• Title/Summary/Keyword: Binary data

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The Effects of Major Satisfaction and Major Commitment of Undergraduate Students Majoring in Social Welfare on the Intention to have a Social welfare Job (사회복지직 취업의도에 미치는 사회복지학 전공생의 전공만족과 전공몰입의 효과)

  • Kang, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of major satisfaction and major commitment of undergraduate students majoring in social welfare on the intention to have a social welfare job. For this study, a survey of 442 undergraduate students majoring in social welfare at 4 universities located in Kangwon-do was conducted and the data was analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 program. Major satisfaction consisted of general satisfaction and satisfaction of subjects, and major commitment consisted of emotional commitment, behavioral commitment, intellectual commitment and time commitment. The research findings are as follows: First, 62.3% of respondents had an intention to have a social welfare job, and 21.6% were undecided. Second, the level of major satisfaction(2.98) and major commitment(2.63) were slightly higher than the mid-point of the 4-point Likert scale. Third, major satisfaction and major commitment showed a significant difference according to intention to have a welfare job and university attended. Fourth, major satisfaction and major commitment had a positive effect on the intention to have a social welfare job according to the results of binary logistic regression. This study concludes by discussing theoretical implications for future study and practical implications for major satisfaction and major commitment strategies based on our results.

Association Factors for CT Angiography Spot Sign and Hematoma Growth in Korean Patients with Acute Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage : A Single-Center Cohort Study

  • Moon, Byung Hoo;Jang, Dong-Kyu;Han, Young-Min;Jang, Kyung-Sool;Huh, Ryoong;Park, Young Sup
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2014
  • Objective : This study was conducted to clarify the association factors and clinical significance of the CT angiography (CTA) spot sign and hematoma growth in Korean patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Methods : We retrospectively collected the data of 287 consecutive patients presenting with acute ICH who arrived within 12 hours of ictus. Baseline clinical and radiological characteristics as well as the mortality rate within one month were assessed. A binary logistic regression was conducted to obtain association factors for the CTA spot sign and hematoma growth. Results : We identified a CTA spot sign in 40 patients (13.9%) and hematoma growth in 78 patients (27.2%). An elapsed time to CT scan of less than 3 hours (OR, 5.14; 95% CI, 1.76-15.02; p=0.003) was associated with the spot sign. A CTA spot sign (OR, 5.70; 95% CI, 2.70-12.01; p<0.001), elevated alanine transaminase (GPT) level >40 IU (OR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.01-4.01; p=0.047), and an international normalized ratio ${\geq}1.8$ or warfarin medication (OR, 5.64; 95% CI, 1.29-24.57; p=0.021) were independent predictors for hematoma growth. Antiplatelet agent medication (OR, 4.92; 95% CI, 1.31-18.50; p= 0.019) was significantly associated with hematoma growth within 6 hours of ictus. Conclusion : As previous other populations, CTA spot sign was a strong predictor for hematoma growth especially in hyper-acute stage of ICH in Korea. Antithrombotics medication might also be associated with hyper-acute hematoma growth. In our population, elevated GPT was newly identified as a predictor for hematoma growth and its effect for hematoma growth is necessary to be confirmed through a further research.

Cooperation of Industrial R&D Programs: Focussing on Types of R&D Cooperation (산업기술혁신사업의 성과창출에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 산학연협력형태를 중심으로)

  • Bae, Jin Hee;Oh, Myung Jun;Kim, Heon
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.604-628
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    • 2014
  • We analyse the impact of R&D cooperation on Industrial R&D programs of Government (Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, MOTIE), specially performance differentiating between type of R&D partners, type of R&D project leader organizations. And considering five performance measures: paper, patent, technology transfer, commercialization, new employment. Using data on a large sample of post-performance survey of MOTIE in Korea (2013), we examine the impact of R&D cooperation in 2008-2012. The method of analysis is binary logistic regression models operated by SPSS. The results of this study are follows; the performance is statistically significantly different between type of R&D partners, type of R&D project leader organizations on R&D cooperation. Specially, when a private enterprise cooperate with non-profit institutions, performance has a greater success of paper, patent, new employment. On the other hand, when a private enterprise cooperate with a private enterprise cooperate, performance decrease success of paper, technology transfer. Lastly, when non-profit institutions cooperate with a private enterprise, performance has a greater success of patent, technology transfer.

Full validation of high-throughput bioanalytical method for the new drug in plasma by LC-MS/MS and its applicability to toxicokinetic analysis

  • Han, Sang-Beom
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Toxicology Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2006
  • Modem drug discovery requires rapid pharmacokinetic evaluation of chemically diverse compounds for early candidate selection. This demands the development of analytical methods that offer high-throughput of samples. Naturally, liquid chromatography / tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is choice of the analytical method because of its superior sensitivity and selectivity. As a result of the short analysis time(typically 3-5min) by LC-MS/MS, sample preparation has become the rate- determining step in the whole analytical cycle. Consequently tremendous efforts are being made to speed up and automate this step. In a typical automated 96-well SPE(solid-phase extraction) procedure, plasma samples are transferred to the 96-well SPE plate, internal standard and aqueous buffer solutions are added and then vacuum is applied using the robotic liquid handling system. It takes only 20-90 min to process 96 samples by automated SPE and the analyst is physically occupied for only approximately 10 min. Recently, the ultra-high flow rate liquid chromatography (turbulent-flow chromatography)has sparked a huge interest for rapid and direct quantitation of drugs in plasma. There is no sample preparation except for sample aliquotting, internal standard addition and centrifugation. This type of analysis is achieved by using a small diameter column with a large particle size(30-5O ${\mu}$m) and a high flow rate, typically between 3-5 ml/min. Silica-based monolithic HPLC columns contain a novel chromatographic support in which the traditional particulate packing has been replaced with a single, continuous network (monolith) of pcrous silica. The main advantage of such a network is decreased backpressure due to macropores (2 ${\mu}$m) throughout the network. This allows high flow rates, and hence fast analyses that are unattainable with traditional particulate columns. The reduction of particle diameter in HPLC results in increased column efficiency. use of small particles (<2 urn), however, requires p.essu.es beyond the traditional 6,000 psi of conventional pumping devices. Instrumental development in recent years has resulted in pumping devices capable of handling the requirements of columns packed with small particles. The staggered parallel HPLC system consists of four fully independent binary HPLC pumps, a modified auto sampler, and a series of switching and selector valves all controlled by a single computer program. The system improves sample throughput without sacrificing chromatographic separation or data quality. Sample throughput can be increased nearly four-fold without requiring significant changes in current analytical procedures. The process of Bioanalytical Method Validation is required by the FDA to assess and verify the performance of a chronlatographic method prior to its application in sample analysis. The validation should address the selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision and stability of the method. This presentation will provide all overview of the work required to accomplish a full validation and show how a chromatographic method is suitable for toxirokinetic sample analysis. A liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method developed to quantitate drug levels in dog plasma will be used as an example of tile process.

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Characterization and Formation Mechanism of Zr-Cu and Zr-Cu-Al Metallic Glass Thin Film by Sputtering Process

  • Lee, Chang-Hun;Sun, Ju-Hyun;Moon, Kyoung-Il;Shin, Seung-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.02a
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    • pp.271-272
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    • 2012
  • Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs or amorphous alloy) exhibit high strength and good corrosion resistance. Applications of thin films and micro parts of BMGs have been used a lot since its inception in the research of BMGs. However, Application and fabrication of BMGs are limited to make structural materials. Thin films of BMGs which is sputtered on the surface of structural materials by sputtering process is used to improve limits about application of BMGs. In order to investigate the difference of properties between designed alloys and thin films, we identified that thin films deposited on the surface that have the characteristic of the amorphous films and the composition of designed alloys. Zr-Cu (Cu=30, 35, 38, 40, 50 at.%) and Zr-Cu-Al (Al=10 at.% fixed, Cu=26, 30, 34, 38 at.%) alloys were fabricated with Zr (99.7% purity), Cu (99.997% purity), and Al (99.99% purity) as melting 5 times by arc melting method before rods 2mm in diameter was manufactured. In order to analyze GFA (Glass Forming Ability), rods were observed by Optical Microscopy and SEM and $T_g$, $T_x$, ($T_x$ is crystallization temperature and $T_g$ is the glass transition temperature) and Tm were measured by DTA and DSC. Powder was manufactured by Gas Atomizer and target was sintered using powder in large supercooled liquid region ($=T_x-T_g$) by SPS(Spark Plasma Sintering). Amorphous foil was prepared by RSP process with 5 gram alloy button. The composition of the foil and sputtered thin film was analyzed by EDS and EPMA. In the result of DSC curve, binary alloys ($Zr_{62}Cu_{38}$, $Zr_{60}Cu_{40}$, $Zr_{50}Cu_{50}$) and ternary alloys ($Zr_{64}Al_{10}Cu_{26}$, $Zr_{56}Al_{10}Cu_{34}$, $Zr_{52}Al_{10}Cu_{38}$) have $T_g$ except for $Zr_{70}Cu_{30}$ and $Zr_{60}Al_{10}Cu_{30}$. The compositions with $T_g$ made into powders. Figure shows XRD data of thin film showed similar hollow peak.

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Text Filtering using Iterative Boosting Algorithms (반복적 부스팅 학습을 이용한 문서 여과)

  • Hahn, Sang-Youn;Zang, Byoung-Tak
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.270-277
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    • 2002
  • Text filtering is a task of deciding whether a document has relevance to a specified topic. As Internet and Web becomes wide-spread and the number of documents delivered by e-mail explosively grows the importance of text filtering increases as well. The aim of this paper is to improve the accuracy of text filtering systems by using machine learning techniques. We apply AdaBoost algorithms to the filtering task. An AdaBoost algorithm generates and combines a series of simple hypotheses. Each of the hypotheses decides the relevance of a document to a topic on the basis of whether or not the document includes a certain word. We begin with an existing AdaBoost algorithm which uses weak hypotheses with their output of 1 or -1. Then we extend the algorithm to use weak hypotheses with real-valued outputs which was proposed recently to improve error reduction rates and final filtering performance. Next, we attempt to achieve further improvement in the AdaBoost's performance by first setting weights randomly according to the continuous Poisson distribution, executing AdaBoost, repeating these steps several times, and then combining all the hypotheses learned. This has the effect of mitigating the ovefitting problem which may occur when learning from a small number of data. Experiments have been performed on the real document collections used in TREC-8, a well-established text retrieval contest. This dataset includes Financial Times articles from 1992 to 1994. The experimental results show that AdaBoost with real-valued hypotheses outperforms AdaBoost with binary-valued hypotheses, and that AdaBoost iterated with random weights further improves filtering accuracy. Comparison results of all the participants of the TREC-8 filtering task are also provided.

Intermediate-Representation Translation Techniques to Improve Vulnerability Analysis Efficiency for Binary Files in Embedded Devices (임베디드 기기 바이너리 취약점 분석 효율성 제고를 위한 중간어 변환 기술)

  • Jeoung, Byeoung Ho;Kim, Yong Hyuk;Bae, Sung il;Im, Eul Gyu
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2018
  • Utilizing sequence control and numerical computing, embedded devices are used in a variety of automated systems, including those at industrial sites, in accordance with their control program. Since embedded devices are used as a control system in corporate industrial complexes, nuclear power plants and public transport infrastructure nowadays, deliberate attacks on them can cause significant economic and social damages. Most attacks aimed at embedded devices are data-coded, code-modulated, and control-programmed. The control programs for industry-automated embedded devices are designed to represent circuit structures, unlike common programming languages, and most industrial automation control programs are designed with a graphical language, LAD, which is difficult to process static analysis. Because of these characteristics, the vulnerability analysis and security related studies for industry automation control programs have only progressed up to the formal verification, real-time monitoring levels. Furthermore, the static analysis of industrial automation control programs, which can detect vulnerabilities in advance and prepare for attacks, stays poorly researched. Therefore, this study suggests a method to present a discussion on an industry automation control program designed to represent the circuit structure to increase the efficiency of static analysis of embedded industrial automation programs. It also proposes a medium term translation technology exploiting LLVM IR to comprehensively analyze the industrial automation control programs of various manufacturers. By using LLVM IR, it is possible to perform integrated analysis on dynamic analysis. In this study, a prototype program that converts to a logical expression type of medium language was developed with regards to the S company's control program in order to verify our method.

A Experimental Study of PTEN (Phosphatase and Tensin) Role in Mesothelioma (중피종에서 PTEN(Phosphatase and Tensin)의 역할에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • 이석기;김권천
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.852-857
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    • 2003
  • Background: Conventional treatment for mesothelioma is largely ineffective. We evaluated the novel approach of adenoviral gene transfection of PTEN gene in mesothelioma cancer cell lines, inflammatory and epithelial subtype, which are sensitive to adenoviral p53. Material and Method: Binary adenoviral PTEN and LacZ (Ad/GT-LacZ and Ad/GV16) vectors were used for transduction of the mesothelioma cell lines, REN (p53 sensitive). Protein levels were determined by Western blotting assay. Apoptosis was assessed by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis of subdiploid populations. Cell viability was determined with the XTT assay. Statistical analysis was performed with analysis of variance and the Student t test. Result: 72 hours after the treatment of adenoviral PTEN gene, cell killing were 32.9% for REN compared to control cell (2.5%) at MOI of 20. Also we observed the over-expression of proapoptotic protein, bax and decreased expression of bcl-2 protein in REN cells. But the expression of BCL-xl, Bak, Bad proteins were not altered. Conclusion: Adenovirus Pten-mediated overexpression of the Bax gene induces apoptosis and decreased cellular viability in p53-sensitive mesothelioma cells. These data suggest that the transfection of PTEN gene may represent a alternative gene therapy strategy to treat mesothelioma.

Excess Volumes of Aqueous Solutions of Nonionic Amphiphile 2-(2-Hexyloxyethoxy)ethanol (비이온 양친매성 분자 2-(2-Hexyloxyethoxy)ethanol 수용액의 과잉 부피)

  • Lee, Jungno;Hwang, Yoonmi;Kang, Minhee;Lim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.516-525
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    • 2020
  • The densities of aqueous solutions of the amphiphile 2-(2-hexyloxyethoxy)ethanol (C6E2) were measured at 279.15 K and 282.15 K by vibrating-tube densitometry. Then using the density data of the binary C6E2 (1)/water(2) system, the excess volumes and partial molar volumes were determined at various compositions. Excess volume VE exhibits negative deviation for the whole region of composition, which implies relatively stronger attraction between molecules. At the C6E2 mole fraction of around 0.45, VE was at its minimum. Partial molar volume ${\bar{V}}_1$ increases monotonously with the mole fraction x1(=x) and ${\bar{V}}_2$ decreases with x. Any particular point in ${\bar{V}}_1$ and ${\bar{V}}_2$, which may point to molecular association, was unobserved.

Using Numerical Maps to Select Solar Panel Installation Sites no Expressway Slopes (수치지도를 이용한 고속국도 주변 태양광 패널 설치 대상지 선정)

  • Jung, Jaehoon;Kim, Byungil
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2016
  • Solar energy is a viable source to replace fossil fuels. However, challenges associated with site selection for solar panel installation inhibit the uptake of solar energy systems. Expressway slopes offer a potentially attractive alternative for solar panel installation for the following reasons: expressway slopes are vacant public sites, they are abundant (about 4,193km in South Korea), and they are linear in nature. Traditoinally when selecting sites for solar systems conventional surveying methods are employed. Unfortunately, these methods can be dangerous, time consuming, and labor intensive. To overcome these limitations of conventional site selection methodologies, we propose an automated approach using numerical maps. First, contour and expressway polylines are extracted separately from numeric maps. The extracted contour lines are then converted into a digital terrain model; this is used to calculate aspect and slope information. Next, the extracted expressway lines are projected onto a binary image and refined to recover the disconnections, and then applied to create a buffer zone to narrow the search space. Finally, all data sets are overlaid to identify candidate sites for solar panel systems and are visually verified through comparisons with aerial photos.