• Title/Summary/Keyword: Biophoton emission

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The Change of Biophoton Emission on Acupuncture Stimulus and Environment Condition in Healthy Volunteers (환경조건 및 침자극에 따른 인체 생물 광자 방출량 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Yeon-Hee;Jung, Sang-Yong;Hwang, Hye-Suk;Kim, Yoo-Sung;Lee, Young-Seop;Yang, Eun-Jin;Choi, Sun-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2008
  • Objective: Recently biophysical research has shown very weak radiation of photons in plant, animal and human cells. Biophoton emission of the aliving system has received specific phenomena because of its scientific potential for monitoring metabolism to human body. This paper proposes a new challenge possibility of the biophoton emission in biophysiological human condition index. Method: Biophoton emission were measured with twenty one healthy volunteers. The study analyses existence for the effect of specific acupoint stimulus, exposure to the sun and low temperature in healthy volunteers. Two photomultiplier tubes which spectral range was from 300 nm to 650 nm was used for the detection of biophoton emission observation of possible acupuncture stimulation effect at left hand palm. Result: There was a reversion of relative emission rates from the palms affected the environment condition. Otherwise, when the acupuncture stimulation, the emission rate was not enough significantly change(p<0.05). Conclusion: In this study, biophoton emissions depend on the environment condition for all subjects. Measurments with the biophoton emission rate analysis might be much considered in future studies.

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Biophoton Emission as a Biomarker of Mouse Fatty Liver induced by Carbon Tetrachloride (사염화탄소를 이용한 마우스 지방간에서의 새로운 생체발광 측정법)

  • 김정대;임재관;최준호;이병천;유혜란;박대훈;천병수;소광섭
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.12-16
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    • 2004
  • Recently the measurement of biophoton emission has attracted increasing attention in the study on physiological state of biological systems. We report the measurements of biophoton emission from the mouse fatty liver induced by carbon tetrachloride, CCl$_4$. The hepatotoxin, CCl$_4$ in olive oil, was injected intraperitoneally into two groups of ICR mice which were made of 6 mice in each group. The control groups corresponding to the treated groups were prepared with the injections of olive oil only. After the injections, livers of two groups were extracted and measured biophoton emission in 24 hours and 72 hours later, respectively. We also extracted the plasma in the blood and measured the transaminase activity. Results show that biophoton emission from the livers in 24-hour treated group is 69.3${\pm}$21.2 counts/min/$\textrm{cm}^2$, which is two times more larger than that in 24-hour control group, 29.5${\pm}$5.9 counts/min/$\textrm{cm}^2$ Biophoton emission from the livers in 72-hour treated group is 37.0${\pm}$14.8 counts/min/$\textrm{cm}^2$. These biophoton results correlate with those of the biochemical assays. We conclude that biophoton emission can be used as a biomarker of mouse fatty liver induced by CCl$_4$.

Study on Biophoton Emission from roots of Angelica sinensis D., Angelica acutiloba K., and Angelica pubescens M. (국내 수입되는 바디나물속 기원 한약재의 Biophoton(생체광자) 방출 특성 연구)

  • Park, Wan-Su;Lee, Chang-Hoon
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate the delayed luminescence-biophoton emission from root of Angelica sinensis D., Angelica acutiloba K., and Angelica pubescens M. These three species of Genus Angelica are now imported from other nations into Republic of Korea. Methods : Randomly selected samples from roots of Angelica sinensis D., Angelica acutiloba K., and Angelica pubescens M. were radiated with 150 W metal halide lamp for 1 minute. After radiation. biophoton emissions of each sample were detected by electron multiplication(EM)-charge coupled device camera. The detected biophoton image was calculated with unit of counts per pixel. Results: The average biophoton emissions of delayed luminescence with EM ratio of $\times$150 and $\times$250 were distinguished significantly. The maximum biophoton emissions of delayed luminescence with EM ratio of $\times$250 were distinguished significantly. Conclusions : These results suggest that biophoton imaging of roots of Angelica sinensis D., Angelica acutiloba K., and Angelica pubescens M. could become the meaningful method for the study of differentiation for these three species of Genus Angelica.

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A Study on the Biophoton Emission of Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu (녹용(鹿茸)의 Biophoton(생체광자) 방출 특성 연구)

  • Park, Wan-Su;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Soh, Kwang-Sup;Kim, Ho-Cheol;Choi, Ho-Young;Park, Seong-Kyu
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : The difference of delayed luminescence-biophoton emission was investigated in Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu selected randomly. Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu was used as a tonic in Korean medicine. Methods : Randomly selected samples of Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu were radiated with 150 W metal halide lamp for 1 minute. After radiation, biophoton emissions of each sample were detected by electron multiplication(EM)-charge coupled device camera. The detected biophoton image was calculated with unit of counts per pixel. Results : The average biophoton emissions of delayed luminescence with EM ratio of ${\times}l50\;and\;{\times}250$ were distinguished significantly. The maximum biophoton emissions of delayed luminescence with EM ratio of ${\times}250$ were distinguished significantly. Conclusion : These results suggest that biophoton imaging of Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu could become the meaningful method for the study of differentiation and classification of Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu.

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Study on Biophoton Emission from roots of Angelica gigas N., Angelica sinensis D., and Angelica acutiloba K (한국 당귀, 중국 당귀, 일본 당귀의 생체광자(Biophoton) 방출 비교 연구)

  • Park, Wan-Su;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Soh, Kwang-Sup;Lee, Young-Jong;Lee, Choong-Yeo;Lee, Tae-Hee;Kim, Youn-Sub;Kim, Do-Hoon
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate the delayed luminescence-biophoton emission from roots of Angelica gigas N., Angelica sinensis D., and Angelica acutiloba K These three species of Genus Angelica are now used as 'Danggui' in Traditional Korean Medicine. Methods : Randomly selected samples from roots of Angelica gigas N., Angelica sinensis D., and Angelica acutiloba K were radiated with 150 W metal halide lamp for 1 minute. After radiation, biophoton emissions of each sample were detected by electron multiplication-charge coupled device camera. The detected biophoton image was calculated with unit of counts per pixel. Results : The average and maximum biophoton emissions of delayed luminescence with electron multiplication ratio of ${\times}150$ and ${\times}250$were distinguished significantly between Angelica gigas N. and the other two species. Conclusions : These results suggest that biophoton imaging of roots of Angelica gigas N., Angelica sinensis D., and Angelica acutiloba K. could become the meaningful method for the study of differentiation between root of Angelica gigas N. and the other two species, Angelica sinensis D. and Angelica acutiloba K.

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Biophoton Emission of MDCK Kidney Cell with ROS(reactive oxygen species) (Biophoton에 의한 생체 세포수준에서의 항산화 작용에 대한 척도)

  • 백구연;천병수;임재관;이승호;소광섭
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.170-173
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    • 2003
  • This study was studies biophoton characteristics of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells under the influence of CsA and each cell type (mock, wt, R55A) by employing a Photomultipliertube. $\textrm{H}_2\textrm{O}_2$ was used for producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) in this measurement. ROS is also generated during oxidative metabolism in living organism. Images from a fluorescence show an increase of photon intensity emitted from the sample on the influence of CsA and each cell type (mock, wt, R55A). It is believed chemiluminescence (CL) occurred by ROS is responsible for the biophoton emission. hence PMT measurement might be considered as a useful tool for studying biochemical characteristics in relation to ROS.

Comparing Biophoton Emissions from Seven Acupuncture Points (7개 경혈부위에서의 생물광자(Biophoton) 방출량 비교)

  • Kim Dong-Hoon;Shin Kwang-Moon;Jung Hyun-Hee;Park Sang-Hyun;Yang Joon-Mo;Soh Kyung-Soon;Lee Sung-Muk;Soh Kwang-Sup
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2004
  • We measured biophoton emissions from seven acupuncture points of eight healthy subjects. The measured points are the Yintang, the $Danch{\bar{u}}$, the Shinketsu, the left and right $R{\bar{o}}ky{\bar{u}}$ and the left and right Yaotongwue of hands. The photo multiplier tube (H-610805s, Hamamatsu, Japan) has spectral range between 300nm and 650nm. Significantly low emission rate was observed at the Shinketsu where the rate was $3.7\;{\pm}\;1.8\;cps$. On the average the highest emission was from the Yaotongxue points where the rate was $11.3\;{\pm}\;5.4$. The high correlation between the left and right hands, and the low correlation between different points are consistent with previous reports.

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Photomultiplier Tube Emission of Protein and fat specimens from the sirloin of a Chitosan-fed pig Comparison of meat quality (광전자증폭관에 의한 키토산 첨가 사료를 사용한 양돈 생체조직에서의 육질 품질 비교 측정)

  • Min, Je-Ho;Yoo, Jong-Su;Cheun, Byeung-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2014
  • Effect of chitosan with sirloin specimens from chitosan-fed and normal-fed pig. The specimens were observed by a optical microscope and their biophoton was measured by a photomultiplier(PMT)tube. Results of experiments showed that specimens of the chitosan-fed pig had lower biophoton rate than that of the normal-fed pig. As a result of the organization were also shown pictures Chitosan as a pork loin tissue and fat in the flesh less delicate and compactness is found that tastes good. Thus by PMT fleshy tissue biochemical measurements to measure the change of state to be one of the new method is to be expected.

Correlation of biophoton emission between left and right hands, and palm and back of hands (생물광자의 좌우 및 손바닥과 손등의 상관성 조사)

  • 양준모;정현희;우원명;이승호;양종수;소광섭;윤길원
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.355-360
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    • 2004
  • Biophotons from three healthy subject's hands were measured every Friday for one year. The correlation coefficients between the left and right palms were found to be 9.0, and a similar value was also obtained between the left and right back of hands. However, the correlations between the palm and back of a hand turned out to be low, on the average only 0.5. These results are consistent with the result of Zhang's $CO_2$ production rate experiments on the acupuncture points. The high correlation between the left and right, and the low correlation between the palm and back are interpreted according to the acupuncture theory of meridians. The palm and the back correspond to the yin and yang meridians, respectively. And their behaviors are rather opposite, thus they show low correlations.