• Title/Summary/Keyword: Broadcasting Channel

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Design of Ku-band Channel Amplifier Engineering Model for Communication and Broadcasting Satellite Payload (통신방송위성 중계기용 Ku-대역 채널증폭기 시험 모델 설계)

  • 장병준;염인복;이성팔
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.982-988
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    • 2002
  • This paper summarizes the design concepts and implementation of a Ku-band channel amplifier's engineering model for the communication and broadcasting satellite applications. The selected architecture uses the analog gain control for the FGM(Fixed Gain Mode) and the output level limiting using automatic loop control for the ALC (automatic level control) mode. The Ku-band channel amplifier incorporates several state-of-the-art components including voltage-controlled PIN diode attenuators, and various temperature-compensation circuits. The measured characteristics of the Ku-band channel amplifier are in good agreement with the expected performance. The results show a fixed gain control of 28 dB, and an automatic level control of 16 dB over operating temperature range. The designed engineering model could be used as a channel amplifier for Ku-band communication and broadcasting satellite payload system.

Interference Analysis for Deployment of the Efficient Village Broadcasting Radio System (마을방송 시스템의 효율적 구축을 위한 간섭분석)

  • Kang, Young-Heung
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 2017
  • Since the existing analog village broadcasting system has some technical problems in applying and degradations in performance due to its old equipments, it had been required recently to be changed to a wireless digital system and to develop the standardization. However, it is important to analyze the interference between villages in deploying the efficient digital wireless village broadcasting system. In this paper, simulations for co-channel and adjacent channel interference have been carried out considering digital private mobile radio(dPMR) and digital mobile radio(DMR) systems as a representative mobile radio. These results for frequency reuse and channel separation drawn from the separation distance between villages in co-channel interference and the frequency offset in adjacent interference can be helpful to establish a standard and the testing service in the near future.

Channel Coding Based Physical Layer Security for Wireless Networks (채널 부호화를 통한 물리계층 무선네트워크 보안기술)

  • Asaduzzaman, Asaduzzaman;Kong, Hyung Yun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2008
  • This paper introduces a new paradigm of physical layer security through channel coding for wireless networks. The well known spread spectrum based physical layer security in wireless network is applicable when code division multiple access (CDMA) is used as wireless air link interface. In our proposal, we incorporate the proposed security protocol within channel coding as channel coding is an essential part of all kind of wireless communications. Channel coding has a built-in security in the sense of encoding and decoding algorithm. Decoding of a particular codeword is possible only when the encoding procedure is exactly known. This point is the key of our proposed security protocol. The common parameter that required for both encoder and decoder is generally a generator matrix. We proposed a random selection of generators according to a security key to ensure the secrecy of the networks against unauthorized access. Therefore, the conventional channel coding technique is used as a security controller of the network along with its error correcting purpose.

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Analysis of Receiving Environment Changes According to Channel Reallocation Method of Terrestrial DMB (지상파 DMB 채널 재배치 방안에 따른 송수신환경 변화 분석)

  • Kim, Joo-Seok;Kim, Kyung-Seok
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2013
  • Many communications and broadcast media have emerged by the rapid development of wireless communication and broadcasting technologies, so the radio resources are insufficient for these services. DMB can use the regional integrated channel due to the SFN broadcasting network, so DMB uses the frequency efficiently. However, the domestic DMB uses the existing analog TV frequency band and uses a plurality of channels in some areas because of the interference with the analog TV. However, the broadcasting of the analog TV was terminated, so the channel reallocation of the terrestial DMB is necessary for the efficient use of frequencies. This paper proposes the channel reallocation method of the terrestial DMB and analyzes the change of transmission and reception environments by using simulations.

Organizing Korean International Broadcasting's Programming Strategy and Channel Positioning map (한국 해외홍보방송의 편성전략과 채널 포지셔닝 설정)

  • Yoon, Hong Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2013
  • The research is centered towards analyzing the differentiation of the characteristics and organization of programming strategy and channel positioning by selecting Korean International Public Relations Broadcasting Stations Arirang TV and KBS World. According to the results, Arirang TV positions Korean culture content-implied educational programs as their strategy while KBS World places the main programs of KBS1, 2TV with many entertainment programs such as dramas and entertainment shows. Arirang TV's programming strategy is well-fulfilling the purpose of promoting Korea's culture contents by organizing their programming with documentaries, tourist information, and daily living information. On the other hand, KBS World works as the agent of the spread of the Korean Wave by filling their program with dramas and K-pop programs such as . Due to the difference in programming strategy of these two broadcasting stations, Arirang TV has positioned itself as a diplomatic channel to spread Korean culture and KBS World a channel representing the Korean Wave. However, there are problems of inefficiency due to recurrent investments because of the fact that both broadcasting stations' programming strategy is to promote Korean culture and spread the Korean Wave by aiming similar targets such as foreigners or overseas Koreans.

Research of EPG Time Accuracy for Terrestrial Broadcasting Re-transmission (지상파방송 재전송을 위한 EPG 시간 정확성 연구)

  • Seok, Jin-Hwan;Won, Chung-Ho;Yoon, In-Seop;Han, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2016
  • In accordance with the digital broadcast data converted, the number of the service provider, and content channel for interaction with the viewer has increased exponentially. Electronic program guide in such a multi-channel time(Electronic Program Guide, EPG) is an essential requirement, and also from day to day EPG generation technique according to the user's requirements. But the current situation is getting EPG to viewers outside for reasons such as absence, lack of accurate information, organizing techniques utilized lack of standard systems. In this article, we describe the State and EPG solution to the problem of these terrestrial stations. This, the EPG information and the actual broadcast time of the terrestrial channel 6 using a ground wave receiving method for a direct comparison was studied the problems and the average error of the current start. Also this research perform to enhance accuracy of EPG information.

An Adaptive Method based on Data Size for Broadcast in Mobile Computing Environments (이동 컴퓨팅 환경에서 데이타 크기를 고려하는 적응적 브로드캐스팅 기법)

  • 유영호;이종환;김경석
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2003
  • Mobile computing becomes a new issue of researches in computing due to the advances of mobile equipment and the connection with Internet. In mobile environment, there are many constraints such as limited bandwidth, intermittent disconnection, limited battery life, and so on. By these reasons, broadcasting has been generally used to disseminate data efficiently by the mobile applications. This paper proposes an adaptive broadcasting method which logically divides broadcast channel into the periodic broadcast channel and the on-demand broadcast channel and dynamically assigns the bandwidths of both channel. The former disseminates data that are selected based on both the popularity and the size of each datum, the latter disseminates data that are selected based on the requests of mobile clients. When selecting data to be disseminated, the proposed broadcasting method considers the mobility of a mobile client and also considers the size of each datum by using SF(size factor) proposed in this paper. This paper also evaluates the proposed broadcasting method by measuring the energy expenditure of mobile client in experiments.

Development of a Digital Down-mixer to Convert 5.1 Channel Audio Signals to Stereo Signals (5.1 채널 오디오 신호를 스테레오 신호로 변환하는 디지털 다운믹서 개발)

  • Jeon, Kwang-Sub;Cheong, Ho-Yong;Lee, Seung-Yo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.62 no.12
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    • pp.1764-1770
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    • 2013
  • Use of the 5.1 channel audio signals suitable for the television system is improper for the radio broadcasting system, which uses the stereo audio system. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an audio down-mixer to convert 5.1 multi-channel audio signals to stereo signals for radio broadcasting. In this paper, a development of an audio down-mixer was carried out to convert 5.1 multi-channel audio signals to stereo signals. The down-mixer which was developed can use the audio signals separated from video signals, including sound signals or individual signals provided from 3-channel AES/EBU signals including Left(L), Right(R), Left Surround(Ls), Right Surround(Rs), Center(C) and Low Frequency Effect(Lfe) sounds as mixer inputs.

A Study on Performance Improvement of CMMB Receiver to Reduce an Adjacent Channel Interference (인접 채널 간섭 제거를 통한 CMMB 수신기의 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Yeong-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.364-371
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    • 2012
  • Currently, CMMB(China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting) and the conventional analog TV broadcasting have transmitted by using UHF(Ultra High Frequency : 474MHz~754MHz) band. Normally, the transmission power of the digital TV broadcasting is lower than the conventional analog TV broadcasting to protect the reception quality of the conventional analog TV broadcasting. The reception sensitivity of CMMB receiver has severely deteriorated due to adjacent the conventional analog TV broadcasting signals which called ACI (Adjacent Channel Interference). To improve the reception sensitivity of a CMMB receiver on ACI environment, this paper proposed a simple method which is tuning a cut off frequency of LPF (Low Pass Filter). From the experiment, the reception sensitivity of CMMB receiver was improved as 11.3dB.

Equalization Digital On-Channel Repeater Part 2 : Field Test Results (등화형 디지털 동일 채널 중계기 Part 2 : 필드 테스트 결과)

  • Park Sung Ik;Lee Yong-Tae;Eum Homin;Seo Jae Hyun;Kim Heung Mook;Kim Seung Won;Lee Soo-In
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.221-237
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents and analyzes field test results of Equalization Digital On-Channel Repeater (EDOCR) using ATSC(Advanced Television Systems Committee) terrestrial digital TV broadcasting system. In the field test, according to EDOCR On/Off, types of antennas and receivers we measured reception possibility, C/N(Carrier to Noise Ratio), reception power, noise and input margin at each test point. By the field test results, the reception rate of the receiver manufactured in 2004 was $33\%$ when EDOCR is off and directional antenna is used. However, the reception rate was $100\%$ when EDOCR is on. In addition, the noise margin, which determines reception quality was increased at least 6 dB, so that it is capable of constructing SFN(Single Frequency Network) using the EDOCR.