• Title/Summary/Keyword: Best treatment technology

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Effect of Austempering Treatment on Damping Capacity and Mechanical Properties in Gray Cast Iron (회주철의 진동감쇠능과 기계적 성질에 미치는 오스템퍼링처리의 영향)

  • Han, D.W.;Kim, J.C.;Son, Y.C.;Baik, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 1999
  • Gray cast iron with a high damping capacity has been used for controlling the vibration and noise in various mechanical structures. Nevertheless, its usage has been often restricted due to its poor tensile strength. Therefore, it is necessary to improve tensile strength at the expense of a loss in damping capacity. This study is aimed at finding the best combination of tensile strength and damping capacity by varying austempering time and temperature range from $320^{\circ}C$ to $380^{\circ}C$ after austenization at $900^{\circ}C$ for 1hr. The effect of austempering condition on hardness and the volume fraction of retained austenite is investigated as well. The results obtained are summarized as follows : (1) With an increase in austempering temperature, both tensile strength and hardness decrease while damping capacity improves. (2) Austempering at $350^{\circ}C$, resulting in a mixture of upper and lower bainite with partially retained austenite, exhibits the optimum combination of tensile strength and damping capacity.

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Deciding not to Operate in Head Injuries and Legal Considerations

  • Choi, Il;Lee, Kyeong-Seok;Shim, Jai-Joon;Choi, Weon-Rim
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2007
  • It is not the best way to treat a hopeless patient with life-sustaining medical devices until the heart beats stop. Advanced medical technology may prolong the life for a significant period without recovery from the disease. However, it would give an unbearable economic burden to the family and the society. In 2006, we decided not to operate 9 patients with traumatic intracranial hematomas. We examined those patients with special references to possible legal and ethical problems. It is reasonable to withhold a treatment after documentation that the family never wants any life sustaining treatment when the treatment does not guarantee the meaningful life.

Cultural Characteristics of A Medicinal Mushroom, Phellinus linteus

  • Hong, In-Pyo;Jung, I-Yeon;Nam, Sung-Hee;Park, Jeong-Sik;Cho, Joon-Hyeong;Lee, Min-Woong;Guo, Shun-Xing
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.208-212
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    • 2002
  • For comparison of mycelial colonization of Phellinus linteus on logs, several techniques of inoculation were tested; sterilized short log inoculation, drilling inoculation and log-end sandwich inoculation. The mycelial colonization of P. linteus on logs was good in the treatment of sterilized short log inoculation, but poor in the traditional methods such as drilling inoculation and log-end sandwich inoculation. The initial mycelial growth and the full mycelial colonization of P. linteus in logs were the best in case of 20 cm logs under the condition of 42% moisture content. Also, the initial mycelial growth of P. linteus was accelerated over 12 hours of sterilization. Burying method of logs after $5{\sim}6$ months of incubation was the best for formation of basidiocarps of P. linteus. The formation of fruiting body of P. linteus was quite good in the cultivation house at $31{\sim}35^{\circ}C$ and over 96% of relative humidity.

A Study on Surface Treatment and Configuration Design of Cellular Phone (핸드폰의 형상디자인과 표면처리에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Hyun;Park, Jae-Won
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2011
  • In Korea, the car mobile phone service had started in 1961 and with this Korea Mobile Telecommunications Services was established in 1984. Its service was mainly focused on the mobile phone service for the car which led the popularity of the full-scale mobile phone service. There are many kinds of materials, colors and patterns which are the elements of surface coating techniques. In light of that, we are focused on the UV coating that is ranked as an important part of the techniques in this study. In the first, the use of various materials for the cellular phone and surface processing techniques for the cellular phone were searched. On the basis of the results, the experiments of actual consumer experience with the exfoliation of the surface were done and through that we proposed the best way of processing the surface for the cellular phone and the materials. The result of the Wear Test showed that thick coating was detached more slowly and each company differed in their results with UV paints despite the same thickness of UV coating. The seal (UV) exfoliation of cellular phone is deeply related with the film thickness and the film formation when the users use the cellular phones and the exfoliation of the cellular phone surface will be decreased if the manufacturers meet the best conditions for the cellular phone.

Treatment Technologies for Arsenic Removal from Groundwater: review paper (비소오염지하수의 현장처리기술동향: 리뷰)

  • Bang Sunbaek;Choe Eun Young;Kim Kyoung-Woong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.5 s.174
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    • pp.599-606
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    • 2005
  • Arsenic is a significantly toxic contaminant in groundwater in many countries. Numerous treatment technologies have been developed to remove arsenic from groundwater. The USEPA recommends several technologies as the best available technology (BAT) candidates for the removal of arsenic. Based on the USEPA classification, arsenic treatment technologies can be divided into four technologies such as precipitation, membrane, ion exchange, and adsorption technology. The recent amendment of arsenic drinking water standard from 50 to $10{\mu}g/L$ in the United States have impacted technology selection and application for arsenic removal from arsenic contaminated groundwater. Precipitation technology is most widely used to treat arsenic contaminated groundwater and can be applied to large water treatment facility. In contrast, membrane, ion exchange, and adsorption technologies are used to be applied to small water treatment system. Recently, the arsenic treatment technology in the United States and Europe move towards adsorption technology to be applied to small water treatment system since capital and maintenance costs are relatively low and operation is simple. The principals of treatment technologies, effect factors on arsenic removal, arsenic treatment efficiencies of real treatment systems are reviewed in this paper.

Assessment of the Best Available Technology to Establish the Industrial Wastewater Effluent Limitations Guidelines (처리기술 수준에 근거한 배출허용기준 설정을 위한 BAT 도입 연구)

  • Lim, Byung-Jin;Kwon, O-Sang;Kim, Young-Noh
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.3 s.113
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2005
  • BAT (Best Available Technology economically achievable) assessment is indispensible to effective management policy of industrial wastewater discharging facilities such as setting effluent limitations guidelines for individual industry based on the wastewater characteristics and treatment efficiency, making effluent limitations guidelines for new sources, and calculation of the reducible amount of emission load conforming to a total emission general plan and enforcement plan. This study reviewed foreign cases of BAT assessment and condition of domestic wastewater discharging facilities, and suggested BAT assessment guideline suitable for the domestic conditions. The major assessment factors and flow are; (1) Identification of pollution source characteristics, (2) Identification and survey on technology, (3) Selection of candidate technology, (4) Assessment of legislation adaptation, (5) Assessment of environmental factor, (6) Assessment of economical acceptability, (7) Total weighting value factor assessment on technological factor, and (8) Total assessment and final BAT selection. The result of this study can be utilized as a major policy data and a base of industrial wastewater management system.

Effects of Supplemental Synthetic Amino Acids to the Low Protein Diets on the Performance of Growing Pigs

  • Jin, C.F.;Kim, J.H.;Han, In K.;Bae, S.H.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1998
  • A total of 120 pigs $(L\;{\times}\;LW\;{\times}\;D)$ averaged 14.16 kg of body weight were reared under six dietary treatments to evaluate the effects of amino acid supplementation on their performances. Treatments were 1) 18% CP diet (control); 2) 15% CP+0.28% Lys (B, 15L); 3) B+0.06% Met (15LM); 4) B+0.13% Thr (15LT) ; 5) B+0.06% Met+0.13% Thr (15LMT); 6) B+0.06% Met+0.13% Thr+0.05% Trp (15LMTT). Each treatment had 4 replicates with 5 pigs per replicate. The daily weight gains were statistically similar in 15LMT, 15LMTT and control groups. Threonine and methionine supplementation resulted in improved growth performance and nutrient digestibilities, while tryptophan supplementation had little beneficial effect. However, the best feed conversion was found in the control group. Dry. matter and CP digestibilities were improved in the 15LMT and 15LMTT groups. Gross energy, crude fat and phosphorus digestibilities were not affected by the treatment. Among the 15% CP groups, nitrogen digestibility showed the tendency to be increased as the more synthetic amino acids were added. Dry matter and nitrogen excretions were significantly reduced by feeding low protein, amino acid fortified diets, while phosphorus excretion was not influenced. Essential amino acids digestibility was higher in 15LT, 15LMT and 15LMTT groups and lower in the control. The 15LT group showed the best lysine digestibility, and methionine digestibilities were higher in all treated groups than control one. Threonine digestibilities higher in 15LT 15LMT, and 15LMTT than the control. The result shows that threonine and methionine should be added to the diet containing 15% CP diet, fortified with lysine to get same performance of 18% CP diet.

Preparation and Evaluation of Low Viscosity Acrylic Polymer Based Pretreatment Solution for DTP Reactive Ink (DTP 반응성 잉크용 저점도 아크릴계 고분자 전처리액 제조 및 특성 평가)

  • Kim, Hyeok-Jin;Seo, Hye-Ji;Kwak, Dong-Sup;Hong, Jin-Pyo;Yoon, Seok-Han;Shin, Kyung
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2017
  • In the direct digital textile printing process, the pre-treatment process is an essential condition for products by forming a clear pattern by sticking and penetration of DTP dye without spreading on the fabric. Recently, pre-treatment agent is changing from high viscosity to low viscosity in order to reduce defects of fabric during pre-treatment process. In this study, pre-treatment agent of acrylic polymer with low viscosity(less than 50cps) was prepared according to the solid content of the polymer, pre-treated on the cotton fabric, and direct DTP printing was performed to compare the color and sharpness. As a result, it showed high color at a viscosity of 50cps or less. When the solid content of the polyacrylic acid having a high molecular weight(A1) was 2.5wt%, when the solid content of the polyacrylic acid having a low molecular weight(A2) was 1 - 1.5wt%, the color was the best. And when the solid content of A1 and A2 was 1.5wt%, the degree of spreading was small and A1 was superior to A2 at the sharpness.

Hot AC Anodising as a Cr(VI)-free Pre-treatment for Structural Bonding of Aluminium

  • Lapique, Fabrice;Bjorgum, Astrid;Johnsen, Bernt;Walmsley, John
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2003
  • Hot AC anodising has been evaluated us pre-treatment for aluminium prior to structural adhesive bonding. Phosphoric and sulphuric acid hot AC anodising showed very promising adhesion promoter capabilities with durability comparable with the best standard DC anodising procedures. AC anodising does not required etching prior to anodising and offers u pre-treatment time down to 20 seconds. The interface/interphase between the aluminium substrate and the adhesive was investigated in order to get a better understanding of the involved adhesion mechanisms and to explain the long-tenn properties. The alkaline medium formed at the oxide layer/adhesive interface has been shown to induce a partial dissolution of the oxide layer leading to the formation of metallic ions which diffuse in the adhesive (EPMA measurements). The effect of diffusion of the Al ions on adhesion and joint durability is still uncertain but studies showed that pre-bond moisture affected the joints durability and to some extent the diffusion length. specially for DC anodised samples. So far no direct correlation could be established between the diffusion length d and the joints durability but new trials with better control over the elapsed time between bonding and adhesive curing are expected to help getting a better understanding of the involved mechanisms.

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Quality Change of Chill-stored Dried Persimmons Affected by Cinnamon Extract Pre-treatment and Packaging Condition (계피전처리와 포장조건이 저온 저장 곶감의 품질변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hyung-Woo;Kim, Sang-Hee;Lee, Sun-Ah;Park, Jong-Dae
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    • v.18 no.1_2
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2012
  • The dried persimmons are susceptible to fungal decay, browning, textural hardening during storage and marketing at ambient temperature. To resolve these problems in commercial storage, chilled storage at $0^{\circ}C$ was tried with cinnamon extract pre-treatment and different packaging conditions measuring the quality changes of dried persimmons for 160 days. Nylon/LDPE package among 6 tested package conditions was the best in maintaining the quality. The rate of weight loss, fungal decay, browning, hardening were the least in this package. Pre-treatment of cinnamon extract in quality of dried persimmons was effective in quality preservation.

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