Correlation of biophoton emission between left and right hands, and palm and back of hands |
(서울대학교 물리학부 한의학물리 연구실)
정현희 (서울대학교 물리학부 한의학물리 연구) 우원명 (서울대학교 물리학부 한의학물리 연구) 이승호 (서울대학교 물리학부 한의학물리 연구) 양종수 (서울대학교 물리학부 한의학물리 연구) 소광섭 (서울대학교 물리학부 한의학물리 연구) 윤길원 (서울산업대학교 전자정보학과) |
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Biophoton emission in a squeezed state from a sample of Parmelia tinctorum
DOI ScienceOn |
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Biophoton emission of the human body
DOI ScienceOn |
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Whole-Body Counting of Biophotons and its Relation to Biological Rythms
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Comparison of the biophoton emission rates from the left and right acupoint and from the upper and lower acupoint
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Ultraweak photon emission of human skin
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Signal Characteristics of Biophoton Emission from Human Hands
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Reversible excitation light-induced enhancement of fluorescence of live mammalian mitochondria
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Biophoton emission: New Evidence for Coherence and DNA as Source
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The motogenetic radiation
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Activation of neutrophils by a chemically separated but optically coupled neutrophil population undergoing respiratory burst
DOI ScienceOn |
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Light propagation through Human skin
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Rudimentary from of cellular vision
DOI ScienceOn |
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In vivo imaging of spontaneous ultraweak photon emission from a rat`s brain correlated with cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative stress
DOI ScienceOn |
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Evidence of non-classical(squeezed)light in biological systems
DOI ScienceOn |
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Quantum optical coherence in cytoskeletal microtubles: implications for brain function
DOI ScienceOn |
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Biophoton imaging system using CCD camera
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Optical properties of etiolated plant tissues
DOI ScienceOn |
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Study of Propagation of Light along an Acupuncture Meridian
DOI ScienceOn |
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Hypothesis on Meridian Function
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Experimental exploration and research prospect of physical bases and functional charateristics of meridians
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Spectral charateristic of infrared radiations of some acupoint and non-acupoint areas in human arm surface
DOI ScienceOn |
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On the Kyungrak System
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Method for Observing Intravasculat Bonghan Duct
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Histological aspect of Threadlike Structure inside blood vessel
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Acupuncture Meridian and Intravascular Bonghan Duct
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Bonghan duct Acupuncture Meridian as Optical Channel of Biophoton
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Diagnostic Potential of Biophoton and Bonghan Duct as Wave Guide of Biophoton
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Acute alteration of biophoton emission by intention
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Left-right asymmetry of biophoton emission from hemiparesis patients
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Biophoton Emission from the Hands
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Biophoton Emission from Fingernails and Fingerprints of Living Human Subjects
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Yealong Biophoton measturement: Normalized Frequency Count Analysis and Seasonal Dependency
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Coherence in spontaneous radiation processes
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Coherent Nature of the Radiation Emitted in Delayed Luminescence of Leaves
DOI ScienceOn |