• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bio imaging

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A Study on the DWI and Pathologic Findings of Cancer Cells (암 세포주의 확산강조영상과 병리학적 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Seong, Jae-Gu;Lim, Cheong-Hwan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we evaluated diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) to investigate whether the DWI parameters can predict characteristic parameters on pathologic specimens of tumor or not. CFPAC-1 was injected subcutaneously on the back flank of athymic nude mice (n=13) then two tumors were initiated on each mouse (2${\times}$13=26 tumors). The mice were sacrificed to make specimen immediately after initial MR imaging then were compared with the MR image. A dedicated high-field (7T) small-animal MR scanner was used for image acquisitions. A T1 and T2 weighted axial image using RARE technique was acquired to measure the T2 values and tumor size. DWI MR was performed for calculating ADC values. To evaluate tumor cellularity and determine the levels of MVD, tumor cells were excised and processed for H-E staining and immunostaining using CD31. T2 values and ADC values were computed and analyzed for each half of the tumors and compared to the correlated specimens slide. Median ADC within each half of mass was compared to the cellularity and MVD in the correlated area of pathologic slide. The mean of ADC value is $0.7327{\times}10^{-3}$ $mm^2/s$ and standard deviation is $0.1075{\times}10^{-3}$ $mm^2/s$. There is a linear relationship between ADC value and tumor necrosis (R2=0.697, p< 0.001). DW image parameters including the ADC values can be utilized as surrogate markers to assess intratumoral neoangiogenesis and change of the internal structure of tumor cells.

Comparative Analysis of Quantitative Signal Intensity between 1.0 mol and 0.5 mol MR Contrast Agent (1.0 mol 과 0.5 mol MR조영제의 정량적 신호강도 비교분석)

  • Jeong, Hyun Keun;Jeong, Hyun Do;Nam, Ki Chang;Jang, Geun Yeong;Kim, Ho Chul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.12
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2015
  • The purpose on this research is quantitatively comparing and analyzing signal intensity of 1.0mol and 0.5mol contrast agent. For this study, two MR phantoms were produced. One of them is used with 1.0mol Gadobutrol. The other is used with 0.5mol Gadoteridol. These two phantoms respectively have been scanned by SE T1 sequence which is used to get a general contrast-enhanced image in 1.5T MRI and 3D FLASH sequence which is used as enhanced angio MRI. Signal intensity was measured by scanned images as per contrast agent dilution ratio. The results were as follow: RSP(Reaction Starting Point) of the two sequences(2D SE, 3D FLASH) was respectively 6.0%, 60.0% in 0.5mol contrast and 2.0%, 20.0% in 1.0mol contrast, which means in 0.5mol contrast, RSP was formed faster than the one in 1.0mol contrast. MPSI was respectively 1358.8[a.u], 1573[a.u] in 0.5mol contrast and 1374[a.u], 1642.4[a.u] in 1.0mol contrast, which means 0.5mol contrast's MPP (0.4%, 10.0%) was formed faster than 1.0mol contrast's MPP (0.16%, 1.8%). Lastly, RA as per contrast agent dilution ratio was 27.4%, 11.8% wider in 0.5mol contrast(20747.4[a.u], 23204.6[a.u]) than in 1.0mol contrast(12691.9[a.u], 20747.4[a.u]). According to the study, we are able to assure that signal reaction time of 1.0mol contrast is slower than the one of 0.5mol contrast in contrast-enhanced MRI at two different sequences(2D SE, 3D FLASH). Furthermore, owing to the fact that there are not any signal intensity differences between 1.0mol and 0.5mol contrast, it is not true that high concentration gadolinium MR contrast agent does not always mean high signal intensity in MRI.

Clinicoradiologic Characteristics of Intradural Extramedullary Conventional Spinal Ependymoma (경막내 척수외 뇌실막세포종의 임상 영상의학적 특징)

  • Seung Hyun Lee;Yoon Jin Cha;Yong Eun Cho;Mina Park;Bio Joo;Sang Hyun Suh;Sung Jun Ahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.84 no.5
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    • pp.1066-1079
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    • 2023
  • Purpose Distinguishing intradural extramedullary (IDEM) spinal ependymoma from myxopapillary ependymoma is challenging due to the location of IDEM spinal ependymoma. This study aimed to investigate the utility of clinical and MR imaging features for differentiating between IDEM spinal and myxopapillary ependymomas. Materials and Methods We compared tumor size, longitudinal/axial location, enhancement degree/pattern, tumor margin, signal intensity (SI) of the tumor on T2-weighted images and T1-weighted image (T1WI), increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) SI caudal to the tumor on T1WI, and CSF dissemination of pathologically confirmed 12 IDEM spinal and 10 myxopapillary ependymomas. Furthermore, classification and regression tree (CART) was performed to identify the clinical and MR features for differentiating between IDEM spinal and myxopapillary ependymomas. Results Patients with IDEM spinal ependymomas were older than those with myxopapillary ependymomas (48 years vs. 29.5 years, p < 0.05). A high SI of the tumor on T1W1 was more frequently observed in IDEM spinal ependymomas than in myxopapillary ependymomas (p = 0.02). Conversely, myxopapillary ependymomas show CSF dissemination. Increased CSF SI caudal to the tumor on T1WI was observed more frequently in myxopapillary ependymomas than in IDEM spinal ependymomas (p < 0.05). Dissemination to the CSF space and increased CSF SI caudal to the tumor on T1WI were the most important variables in CART analysis. Conclusion Clinical and radiological variables may help differentiate between IDEM spinal and myxopapillary ependymomas.

Evaluation of Effective Dose for Asian Adult Men on Dental Cone-Beam Computed Tomography using Personal Computer Based Monte Carlo Simulation (개인용 컴퓨터 기반 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 이용한 동양인 성인 남성의 치과용 콘빔시티 유효선량 평가)

  • Hae-Soo Joun;Youngjun Kim;Jungsu Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.741-747
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    • 2024
  • Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for dental diagnosis has been used for maxillofacial imaging in dental radiology for many years, and increasing in popularity. The number of such inspections increased by approximately 32.4% from 850,000 in 2020 to 1.12 million in 2022. With the increase in dental radiology examinations, the collective effective dose from dental radiology increased by approximately 19.4% from 766 man·Sv in 2020 to approximately 914 man·Sv in 2022. In this study, the effective dose of Cone Beam CT examination was evaluated using Personal Computer(PC)-based computer simulation. The simulation were set identically to the test conditions of the imaging equipment (RCT-820 Ray Co., Ltd.) and compared two methods with Field Of View(FOV) values of 18×16.5 cm and 16×10 cm and an asian adult men phantom was used. The average result at 18×16.5 cm FOV was 223.1 µSv, and the effective dose value at 16×10 cm FOV was averaged at 122.8 µSv. As the irradiation area became smaller, the effective dose value decreased, and the absorbed dose to organ was 1.6 mSv in the 18×16.5 cm FOV, indicating a considerably high tissue equivalent dose. As a result, this study finds the importance of appropriate FOV setting and protective equipment such as a thyroid protector when Cone Beam CT test is performed at a dental site. Also, It is believed that it can be expected that dental medical workers will be able to actively and carefully control irradiation dose settings using the easy-to-use PCXMC program.

Medical Information Dynamic Access System in Smart Mobile Environments (스마트 모바일 환경에서 의료정보 동적접근 시스템)

  • Jeong, Chang Won;Kim, Woo Hong;Yoon, Kwon Ha;Joo, Su Chong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the environment of a hospital information system is a trend to combine various SMART technologies. Accordingly, various smart devices, such as a smart phone, Tablet PC is utilized in the medical information system. Also, these environments consist of various applications executing on heterogeneous sensors, devices, systems and networks. In these hospital information system environment, applying a security service by traditional access control method cause a problems. Most of the existing security system uses the access control list structure. It is only permitted access defined by an access control matrix such as client name, service object method name. The major problem with the static approach cannot quickly adapt to changed situations. Hence, we needs to new security mechanisms which provides more flexible and can be easily adapted to various environments with very different security requirements. In addition, for addressing the changing of service medical treatment of the patient, the researching is needed. In this paper, we suggest a dynamic approach to medical information systems in smart mobile environments. We focus on how to access medical information systems according to dynamic access control methods based on the existence of the hospital's information system environments. The physical environments consist of a mobile x-ray imaging devices, dedicated mobile/general smart devices, PACS, EMR server and authorization server. The software environment was developed based on the .Net Framework for synchronization and monitoring services based on mobile X-ray imaging equipment Windows7 OS. And dedicated a smart device application, we implemented a dynamic access services through JSP and Java SDK is based on the Android OS. PACS and mobile X-ray image devices in hospital, medical information between the dedicated smart devices are based on the DICOM medical image standard information. In addition, EMR information is based on H7. In order to providing dynamic access control service, we classify the context of the patients according to conditions of bio-information such as oxygen saturation, heart rate, BP and body temperature etc. It shows event trace diagrams which divided into two parts like general situation, emergency situation. And, we designed the dynamic approach of the medical care information by authentication method. The authentication Information are contained ID/PWD, the roles, position and working hours, emergency certification codes for emergency patients. General situations of dynamic access control method may have access to medical information by the value of the authentication information. In the case of an emergency, was to have access to medical information by an emergency code, without the authentication information. And, we constructed the medical information integration database scheme that is consist medical information, patient, medical staff and medical image information according to medical information standards.y Finally, we show the usefulness of the dynamic access application service based on the smart devices for execution results of the proposed system according to patient contexts such as general and emergency situation. Especially, the proposed systems are providing effective medical information services with smart devices in emergency situation by dynamic access control methods. As results, we expect the proposed systems to be useful for u-hospital information systems and services.

Radiation Dose Reduction in Digital Mammography by Deep-Learning Algorithm Image Reconstruction: A Preliminary Study (딥러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 저선량 디지털 유방 촬영 영상의 복원: 예비 연구)

  • Su Min Ha;Hak Hee Kim;Eunhee Kang;Bo Kyoung Seo;Nami Choi;Tae Hee Kim;You Jin Ku;Jong Chul Ye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.83 no.2
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    • pp.344-359
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    • 2022
  • Purpose To develop a denoising convolutional neural network-based image processing technique and investigate its efficacy in diagnosing breast cancer using low-dose mammography imaging. Materials and Methods A total of 6 breast radiologists were included in this prospective study. All radiologists independently evaluated low-dose images for lesion detection and rated them for diagnostic quality using a qualitative scale. After application of the denoising network, the same radiologists evaluated lesion detectability and image quality. For clinical application, a consensus on lesion type and localization on preoperative mammographic examinations of breast cancer patients was reached after discussion. Thereafter, coded low-dose, reconstructed full-dose, and full-dose images were presented and assessed in a random order. Results Lesions on 40% reconstructed full-dose images were better perceived when compared with low-dose images of mastectomy specimens as a reference. In clinical application, as compared to 40% reconstructed images, higher values were given on full-dose images for resolution (p < 0.001); diagnostic quality for calcifications (p < 0.001); and for masses, asymmetry, or architectural distortion (p = 0.037). The 40% reconstructed images showed comparable values to 100% full-dose images for overall quality (p = 0.547), lesion visibility (p = 0.120), and contrast (p = 0.083), without significant differences. Conclusion Effective denoising and image reconstruction processing techniques can enable breast cancer diagnosis with substantial radiation dose reduction.

Changes of Radiation Dose and Image Quality Due to Additional Filtration Material in Computed Radiography (Computed Radiography에서 Additional Filtration Material에 따른 Radiation Dose와 Image Quality의 변화)

  • Kwon, Soon-Mu;Cho, Hyung-Wook;Kang, Yeong-Han;Kim, Boo-Soon;Kim, Jung-Su
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2014
  • Filter absorbs low-energy X-ray to increase the average energy and reduces patient exposure dose. This study investigates if the materials of Mo and W could be used for the digital imaging device CR by conducting image assessment and dose measurement of SNR, FOM and histogram. In addition, measurement of beam quality was conducted depending on the material of the filter, and at the same time, a proper combination of filters was examined depending on the change in tube voltage (kVp). In regard to entrance skin dose, Mo filter showed the dose reduction by 42~56%, compared to Cu filter. Moreover, Mo filter showed higher transmission dose by around 1.5 times than that of Cu filter. In image assessment, it was found that W was unsuitable to be used as a filter, whereas Mo could be used as a filter to reduce dose without decline in image quality at the tube voltage of 80 kVp or higher. As tube voltage increased, 2.0 mm Al+0.1 mm Mo almost had a similar histogram width to that of 2.0 mm Al+0.2 mm Cu. Therefore, Mo filter can be used at relatively high tube voltage of 80 kVp, 100 kVp and 120 kVp. The SNR of 2.0 mm Al+0.1 mm Mo did not show any significant difference from those of 2.0 mm Al+0.2 mm Cu and 2.0 mm Al+0.1 mm Cu. As a result, if Mo filter is used to replace Cu filter in general radiography, where 80 kVp or higher is used for digital radiation image, patient exposure dose can be reduced significantly without decline in image quality, compared to Cu filter. Therefore, it is believed that Mo filter can be applied to chest X-ray and high tube voltage X-ray in actual clinical practice.

Decreased White Matter Structural Connectivity in Psychotropic Drug-Naïve Adolescent Patients with First Onset Major Depressive Disorder (정신과적 투약력이 없는 초발 주요 우울장애 청소년 환아들에서의 백질 구조적 연결성 감소)

  • Suh, Eunsoo;Kim, Jihyun;Suh, Sangil;Park, Soyoung;Lee, Jeonho;Lee, Jongha;Kim, In-Seong;Lee, Moon-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : Recent neuroimaging studies focus on dysfunctions in connectivity between cognitive circuits and emotional circuits: anterior cingulate cortex that connects dorsolateral orbitofrontal cortex and prefrontal cortex to limbic system. Previous studies on pediatric depression using DTI have reported decreased neural connectivity in several brain regions, including the amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, superior longitudinal fasciculus. We compared the neural connectivity of psychotropic drug naïve adolescent patients with a first onset of major depressive episode with healthy controls using DTI. Methods : Adolescent psychotropic drug naïve patients(n=26, 10 men, 16 women; age range, 13-18 years) who visited the Korea University Guro Hospital and were diagnosed with first onset major depressive disorder were registered. Healthy controls(n=27, 5 males, 22 females; age range, 12-17 years) were recruited. Psychiatric interviews, complete psychometrics including IQ and HAM-D, MRI including diffusion weighted image acquisition were conducted prior to antidepressant administration to the patients. Fractional anisotropy(FA), radial, mean, and axial diffusivity were estimated using DTI. FMRIB Software Library-Tract Based Spatial Statistics was used for statistical analysis. Results : We did not observe any significant difference in whole brain analysis. However, ROI analysis on right superior longitudinal fasciculus resulted in 3 clusters with significant decrease of FA in patients group. Conclusions : The patients with adolescent major depressive disorder showed statistically significant FA decrease in the DTI-based structure compared with healthy control. Therefore we suppose DTI can be used as a bio-marker in psychotropic drug-naïve adolescent patients with first onset major depressive disorder.

Quantitative Analysis of GBCA Reaction by Mol Concentration Change on MRI Sequence (MRI sequence에 따른 GBCA 몰농도별 반응에 대한 정량적 분석)

  • Jeong, Hyun Keun;Jeong, Hyun Do;Kim, Ho Chul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.182-192
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we introduce how to change the reaction rate as mol concentration when we scan enhanced MRI with GBCA(Gadolinium Based Contrast Agent), Also show the changing patterns depending on diverse MRI sequences which are made by different physical principle. For this study, we made MRI phantom ourselves. We mixed 500 mmol Gadoteridol with Saline in each 28 different containers from 500 to 0 mmol. After that, MR phantom was scanned by physically different MRI sequences which are T1 SE, T2 FLAIR, T1 FLAIR, 3D FLASH, T1 3D SPACE and 3D SPCIR in 1.5T bore. The results were as follows : *T1 Spin echo's Total SI(Signal Intensity) was 15608.7, Max peak was 1352.6 in 1 mmol. *T2 FLAIR's Total SI was 9106.4, Max peak was 0.4 1721.6 in 1 mmol. *T1 FLAIR's Total SI was 20972.5, Max peak was 1604.9 in 1 mmol. *3D FLASH's Total SI was 20924.0, Max peak was 1425.7 in 40 mmol. *3D SPACE 1mm's Total SI was 6399.0, Max peak was 528.3 in 3 mmol. *3D SPACE 5mm's Total SI was 6276.5, Max peak was 514.6 in 2 mmol. *3D SPCIR's Total SI was 1778.8, Max peak was 383.8 in 0.4 mmol. In most sequences, High signal intensity was shown in diluted lower concentration rather than high concentration, And also graph's max peak and pattern had difference value according to the each different sequence. Through this paper which have quantitative result of GBCA's reaction rate depending on sequence, We expect that practical enhanced MR protocol can be performed in clinical field.

The Influence of Iteration and Subset on True X Method in F-18-FPCIT Brain Imaging (F-18-FPCIP 뇌 영상에서 True-X 재구성 기법을 기반으로 했을 때의 Iteration과 Subset의 영향)

  • Choi, Jae-Min;Kim, Kyung-Sik;NamGung, Chang-Kyeong;Nam, Ki-Pyo;Im, Ki-Cheon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: F-18-FPCIT that shows strong familiarity with DAT located at a neural terminal site offers diagnostic information about DAT density state in the region of the striatum especially Parkinson's disease. In this study, we altered the iteration and subset and measured SUV${\pm}$SD and Contrasts from phantom images which set up to specific iteration and subset. So, we are going to suggest the appropriate range of the iteration and subset. Materials and Methods: This study has been performed with 10 normal volunteers who don't have any history of Parkinson's disease or cerebral disease and Flangeless Esser PET Phantom from Data Spectrum Corporation. $5.3{\pm}0.2$ mCi of F-18-FPCIT was injected to the normal group and PET Phantom was assembled by ACR PET Phantom Instructions and it's actual ratio between hot spheres and background was 2.35 to 1. Brain and Phantom images were acquired after 3 hours from the time of the injection and images were acquired for ten minutes. Basically, SIEMENS Bio graph 40 True-point was used and True-X method was applied for image reconstruction method. The iteration and Subset were set to 2 iterations, 8 subsets, 3 iterations, 16 subsets, 6 iterations, 16 subsets, 8 iterations, 16 subsets and 8 iterations, 21 subsets respectively. To measure SUVs on the brain images, ROIs were drawn on the right Putamen. Also, Coefficient of variance (CV) was calculated to indicate the uniformity at each iteration and subset combinations. On the phantom study, we measured the actual ratio between hot spheres and back ground at each combinations. Same size's ROIs were drawn on the same slide and location. Results: Mean SUVs were 10.60, 12.83, 13.87, 13.98 and 13.5 at each combination. The range of fluctuation by sets were 22.36%, 10.34%, 1.1%, and 4.8% respectively. The range of fluctuation of mean SUV was lowest between 6 iterations 16 subsets and 8 iterations 16 subsets. CV showed 9.07%, 11.46%, 13.56%, 14.91% and 19.47% respectively. This means that the numerical value of the iteration and subset gets higher the image's uniformity gets worse. The range of fluctuation of CV by sets were 2.39, 2.1, 1.35, and 4.56. The range of fluctuation of uniformity was lowest between 6 iterations, 16 subsets and 8 iterations, 16 subsets. In the contrast test, it showed 1.92:1, 2.12:1, 2.10:1, 2.13:1 and 2.11:1 at each iteration and subset combinations. A Setting of 8 iterations and 16 subsets reappeared most close ratio between hot spheres and background. Conclusion: Findings on this study, SUVs and uniformity might be calculated differently caused by variable reconstruction parameters like filter or FWHM. Mean SUV and uniformity showed the lowest range of fluctuation at 6 iterations 16 subsets and 8 iterations 16 subsets. Also, 8 iterations 16 subsets showed the nearest hot sphere to background ratio compared with others. But it can not be concluded that only 6 iterations 16 subsets and 8 iterations 16 subsets can make right images for the clinical diagnosis. There might be more factors that can make better images. For more exact clinical diagnosis through the quantitative analysis of DAT density in the region of striatum we need to secure healthy people's quantitative values.

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