e}$t rendu r$\acute{e}$cemment en cas de dommage caus$\acute{e}$ par le fait du produit de sant$\acute{e}$, notamment pour le cas de contamination virale par voie de transfusion. La Cour a $\acute{e}$galement reconnu que l'action se pr$\acute{e}$scrit $\grave{a}$ partir du moment de la consolidation du pr$\acute{e}$judice. Aux termes de cette $\acute{e}$tude, on pourra constater que le juge français reconna$\hat{i}$t aussi l'assouplissement de la charge de la preuve du lien de causalit$\acute{e}$ en mati$\acute{e}$re d'action m$\acute{e}$dicale. Il faudra toutefois souligner que le ph$\acute{e}$nom$\acute{e}$ne ne soit pas g$\acute{e}$n$\acute{e}$ralis$\acute{e}$ en droit français, d'autant plus que la pr$\acute{e}$somption de l'existence de la causalit$\acute{e}$ en la mati$\grave{e}$re a $\acute{e}$t$\acute{e}$ admise de mani$\grave{e}$re restrictive par la l$\acute{e}$gislation sp$\acute{e}$cifique. Tel $\acute{e}$tait notamment le cas pour les accidents de la contamination par le virus du sida ou de l'h$\acute{e}$patite C survenus apr$\grave{e}$s la transfusion. En d$\acute{e}$finitive, on peut dire qu'en droit français, le principe est maintenu en cas de manquement $\grave{a}$ une obligation de r$\acute{e}$sultat n$\acute{e}$e du contrat m$\acute{e}$dical, tandis que la Cour de cassation admet parfois en mati$\grave{e}$re de droit commun de la responsabilit$\acute{e}$ contractuelle la pr$\acute{e}$somption de causalit$\acute{e}$ en cas d'inex$\acute{e}$cution des obligations de r$\acute{e}$sultat. En fait, la pr$\acute{e}$somption de causalit$\acute{e}$ dans le contentieux m$\acute{e}$dical pourra mener les m$\acute{e}$decins $\grave{a}$ se diriger vers les traitements d$\acute{e}$fensifs. Cette situation peut m$\hat{e}$me conduire $\grave{a}$ emp$\hat{e}$cher le d$\acute{e}$veloppement de la science m$\acute{e}$dicale, enfin $\grave{a}$ une situation d$\acute{e}$savantageuse aux patients. Il y a alors lieu de se m$\acute{e}$fier des int$\acute{e}$r$\hat{e}$ts d$\acute{e}$s$\acute{e}$quilibr$\acute{e}$s entre le m$\acute{e}$decin et le patient. De ce point de vue, on peut estimer que le droit français donne des suggestions aux juristes cor$\acute{e}$ens dans la recherche des solutions plus ad$\acute{e}$quates en ce qui concerne la charge de la preuve du lien causal en mati$\acute{e}$re de responsabilit$\acute{e}$ m$\acute{e}$dicale.

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