• Title/Summary/Keyword: C 프레임

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An Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Two-story Reinforced Concrete Frames Retrofitted with Internal Steel Frame and Wall Type Friction Damper (내부 철골끼움골조 및 벽체형 마찰댐퍼(WFD)로 보강된 2층 철근콘크리트골조 내진성능에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Yoo, Chang-Gi;Choi, Chang-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2022
  • In this study, in order to confirm the seismic performance of reinforced concrete frames retrofitted with Wall Friction Damper(WFD), the test was conducted by setting two-story Reinforced concrete frames (reference specimen, OMF-N and specimen retrofitted with internal H-shaped steel frame and WFD, OMF-ALL(H)) as main variables. The WFD Seismic Retrofit Method is a mixture of strength improvement and energy dissipation methods. To prevent the pre-destruction of existing structure by friction force before sufficient energy dissipation of WFD, the internal H-shaped steel frame and chemical anchor that penetrates the side of the beam were used to install WFD. According to the test results, the OMF-N specimen showed an brittle failure pattern caused by the shear force of the R/C column after the maximum strength was expressed. The OMF-ALL(H) specimen showed that the reduction of pinching effect and the failure of the RC column occurred. Also, the maximum strength, cumulative energy dissipation and ductility of OMF-ALL(H) increased 3.01 times, 7.2 times and 1.72 times for OMF-N. As a results, test results revealed that the WFD Seismic Retrofit Method installed on Reinforced concrete structure improves the seismic performance and the strengthening effect is valid.

Development of a Real-time Action Recognition-Based Child Behavior Analysis Service System (실시간 행동인식 기반 아동 행동분석 서비스 시스템 개발)

  • Chimin Oh;Seonwoo Kim;Jeongmin Park;Injang Jo;Jaein Kim;Chilwoo Lee
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.68-84
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    • 2024
  • This paper describes the development of a system and algorithms for high-quality welfare services by recognizing behavior development indicators (activity, sociability, danger) in children aged 0 to 2 years old using action recognition technology. Action recognition targeted 11 behaviors from lying down in 0-year-olds to jumping in 2-year-olds, using data directly obtained from actual videos provided for research purposes by three nurseries in the Gwangju and Jeonnam regions. A dataset of 1,867 actions from 425 clip videos was built for these 11 behaviors, achieving an average recognition accuracy of 97.4%. Additionally, for real-world application, the Edge Video Analyzer (EVA), a behavior analysis device, was developed and implemented with a region-specific random frame selection-based PoseC3D algorithm, capable of recognizing actions in real-time for up to 30 people in four-channel videos. The developed system was installed in three nurseries, tested by ten childcare teachers over a month, and evaluated through surveys, resulting in a perceived accuracy of 91 points and a service satisfaction score of 94 points.

Design and Implementation of the Smart Virtual Machine for Smart Cross Platform (스마트 크로스 플랫폼을 위한 스마트 가상기계의 설계 및 구현)

  • Han, Seong-Min;Son, Yun-Sik;Lee, Yang-Sun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2013
  • Since domestic and foreign platform companies and mobile carriers adopt and use different kinds of smart platforms, developers should develop or convert contents according to each smart platform to provide a single smart content for customers. It takes long time and a lot of money to convert the conventional smart contents in order to serve other smart platforms. For the reason, more attention has been paid on Smart Cross Platform or Hybrid Platform, the core technologies of OSMU(One Source Multi Use) in which, once a program is coded, it can be executed in any platforms regardless of development languages. As a result, PhoneGap and HTML5 based Sencha Touch have been introduced. In this paper, we developed the smart virtual machine, which is built in smart cross platform based smart devices, unlike Android, iOS, Windows Phone devices being dependent of platforms, and helps to download and execute applications, being independent of platforms. the smart virtual machine supports C/C++, and Java language, being differentiated from JVM by sun microsystems that supports only Java language and .NET framework by microsoft that supports only C, C++ and C#. Therefore, it provides contents developers with the environment where they can get a wide range of options in choosing a language and develop smart contents.

A Static Analysis Technique for Android Apps Written with Xamarin (자마린으로 개발된 안드로이드 앱의 정적 분석 연구)

  • Lim, Kyeong-hwan;Kim, Gyu-sik;Shim, Jae-woo;Cho, Seong-je
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.643-653
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    • 2018
  • Xamarin is a representative cross-platform development framework that allows developers to write mobile apps in C# for multiple mobile platforms, such as Android, iOS, or Windows Phone. Using Xamarin, mobile app developers can reuse existing C# code and share significant code across multiple platforms, reducing development time and maintenance costs. Meanwhile, malware authors can also use Xamarin to spread malicious apps on more platforms, minimizing the time and cost of malicious app creation. In order to cope with this problem, it is necessary to analyze and detect malware written with Xamarin. However, little studies have been conducted on static analysis methods of the apps written in Xamarin. In this paper, we examine the structure of Android apps written with Xamarin and propose a static analysis technique for the apps. We also demonstrate how to statically reverse-engineer apps that have been transformed using code obfuscation. Because the Android apps written with Xamarin consists of Java bytecode, C# based DLL libraries, and C/C++ based native libraries, we have studied static reverse engineering techniques for these different types of code.

A Policy Based Management Model of Quality of Service for Differentiated Services Networks (차별화 서비스망을 위한 정책 기반 서비스 품질 관리 모델)

  • Cha, Si-Ho;Kang, Young-Man;Cho, Kuk-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.2
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2003
  • Differentiated Services (DiffServ) is a technique to provide Quality of Service (QoS) in an efficient and scalable way. However, current DiffServ specifications have limitations in providing the complete QoS management framework and its implementation model. This paper proposes a policy-based QoS management model that supports DiffServ policies for managing QoS of DiffServ networks. The management model conforms to Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, and is based on Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) technologies. In our model, high-level DiffServ QoS policies are represented as valid XML documents with an XML Schema and are translated to low-level EJB policy beans in the EJB-based policy server. The routing topology and role information required to define QoS policies is discovered by using SNMP MIB-II, and the QoS policy distribution and monitoring is accomplished by using SNMP DiffServ MIB.

Preceding Error Recovery Algorithm for Multimedia Stream in the Tree-based Multicast Environments (트리기반 멀티캐스트 환경에서 멀티미디어 스트림을 위한 선행에러복구 방안)

  • Kim, Ki-Young;Yoon, Mi-Youn;Shin, Young-Tae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.3
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2003
  • IP Multicast is required of more little network resources than one in unicast. Furthermore, reliable multicast has been researched for supporting reliability at IP Multicast mechanism. Although these studies are carried out, they only have focused on general data. In other words, in case that realtime packet, they can not support reliability since they do not consider realtime properties such as dependency of interframe and playback in time. Besides, we also request to support scalability because we are based on Mobile IP network together with internet. Thus, we need a mechanism to guarantee reliability and scalability of realtime stream data. In this paper, we propose PER (Preceding Error Recovery) that reflect characteristics of the realtime data, especially for H.323. PER provides scalable reliability because it is based on tree-based multicast basically and helps to support scalable relibility as reducing control packet and recovers stream buffer space from underflow status as soon as possible. PER shows much better scalable and reliable than existing works.

Bioequivalence of LG Cilostazol Tablet to Pletaal Tablet (Cilostazol 100 mg) (프레탈 정(실로스타졸 100 mg)에 대한 엘지실로스타졸 정의 생물학적 동등성)

  • Cho, Hea-Young;Lim, Dong-Koo;Shin, Sang-Chul;Moon, Jai-Dong;Lee, Yong-Bok
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2001
  • Cilostazol has both antithrombotic and cerebral vasodilating effects, and one of the mechanism is the selective inhibition of platalet cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. Bioequivalence of two cilostazol tablets, the $Pletaal^{TM}$ (Korea Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.) and the LG $Cilostazol^{TM}$ (LG Chemical Co.), was evaluated according to the guidelines of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Sixteen normal male volunteers ($20\sim29$ years old) were randomly divided into two groups and a randomized $2\times2$ cross-over study was employed. After oral administration of $Pletaal^{TM}$ or LG $Cilostazol^{TM}$ tablet (100 mg cilostazol), blood samples were taken at predetermined time intervals and the serum cilostazol concentrations were determined using an HPLC method with UV/VIS detector. The pharmacokinetic parameters $(AUC_t,\;C_{max}\;and\;T_{max})$ were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis. The results showed that the differences in AUCt, C_{max} and Tmax between two tablets based on the $Pletaal^{TM}$ tablet were $-5.39\%,\;2.32\%\;and\;4.26\%$, respectively. The powers (1-${\beta}$) for $AUC_t,\;C_{max}\;and\;T_{max}\;were\;83.81\%,\;96.02\%\;and\;91.04%$, respectively. Minimum detectable differences ($\Delta$) and $90\%$ confidence intervals were all less than $\pm20\%$. All these parameters met the criteria of KFDA for bioequivalence, indicating that LG $Cilostazol^{TM}$ tablet is bioequivalent to $Pletaal^{TM}$ tablet.

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A Design and Implementation of a Home Gateway based on the RTC Technology Supporting Live Video Streaming (라이브 비디오 스트리밍을 지원하는 RTC 기반 홈 게이트웨이의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Hye-Sun;Hwang, Ki-Tae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.12C no.4 s.100
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    • pp.589-596
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this paper lies in the design and implementation of a home gateway supporting live video streaming which flows from the Non-SIP video camera in home to the mobile SIP device outside. We developed the home gateway on the OSGi framework and employed the RTC technology which embeds an SIP stack so that the multimedia session can be established from the home device to the mobile user outside. And also we developed an RTC bundle to manage the session and a virtual capture device driver to read the video stream from the Non-SIP video camera in the home network, and installed them on the home gateway. Finally, we constructed the experimental environment that has the windows messenger as the SIP mobile device and an AXIS 2100 UPnP video camera as a video source, and then tested if the session establishment to the mobile user from the camera and live video streaming work well between them.

RBAC-based Trust Negotiation Model for Grid Security (그리드 보안을 위한 역할 기반의 신뢰 협상 모델)

  • Cho, Hyun-Sug;Lee, Bong-Hwan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.15C no.6
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    • pp.455-468
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose FAS model for establishing trust based on digital certificates in Grid security framework. The existing RBAC(Role Based Access Control) model is extended to provide permissions depending on the users‘ roles. The FAS model is designed for a system independent integrated Grid security by detailing and extending the fundamental architecture of user, role, and permission. FAS decides each user’s role, allocates access right, and publishes attribute certificate. FAS is composed of three modules: RDM, PCM, and CCM. The RDM decides roles of the user during trust negotiation process and improves the existing low level Grid security in which every single user maps a single shared local name. Both PCM and CCM confirm the capability of the user based on various policies that can restrict priority of the different user groups and roles. We have analyzed the FAS strategy with the complexity of the policy graph-based strategy. In particular, we focused on the algorithm for constructing the policy graph. As a result, the total running time was significantly reduced.

Bioequivalence of Losazol Tablet to Pletaal Tablet (Cilostazol 50 mg) (프레탈 정(시로스타졸 50 mg)에 대한 로사졸 정의 생물학적 동등성)

  • Kim, Soo-Jin;Lim, Dong-Koo;Oh, In-Joon;Cho, Haeng-Nam;Suh, Soon-Pal;Lee, Yong-Bok
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 1998
  • Bioequivalence of two cilostazol tablets, the $Pletaal^{TM}$ (Korea Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and the $Losazol^{TM}$ (Kyoung Dong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), was evaluated according to the guideline of KFDA. Fourteen normal male volunteers (age $20{\sim}28$ years old) were divided into two groups and a randomized $2{\times}2$ cross-over study was employed. After two tablets containing 50 mg of cilostazol were orally administered, blood was taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentration of cilostazol in plasma was determined with an HPLC method using UV detector. The pharmacokinetic parameters $(C_{max},\;T_{max}\;and\;AUC_t)$ were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameters. The results showed that the differences in $C_{max},\;T_{max}\;and\;AUC_t$ between two tablets were 3.14%, 10.0% and 7.35%, respectively. The powers $(1-{\beta})$ for $C_{max},\;T_{max}\;and\;AUC_t$ were 89.67%, 80.97% and 83.87%, respectively. Detectable differences $({\Delta})$ and confidence intervals were all less than 20% except $T-{max}$, but confidence interval of $T_{max}$ was also less than 20% at the significance $level({\alpha})$ of 0.1. All of these parameters met the criteria of KFDA for bioequivalence, indicating that $Losazol^{TM}$ tablet is bioequivalent to $Pletaal^{TM} tablet$.

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