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Concurrent Docetaxel/Cisplatin and Thoracic Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (국소 진행성 비소세포 폐암에서 Docetaxel Cisplatin을 사용한 화학-방사선 동시치료의 효과)

  • Jang, Tae Won;Park, Jung Pil;Kim, Hee Kyoo;Ok, Chul Ho;Jeung, Tae Sig;Jung, Maan Hong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2004
  • Background : There are many combinations of treatment for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Recent studies have showed the efficacy of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) in NSCLC. At present, however, there is no consensus about the optimal dosages and timing of radiation and chemotherapeutic agents. The aims of study were to determine the feasibility, toxicity, response rate, and survival rate in locally advanced NSCLC patients treated with doxetaxel and cisplatin based CCRT. Method : Sixteen patients with unresectable stage III NSCLC were evaluated from May 2000 until September 2001. Induction chemoradiotherapy consisted of 3 cycles of docetaxel (75 $mg/m^2/IV$ on day 1) and cisplatin (60 $mg/m^2/IV$ on day 1) chemotherapy every 3 weeks and concomitant hyperfractionated chest irradiation (1.15 Gy/BID, total dose of 69 Gy) in 6 weeks. Patient who had complete or partial response, and stable disease were applied consolidation chemotherapy of docetaxel and cisplatin. Results : All patients showed response to CCRT. Four patients achieved complete response (25%), partial responses in 12 patients (75%). The major common toxicities were grade III or more of neutropenia (87.3%), grade III esophagitis (68.8%), pneumonia (18.8%) and grade III radiation pneumonitis (12.5%). Thirteen patients were ceased during follow-up period. Median survival time was 19.9 months (95% CI; 4.3-39.7 months). The survival rates in one, two, and three years are 68.7%, 43.7%, and 29.1%, respectively. Local recurrence was found in 11 patients (66.8%), bone metastasis in 2, and brain metastasis in 1 patient. Conclusion : The response rate and survival time of CCRT with docetaxel/cisplatin in locally advanced NSCLC were encouraging, but treatment related toxicities were high. Further modification of therapy seems to be warranted.

The Role and Significance of Biomarker for Plasma G-CSF in Patients with Primary Lung Cancer (원발성 폐암에서 혈장 과립구 자극인자의 암표지자로서의 역할과 의의)

  • Song, Jung Sub;Kim, So Young;Jo, Hyang Jeong;Lee, Kang Kyoo;Shin, Jeong Hyun;Shin, Seong Nam;Kim, Dong;Park, Seong Hoon;Lee, Young Jin;Ko, Chang Bo;Lee, Mi Kung;Choi, Soon Ho;Jeong, Jong Hoon;Park, Jung Hyun;Kim, Hui Jung;Kim, Hak Ryul;Jeong, Eun Taik;Yang, Sei Hoon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.66 no.6
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    • pp.444-450
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    • 2009
  • Background: Biomarkers for cancer have several potential clinical uses, including the following: early cancer detection, monitoring for recurrence prognostication, and risk stratification. However, no biomarker has been shown to have adequate sensitivity and specificity. Many investigators have tried to validate biomarkers for the early detection and recurrence of lung cancer. To evaluate plasma G-CSF as such a biomarker, protein levels were measured and were found to correlate with the clinicopathological features of primary lung tumors. Methods: Between December 2006 and May 2008, 100 patients with histologically-validated primary lung cancer were enrolled into this study. To serve as controls, 127 healthy volunteers were enrolled into this study. Plasma G-CSF levels were measured in lung cancer patients using the sandwich ELISA system (R & D inc.) prior to treatment. Results: The mean plasma G-CSF levels were 12.2$\pm$0.3 pg/mL and 46.0$\pm$3.8 pg/mL (mean$\pm$SE) in the normal and in the cancer groups, respectively. In addition, plasma G-CSF levels were higher in patients with early lung cancer than in healthy volunteers (p<.001). Plasma G-CSF levels were higher in patients who were under 65 years old or smokers. Within the cancer group, plasma G-CSF levels were higher in patients with non small cell lung cancer than in patients with small cell lung cancer (p<.05). Overall, plasma G-CSF levels were shown to increase dependent upon the type of lung cancer diagnsosed. In the order from highest to lowest, the levels of plasma G-CSF tended to decrease in the following order: large cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. Plasma G-CSF levels tended to be higher in patients with advanced TNM stage than in localized TNM stage (I, II

Schwannoma of the Extremities (사지에 발생한 신경초종)

  • Bahk, Won-Jong;Rhee, Seung-Koo;Kang, Yong-Koo;Lee, An-Hi
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.148-154
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: To correlate the significant MRI findings and histologic features of the Schwannoma of the extremities and to review the clinical characteristic and the result of the surgical enucleation. Materials and Methods: 67 patients with pathologically proven Schwannoma of the extremities, who were surgically treated at our institutes between January 1996 and June 2002, were selected for this study. The clinical records, EMG, MRI and histologic findings were reviewed. Age of the patients ranged from 8 to 75 years with average of 44.7 years. Mean follow-up period was 9.7 months with raging from 3 months to 46 months. Results: On MRI, Schwannoma shows a well-demarcated fusiform mass with a low to intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, which is connected to parent nerve. A target pattern with peripheral hyperintensive rim and central low intensity on T2-weighted images was seen in 6 cases (15%), and fasciculation pattern with inhomogenous intensity in the hyperintensity on T2-weighted images was observed in 24 cases (62%). Various degree of cystic degeneration was discovered in 25 cases (64%). Postoperative complications include tingling sense or radiating pain in 5 patients, paresthesia in 2 patients, nerve palsy in 2 patients, but all of the complications were recovered during followup period. There were no local recurrence or malignant change. Conclusion: MRI demonstrates characteristic findings of Schwannoma, and very useful tool for preoperative diagnosis and planning of surgery. Exact preoperative diagnosis and meticulous enucleation are enough option of treatment.

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Treatment and Survial Rate of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors (악성 말초신경막 종양의 치료와 생존율)

  • Lee, Jong-Seok;Jeon, Dae-Geun;Cho, Wan-Hyung;Lee, Soo-Yong;Oh, Jung-Moon;Kim, Jin-Wook
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: We analyzed our malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) cases to find out their oncologic results following by each treatment modalities. Materials and Methods: Thirty four patients with MPNST were registered in Korea Cancer Center Hospital from Feb. 1986 to Nov. 1996. Seventeen cases were male and 17, female. Average age was 41 years (range 18 to 74). Location of the tumor was as follows; 17 in lower extremity, 11 upper extremity, 4 trunk, and 2 retroperitoneum. Following the AJC classification, stage IA were 2 cases, stage IIA 2, stage IIB 6, stage III 16 and stage IV 8. Twenty six patients took operations and adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, 3 operation only and 3 adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Average follow up period was 33.5 months (5.6 to 146.1). Kaplan-Meiyer method was done for survival curve, and log rank test for comparison analysis. Results: Fourteen cases were continuous disease free, 2 no evidence of disease, 2 alive with disease and 14 dead of disease states at final follow up. Actual 5-year and 10-year survival rates were 53.5%, 35.7%. Local recurrence rate after operation was 24.1%. 5-year survival rates of stage I/II/III were 100/85.7/55.9% and 2-year survival rate of stage IV was 14.3% (p=0.04). In 21 cases operated with stage II-III, wide margin (15cases) had 76.0% 5-year survival rate, and marginal or intralesional marigin (6cases) had 40.0%. The actual 5-year survival rate of the group which were done 4 or more cycles chemotherapy (8cases) was 71.4% and the actual 3-year survival rate less than 4cycles chemotherapy (6cases) was 83.3% (p=0.96). In 19 cases operated with stage II-III and which had no radiotherapy, marginal or intralesional margin (5cases) had 3 cases of local recurrences (60.0%), though wide margin (14cases) had 4 cases recurrences (28.6%). There was no local recurrence in 8cases which had pre-or post-operative radiotherapy. Conclusions: Surgical margin is an important factor in local recurrence. Resection margin has a tendency to influence the survival despite insufficient statistical significance. Conventional chemotherapy has no defnite statistical sigficance in the effect on local control and survival. Preoperative and postoperative radiotherapy has some positive effect on local control.

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Outcomes of Diffuse-Type Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS) after Open Total Synovectomy (미만형 색소 융모 결절성 활액막염의 관혈적 활막 전 절제술 후 경과)

  • Lee, Mo-Ses;Lee, Soo-Hyun;Suh, Jin-Suck;Yang, Woo-Ik;Shin, Kyoo-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare soft tissue tumor, which usually arises in larger joints, such as the knee. It has a high recurrence rate after surgical treatment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the clinical results of diffuse-type pigmented villonodular synovitis cases that were treated with open total synovectomy. Materials and Methods: Between 1994 and 2006, 21 patients who had diffuse-type pigmented villonodular synovitis were selectively reviewed. Among the 21 cases studied, 14 patients presented at the knee, 5 at the ankle, and 2 at the shoulder and elbow. The mean follow up period was 5.5 years (range, 36-157 months). The average age of the patients was 34 years consist of 7 men and 14 women. Clinical outcomes were analyzed retrospectively, including range of motion and complications. Results: Open total synovectomy and adjuvant electrocautrization were done in all cases except one. During the regular follow-up period after the surgery, two patients showed symptoms of recurrence. After re-operation, only one case was pathologically confirmed as a recurrence. The patient who had partial synovectomy and the other patient who had second operation due to recur rence received additional radiation therapy. Clinical outcome scores were improved in every aspect (p<0.0001). 2 out of 14 Patients who had pigmented villonodular synovitis at the knee developed stiff knee after the surgery. Conclusion: After the open total synovectomy with electrocautrization, a low recurrence rate and satisfactory clinical outcome was achieved, observed in a minimum of 3 years of follow-up.

Secondary Chondrosarcoma Arising from Osteochondroma(tosis) (골연골종(증)에서 발생한 속발성 연골육종)

  • Cho, Hyun-Min;Rhee, Seung-Koo;Kang, Yong-Koo;Chung, Yang-Guk;Lee, An-Hi;Park, Jung-Mi;Bahk, Won-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To analyze clinical, radiological and pathological features as well as clinical outcome after surgical treatment of patients with secondary chondrosarcoma arising from osteochondroma(tosis). Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed clinical records, radiographs, pathologic slides of 14 patients. Nine patients were male and fi ve were female. The mean age was 34 years. The mean follow-up period was 54 months. Results: All patients had a history of previous mass since childhood or puberty. Preexisted osteochondroma was single in 3 patients and multiple in 10. Remaining 1 patient had multiple osteochondromatosis with enchondromatosis. MRI clearly provided thickness of cartilage cap, which was over 2 cm except in 2 cases. Chondrosarcoma was grade 1 in all except 1 case, which was grade 2. Wide excision was performed in 10 patients, marginal excision in 3 and amputation in 1. Twelve patients were doing very well without evidence of disease. Among 3 patients with marginal excision, 1 patient had local recurrence and 1 patient died of disease. Conclusion: Comprehensive understanding of clinical, radiological and pathological features of secondary chondro sarcoma is warranted for accurate diagnosis. The best result can be expected with early recognition of malignant change of osteohcondroma(tosis) and wide excision.

Prognostic Factors in Liposarcomas: A Retrospective Study of 52 Patients (지방육종의 예후 인자: 52예 후향적 연구)

  • Chung, Yang-Guk;Kang, Yong-Koo;Bahk, Won-Jong;Rhee, Seung-Koo;Lee, An-Hi;Park, Jung-Mee;Kim, Min-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To investigate prognostic factors influencing on local recurrence, distant metastasis and event-free survival of liposarcomas. Materials and Methods: Fifty-two patients managed for liposarcomas since 1993 were analyzed respectively in the view of prognostic influence of patient age, tumor size, location, histologic type, histologic grade, resection type, surgical margin, chemotherapy and radiation therapy on local recurrence, distant metastasis and event-free survival. The mean follow up period was 39 months. The univariate and multivariate regression analysis were performed for statistical evaluation. Results: The local recurrences occurred in 11 patients (21.2%) and distant metastasis in 4 patients (8%), Event-free survival rate at 4 year follow up was 67%. In univariate analysis, histologic grade, surgical margin, chemotherapy and radiation therapy were significant prognostic factors on local recurrence (p<0.05). However, histologic grade lost its significance in muitivariate analysis. Trunk location revealed higher rate of distant metastasis than extremity location. In univariate analysis on event-free survival. histologic grade and chemotherapy were significant factors (p<0.05). No factor remained significant in multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Considering selection bias, positive surgical margin was negative prognostic factor on local recurrence. Liposarcomas arisen in trunk revealed higher rate of distant metastasis. There was no independent prognostic factor on event-free survival of patients with liposarcomas.

Processing Conditions and Quality Stability of Frozen Seasoned Sardine Meat during Frozen Storage (냉동 정어리 조미육의 가공 및 저장중의 품질안정성)

  • LEE Eung-Ho;OH Kwang-Soo;AHN Chang-Bum;LEE Tae-Hun;CHUNG Young-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 1987
  • Seasoned sardine meat was prepared to extend the use of sardine for human consumption, and processing conditions and storage stability of frozen seasoned sardine meat were studied during storage at $-20^{\circ}C$. The fish was beheaded, gutted and cleaned in a washing tank. The washed fish was then put through a belt-drum type meat separator which separates the flesh iron the bone and skin. Mechanically deboned fish meat was mixed with $20.6\%$ emulsion curd, $0.5\%$ table salt, $2.0\%$ sugar, $0.4\%$ sodium bicarbonate, $0.2\%$ polyphosphate, $0.1\%$ monosodium glutamate, $0.3\%$ onion powder, $0.1\%$ garlic powder, $0.1\%$ ginger powder, $3.0\%$ soybean protein and $0.1\%$. In sodium erythorbate. This seasoned sardine meat was frozen with contact freezer, packed in a carton box and then stored at $-20^{\circ}C$. The pH, volatile basic nitrogen, viable cell counts, peroxide value, carbonyl value, thiobarbituric acid value, taste compounds, fatty acid composition, salt extractable nitrogen, drip, texture, and color values of the products were determined during frozen storage. The results showed that lipid content in products could be controlled by using emulsion curd, and flavor and texture could be improved by adding spices and soybean protein, and lipid oxidation could be retarded by $0.1\%$ sodium erythorbate. Judging from the results of chemical experiments and sensory evaluation, the products can be preserved in a good quality for 120 days during frozen storage.

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A Clinical Study of Child Abuse (아동학대로 진단된 환아의 임상적 고찰)

  • Choi, Yoon Jin;Kim, Shin Mi;Sim, Eun Jung;Cho, Do Jun;Kim, Dug Ha;Min, Ki Sik;Yoo, Ki Yang
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.436-442
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : To promote awareness and efforts by pediatricians to identity and prevent child abuse by investigation of characteristics of victim and types of injury caused by abuse. Methods : A retrospective study was performed with 20 patients who had been diagnosed or suspected as child abuse at Hallym University Hospital from January 1999 to December 2005. The medical records, radiologic documents, and social worker's notes were reviewed to investigate age, sex, visiting time, form of abuse, perpetrator, risk factor, and type of injury. Results : The mean age of the subjects was 2.8 years. Fourteen patients were between 0-1 years old, 2 patients between 1-6 years old, 3 patients between 7-12 years old, and 1 case over 13 years old. The ratio of male to female was 1:1. The majority of these patients (70%) visited via emergency department. Eight five percent of these patients reported with physical abuse, 5% psychological abuse, 5% sexual abuse, and 5% neglect respectively. The suspected perpetrator was the biological father in six cases, the biological mother in three cases, the stepmother in two cases, caregiver in one case, relatives in one case and "unknown" in six cases. Bruise and hematoma (80%) were the most common physical findings. Skull fractures were diagnosed in six cases, long bone fractures in two cases, hemoperitoneum in two cases, subdural hemorrhage in 10 cases, epidural hemorrhages in two cases, subarachnoidal hemorrhages in two cases, and retinal hemorrhages in five cases respectively. Seventeen cases required hospitalization and surgical operations performed were in nine cases. Four patients died and three patients had sequalae such as developmental delay and quadriplegia. Conclusion : Child abuse results in high mortality and morbidity in victims. Therefore early recognition and prevention is very important. Pediatricians should always suspect the possibilities of abuse in cases of fracture, intracranial hemorrhage, abdominal injury, or even any injury to the body. We recommend that the clinical investigation of suspicious children should include a full multidisciplinary social assessment, a skeletal survey and CT or MRI.

Review of Anti-Leukemia Effects from Medicinal Plants (항 백혈병작용에 관련된 천연물의 자료조사)

  • Pae Hyun Ock;Lim Chang Kyung;Jang Seon Il;Han Dong Min;An Won Gun;Yoon Yoo Sik;Chon Byung Hun;Kim Won Sin;Yun Young Gab
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.605-610
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    • 2003
  • According to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, leukemia is a malignant disease (cancer) that originates in a cell in the marrow. It is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of developing marrow cells. There are two major classifications of leukemia: myelogenous or lymphocytic, which can each be acute or chronic. The terms myelogenous or lymphocytic denote the cell type involved. Thus, four major types of leukemia are: acute or chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute or chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma are considered to be related cancers because they involve the uncontrolled growth of cells with similar functions and origins. The diseases result from an acquired (not inherited) genetic injury to the DNA of a single cell, which becomes abnormal (malignant) and multiplies continuously. In the United States, about 2,000 children and 27,000 adults are diagnosed each year with leukemia. Treatment for cancer may include one or more of the following: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy, surgery and bone marrow transplantation. The most effective treatment for leukemia is chemotherapy, which may involve one or a combination of anticancer drugs that destroy cancer cells. Specific types of leukemia are sometimes treated with radiation therapy or biological therapy. Common side effects of most chemotherapy drugs include hair loss, nausea and vomiting, decreased blood counts and infections. Each type of leukemia is sensitive to different combinations of chemotherapy. Medications and length of treatment vary from person to person. Treatment time is usually from one to two years. During this time, your care is managed on an outpatient basis at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center or through your local doctor. Once your protocol is determined, you will receive more specific information about the drug(s) that Will be used to treat your leukemia. There are many factors that will determine the course of treatment, including age, general health, the specific type of leukemia, and also whether there has been previous treatment. there is considerable interest among basic and clinical researchers in novel drugs with activity against leukemia. the vast history of experience of traditional oriental medicine with medicinal plants may facilitate the identification of novel anti leukemic compounds. In the present investigation, we studied 31 kinds of anti leukemic medicinal plants, which its pharmacological action was already reported through many experimental articles and oriental medical book: 『pharmacological action and application of anticancer traditional chinese medicine』 In summary: Used leukemia cellline are HL60, HL-60, Jurkat, Molt-4 of human, and P388, L-1210, L615, L-210, EL-4 of mouse. 31 kinds of anti leukemic medicinal plants are Panax ginseng C.A Mey; Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc; Daphne genkwa Sieb. et Zucc; Aloe ferox Mill; Phorboc diester; Tripterygium wilfordii Hook .f.; Lycoris radiata (L Her)Herb; Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz; Lilium brownii F.E. Brown Var; Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.; Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels; Asparagus cochinensis (Lour. )Merr; Isatis tinctoria L.; Leonurus heterophyllus Sweet; Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.; Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim; Dioscorea opposita Thumb; Schisandra chinensis (Rurcz. )Baill.; Auium Sativum L; Isatis tinctoria, L; Ligustisum Chvanxiong Hort; Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch; Euphorbia Kansui Liou; Polygala tenuifolia Willd; Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth; Chelidonium majus L; Rumax madaeo Mak; Sophora Subprostmousea Chunet T.ehen; Strychnos mux-vomical; Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr.et Maxim.)Harms; Rubia cordifolia L. Anti leukemic compounds, which were isolated from medicinal plants are ginsenoside Ro, ginsenoside Rh2, Emodin, Yuanhuacine, Aleemodin, phorbocdiester, Triptolide, Homolycorine, Atractylol, Colchicnamile, Paeonol, Aspargus polysaccharide A.B.C.D, Indirubin, Leonunrine, Acinosohic acid, Trichosanthin, Ge 132, Schizandrin, allicin, Indirubin, cmdiumlactone chuanxiongol, 18A glycyrrhetic acid, Kansuiphorin A 13 oxyingenol Kansuiphorin B. These investigation suggest that it may be very useful for developing more effective anti leukemic new dregs from medicinal plants.