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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Broadcasting Channel

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Modeling of the Distributed Broadcasting in IEEE 802.11p MAC Based Vehicular Networks (IEEE 802.11p MAC 기반 차량 네트워크에서의 분산된 브로드캐스팅 모델링)

  • Jeong, Daein
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38B no.11
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    • pp.924-933
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose a modeling of the broadcasting in the IEEE 802.11p MAC protocol for the VANET(Vehicular Ad hoc Networks). Due to the fact that the beacon message which is needed for the safety services is shared via broadcasting, the analytical modeling of the broadcasting is crucial for the optimum design of the services. Two characteristics specific to the IEEE 802.11p are reflected in the modeling; the time limited CCH interval caused by the channel switching between the CCH and SCH, and no retransmission of the broadcasted messages. In the proposal, we assumed no restriction on the moment of generation of the beacon messages. We allow the messages to be generated and broadcasted within the whole CCH interval. Simulation results prove the accuracy of the proposed modeling. Noticeable improvements are also observed in terms of the performance indices such as the successful delivery ratio, transmission delay, and the variation of the delay.

Improved Channel Profile Measurement Technique for ATSC Terrestrial DTV System (향상된 지상파 DTV 채널 프로파일 측정기술)

  • Lee, Jaekwon;Jeon, Sung-Ho;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Suh, Young-Woo;Kyung, Il-Soo
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.435-444
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    • 2013
  • ATSC terrestrial DTV system can support high data rates for HDTV(High Definition Television) service, but it suffers from significant performance degradation caused by multipath fading. Thus, it is necessary to analyze multipath fading effects in order to enhance the DTV reception performance. Generally, DTV channel profile can be obtained by auto-correlation between reference pseudo random signal and received DTV signal. However, in the ATSC terrestrial DTV system, the estimation performance of DTV channel profile may be decreased due to the VSB modulation features. In this paper, improved DTV channel profile measurement technique is analyzed and proposed.

Studies on Applying Scalable Video Coding Signals to Ka band Satellite HDTV Service (SVC 신호의 Ka대역 HDTV 위성방송서비스 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Ki-Chang;Chang, Dae-Ig;Sohn, Won
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.905-914
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    • 2008
  • The paper studied the scheme of applying the MPEG-4 SVC signal to the Ka band satellite broadcasting system through the JSCC system to resolve the rain fading problem generated when providing the Ka band HDTV satellite broadcasting service. The Ka band satellite broadcasting system is based on the VCM mode of the DVB-S2, and the SVC signal is considered as one of the spatial scalability, the SNR scalability and the temporal scalability. The JSCC system jointed all the layers of the source coding system and the channel coding system, and allocated bit rate to source coding and channel coding for each layer to get the optimum receiving quality. The layers are consists of a base layer and an enhancement layer, and the bit rate of each layer is affected by the SVC signal. The applicability of the three SVC signals to the Ka band satellite broadcasting service is analyzed with respect to the rain fading, and the scheme of applying the most excellent SVC to the service is considered.

Receiving Channel Calibration of Multi-Channel Integrated Receiver for Monopulse Radar (모노펄스 레이다용 다채널 집적 수신기의 수신 채널 보정)

  • Jinsung Park
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2024
  • The effect of inter-channel coupling in multi-channel monopulse receiver is expected to increase by miniaturization trend of receiver. Therefore, in this paper, calibration method is proposed to compensation for inter-channel coupling in receiver of monopulse radar. And it can prevent distortion of angle information of target. Hardware configuration that consists of switch, directional coupler, matched load, ADC(Analog to Digital Converter), signal source of calibration is proposed to calibration. Total nine scattering parameters are obtained by controlling the switch and signal source of calibration. After that, method for restoring the undistorted signal is proposed using the mathematical relationship between the monopulse signal output from the antenna and the monopulse signal passing through the multi-channel receiver in the presence of inter-channel coupling.

An Enhanced Approach for a Prediction Method of the Propagation Characteristics in Korean Environments at 781 MHz

  • Jung, Myoung-Won;Kim, Jong Ho;Choi, Jae Ick;Kim, Joo Seok;Kim, Kyungseok;Pack, Jeong-Ki
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.911-921
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    • 2012
  • In high-speed wireless communications, an analysis of the propagation characteristics is an important process. Information on the propagation characteristics suitable for each environment significantly helps in the design of mobile communications. This paper presents the analysis results of radio propagation characteristics in outdoor environments for a new mobile wireless system at 781 MHz. To avoid the interference of Korean DTV broadcasting, we measure the channel characteristics in urban, suburban, and rural areas on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, using a channel sounder and 4×4 antenna. The path loss (PL) measurement results differ from those of existing propagation models by more than 10 dB. To analyze the frequency characteristics for Korean propagation environments, we derive various propagation characteristic parameters: PL, delay spread, angular spread, and K-factor. Finally, we verify the validity of the measurement results by comparing them with the actual measurement results and 3D ray-tracing simulation results.

Efficient Channel Selection Using User Meta Data (사용자 메타데이터를 이용한 효율적인 채널 선택 기법)

  • 오상욱;최만석;조소연;문영식;설상훈
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2002
  • According to an evolution of digital broadcasting, it is possible that terrestrial and satellite broadcasting media provide multi-channel services. CATV and satellite media have been also extended to hundreds of channels. As the result of channel expanding, viewers came to select lots of channels. But it is difficult that they select the favorite channel among hundreds of channels. In this paper, we propose an efficient automatic method to recommend channels and programs on a viewer's preference in a multi-channel broadcasting receiver like a Set ToP Box(STB). The proposed algorithm selects channels based on the following method. It makes and saves user history data by using MPEG-7 MDS based on the program information a viewer had watched. It recommends programs similar to a viewer's preference based on user history data. It selects the channel in the recommended genre based on the viewer's channel preference. The experimental result shows that the proposed scheme is efficient to select the user preference channel.

Packet Scheduling in Interactive Satellite Return Channels for Mobile Multimedia Services Using Hybrid CDMA/TDMA

  • Lee Ki-Dong;Kim Ho-Kyom;Lee Ho-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.744-748
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    • 2003
  • Developing an interactive satellite multi­media system, such as a digital video broadcasting (DVB) return channel via satellite (RCS) system, is gaining popularity over the world To accommodate the increasing traffic demand we are motivated to investigate an alternative for improving return channel utilization We develop an efficient method for optimal packet scheduling in an interactive satellite multimedia system using hybrid CDMA/TDMA channels. We formulate the timeslot-code assignment problem as a binary integer programming (BIP) problem, where the throughput maximization is the objective, and decompose this BIP problem into two sub-problems for the purpose of solution efficiency. With this decomposition, we promote the computational efficiency in finding the optimal solution of the original BIP problem Since 2001, ETRI has been involved in a development project where we have successfully completed an initial system integration test on broadband mobile Internet access via Ku-band channels using the proposed resource allocation algorithm.

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Implementation and Verification of Channel Adaptive Private Broadcasting System Based on USRP (USRP기반 채널 적응형 개인방송시스템 구현 및 검증)

  • Yoo, Sinwoo;Oh, Hyukjun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.694-702
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    • 2022
  • This paper shows a small and low-powered wireless communication system based on the ATSC broadcasting system using the ISM frequency band that can be used as a PBS(Personal Broadcasting System). It is designed to demonstrate a channel-adaptive CR(Cognitive Radio) system to provide a better service quality in the unlicensed band where co-channel interference exists. And it achieved very reliable communications by a closed-loop active phased array antenna. This ATSC-based personal broadcasting platform can be modified easily with given flexibility by using GNU Radio as an open-source signal processing platform based on USRP and implementing additional functions in FPGA. In addition, the chosen communication frequency resource can be managed and controlled by the return channel that transmits the channel status and communication parameters between transmission and reception in real-time.

Internet Broadcasting As a Place for Conspiracy Theory or Discussion: Focus on BJ Hammer Wife of Afreeca TV (음모론 혹은 토론의 장으로써의 인터넷 방송: Afreeca TV의 망치부인을 중심으로)

  • Han, Sukhee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes various aspects of the Internet broadcasting that has rapidly increased in South Korea recently. Due to the development of technology, the Internet Broadcasting industry that ordinary viewers do the broadcasting themselves has appeared. Today, the most popular platform of the Internet broadcasting in South Korea is "Afreeca TV", which allows BJs do broadcasting in their channel with own contents. Related to current chaotic Korean society, Current Affairs/Politics becomes one of the new popular genres. Specifically, this study focuses on BJ Hammer Wife as a case study, who is famous in the Current Affairs/Politics industry. Then it examines what characteristics of her channel, her opinions, and the method of communication with common viewers implicate messages regarding the freedom of speech in South Korea. Throughout this, it explores that the Internet Broadcasting functions as a place for conspiracy or discussion, and discusses the blueprint of the Internet broadcasting.

A Study on the Co-relationship between Programming Ratio of Animation and the Preference of Broadcasting Channel : Focusing on the Programming Ratio of Terrestrial Broadcasting in the 1980s (방송채널의 애니메이션 편성비율과 선호채널이미지 축적간의 상관관계 연구 : 1980년대 지상파 방송채널 애니메이션 편성비율을 중심으로)

  • Han, Chang-Wan
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.13
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2008
  • Animation programs are regarded as bad genre in the aspect of advertisement revenues due to relative low viewing ratios. But programming of animation can be considered positively in the aspect of channel loyalty and preference. This study is based on the assumption that if the scheduling of animation genres could bring out the improvement of channel image of broadcasting stations in the long term, the terrestrial broadcasters could reconsider the increase of animation programs. The research questions of this study are as follows: 1. What is the relationship between the programming ratio of animation genres and the concentration of viewing patterns? 2. How has the increase of animation programming influenced the channel image of broadcasters? 3. Why is it necessary to increase of reinforce the programming of animation genre in the new media platforms? The teenagers aged from 8 to 14 can generally make a decision which program they want to watch. Likewise, the adult viewers aged from 30 to 40 can make a selection which commodity they want to buy. The results of this study indicate that the adult viewers have showed the strong preference for the same broadcasting stations which they have been exposed to in their teenages. This result implies that in the new media environment, animation genre can lead the viewers' loyally and preference for the broadcasting channel for a long period.

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