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검색결과 8,736건 처리시간 0.041초

Utilization of Probiotic Starter Cultures for the Manufacture of Low-fat Functional Fermented Sausages (저지방 기능성 발효소시지의 제조를 위한 복합 유산균주의 이용)

  • Kim, Young-J.;Lee, Hong-C.;Park, Sung-Y.;Park, Sun-Y.;Oh, Se-Jong;Chin, Koo-B.
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to evaluate the physico-chemical properties of fermented sausages containing probiotic starter cultures (LK-30 plus, Lactobacillus plantarum 155 and 167, and Pediococcus damnosus L12) with reduced fat levels, and to determine the optimum condition for the manufacture of these products. Although low-fat fermented sausages were reduced fat content at the amount of 90% and the ripening time by 1-2 weeks, as compared to regular-fat counterpart, they became harder and had many winkles outside due to the extreme drying. In addition, fat level in fermented sausages affected the composition and shear force values. During ripening, pH, lightness and yellowness values tended to decrease, however, microbial counts of inoculated lactic acid bacteria were increased up to $10^8-10^9cfu/g$ within 3 days and remained constant thereafter. Low-fat fermented sausages had higher microbial counts than regular-fat ones. Although the inoculated probiotic starter cultures alone had the functional properties, such as cholesterol reduction, anti-high blood pressure and antimicrobial activity, they did not have distinctive characteristics in the fermented sausages. Based on these results, the low-fat fermented sausages were successfully manufactured, but a little bit increased fat level and improved functional properties in the fermented sausages would be required to have better quality as compared to regular-fat counterparts.

Analyzing the characteristics of mathematics achievement in Korea through linking NAEA and PISA (국가수준 학업성취도 평가와 국제 학업성취도 평가의 연계를 통한 우리나라 학생들의 수학 성취 특성 분석)

  • Rim, Hae-Mee;Kim, Su-Jin;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to understand Korea students' characteristics as well as to give important information of improving our education using comparative analysis of framework, test booklets, test results between PISA 2009 and NAEA 2009. PISA 2009 was administered on May of 2009 and NAEA was administered on October of same year. The summary of the results of comparing two assessment is as follows First, cut score of NAEA Advance level is bigger than the cut score of level 5, which is considered as high achievement level. The cut score of Basic level of NAEA is also higher than the level 2 of PISA, which is considered as basic achievement level. This phenomenon can show that NAEA achievement level is set little bit higher than the achievement level of PISA in mathematics domain. Second, the percentage of female students on higher level was higher than that of male students. In suburban area, the percentage of high level was small and the percentage of low level was big. Third, students of Advanced level are distributed concentrating in PISA levels 4~6, Proficient achievement level concentrating in PISA levels 3~5, Basic achievement level concentrating in PISA levels 2~4, and below basic achievement levels concentrating in below level 1 and level 3 of PISA. Fourth, the correlation between NAEA 2009 and PISA 2009 achievement scores are significantly positive. However, the correlation of subscales were low. Fifth, analysis of non-equivalent group, 11 items located in 'change and relationship', 'uncertainty', 'connection cluster' domains found to be significantly different. The percent correct showed very big difference. The analysis results presents the implication of mathematics curriculum, teaching and learning methods as well as National Assessment of Educational Achievement.

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A New Bias Scheduling Method for Improving Both Classification Performance and Precision on the Classification and Regression Problems (분류 및 회귀문제에서의 분류 성능과 정확도를 동시에 향상시키기 위한 새로운 바이어스 스케줄링 방법)

  • Kim Eun-Mi;Park Seong-Mi;Kim Kwang-Hee;Lee Bae-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • 제32권11호
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    • pp.1021-1028
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    • 2005
  • The general solution for classification and regression problems can be found by matching and modifying matrices with the information in real world and then these matrices are teaming in neural networks. This paper treats primary space as a real world, and dual space that Primary space matches matrices using kernel. In practical study, there are two kinds of problems, complete system which can get an answer using inverse matrix and ill-posed system or singular system which cannot get an answer directly from inverse of the given matrix. Further more the problems are often given by the latter condition; therefore, it is necessary to find regularization parameter to change ill-posed or singular problems into complete system. This paper compares each performance under both classification and regression problems among GCV, L-Curve, which are well known for getting regularization parameter, and kernel methods. Both GCV and L-Curve have excellent performance to get regularization parameters, and the performances are similar although they show little bit different results from the different condition of problems. However, these methods are two-step solution because both have to calculate the regularization parameters to solve given problems, and then those problems can be applied to other solving methods. Compared with UV and L-Curve, kernel methods are one-step solution which is simultaneously teaming a regularization parameter within the teaming process of pattern weights. This paper also suggests dynamic momentum which is leaning under the limited proportional condition between learning epoch and the performance of given problems to increase performance and precision for regularization. Finally, this paper shows the results that suggested solution can get better or equivalent results compared with GCV and L-Curve through the experiments using Iris data which are used to consider standard data in classification, Gaussian data which are typical data for singular system, and Shaw data which is an one-dimension image restoration problems.

Characteristics and Possible Early Harvesting Time of Early Maturing Soybean Cultivars in Southern Korea (남부지방에서 조생종 콩 품종의 특성과 조기수확 한계기)

  • Kim, Dong-Kwan;Son, Dong-Mo;Chon, Sang-Uk;Lee, Kyung-Dong;Kim, Kyong-Ho
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    • 제53권2호
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2008
  • This study analyzed the growth, seed quality, and yield of major early-maturing soybean cultivars by comparing them in order to utilize the research results in the selection of early-maturing soybean cultivars in multi-cropping farms in the Southern area. This field trial was conducted at Naju region (latitude $35^{\circ}04'N$, longitude $126^{\circ}54'E$), Jeonnam, with planting on June 15. The maturing date for Keunol-kong and Hwaseong-put-kong was found to be around September 12, which was earlier than other cultivars. Thus, there were advantages to introducing a cropping system as well as having good seed quality and high yield. On the other hand, the maturing date for Saeol-kong and Sinrok-kong was found to be around September 20, which was a little bit late; however, the seed quality of the cultivars was good and they had a high yield. Therefore, if we want to sow the following crops of soybeans around mid-September, Keunol-kong and Hwaseong-put-kong are advantageous, while for the seeding around late September, Saeol-kong and Sinrok-kong would be good. This study was also performed to identify the limitation time for early harvesting by reviewing seed quality and yield of major early-maturing soybean cultivars according to early harvesting. When harvesting Keunol-kong on September 6, which was six days earlier than the optimal harvesting time (September 12), there was no difference in seed weight, yield, or seed quality than those of the harvested at the optimum maturing time. As for Saeol-kong, when harvesting on September 18, which was six days earlier than the optimal harvesting time (September 24), there was no difference in seed weight, yield, or seed quality than those of the harvested at the optimum maturing time. Therefore, the stable limitation time for early harvesting of Keunol-kong and Saeol-kong was concluded to be six days earlier than the optimal harvesting time.

Anti-oxidative and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Fermented Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) by Rhizopus oryzae (Rhizopus oryzae으로 발효한 울금의 항산화 및 항염효과)

  • Kim, Eun-Ju;Song, Bit-Na;Jeong, Da-Som;Kim, So-Young;Cho, Yong-Sik;Park, Shin-Young
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제27권11호
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    • pp.1315-1323
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    • 2017
  • Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant (Curcuma longa (CL)) of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. A yellow-pigmented fraction isolated from the rhizomes of CL contains curcuminoids belonging to the dicinnamoyl methane group. Curcumin is an important active ingredient responsible for the biological activity of CL. However, CL is not usually used as a food source due to its bitter taste. The present study was designed to determine the effect of the CL fermented by Rhizopus oryzae (FCL) on pro-inflammatory factors such as nuclear factor ${\kappa}B$ ($NF-{\kappa}B$), tumor necrosis factor alpha ($TNF-{\alpha}$), interleukin-6 (IL-6), nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandin $E_2$ ($PGE_2$), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced RAW 264.7 cell line. The cell viability was determined by MTT assay. To evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of FCL 80% EtOH extracts, IL-6 and $TNF-{\alpha}$ were measured by ELISA kit. Also, the amount of $NO/PGE_2/NF-{\kappa}B$ was measured using the $NO/PGE_2/NF-{\kappa}B$ detection kit and the iNOS/COX-2 expression was measured by Western blotting. The results showed that the FCL reduced NO, $PGE_2$, iNOS, COX-2, $NF-{\kappa}B$, IL-6 and $TNF-{\alpha}$ production without cytotoxicity. These results suggest that FCL extracts may be a developed the functional food related to anti-inflammation due to the significant effects on inflammatory factors.

A Study on the Development of Weight Controlling Health Behavioral Model in Women (여성의 체중조절행위 모형 구축)

  • Jeun, Yeun-Suk;Lee, Jong-Ryol;Park, Chun-Man
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.125-153
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    • 2006
  • This study was intended to describe women's weight controlling by creating a hypothetic model on the weight adjustment behavior and by examining a cause and effect relationship, and to contribute to countermeasures for practicing their promotion of health and improving the quality of life through creating a predictable model. The subject of study was women who utilize the beauty shop located in Seoul, Busan and Daegu and the study period was 12 weeks from July 10 to September 30 in 2004. Gathered 1093 person's general specialty related with weight adjustment and analyzed covariance to prove the hypothesis using statistics compiled from authentic sources. Also proved coincidence of the hypothetical model. Exogenous variables of the hypothetical model are composed of recognition of her body shape, fatness level, age, stress, and self-respect. Endogenous variables are health- control mind, recognized health state, self-efficacy, intention, and behavior of weight adjustment. There were 5 measured variables for exogenous variable(x). There were 8 measured variable(y) for exogenous variable. And coincidence $x^2=297.38$, standard $x^2(x^2/df)=7.08$, GFI=0.962, AGFI=0.917, NFI=0.875, TLI=0.794, CFI=0.889, RMSEA=0.075. The result of hypothesis had an epoch-making record that 20 out of 27 hypothesis was proved positive way. Generally weight adjustment has been highly seen in housewives, the married and the old age. Health control mind seems to be high as fatness level, age, and self-respect are high and low stress. Recognized health state is high as age and self-respect are high and low stress. However, it is not much related with recognition of her body shape and fatness level. If age, self-respect, health control mind, recognized health state and self-efficacy are high intention of behavior is also high, but intention of behavior has no relation with recognition of her body shape, fatness level and stress. If fatness level, age, self-respect, health control mind, recognized health state and self-efficacy and intention of behavior are high, execution of weight adjustment will be high. However, recognized health state and stress has no influence for weight adjustment. To increase the coincidence of hypothesis and take a simple model I modified a model and then I got the coincidence $x^2=215.62$, standard $x^2(x^2/df)=6.34$, GFI=0.970, AGFI=0.931, NFI=0.902, TLI=0.901, CFI=0.915, RMSEA=0.070. This result is a bit better than original hypothetical model's so that this model might be more suitable. In this modification model, the factors of weight adjustment seems to be high according to this order self-efficacy, recognized health state, age, intention, health control mind, self-respect, fatness level and stress. With this result I suggest ; 1. Enforcement of IR that everybody can be controlled weight adjustment herself and continuous education, which is related with regular habit (food, exercise, restriction of a favorite food and behavior training etc.) is also needed. 2. Because self-efficacy is influenced to execution of weight adjustment specific program which can increase self-efficacy should have to develop and we need to utilize it to take care of herself. 3. To protect fatness and be active weight adjustment the peculiar program including the concept of self-respect, recognized health state, health control mind and intention must be developed and not only women but also all of people should be educated. 4. This hypothetical model is forecasting women's weight adjustment behavior and can be utilized for fundamental data to increase those people's health.

Cold-Sensitive Growth of Bacillus subtilis Mutants Deleted for Putative DEAD-Box RNA Helicase Genes (Bacillus subtilis DEAD-Box RNA Helicase 유전자 결손 균주들의 저온 민감성 생장)

  • Oh, Eun-Ha;Lee, Sang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • 제46권3호
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 2010
  • Four genes (yqfR, yfmL, ydbR, deaD) were identified as putative DEAD-box RNA helicase genes in the genomic sequence of Bacillus subtilis by homology search. To understand the function of these genes, each of the genes was deleted and the constructed strains were tested for their growth charateristics at different temperatures. The growth rate of ydbR deletion mutant ($T_d$=53 min) was a little bit reduced at $37^{\circ}C$ as compared to that of wild type strain (CU1065). But the growth rate of other three (yqfR, yfmL, deaD) deletion mutants ($T_d$=30-40 min) is nearly equal to the growth rate of wild type ($T_d$=32 min). On the other hands, the growth rate of deletion mutants were reduced at $22^{\circ}C$ in order of yqfR ($T_d$=151 min), yfmL ($T_d$=214 min), ydbR ($T_d$=343 min), which showed cold-sensitive phenotype. The deletion mutant of deaD ($T_d$=109 min) grew equally as compared to the growth rate ($T_d$=102 min) of the wild type at $22^{\circ}C$ and did not show cold-sensitive growth. Double, triple and quadruple deletion mutants of these genes were constructed, and growth rate of these mutants were measured at various temperature conditions ($22^{\circ}C$, $37^{\circ}C$, $42^{\circ}C$) using LB broth. Multiple deletion mutations showed more severe cold-sensitive growth than single deletion mutations, and double deletion of ydbR and yfmL ($T_d$=984 min) showed most cold-sensitive growth than any other double mutants. Such a cold-sensitive growth of these mutations is quite similar to the result of csdA or srmB deletion in E. coli and suggested that physiological role of ydbR and yfmL is related with ribosome assembly.

A Kinematical Analysis of Belle Motion on Parallel Bars (평행봉 Belle 기술동작의 운동학적 분석)

  • Kong, Tae-Ung
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2005
  • This study is to define how the difference of athletic change influence on the last regrasp after somersault in Belle movement of parallel bars. For his study, the following conclusion was produced by analysis of athletic change by means of three dimensional visual image in three athlete of nation. 1. As the picture of S1, there are total used time(2.01 sec), S3(2.17 sec) and S2(2.19 sec). In case of a short needed time, it is difficult for them to perform the remaining movement of the vertical elevating flight easily and comfortably, it is judged as performing the small movement with restrict swing. 2 In the change of body center sped by each event, it is calculated as $-89.1^{\circ}$ the narrowest in S1, $-81.96^{\circ}$ the widest and then $86.34^{\circ}$ in S3. In E3 event, average compound speed is 4.07m/s, S2 showed the fastest speed of 4.14m/s whereas S1 the narrowest angle of 3.95m/s. 3. A shoulder joint and coxa are the period of mention in E3. In E4 which was pointed out the longest vertical distance, S2 that is indicated the highest vertical height as the period of detach in parallel bars. showed -3.91m. This is regarded as a preparatory movement for dynamic performance after using effectively elastic movement of shoulder joint and coxa while easily going up with turning back movement. In the 5th phrase, long airborne time and vertical change position is showed as the start while regrasping securely air flight movement from high position. 4. In E5, a long flight time and a long vertical displacement were shown as the regrasp after somersault efficiently in high position with stability from the point of the highest peak of the center of the body. Especially, S2 is marked as a little bit long position, while S1 is reversely indicated as performing somersault and unstable motion in a low position. 5. In E3, at the point of the largest extension of the shoulder joint and hip joint the shoulder joint is largely marked in $182^{\circ}$ and the hip point $182^{\circ}$ in S2. The shoulder joint is marked at the smallest angle in $177^{\circ}$ and the hip point $176^{\circ}$ in S1. And S1 is being judged by its performance of the less self - confident motion with lessening a breath of swing. S2 makes the most use of flexion and extension of the shoulder joint and the hip joint effectively. It was performed greatly with swinging and dropping the rotary movement and the rotary inertia naturally. 6. In E6, as the point of regrasp of the upper arm in parallel bars it is recognized by the that of components of vertical and horizontal velocity stably. During this study, the insufficient thing and the study on the parallel bars at a real game later are more activated than now. If it is really used as the basic materials by means of Belle Picked Study of Super E level after Bell movement, you may perceive the technique movement previously and perform without difficulty. Especially, such technique as crucifix is quite advantageous for oriental people thanks to small body shape condition. In conclusion we will nicely prepare for our suitable environment to gradually lessen trials and errors by analyzing and studying kinematically this movement.

Enhancement of Image Contrast in Linacgram through Image Processing (전산처리를 통한 Linacgram의 화질개선)

  • Suh, Hyun-Suk;Shin, Hyun-Kyo;Lee, Re-Na
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : Conventional radiation therapy Portal images gives low contrast images. The purpose of this study was to enhance image contrast of a linacgram by developing a low-cost image processing method. Materials and Methods : Chest linacgram was obtained by irradiating humanoid Phantom and scanned using Diagnostic-Pro scanner for image processing. Several types of scan method were used in scanning. These include optical density scan, histogram equalized scan, linear histogram based scan, linear histogram independent scan, linear optical density scan, logarithmic scan, and power square root scan. The histogram distribution of the scanned images were plotted and the ranges of the gray scale were compared among various scan types. The scanned images were then transformed to the gray window by pallette fitting method and the contrast of the reprocessed portal images were evaluated for image improvement. Portal images of patients were also taken at various anatomic sites and the images were processed by Gray Scale Expansion (GSE) method. The patient images were analyzed to examine the feasibility of using the GSE technique in clinic. Results :The histogram distribution showed that minimum and maximum gray scale ranges of 3192 and 21940 were obtained when the image was scanned using logarithmic method and square root method, respectively. Out of 256 gray scale, only 7 to 30$\%$ of the steps were used. After expanding the gray scale to full range, contrast of the portal images were improved. Experiment peformed with patient image showed that improved identification of organs were achieved by GSE in portal images of knee joint, head and neck, lung, and pelvis. Conclusion :Phantom study demonstrated that the GSE technique improved image contrast of a linacgram. This indicates that the decrease in image quality resulting from the dual exposure, could be improved by expanding the gray scale. As a result, the improved technique will make it possible to compare the digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRR) and simulation image for evaluating the patient positioning error.

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Studies on changes in bulks of body per dose and in the positioning of duodenum by respiration when treating pancreatic cancer patients with radiation therapy (췌장암 환자의 방사선 치료 시 호흡에 따른 십이지장의 위치 변화 및 선량 당 체적 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Jang, Hyeong-Jun;Chun, Geum-Seong;Park, Yeong-Gyu
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : In the case of treating pancreatic cancer, the importance is put on the spread of dose. Changes take place in duodenum in accordance with respiration. Thus, in this paper, I am going to trace the positioning of duodenum and the changes in bulks of body per dose by scanning the patients' Kilovoltage Cone-Beam CT using the hospital equipped CT-on rail System. Materials and Methods : Seeing three patients, I have acquired KVCBCT by using CT-on rail System and spotted the change in positioning at duodenum after comparing with the preliminary image of treatment plan by using SYNGO Software. Then, I followed the change in the bulk of duodenum and analyzed the changes in bulks of body on the same dose by transmitting the acquired KVCBCT into Pinnacle, a treatment plan system. Results : The changes in the positioning shall be as set forth like this: 1.2cm, 1.0cm in Left-Right Direction, 0cm, 0.8cm in Craniocaudal Direction, 0.1cm, and 1.0cm in Anterior-Posterior Direction. Patient number one showed that his bulks in body had increased by maximum 460%, minimum 120%, the bulks in patient number two had increased bymaximum 490%, minimum 160%, and the bulks of patient number three had increased by maximum 150%. But Minimum volume decreased 30%. Patient number one showed only a little bit of change at first when compared with the preliminary treatment plan. However, the dose increased the bulks in the patient's body: $V_{10}$ 118%, $V_{20}$ 117%, $V_{30}$ 400%, and $V_{40}$ 480% Conclusion : In treating patients with radiation therapy using 3D-CRT, the dose amount penetrated into duodenum needs to be minimized by planning appropriate treatment beforehand. In order to establish an appropriate treatment plan it is required to comprehend the changes at positioning of the duodenum by respiration and predict the changes in the bulks of duodenum by setting precise Planning Target Volume.