• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basin scale

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Relations Between the Nocturnal Inversion Layer and Some Meteorological Elements in the Basin (분지내의 야간 접지역전층 변화와 관련된 기상요소에 대한 연구)

  • 진병화;황수진
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.369-374
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    • 1998
  • Meteorological measurements were carried out in the basin of Cheong-Kwan located Yang-San near Pusan city, from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1, 1988. According to the measured data, we vended the close relationship between the variation of nocturnal Inversion layer and the meteorological elements. The nocturnal intrersion layer by radiative cooling in this site extends up to 130 meters or so. And the nocturnal jet ap- pears just above or at the top of the inversion layer, and the stronger of the prevailing wind blows, and the lower of the jet level appears. Some meteorological features such as heating, cooling etc., began to change in or in the slightly higher level of the inversion layer, when they are formed, reinforced and disappeared. And the it In the basin preserves its character because It Is not affected by local scale air flow.

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The 29 May 2004 Offshore Southeast Coast of Korea Earthquake Sequence: Shallow Earthquakes in the Ulleung Back-arc basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan)

  • Kim, Won-Young;Noh, Myung-Hyun;Choi, Ho-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.249-262
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    • 2006
  • The 29 May 2004 offshore Uljin, Korea earthquake was predominantly thrust-faulting at a depth of approximately 12 (±2) km. The mainshock attained the seismic moment of M0 =5.41 (±1.87)  1016 N m (Mw = 5.1). The focal mechanism indicates a subhorizontal P-axis trending 264° and plunging 2°. The orientation of P- and T-axis is consistent with the direction of absolute plate motion generally observed within the plates, hence the cause of the May 29 shock is the broad-scale stress pattern from the forces acting on the downgoing slab along the Japan trench and inhibiting forces balancing it. The 29 May 2004 earthquake occurred along a deep seated (~12 km), pre-existing feature that is expressed on the surface as the basement escarpment along the western and southern slopes of the Ulleung basin. The concentrated seismicity along this basement escarpment suggests that this feature may qualify as a seismic zone - the Ulleung basement escarpment seismic zone (UBESZ).

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Application of transfer learning for streamflow prediction by using attention-based Informer algorithm

  • Fatemeh Ghobadi;Doosun Kang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.165-165
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    • 2023
  • Streamflow prediction is a critical task in water resources management and essential for planning and decision-making purposes. However, the streamflow prediction is challenging due to the complexity and non-linear nature of hydrological processes. The transfer learning is a powerful technique that enables a model to transfer knowledge from a source domain to a target domain, improving model performance with limited data in the target domain. In this study, we apply the transfer learning using the Informer model, which is a state-of-the-art deep learning model for streamflow prediction. The model was trained on a large-scale hydrological dataset in the source basin and then fine-tuned using a smaller dataset available in the target basin to predict the streamflow in the target basin. The results demonstrate that transfer learning using the Informer model significantly outperforms the traditional machine learning models and even other deep learning models for streamflow prediction, especially when the target domain has limited data. Moreover, the results indicate the effectiveness of streamflow prediction when knowledge transfer is used to improve the generalizability of hydrologic models in data-sparse regions.

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Additional Description of the Vent Scale Worm Thermopolynoe branchiata (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) from the North Fiji Basin

  • Won-Kyung Lee;Geon Hyeok Lee;Se-Jong Ju;Se-Joo Kim
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2023
  • Thermopolynoe Miura, 1994 is a monotypic genus in Lepidonotopodinae that comprises species endemic to chemosynthesis-based ecosystems. Here, we examined T. branchiata collected from the hydrothermal vents in the North Fiji Basin. For the first time in Thermopolynoe, we report sexual dimorphism detecting nephridial papillae on segments 11-13 in males, additionally describe the morphology on elytra with round to conical microtubercles on the surface, and distinguish presence of small neuropodial lobes on segments 3-26. We also revised couple of errors and ambiguities in the original description: incongruence between the description and figure and existence of individual variation in ratio of tentacular cirri and palps. In addition, three COI sequences of T. branchiata specimens from the North Fiji Basin were newly obtained and sequences divergence with other Lepidonotopodinae species were determined. These results would contribute to the taxonomy of polynoids in a chemosynthesis-based ecosystem.

Geological Structures and Evolution of the Tertiary Chŏngja Basin, Southeastern Margin of the Korean Peninsula (울산군 강동면 제 3기 정자분지(亭子盆地)의 지질구조와 분지발달)

  • Son, Moon;Kim, In-Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 1994
  • The Tertiary $Ch{\check{o}}ngja$ basin is located in the southeastern coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. It is a lozenge shaped fault-bounded basin with circa $5{\times}5km$ areal extent, isolated from other Tertiary basins by the Cretaceous Ulsan Formation in-between. The northwestern boundary of the basin is a domino/listric type normal fault trending $N30^{\circ}E$, whereas its southwestern boundary is a dextral strike-slip fault (trending $N20^{\circ}W$) with a lateral offset of more than 1 km. The basin is bounded by the East Sea on the eastern margin. Basin-fills consist of extrusive volcanic rock (Tangsa Andesites) of Early Miocene (16~22 Ma in radiometric age), unconsolidated fluviatile conglomerate (Kangdong Formation) and shallow brackish-water sandstone ($Sinhy{\check{o}}n$ Formation). The latter yields abundant Vicarya-Anadara molluscan fossils of early Middle Miocene age. The Tertiary strata become younger toward the northwestern boundary-fault of the basin, showing a zonal distribution pattern parallel to the fault: the younger sedimentary formations occupy a narrow zone of 2 km width along the northwestern boundary-fault, whereas the older Tangsa Andesites underlie them unconformably in the eastern and southeastern portions of the basin. The strata in the basin, including the Tangsa Andesites, are tilted (about $20^{\circ}$) toward the northwestern boundary-fault Sedimentary strata thicken toward the boundary-fault, forming a wedge shaped half-graben structure. A number of small-scale syndepositional normal growth faults and graben structures are observed in the sedimentary strata. These extensional structures have the same trend as the normal northwestern boundary-fault which we interpret as a pull-apart detachment fault. These characteristics imply persistent extension during the basin evolution, caused by a NW-SE directed tensional force. The $Ch{\check{o}}ngja$ basin is, thus, a kind of syndepositional tectonic basin evolved in a strike-slip (pull-apart) regime. The latter was caused by a dextral simple shear associated with the NNW-SSE opening of the East Sea. In view of the fact that the normal growth faults do not cut through the uppermost portion of the youngest $Sinhy{\check{o}}n$ Formation, it is inferred that the tensional force came to be inactive in the early Middle Miocene. This is coincident in timing with the termination of the East Sea opening (15 Ma).

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Regional Drought Frequency Analysis of Monthly Precipitation with L-Moments Method in Nakdong River Basin (L-Moments법에 의한 낙동강유역 월강우량의 지역가뭄빈도해석)

  • 김성원
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.431-441
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    • 1999
  • In this study, the regional frequency analysis is used to determine each subbasin drought frequency with reliable monthly precipitation and the L-Moments method which is almost unbiased and has very nearly a normal distribution is used for the parameter estimation of monthly precipitation time series in Nakdong river basin. As the result of this study, the duration of '93-'94 is most severe drought year than any other water year and the drought frequency is established as compared the regional frequency analysis result of cumulative precipitation of 12th duration months in each subbasin with that of 12th duration months in the major drought duration. The Linear regression equation is induced according to linear regression analysis of drought frequency between Nakdong total basin and each subbasin of the same drought duration. Therefore, as the foundation of this study, it can be applied proposed method and procedure of this study to the water budget analysis considering safety standards for the design of impounding facilities large-scale river basin and for this purpose, above all, it is considered that expansion of reliable preciptation data is needed in watershed rainfall station.

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Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Characteristics from Domestic Sewage using Two Stage Membrane Bioreactor (2단형 막분리 활성슬러지법(Two Stage MBR)에서 내부순환율 변화와 응집제 첨가에 의한 질소 및 인제거 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Roh;Lim, Hyun-man;Kim, Eoung Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2002
  • Laboratory-scale membrane bioreactor added alum into the anaerobic basin as a flocculant and adsorbent was carried out to find removal efficient of nitrogen and phosphorus components in the mixed liquid and weather or not maintaining the stability for the permeate flux and pressure at various internal recycle conditions. It was found that denitrification efficient of maximum 65% was obtained when the ratio of internal recycle was 3Q. Additionally when the ratio of internal recycle was fixed at 3Q, $BOD_5$ and T-P concentration of permeate was much more reduced compared to not added alum in anaerobic basin but T-N concentration of permeate was relatively increased. In case of added alum as the flocculant and adsorbent in anaerobic basin, the permeate flux was maintained above $10{\ell}/m^2/hr$ but the permeate pressure was relatively higher than alum was not added in anaerobic basin.

Operating Characteristics of Two Stage Membrane Bioreactor (2단형 막분리 활성슬러지법(Two Stage MBR)의 운전 특성에 관한 고찰)

  • Park, Jae-Roh;Lim, Hyun-man;Kim, Eoung Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2002
  • Two-stage membrane bioreactor using submerged hollow fiber membrane was applied in laboratory scale to treat nitrogen and phosphorus of domestic wastewater. Alum as the flocculant and adsorbent was added into the anaerobic basin of two-stage membrane bioreactor and mixed liquid of aerabic basin was recycled to the anaerobic basin for the purpose of nitrogen removal. Experiment was carried out to find removal efficient of phosphorous and nitrogen components in the mixed liquid, and the stability of the permeate flux and pressure of two-stage membrane bioreactor. In case of alum was added as the flocculant and adsorbent into the anaerobic basin, soluble phosphorus removal efficient was relatively higher and total permeate resistance(Rtot) was more increased out nitrogen removal efficient was lower as the result of lack of alkalinity and insufficient nitrification process than the case of alum was not added.

An Experimental Study on IMO 2nd Generation Stability Assessment in Dead Ship Condition of 13K Chemical Tanker (13K Chemical Tanker의 기관 제어 불능상태 IMO 2세대 안정성 평가에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Beom;Moon, Byung-Young
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2022
  • The stability of the existing ships has been evaluated through numerical calculations in the steady-state, but recently the IMO proposed a new stability assessment criteria that the stability is evaluated in the state in which environmental loads from such as waves and wind act like the loads under actual ship operating conditions. In this study, IMO 2nd generation stability assessment method and procedure were summarized for the dead ship condition, and Direct Stability Assessment (DSA) was performed on 13K chemical tanker through basin model test. The model test is performed in the ocean engineering basin to implement wave and wind loads, and environmental conditions for waves were set height and period of the incident wave, considering the regular wave and wind generation range reproducible in the ocean engineering basin. In addition, to consider the effect of wind speed, the Beaufort Scale for wind speed was applied in the model test.

Comparative Evaluation of River Management in South Korea and the United States (한국과 미국의 유역관리 비교평가 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Je
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.492-496
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    • 2005
  • River is characterized by its transboundary flow not recognizing human political, administrative, and social boundaries. Water management is also strongly connected to land management. Those features reflect emerging difficulties in managing contemporary water resources. This study consists of three parts to identify theoretical concept of river management and to show how river management has differently practiced in South Korea and the United States. In part one, the Korean case shows the water quality oriented river basin management in the 1990s. The second part reveals the disappearing pattern of river basin management and the spreading watershed movement in the United States. The final part compares basin-scale river management practices of the two countries and evaluates the differences between them. The United States concentrates more on watershed management rather than river basin management while South Korea understands that both river basin and watershed are important. Therefore, the Korean case is recognized as more complicated than the American case.

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