• Title/Summary/Keyword: BiSI

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Radiation parameterizations and optical characterizations for glass shielding composed of SLS waste glass and lead-free materials

  • Thair Hussein Khazaalah;Iskandar Shahrim Mustafa ;M.I. Sayyed
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.12
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    • pp.4708-4714
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    • 2022
  • The novelty in the present search, the Soda-Lime-Silica (SLS) glass waste to prepare free lead glass shielding was used in order to limit the accumulation of glass waste, which requires extensive time to decompose. This also saves on the consumption of pure SiO2, which is a finite resource. Furthermore, the combining of BaO with Bi2O3 into a glass network leads to increased optical properties and improved attenuation. The UV-Visible Spectrophotometer was used to investigate the optical properties and the radiation shielding properties were reported for current glass samples utilizing the PhysX/PDS online software. The optical property results indicate that when BaO content increases in glass structure, the Urbach energy ΔE, and refractive index n increases while the energy optical band gap Eopt decreases. The result of the metallisation criteria (M) revealed that the present glass samples are nonmetallic (insulators). Furthermore, the radiation shielding parameter findings suggest that when BaO was increased in the glass structure, the linear attenuation coefficient and effective atomic number (Zeff) rose. But the half-value layer HVL declined as the BaO concentration grew. According to the research, the glass samples are non-toxic, transparent to visible light, and efficient radiation shielding materials. The Ba5 sample is considered the best among all the samples due to its higher attenuation value and lower HVL and MFP values, which make it a suitable candidate as transparent glass shield shielding.

Elemental characteristics of sialoliths extracted from a patient with recurrent sialolithiasis

  • Buyanbileg Sodnom-Ish;Mi Young Eo;Kezia Rachellea Mustakim;Yun Ju Cho;Soung Min Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2024
  • The exact mechanism of sialolith formation has yet to be determined. Recurrence of sialolithiasis is rare, affecting only 1%-10% of patients. The current study presents a case of recurrent stones that occurred twice on the right submandibular gland 6 months postoperative and 7 months after reoperation in a 48-year-old female patient. The stones were analyzed using histology, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The first stone showed a three-layered structure with a poorly mineralized peripheral multilayered zone, highly mineralized middle layer, and the central nidus. The stones were composed of Ca, C, O, Cu, F, N, P, Si, Zn, and Zr. In TEM, compact bi-layered bacterial cell membrane was found on the peripheral layer and the central nidus of the stone as well as exosomes in the central nidus. The results demonstrated the essential components of sialolith formation, including bacteria, inflammatory exosomes, and exfoliated salivary epithelial cells that cooperatively underwent the pathogenetic progresses of central nidus formation, induction of compact zone calcification of the middle layer, and repeated subsequent deposition in the peripheral multilayer zone. The rapid recurrence could have resulted from residual pieces of a sialolith acting as the nidus of bacterial infection.

Translation Initiation Factor-2S2 (eIF2S2) Contributes to Cervical Carcinogenesis by Inhibiting the TGF-β/SMAD4 Signaling Pathway

  • Juthika Kundu;Hobin Yang;Saerom Moon;Mi Ran Byun;Young Kee Shin;Kyoung Song;Joon-Seok Choi
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.767-777
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    • 2024
  • The deregulation of protein translational machinery and the oncogenic role of several translation initiation factors have been extensively investigated. This study aimed to investigate the role of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2S2 (eIF2S2, also known as eIF2β) in cervical carcinogenesis. Immunohistochemical analysis of human cervical carcinoma tissues revealed a stage-specific increase in eIF2S2 expression. The knockdown of eIF2S2 in human cervical cancer (SiHa) cells significantly reduced growth and migration properties, whereas its overexpression demonstrated the opposite effect. Immunoprecipitation and Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay confirmed the previous photo array finding of the interaction between eIF2S2 and SMAD4 to understand the tumorigenic mechanism of eIF2S2. The results indicated that the N-terminus of eIF2S2 interacts with the MH-1 domain of SMAD4. The interaction effect between eIF2S2 and SMAD4 was further evaluated. The knockdown of eIF2S2 increased SMAD4 expression in cervical cancer cells without changing SMAD4 mRNA expression, whereas transient eIF2S2 overexpression reduced SMAD4 expression. This indicates the possibility of post-translational regulation of SMAD4 expression by eIF2S2. Additionally, eIF2S2 overexpression was confirmed to weaken the expression and/or promoter activity of p15 and p27, which are SMAD4-regulated antiproliferative proteins, by reducing SMAD4 levels. Therefore, our study indicated the pro-tumorigenic role of eIF2S2, which diminishes both SMAD4 expression and function as a transcriptional factor in cervical carcinogenesis.

Occurrence and Geochemical Characteristics of the Haenam Pb-Zn Skarn Deposit (해남 연-아연 스카른광상의 산상과 지화학적 특성)

  • Im, Heonkyung;Shin, Dongbok;Heo, Seonhee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.363-379
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    • 2014
  • The Haenam Pb-Zn skarn deposit is located at the Hwawon peninsula in the southwestern part of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt. The deposit is developed along the contact between limestone of the Ogcheon group and Cretaceous quartz porphyry. Petrography of ore samples, chemical composition of skarn and ore minerals, and geochemistry of the related igneous rocks were investigated to understand the characteristics of the skarn mineralization. Skarn zonation consists of garnet${\pm}$pyroxene${\pm}$calcite${\pm}$quartz zone, pyroxene+garnet+quartz${\pm}$calcite zone, calcite+pyroxene${\pm}$garnet zone, quartz+calcite${\pm}$pyroxene zone, and calcite${\pm}$chlorite zone in succession toward carbonate rock. Garnet commonly shows zonal texture comprised of andradite and grossular. Pyroxene varies from Mn-hedenbergite to diopside as away from the intrusive rock. Chalcopyrite occurs as major ore mineral near the intrusive rock, and sphalerite and galena tend to increase as going away. Electron probe microanalyses revealed that FeS contents of sphalerite become decreased from 5.17 mole % for garnet${\pm}$pyroxene${\pm}$calcite${\pm}$quartz zone to 2.93 mole %, and to 0.40 mole % for calcite+pyroxene${\pm}$garnet zone, gradually. Ag and Bi contents also decreased from 0.72 wt.% and 1.62 wt.% to <0.01 wt.% and 0.11 wt.%, respectively. Thus, the Haenam deposit shows systematic variation of species and chemical compositions of ore minerals with skarn zoned texture. The related intrusive rock, quartz porphyry, expresses more differentiated characteristics than Zn-skarn deposit of Meinert(1995), and has relatively high$SiO_2$ concentration of 72.76~75.38 wt.% and shows geochemical features classified as calc-alkaline, peraluminous igneous rock and volcanic arc tectonic setting.

Technology Acceptance Modeling based on User Experience for Autonomous Vehicles

  • Cho, Yujun;Park, Jaekyu;Park, Sungjun;Jung, Eui S.
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.87-108
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to precede the acceptance study based on automation steps and user experience that was lacked in the past study on the core technology of autonomous vehicle, ADAS. The first objective was to construct the acceptance model of ADAS technology that is the core technology, and draw factors that affect behavioral intention through user experience-based evaluation by applying driving simulator. The second one was to see the change of factors on automation step of autonomous vehicle through the UX/UA score. Background: The number of vehicles with the introduction of ADAS is increasing, and it caused change of interaction between vehicle and driver as automation is being developed on the particular drive factor. For this reason, it is becoming important to study the technology acceptance on how driver can actively accept giving up some parts of automated drive operation and handing over the authority to vehicle. Method: We organized the study model and items through literature investigation and the scenario according to the 4 stages of automation of autonomous vehicle, and preceded acceptance assessment using driving simulator. Total 68 men and woman were participated in this experiment. Results: We drew results of Performance Expectancy (PE), Social Influence (SI), Perceived Safety (PS), Anxiety (AX), Trust (T) and Affective Satisfaction (AS) as the factors that affect Behavioral Intention (BI). Also the drawn factors shows that UX/UA score has a significant difference statistically according to the automation steps of autonomous vehicle, and UX/UA tends to move up until the stage 2 of automation, and at stage 3 it goes down to the lowest level, and it increases a little or stays steady at stage 4. Conclusion and Application: First, we presented the acceptance model of ADAS that is the core technology of autonomous vehicle, and it could be the basis of the future acceptance study of the ADAS technology as it verifies through user experience-based assessment using driving simulator. Second, it could be helpful to the appropriate ADAS development in the future as drawing the change of factors and predicting the acceptance level according to the automation stages of autonomous vehicle through UX/UA score, and it could also grasp and avoid the problem that affect the acceptance level. It is possible to use these study results as tools to test validity of function before ADAS offering company launches the products. Also it will help to prevent the problems that could be caused when applying the autonomous vehicle technology, and to establish technology that is easily acceptable for drivers, so it will improve safety and convenience of drivers.

Studies on the Community Structure, Samara and Leaf Shape of Three Natural Acer pictum subsp. mono Forest (고로쇠나무 천연림의 지역별 군집구조, 시과 및 엽 형태)

  • Kim, Gab Tae;Kim, Hoi Jin;Lee, Jae Hyeun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2014
  • To examine the forest structure and variation of samara and leaf shape of Acer pictum subsp. mono (APSM), We investigated forest structure and samara angles and length, and leaf shape in three natural population of APSM in Yanggu-gun, Youngyang-gun and Kwangyang-si from June 2012 to October 2013. Mean importance percentage (MIP) of APSM is shown lower values in Yanggu 19.8%, in Youngyang 22.0%, and in Kwangyang 17.1%, respectively. In middle layer, importance percentage (IP) of APSM is shown lower values than that of Acer pseudosieboldianum and Carpinus cordata. In lower layer, importance percentage (IP) of APSM is shown lower values in Yanggu 1.8%, in Youngyang 1.9%, and in Kwangyang 0.0%, respectively. From these results, MIP of APSM in natural population might be reduced in future. Angles between wings and samara length are significantly different between districts. APSM with seven palmate vein leaf are distributed more frequently at Kwangyang and Youngyang than Yanggu. Percentages of biserrate leaf is shown in Yanggu 0.6%, in Youngyang 15.8%, and in Kwangyang 20.4%, respectively. These results implies genetic variation in natural APSM population and further studies on the genetic variation analysis in natuel population of APSM should be needed.

마그네트론 스퍼터링법을 이용하여 증착한 Sn doped IZO 박막의 열전 특성

  • Byeon, Ja-Yeong;Song, Pung-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.253-253
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    • 2016
  • 최근 세계적으로 대체 에너지는 중요한 이슈가 되고 있으며 그 중 열전 재료는 유망한 에너지 기술로서 주목 받고 있다. 특히 고 직접화 전자 소자의 발열 문제를 해결하기 위해, 소형화와 정밀 온도 제어가 가능한 박막형 열전 소자에 연구가 주목 받고 있다. 박막형 열전소자 중 산화물 반도체계에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있으며, 이러한 산화물 반도체계 중 In2O3는 BiTe, PbTe 등의 기존의 재료에 비해 독성이 낮을 뿐만 아니라 내 산화성 및 고온에서 열적 안정성이 우수하여 고온에서 적용 불가능한 금속계 열전 재료의 한계를 극복 할 수 있다는 장점을 가진다. 우수한 성능 가장 낮은 캐리어 밀도를 가지기 때문에 의 열전 재료는 높은 전기 전도도 및 제백 계수 그리고 낮은 열전도도 특성을 가져야만 한다. IZO:Sn(Zn 10 wt.%, Sn 800 ppm) 박막의 경우, 높은 전기 전도성을 가지면서 비정질 구조를 가진다. 이와 같이 비정질 구조를 가지는 박막 열전 재료는 격자에 의한 열 전도도가 낮기 때문에 결정질 구조에 비해 전체 열 전도도 값이 낮을 것으로 기대된다. 따라서 높은 전기 전도도를 가지면서 동시에 낮은 열 전도도를 가지게 되어 우수한 열전 특성을 가질 것이라 예상된다. 이러한 특성을 바탕으로 본 연구에서는 비정질 구조를 갖는 Zn와 미량의 Sn을 동시에 첨가한 In2O3박막의 전기적 특성및 열전 특성을 관찰하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 magnetron sputtering법으로 IZO:Sn(Zn 10 wt.%, Sn 800 ppm) 타깃을 이용하여 기판 가열없이 DC Power 70 W, 작업 압력 0.7 Pa으로 SiO2 기판 위에 $400{\pm}20nm$ 두께의 박막을 증착하였다. 이러한 공정으로 만들어진 박막은 대기 중 후 열처리를 각각의 200, 300, 400, 500, $600^{\circ}C$ 온도에서 진행하였다. 박막의 미세 구조는 XRD를 통해 관찰하였다. 그리고 박막의 전기적 특성은 Hall effect measurement을 통해 측정하였고, 열전 특성은 Seebeck 상수의 측정을 통하여 평가하였다. XRD 확인 결과 RT에서 증착한 박막과 후 열처리 200, 300, 400, $500^{\circ}C$ 결과 비정질 구조를 보였고, 후열처리 $600^{\circ}C$에서는 결정의 회절 피크를 보였다. 전기적 특성의 경우, 후 열처리 온도가 증가함에 따라 전기 전도도는 감소한다. 이는 공기중의 산소가 박막에 침투하여 oxygen vacancy를 막아 캐리어 밀도가 감소한것에 기인 된 것으로 판단된다. 열전 특성의 경우 제백상수는 후 열처리 $600^{\circ}C$에서 가장 높은 제백상수를 나타낸다. 제백 상수는 수식에 따라 캐리어 밀도의 -2/3승에 비례하게 된다. 수식에 따라 후 열처리 $600^{\circ}C$에서 가장 낮은 캐리어 밀도를 가지기 때문에 가장 높은 제백 상수를 가지게 된다. 열전 성능 척도인 Power factor는 제백 상수의 제곱과 전기전도도의 곱으로 나타내는데, 후 열처리 $200^{\circ}C$에서 가장 높은 Power factor를 보인다. 이는 캐리어 밀도 감소에 따라 전기 전도도는 감소하였지만 이로 인해 제백상수는 증가하였고, 또한 캐리어 밀도 감소에 따라 이온화 불순물 산란의 감소에 의해 이동도의 증가에 의한 것으로 판단된다. 박막의 경우 기판의 영향으로 인해 열 전도도 측정이 어려워 열전 성능 지수(ZT)를 계산을 할 수 없지만, 마그네트론 스퍼터링법으로 증착한 IZO:Sn 박막은 비정질 구조를 가지므로 격자진동에 의한 열 전도도가 낮아 전체 열 전도도가 결정질에 비해 낮을 것이며 이는 높은 열전 성능 지수를 가질 것으로 예상된다.

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Quantitative Determination and Stability of Curcuminoid Pigments from Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Root (강황 (Curcuma longa L.) 색소의 정량 및 안정성)

  • Kim Kwan-Su;Choung Myoung-Gun;Park Si-Hyung
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    • v.50 no.spc1
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    • pp.211-215
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    • 2005
  • Three curcuminoids [curcumin (CUR), demethoxycurcumin(DEM), bisdemethoxycurcu in (BIS)] are major yellow pigments in turmleric (Curcuma longa L.) root. Contents of curcuminoids in turmeric roots collected from 6 locations were analyzed using, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with reversed-phase column, an UV-Vis detector at 420nm, and eluted with a mixture of acetonitrile: $0.1\%$ acetic acid in water (50 : 50, v/v) as mobile phase. The stability of curcuminoid pigments in $80\%$ methanol extract solution were investigated during storage in a freezer at $-20^{\circ}C$, room temperature in the dark, and light condition. Calibration curves for the determination of curcuminoids were made with significant linearity $(r^2=0.999**)$. Average content of total curcuminoids was 171.5 mg/g, with 91.6 mg/g of CUR, 56.9 mg/g of DEM, and 23.0 mg/g of BIS. Amount of curcuminoids during storage in a freezer was almost not changed while those in room temperature wert reduced and rapid degradation appeared after 60 days. Within 90 days, about $50\%$ curcuminoid decreased in the dark and about $70\%$ in the light condition, indicating the decomposition of curcuminoid pigments followed under light and heat.

A Study on the Fiber-Optic Voltage Sensor Using EMO-BSO (EOM-BSO 소자를 이용한 광전압센서에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yo-Hee;Lee, Dai-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 1990
  • This paper describes fiber optic voltage sensor using EOM-BSO (Electro-Optic Modulator-Bismuth Silicon Oxcide). Transceiver has an electical/optical converter and an optical/electrical converter which consist of light emitting diode, PIN-PD, and electronic circuits. Multimode fiber cable of $100/140{\mu}m$ core/clad diameter is used for connecting the transceiver to fiber cable and fiber optic voltage sensor. Before our experiments, by applying the Maxwell equations and wave equations, We derive matrix equation on wave propagation in the BSO single crystal. And also we derive optimal equation on intensity modulation arising through an analyzer. According to experi-mental results, fiber optic voltage sensor has maximum $2.5{\%}$ error within the applied AC voltage of 800V. As the applied voltage increases, saturation values of voltage sensor also increase. This phenomenon is caused by optical rotatory power of BSO single crystal. And temperature dependence of sensitivity for fiber optical rotatory power of BSO single crystal. And temperature dependence of sensitivity for fiber optic voltage sensor in the temperature range from$-20^{\circ}C\to\60^{\circ}C$ are measured within ${\pm}0.6{\%}$. And frequency characteristics of the voltage sensor has good frequency characteristics from DC to 100kHz.

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Preparation and Release Properties of Acetaminophen Imprinted Functional Starch based Biomaterials for Transdermal Drug Delivery (경피약물전달을 위한 아세트아미노펜 각인 기능성 전분 기반 바이오 소재 제조 및 방출 특성)

  • Kim, Han-Seong;Kim, Kyeong-Jung;Lee, Si-Yeon;Cho, Eun-Bi;Kang, Hyun-Wook;Yoon, Soon-Do
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.299-304
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    • 2021
  • This study focuses on the preparation of acetaminophen (AP) imprinted functional biomaterials for a transdermal drug delivery using mung bean starch (MBS), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), sodium benzoate (S) as a crosslinking agent, glycerol (GL) as a plasticizer, and melanin (MEL) as a photothermal agent. The prepared AP imprinted biomaterials were characterized using FE-SEM and their physical properties were evaluated. The photothermal effect and AP release property for functional biomaterials were examined with the irradiation of near infrared (NIR) laser (1.5 W/cm2). When the NIR laser was irradiated on functional biomaterials with/without the addition of MEL, the temperature of MEL added biomaterial increased from 25 ℃ to 41 ℃, whereas the biomaterial without MEL increased from 25 ℃ to 28 ℃. Results indicate that there is the photothermal effect of prepared biomaterial with the addition of MEL. Based on the results, AP release properties were evaluated using standard buffer solutions and artificial skin. It was found that AP release rates of MEL added AP loaded biomaterials were 1.2 times faster than those of MEL non-added AP loaded biomaterials when irradiating with NIR laser. We envision that the developed functional biomaterials can be utilized for an acute pain-killing treatment.