• 제목/요약/키워드: Benign hepatic tumor

검색결과 31건 처리시간 0.027초

Vascular tumors of the liver: A brief review

  • Sujata Sarangi;Balamurugan Thirunavukkarasu;Sudeep Khera;Selvakumar B;Taruna Yadav
    • 한국간담췌외과학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.329-341
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    • 2023
  • Vascular tumors of the liver are mesenchymal lesions from endothelial cells. They range from common benign lesions such as haemangioma, intermediate tumors like Kaposi sarcoma, and perivascular epithelioid cell tumor to malignant tumors such as hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma and hepatic angiosarcoma in adults. Pediatric vascular tumors of the liver also include benign, locally aggressive, borderline, and malignant masses with haemangiomas being the most common benign tumors and epithelioid hemangioendothelioma being an uncommon pediatric malignancy. The list of these lesions is completed by nodular regenerative hyperplasia, solitary fibrous tumour, and hepatic small vessel neoplasms (HSVN). Some of these tumors are uncommon and rare. This review article aimed to enumerate hepatic vascular tumors along with their imaging, histopathology, molecular findings for accurate diagnosis that can result in better management.

Hepatic Hemangioma Rupture Caused by Blunt Trauma

  • Kim, Gil Hwan;Kim, Jae Hun;Lee, Sang Bong
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.235-237
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    • 2017
  • Hepatic hemangioma is the most frequently occurring benign tumor of the liver. Hepatic hemangioma rupture is a rare phenomenon, which can lead to life-threatening conditions. Here, we report a case of hepatic hemangioma rupture caused by blunt trauma. Explorative laparotomy was performed due to unstable vital signs and abdominal massive hemoperitoneum revealed on computed tomography. We detected arterial bleeding from a hepatic hemangioma and performed primary suture of the liver and postoperative angiographic embolization.

Clinical features of infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma

  • Kim, Eun-Hee;Koh, Kyung-Nam;Park, Mee-Rim;Kim, Bo-Eun;Im, Ho-Joon;Seo, Jong-Jin
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제54권6호
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    • pp.260-266
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma (IHHE) is the most common type of hepatic vascular tumor in infancy. We conducted this study to review our clinical experience of patients with IHHE and to suggest management strategies. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 23 IHHE patients (10 males, 13 females) treated at the Asan Medical Center between 1996 and 2009. Results: Median age at diagnosis was 38 days (range, 1 to 381 days). Seven patients (30%) were diagnosed with IHHE based on sonographically detected fetal liver masses, 5 (22%) were diagnosed incidentally in the absence of symptoms, 5 (22%) had congestive heart failure, 3 (13%) had skin hemangiomas, 2 (9%) had abnormal liver function tests, and 1 (4%) had hepatomegaly. All diagnoses were based on imaging results, and were confirmed in three patients by histopathology analysis. Six patients were observed without receiving any treatment, whereas 12 received corticosteroids and/or interferonalpha. One patient with congestive heart failure and a resectable unilobar tumor underwent surgical resection. Three patients with congestive heart failure and unresectable tumors were managed by hepatic artery embolization with/without medical treatment. At a median follow-up of 29 months (range, 1 to 156 months), 21 (91%) patients showed complete tumor disappearance or >50% decrease in tumor size. One patient died due to tumor-related causes. Conclusion: IHHE generally has a benign clinical course with low morbidity and mortality rates. Clinical course and treatment outcome did not differ significantly between medically treated and non-treated groups. Surgically unresectable patients with significant symptoms may be treated medically or with hepatic artery embolization.

매우 드문 간종괴로 오인된 복막 평활근종의 CT 및 MRI 소견: 증례 보고 (Extremely Rare CT and MRI Findings of Peritoneal Leiomyoma Mimicking Hepatic Mass: A Case Report)

  • 우종훈;최서연;김희경;이지은;이민희;임상혁
    • 대한영상의학회지
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    • 제84권4호
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    • pp.946-951
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    • 2023
  • 평활근종은 평활근세포에서 발생할 수 있는 흔한 양성종양으로, 주로 자궁에서 발생한다. 복막평활근종은 매우 드물며 대부분 복막성 평활근증으로 보고되었다. 저자들이 아는한 단일 복막평활근종의 영상의학적 소견은 영문으로 아직까지 보고된 바가 없다. 전산화단층촬영에서 비균질한 조영증강, 자기공명영상에서 점진적 조영증강 및 확산제한을 보여 영상의학적으로 간의 변성된 혈관종, 간선종, 혹은 염증성 근섬유아세포종 등을 감별하였으나 수술 후 병리학적으로 복막평활근종으로 진단된 34세 여성의 증례 및 영상의학적 소견을 보고하고자 한다.

F-18 FDG와 C-11 Acetate PET에서 서로 다른 섭취를 보인 간 혈관근육지방종 1예 (A Case of Hepatic Angiomyolipoma Showing Different Uptake on F-18 FDG and C-11 Acetate PET)

  • 이재현;김재승
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.246-248
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    • 2008
  • A hepatic angiomyolipoma is a rare benign tumor mainly composed of blood vessels, smooth muscle cells and fat cells in varying proportion. Hepatic angiomyolipoma is often misdiagnosed as a hepatocellular carcinoma in preoperative imaging work-up. To date, there has been little published data describing PET findings of hepatic angiomyolipoma. We report one case of hepatic angiomyolipoma that showed a high acetate and relatively low FDG uptake on PET images.

소아 간 혈관내피종 : 17년간의 치료경험 (Infantile Hepatic Hemangioendothelioma: Seventeen Years of Experience at a Single Center)

  • 권형주;문석배;박귀원;정성은
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.134-143
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    • 2008
  • Infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma (IHHE) is the most common benign vascular hepatic tumor in children. We analyzed the 17-year experience of IHHE. The medical records of 16 patients (M:F=8:8) treated at the Department of Pediatric Surgery and the Department of Pediatrics Seoul National University Children's Hospital between January 1991 and January 2008 were reviewed retrospectively. Mean age at presentation was 87 days (1 day - 551 days). Seventy five percent of patients were diagnosed with imaging study and 25 % with biopsy. Major symptoms were hepatomegaly (N=5), palpable abdominal mass (N=4) and congestive heart failure (N=3). Six patients had no symptoms. Kasabach-Merritt syndrome was combined in one patient. Nine patients (56.3 %) underwent operation and 2 patients (12.5 %) underwent only medical treatment. Clinical observation was tried on 5 patients (31.3 %) without any treatment. Operation was performed on the patient with clinical symptoms or on patients where the differentiation between begin and malignant could not be determined. Patients who had clinical symptoms but tumor was unreresectabile were treated medically. Among the 5 patients who had been observed for their clinical course, 2 patients showed complete regression and the tumors of the remaining 3 patients were regressing. Clinical symptoms, the age at presentation, the size of tumor and ${\alpha}$-FP, all had no significant statistical relationship with the time required for complete tumor regression. There was no relationship between the size change of the tumor and the change of ${\alpha}$-FP level. Only the size of tumor was related with clinical symptoms. One patient died of post-operatvie bleeding. Treatment plan was determined by the extent of the tumor and the presence of clinical symptoms. Observation was enough for the patients without clinical symptoms and complete resection was curative for patients with clinical symptoms. Medical treatment is an alternative for the patient whose tumor is unresectable.

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인터페론 투여 후 완전 절제를 시행한 거대 선천성 간내 혈관내피종 (A Congenital Giant Hepatic Hemangioendothelioma Treated with Interferon-$\alpha$ and Complete Tumor Resection)

  • 조민아;유재은;박문성;박준은;홍정;김영배
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2008
  • 신생아의 선천성 거대 간내 혈관내피종을 복부 단층 촬영과 $^{99m}Tc$-RBC 간스캔을 통해 진단하고, 대증요법과 함께 IFN$\alpha$를 11개월간 단독으로 피하 투여하여 크기 감소를 유도한 후 남은 병변의 완전한 수술적 제거와 조직학적 확진을 시행하였음을 보고하는 바이다.

과혈관성 종양으로 오인된 간의 가성림프종: 증례보고 (Hepatic Pseudolymphoma Mimicking a Hypervascular Tumor: A Case Report)

  • 임보라;장석기;연재우;백소야;박상종;김혁중
    • 대한영상의학회지
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    • 제79권6호
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    • pp.348-353
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    • 2018
  • 간의 가성 림프종은 비종양성 림프구의 절 외 과다증식에 의해 형성되는 드문 양성 종양이다. 검색한 바에 따르면 현재까지 영문으로 46예가 보고되었다. 우리는 75세 여자환자에서 과혈관성 종양으로 오인된 간의 가성 림프종 증례를 보고하고자 한다. 조직검사상 직장의 신경내분비 암종이 진단된 후 시행한 조영증강 전산화단층촬영에서 1.0 cm 크기의 경계가 불분명하고 낮은 감쇄를 보이는 결절이 간에 관찰되었다. 자기공명영상에서는 동맥 조영기에 조영 증강을 보이고, 20분 지연기 조영 영상에서 저신호 강도를 보이며, 확산강조영상에서 고신호 강도를 보였다. Fluorodeoxyglucose (이하 FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/CT에서는 FDG의 섭취 증가를 보였다. 초음파에서는 저에코성 병변으로 관찰되었고, 초음파 유도 하 조직검사를 통하여 간의 가성 림프종으로 확진 되었다.

간에 발생한 혈관근육지방종의 압착도말 세포 소견 -1예 보고- (Imprint Cytology of Hepatic Angiomyolipoma -A Case Report -)

  • 김애리;김홍진;최준혁
    • 대한세포병리학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.188-193
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    • 2008
  • Angiomyolipoma of the liver is a rare benign tumor that's composed of variable mixtures of adipose tissue, smooth muscle and thick-walled blood vessels. We report here on the imprint cytologic features of a hepatic angiomyolipoma in a 47-year-old man. The smears showed spindle and epithelioid tumor cells in clusters, trabeculae and single cells. The spindle cells had elongated, cigar-shaped nuclei with finely granular chromatin and fibrillary cytoplasm. The epithelioid cells had round nuclei with a moderate amount of cytoplasm. Any adipose tissue was not found. Immunohistochemically, both the spindle and epithelioid cells revealed cytoplasmic positivity for smooth muscle actin and HMB-45.