• 제목/요약/키워드: Bearing Number

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공작기계 주축계의 구조특성 해석시스템 SpindleX (Structural Characteristics Analysis System "SpindleX" for Machine-Tool Spindle System)

  • 김석일;조재완;이원재
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2000년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1016-1020
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    • 2000
  • In this study, a structural characteristics analysis system for motor-integrated high-speed spindle systems, “SpindleX”, is developed based on the Timoshenko theory and the multi-layered finite element method. Since “SpindleX” has the various analysis modules related to static deflection analysis, modal analysis, frequency response analysis, unbalance response analysis and so on, it is useful in performing systematically and quantitatively the design and evaluation processes of spindle system under the windows GUI environment. Also, to enhance the user-friendliness, “SpindleX” possesses the various additional functions such as the DXF file interface for auto-importing the shape and geometric data of spindle system from the DXF file, the bearing database for auto-importing the mechanical properties and geometric data of bearing by the bearing number, and the graphical visualization for certificating the imported and analysed data of spindle system.

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기본임무를 수행하는 기동헬기에 적용될 무베어링 허브 복합재 구성품 피로수명 해석 (Bearingless Rotor Hub Composite Component Fatigue Analysis of Utility Helicopter to perform the Basic Mission)

  • 김태주;기영중;김덕관;김승호
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2013년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.383-389
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    • 2013
  • Rotor system is a very important part which produces lift, thrust and control force in helicopter. Component of rotor system must endure various flight load for the required life. In helicopter rotor system, bearingless rotor system is the highest technology rotor system compare with articulated and hingeless rotor system. Baaringless rotor system is not include mechanical flap hinge, lag hinge and pitch bearing. Bearingless rotor component flexbeam which made by composite material has conduct hinge and bearing role instead of mechanical flap hinge, lag hinge and pitch bearing. These characteristics has less part number and lass weight than others. In this paper, conduct safe life analysis of bearingless composite component flexbeam and torque tube applying to utility helicopter load condition.

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직접해법에 의한 공기윤활 틸팅패드 저어널 베어링의 정특성 및 동특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Air Lubricated Titing Pad Journal Bearing with Direct)

  • 황평;김인식
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 1994
  • The static and dynamic analysis of air lubricatied tilting pad journal bearing which considers tilting effect of each pad, preload but which neglects pad inertia effect and deflection are performed. A direct numerical method is used in evaluating the static characteristics such as load carrying capacity, friction force and small peturbation method is used for calculation of dynamic characteristics. Stiffness and damping coefficients are compared with the variation of the preload. And these coefficients are slightly decreased with increased compressibility number under the constant bearing load carrying capacity.

IPC 거더 연속교의 실교량 내하력 평가 연구 (Load Bearing Capacity Evaluation of Continuous IPC Girder Bridge.)

  • 한만엽;황의승;진경석;강상훈;신재우
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2005년도 봄학술 발표회 논문집(I)
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    • pp.475-478
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    • 2005
  • This study was performed to evaluate about load bearing capacity of continuos IPC Girder Bridge under and after Construction. This is Ichi-1 Bridge that is 2-40m span continuous bridge on a extension road through the Ichun and the Naesa. The result of static loading test to use a 25ton truck after construction, deflection ratio is 0.64 that is $35\%$ and average of response ratio is 0.48$\~$0.89 that is less than theoretical value. The result of dynamic loading test, the number of proper vibrations is 3.06Hz that is like theoretical value 3.61Hz, the modulus of impact is 0.235 that is bigger than specification 0.19. the load bearing capacity is minimum DB-40 that is so big value. In the result, continuos IPC Girder Bridge is safe in short period. we will evaluate long period behavior of continuos IPC Girder Bridge.

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Laser Texturing한 평행 스러스트 베어링의 윤활특성 : 제4보 - 딤플 형상의 영향 (Lubrication Characteristics of Laser Textured Parallel Thrust Bearing : Part 4 - Effect of Dimple Shape)

  • 박태조
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.338-343
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    • 2011
  • Laser surface texturing (LST) methods are widely applied now to reduce friction and improve reliability of machine components such as thrust bearings, mechanical face seals and piston rings, etc. In this paper, the effect of dimple shapes on the lubrication characteristics of parallel thrust bearing are studied using a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, FLUENT. Pressure and streamline distributions, variations of supporting load, leakage flow rate and friction force, are compared for three different dimple sectional shapes such as circle, pyramid and rectangle type. The lubrication characteristics are highly affected by dimple shapes and number of dimples. The pyramid type dimple shape can support the highest load while the rectangle type is the best in friction reduction.

중소구경 헬리컬 파일의 축과 원판의 형상이 지지력에 미치는 영향 평가 : I. 시험시공과 현장재하시험 (Effect of Configuration of Shaft and Helix Plate on Bearing Capacity of Moderate-size Helical Pile : I. Test-bed Construction and Field Loading Test)

  • 이종원;이동섭;김형남;최항석
    • 한국지반신소재학회논문집
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2014
  • 헬리컬 파일(helical pile)은 한 개 이상의 나선형 원판을 중공형 축에 부착한 후 지반에 회전 관입시켜 지지력을 발현하게 하는 말뚝기초의 하나이다. 헬리컬 파일은 나선형 원판이 부착된 철제 축과 나선형 원판이 모두 지지력을 발휘하기 때문에 기존의 말뚝 지지력 식으로 헬리컬 파일의 지지력을 예측하기 위해서는 검증이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 중소구경 헬리컬 파일의 지지력을 확인하기 위하여 김포 일대에서 헬리컬 파일의 축의 직경과 원판의 형상, 관입 깊이를 변화시키며 시공한 후 재하시험을 수행하였다. 현장시험은 동일한 조건에서 헬리컬 파일 축의 직경을 73mm, 114mm 두 가지로 시공하여 지지력을 측정, 비교하여 축의 직경이 헬리컬 파일의 지지력에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 같은 방법으로 원판의 개수가 1개, 3개로 제작된 헬리컬 파일 및 원판의 직경을 400mm에서 250mm으로 변화시키며 시공한 헬리컬 파일의 재하시험 결과를 바탕으로 원판의 형상이 지지력에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 또한 헬리컬 파일의 관입 심도를 3m에서 6m까지 설정하여 관입 심도에 따른 지지력을 비교하였다. 현장 시험 결과 원판의 개수가 증가할수록, 원판과 축의 직경이 증가할수록 헬리컬 파일의 지지력이 증가하는 경향을 보이나, 축의 직경은 헬리컬 파일의 지지력에 상대적으로 적은 영향을 미치는 것을 확인할 수 있으며, 원판의 형상이 지지력에 미치는 영향이 상대적으로 큰 것으로 판단된다.

노지(露地) 및 P. E. film 피복하(被覆下)에서 제초시기(除草時期)와 기간(期間)이 땅콩의 생육(生育) 및 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Growth and Yield of Peanuts Affected by Weeding Time and Periods in Bare Soil and Under the P. E. film Mulch)

  • 강광희;이석순;이계홍;황형백;이상백;예병덕
    • 한국잡초학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 1987
  • To know the effects of weeding periods (weeding from 12 days, 28 days and 42 days after seeding to harvest, and weeding from seeding to 14 days, 28 days and 42 days after seeding) and growing conditions such as transparent polyethylene film mulch (P.E. mulch) and bare soil on growth and yield of peanuts, "Yeongho-Tangkong" was planted on May 10, 1984. Under P.E. mulch, the number of weeds was higher, but the weed dry weight was lower than in bare soil by the middle of July. Sixty days after seedings, the length of main stems in weedy check plots was longer, but shoot dry weight was lower compared to weed free plot. In the correlation coefficients between weed dry weight and the shoot dry weight of peanut on July 14, the growth retardation of peanuts due to weeds was showed earlier under P.E. mulch than in bare soil. Shoot dry weight, shelling ratio, number of seeds per pod, 100 pod weight, and seed yield were higher under P.E, mulch compared to bare soil. But weed dry weight, length of branches, number of pod bearing branches, number of pods per square meters, and pod yield were similar between P.E. mulch and bare soil. Shoot dry weight of peanuts, length of branches, number of pod bearing branches, number of pods per square meters, pod yield, 100 pod weight, 100 seed weight, and seed yield in weed free plots from 28 days after seeding to harvest (28 DAS-Harvest) were higher compared to weed free plots from 42 DAS-Harvest. However, in the weed free plot from seeding to 42 days after seeding seed yield was lower than that of the continuous weeding plot due to lower number of pod bearing branches and number of pods per square meters. When weed was not controlled at the later growth stages of peanuts, reduction in seed yield due to weeds was greater in bare soil than that under P.E. mulch.

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비만도가 다른 출산경험여성의 신체계측, 식습관 및 영양소섭취상태 연구 (Analysis of Anthropometric Measuremetnts, Eating Habits, and Dietary Intake of Women with Child-bearing Experiences and Different Body Fat Contents)

  • 유윤희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.201-209
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible causal factors of obesity in women with child-bearing experiences in effects to provide optimal information for the prevention and/or treatment of obesity. Sventy one women with child-bearing experiences were divided into five groups based on the degree of obesity by BROCA method ; normal weight, overweight, and obesity which was further divided into three groups of light, moderate, and sever obesity. Various anthropomnetric measurements, overall eating habits, and dietery intakes were asessed for each groups. Out of eighteen anthropometric factors asociated with obesity, thirteen measurements were represented to be valid for the diagnosis of obesity. Body fat % which was analyzed by Bioelectrical Impedance fatnee Analyzer were 24.765, 28.05%, and 29.85 for normal, overweight, and obesity group respectively. WHR(waister to hip ratio) or BMI(body mass index) widely used index was also resulted to be valid as a predictor of obesity. Waist circumference which represents abdominal fat mass showed a good correlatin with body fat%. The analysis of dietary intakes suggested that the overintakes of total calorie may not be the only causal factor of obesity, rather the amount of daily protein, fat and carbohydrate intakes or the physical activity level would be more closely related with the prevalence of obesity. Further investigation considering more variety of food composition of diet and the activity level involving larger number of subjects would be needed.

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궤도차량 변속기 출력 축 지지구조에 따른 베어링 수명 영향 평가에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Lifetime Assessment of Bearings According to the Output Shaft Supporting Structures in Transmissions of a Tracked Vehicles)

  • 박종원;김형의
    • 한국신뢰성학회지:신뢰성응용연구
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.331-342
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    • 2011
  • The transmission of tracked vehicles performs complex functions as steering, shifting, braking, etc. and the system level life time has been a key influenced by the number of sub-parts like as gear assembly, torque converter, clutches, bearings and so on. In particular, the mechanical type steering system in tracked vehicle has impact shock torques in steering shift and those kind of shock torques can effect on the durability of many sub-parts in power train system. The field failure modes of gear assembly, steering assembly and the bearings of output shaft appear as a very complex phenomenon. In this study, the actual failure, which may occur in field, of the transmission was investigated comprehensively and that the endurance test on the resulting output shaft bearing failure analysis and life assessment was performed. Life time test method used in this study, developed for the purpose of the internal usage, and under these testing techniques the impact of the each bearing damage, which used in tracked vehicle transmission left / right outputs of different structures, was analyzed.

암반에 근입된 말뚝의 선단 거동 특성에 관한 연구 (Study on the Behavior of Toe of Drilled Shaft on the Rock Mass)

  • 박완서;전석원;한용희;최세근
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2008년도 춘계 학술발표회 초청강연 및 논문집
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    • pp.842-847
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    • 2008
  • Despite of the increasing number of the application of the drilled shaft pile in construction site, most of the study of pile capacity has been centered side shear resistance. But it is common that the drilled shaft is socketed on the rock so as to use the bearing resistance, so prediction of the toe's movement and characteristic of the bearing capacity is important as the side shear resistance. Therefore the model tests were performed in order to study the characteristic of bearing capacity on rock mass. The material of the test blocks were the mortar which was mixed with sand, cement and water, and test block size was $240{\times}240{\times}240mm$. Load was pressed by the 45mm of diameter of miniaturized pile and plate jack and steal plate were used to the confined stress for representing the underground condition. The relation of load-displacement was measured in many different conditions of rock mass such as direction of discontinuities, spacing and strength, and q-w curves of the toe of the pile were verified in each condition.

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