• 제목/요약/키워드: Basin characteristics

검색결과 1,283건 처리시간 0.029초

Seismic Data Processing and Inversion for Characterization of CO2 Storage Prospect in Ulleung Basin, East Sea (동해 울릉분지 CO2 저장소 특성 분석을 위한 탄성파 자료처리 및 역산)

  • Lee, Ho Yong;Kim, Min Jun;Park, Myong-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2015
  • $CO_2$ geological storage plays an important role in reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but there is a lack of research for CCS demonstration. To achieve the goal of CCS, storing $CO_2$ safely and permanently in underground geological formations, it is essential to understand the characteristics of them, such as total storage capacity, stability, etc. and establish an injection strategy. We perform the impedance inversion for the seismic data acquired from the Ulleung Basin in 2012. To review the possibility of $CO_2$ storage, we also construct porosity models and extract attributes of the prospects from the seismic data. To improve the quality of seismic data, amplitude preserved processing methods, SWD(Shallow Water Demultiple), SRME(Surface Related Multiple Elimination) and Radon Demultiple, are applied. Three well log data are also analysed, and the log correlations of each well are 0.648, 0.574 and 0.342, respectively. All wells are used in building the low-frequency model to generate more robust initial model. Simultaneous pre-stack inversion is performed on all of the 2D profiles and inverted P-impedance, S-impedance and Vp/Vs ratio are generated from the inversion process. With the porosity profiles generated from the seismic inversion process, the porous and non-porous zones can be identified for the purpose of the $CO_2$ sequestration initiative. More detailed characterization of the geological storage and the simulation of $CO_2$ migration might be an essential for the CCS demonstration.

The Limnological Survey of a Coastal Lagoon in Korea (4); Lake Songji (동해안 석호의 육수학적 조사 (4); 송지호)

  • Kwon, Sang-Yong;Heo, Woo-Myung;Lee, Sang-Ha;Kim, Dong-Jin;Kim, Bom-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제38권4호통권114호
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    • pp.461-474
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    • 2005
  • Physicochemical parameters, plankton community structure, and sediment were surveyed from 1988 to 2002, at two months interval, in a eutrophic coastal lagoon (Lake Songji, Korea). The lake basin is separated from the sea by a narrow sand dune, and a shallow sill divides the lake basin into two sub-basins. The stable stratifications and chemoclines are maintained all through the year at 1-2 m depth. DO was often very low (<1 $mgO_2\;{\cdot}\;L^{-1}$) in the monimolimnion. Secchi disc transparency was in the range of 0.5-2.7 m. TP, TN, and Chl. a concentration in the mixolimnion were 0.015-0.396 $mgP\;{\cdot}\;L^{-1}$), 0.223-3.521 $mgN\;{\cdot}\;L^{-1}$, and 0.5-129.8 mg ${\cdot}\;m^{-3}$, respectively. TSI was in the eutrophic range of 54 to 62. Sediment was composed of silt and coarse silt. COD, TP, and TN content of the sediment were 51.4-116.9 $mgO_2\;{\cdot}\;gdw^{-1}$, 0.04-1.46 $mgP\;{\cdot}\;gdw^{-1}$ and, 0.12-1.03 $mgN\;{\cdot}\;gdw^{-1}$, respectively. The 49 phytoplankton species were identified. The maximum phytoplankton abundance obscured the lake in September 2001 (max. density: 23,350 cells ${\cdot}\;mL^{-1}$. The Chlorophyte Schroederia judayi was dominant species in summer (max. density: 20,417 cells ${\cdot}\;mL^{-1}$). The lake showed unique limnological features of a brackish lagoon in respect to biological community, chemical characteristics, and physical phenomena.

Agroclimatic Zone and Characters of the Area Subject to Climatic Disaster in Korea (농업 기후 지대 구분과 기상 재해 특성)

  • 최돈향;윤성호
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    • 제34권s02호
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    • pp.13-33
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    • 1989
  • Agroclimate should be analyzed and evaluated accurately to make better use of available chimatic resources for the establishment of optimum cropping systems. Introducing of appropriate cultivars and their cultivation techniques into classified agroclimatic zone could contribute to the stability and costs of crop production. To classify the agroclimatic zones, such climatic factors as temperature, precipitation, sunshine, humidity and wind were considered as major influencing factors on the crop growth and yield. For the classification of rice agroclimatic zones, precipitation and drought index during transplanting time, the first occurrence of effective growth temperature (above 15$^{\circ}C$) and its duration, the probability of low temperature occurrence, variation in temperature and sunshine hours, and climatic productivity index were used in the analysis. The agroclimatic zones for rice crop were classified into 19 zones as follows; (1) Taebaek Alpine Zone, (2) Taebaek Semi-Alpine Zone, (3) Sobaek Mountainous Zone, (4) Noryeong Sobaek Mountainous Zone, (5) Yeongnam Inland Mountainous Zone, (6) Northern Central Inland Zone, (7) Central Inland Zone, (8) Western Soebaek Inland Zone, (9) Noryeong Eastern and Western Inland Zone, (10) Honam Inland Zone, (ll) Yeongnam Basin Zone, (12) Yeongnam Inland Zone, (13) Western Central Plain Zone, (14) Southern Charyeong Plain Zone, (15) South Western Coastal Zone, (16) Southern Coastal Zone, (17) Northern Eastern Coastal Zone, (18) Central Eastern Coastal Zone, and (19) South Eastern Coastal Zone. The classification of agroclimatic zones for cropping systems was based on the rice agroclimatic zones considering zonal climatic factors for both summer and winter crops and traditional cropping systems. The agroclimatic zones were identified for cropping systems as follows: (I) Alpine Zone, (II) Mountainous Zone, (III) Central Northern Inland Zone, (IV) Central Northern West Coastal Zone, (V) Cental Southern West Coastal Zone, (VI) Gyeongbuk Inland Zone, (VII) Southern Inland Zone, (VIII) Southern Coastal Zone, and (IX) Eastern Coastal Zone. The agroclimatic zonal characteristics of climatic disasters under rice cultivation were identified: as frequent drought zones of (11) Yeongnam Basin Zone, (17) North Eastern Coastal Zone with the frequency of low temperature occurrence below 13$^{\circ}C$ at root setting stage above 9.1%, and (2) Taebaek Semi-Alpine Zone with cold injury during reproductive stages, as the thphoon and intensive precipitation zones of (10) Hanam Inland Zone, (15) Southern West Coastal Zone, (16) Southern Coastal Zone with more than 4 times of damage in a year and with typhoon path and heavy precipitation intensity concerned. Especially the three east coastal zones, (17), (18), and (19), were subjected to wind and flood damages 2 to 3 times a year as well as subjected to drought and cold temperature injury.

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Formation and Evolution of the Paleo-Seomjin River Incised-Valley System, Southern Coast of Korea: 1. Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Sediments in Yosu Strait (한반도 남해안 고섬진강 절개곡 시스템의 형성과 진화: 1. 여수해협의 후기 제 4기층에 대한 순차층서)

  • Chun, Seung-Soo;Chang, Jin-Ho
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.142-151
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    • 2001
  • Detailed interpretation of some high-resolution seismic profiles in Yosu Strait reveals that Late Quaternary deposits consist of three allostratigraphic units (UH, LH, PL) formed by fluvial and tidal controls. The top mud unit, UH, thins onshore, and overlies the backstepping modem Seomjin delta deposits, which is interpreted as a transgressive systems tract (757) related to Holocene relative sea-level rise. The unit LH below the unit UH is composed of delta, valley- and basin-fill facies. The delta facies (Unit $LH_1$) occurs only in Gwangyang Bay and shows two prograding sets retrogradationaly stacked, thus it is also interpreted as a transgressive systems tract(757). On the contrary, the valley- and basin-fill facies (Unit $LH_2$), interpreted as 757, occur between the units UH and PL (Pleistocene deposits) in Yosu Strait. The bounding surface between UH and $LH_2$ can be interpreted as a tidal ravinement surface on the basis of trends thinning toward inner bay and becoming young landward. Furthermore its geomorphological pattern is similar to that of recent tidal channels. This allostratigraphy in'ffsu Strait suggests that two 757 deposits (UH and $LH_2$), divided by tidal ravinement surface, have been formed in Yosu Strait, whereas in Gwangyang Bay backstepping delta deposits ($LH_1$) without tidal ravinement surface have been formed during Holocene sea-level rise. These characteristics indicate that different stacking patterns could be formed in these two areas according to different increasing rate of accommodation space caused by different geomorphology, sediment supply and tidal-current patterns even in the same period of Holocene sea-level rise.

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Micro Feeding Site Preference of Wintering Cranes by Topography and Vegetation in Cheorwon Basin, Korea (철원지역에서 월동하는 두루미류의 지형과 식생에 의한 미소 취식지 선호성)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hwa;Kim, In-Kyu;Lee, Han-Soo;Lee, Ki-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.418-430
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    • 2009
  • The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the topography of land and vegetation and the preferred habitat of wintering cranes. Investigations were conducted twelve times in Cheorwon basin, South Korea, during two wintering seasons (12/2005 - 2/2006; 1/2007 - 2/2007). The density of rice grain in the middle of rice paddies was higher than that of the areas along the edge of rice paddies. However it was observed that red-naped cranes preferred to feed along the edges of rice paddies rather than to feed in the middle of the paddies. White-naped cranes, on the other hand, Preferred to feed in the middle of paddies. To be more specific, red-crowned cranes preferred feeding sites such as levees of the paddies or the areas where the level of the rice beds was comparatively more elevated. But the preference of the white-naped cranes turned out to be just the opposite. Another finding was that both red-naped cranes and white-naped cranes preferred concealed areas for their feeding site, and the frequency rate of their feeding in concealed areas has little to do with weather factors. This finding contradicts a widely accepted view that cranes prefer open spaces for their feeding site. Besides, red-crowned cranes, compared with white-naped cranes, preferred to feed in more concealed areas. The frequency rate of feeding in both concealed areas and non-concealed areas had little to do with the size of feeding flocks. There was no difference between a flock of fewer than five cranes and a flock of more than five cranes in terms of frequency rate of their feeding. In conclusion, the result of these investigations indicate that red-naped cranes comparatively prefer concealed areas for their feeding site, and white-naped cranes are less prone to them, and there is no direct connection between their preference of feeding site or frequency and the size of their flock. This is presumed to be the characteristics unique to their individual species.

Identification of Quaternary Faults and shallow gas pockets through high-resolution reprocessing in the East Sea, Korea (탄성파 자료 고해상도 재처리를 통한 동해해역의 제4기 단층 및 천부 가스 인지)

  • Jeong, Mi Suk;Kim, Gi Yeong;Heo, Sik;Kim, Han Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 1999
  • High-resolution images are drawn from existing seismic data which were originally obtained by Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) during 1994-1997 for deep seismic studies on the East Sea of Korea. These images are analyzed for mapping Quaternary faults and near-bottom gas pockets. First 12 channels are selected from shot gathers for reprocessing. The processing sequence adopted for high-resolution seismic images comprises data copy, trace editing, true amplitude recovery, common-midpoint sorting, initial muting, prestack deconvolution, bandpass filtering, stacking, highpass filtering, poststack deconvolution, f-x migration, and automatic gain control (AGC). Among these processing steps, predictive deconvolution, highpass filtering, and short window AGC are the most significant in enhancement of resolution. More than 200 Quaternanry faults are interpreted on the migrated sections in the shallow depths beneath the seafloor. Although numerous faults are found mostly at the western continental slope and boundaries of the Ulleung Basin, significant amount of the faults are also indicated within the basin. Many of these faults are believed to be formed with reactivation of basement, from geotectonic activities including volcanism, and often originated in Tertiary, indicating that the tectonic regime of the East Sea might be unstable. Existence of shallow gas pockets casts real hazardous warnings to deep-sea drillings and/or to underwater constructions such as inter-island cables and gas pipelines. On the other hand, discovery of these gas pockets heightens the interests in developing natural resources in the East Sea. Reprocessed seismic sections, however, show no typical seismic characteristics for gas hydrates such as bottom-simulating reflectors in the western continental slope and ocean floor.

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Estimate on the Crustal Thickness from Using Multi-geophysical Data Sets and Its Comparison to Heat Flow Distribution of Korean Peninsula (다양한 지구물리 자료를 통해 얻은 한반도의 지각두께 예측과 지열류량과의 비교)

  • Choi, Soon-Young;Kim, Hyung-Rae;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Park, Chan-Hong;Suh, Man-Chul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • 제44권6호
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2011
  • We study the deep structure of Korean Peninsula by estimating Moho depth and crustal thickness from using land and oceanic topography and free-air gravity anomaly data. Based on Airy-Heiskanen isostatic hypothesis, the correlated components between the terrain gravity effects and free-air gravity anomalies by wavenumber correlation analysis(WCA) are extracted to estimate the gravity effects that will be resulted from isostatic compensation for the area. With the resulting compensated gravity estimates, Moho depth that is a subsurface between the crust and mantle is estimated by the inversion in an iterative method with the constraints of 20 seismic depth estimates by the receiver function analysis, to minimize the uncertainty of non-uniqueness. Consequently, the average of the resulting crustal thickness estimate of Korean Peninsula is 32.15 km and the standard deviation is 3.12 km. Moho depth of South Korea estimated from this study is compared with the ones from the previous studies, showing they are approximately consistent. And the aspects of Moho undulation from the respective study are in common deep along Taebaek Mountains and Sobaek Mountains and low depth in Gyeongsang Basin relatively. Also, it is discussed that the terrain decorrelated free-air gravity anomalies inferring from the intracrustal characteristics of the crust are compared to the heat flow distributions of South Korea. The low-frequency components of terrain decorrelated Free-air gravity anomalies are highly correlated with the heat flow data, especially in the area of Gyeongsang basin where high heat flow causes to decrease the density of the rocks in the lower crust resulting in lowering the Moho depth by compensation. This result confirms that the high heat sources in this area coming from the upper mantle by Kim et al. (2008).

Distribution and Species Prediction of Epilithic Diatom in the Geum River Basin, South Korea (금강권역 주요 하천의 돌 부착돌말류 분포 및 출현예측)

  • Cho, In-Hwan;Kim, Ha-Kyung;Choi, Man-Young;Kwon, Yong-Su;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Baik-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제48권3호
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    • pp.153-167
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    • 2015
  • In order to understand the relationship between the distribution of epilithic diatoms and the habitual environments, land-use, water qualities, and epilithic diatoms were studied at 141 sampling sites in the midwestern stream of Korean peninsula (Geum river, Mangyeong river, Dongjin river, and Sapgyo river). The total 183 diatom taxa was appeared in the study, while the dominant species were found to be Nitzschia palea (10.9%) and Achnanthes convergens (8.4%). Based on the abundance of epilithic diatoms, a cluster analysis results indicate that the sampling sites divided the sampling sites into 4 groups (G) at the 25% level. In term of geographic and aquatic environments, G-I and -II accounted for the upper and mid streams of the Geum river, and had large forest areas and good in water quality. G-III accounted for farmland and urban, and high concentration nutrient levels (TN and TP) and electric conductivity. G-IV accounted for mostly farmland, and high levels in turbidity, BOD, nutrient and electric conductivity. CCA results showed that the saproxenous taxa Meridion circulare was the indicator species of G-I, which strongly influenced by altitude and forests. In G-II, the indifferent taxa Navicula cryptocephala was influenced by Chl-a, AFDM, and DO. In G-III and -IV, the indifferent taxa Fragilaria elliptica and saprophilous taxa Aulacoseira ambigua were influenced by electric conductivity, turbidity, and nutrient counts. Meanwhile, random forest results showed that the predicting factor of indicator species appearance in G-I, -II, and -III was found to be electric conductivity whereas in G-IV it was found to be turbidity. Collectively, the distribution of diatoms in the midwestern of Korean peninsula was found to depend more on the land-use and its subsequent water qualities than the inherent characteristics of the aquatic environment.

Long-term forecasting reference evapotranspiration using statistically predicted temperature information (통계적 기온예측정보를 활용한 기준증발산량 장기예측)

  • Kim, Chul-Gyum;Lee, Jeongwoo;Lee, Jeong Eun;Kim, Hyeonjun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제54권12호
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    • pp.1243-1254
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    • 2021
  • For water resources operation or agricultural water management, it is important to accurately predict evapotranspiration for a long-term future over a seasonal or monthly basis. In this study, reference evapotranspiration forecast (up to 12 months in advance) was performed using statistically predicted monthly temperatures and temperature-based Hamon method for the Han River basin. First, the daily maximum and minimum temperature data for 15 meterological stations in the basin were derived by spatial-temporal downscaling the monthly temperature forecasts. The results of goodness-of-fit test for the downscaled temperature data at each site showed that the percent bias (PBIAS) ranged from 1.3 to 6.9%, the ratio of the root mean square error to the standard deviation of the observations (RSR) ranged from 0.22 to 0.27, the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) ranged from 0.93 to 0.95, and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) ranged from 0.97 to 0.98 for the monthly average daily maximum temperature. And for the monthly average daily minimum temperature, PBIAS was 7.8 to 44.7%, RSR was 0.21 to 0.25, NSE was 0.94 to 0.96, and r was 0.98 to 0.99. The difference by site was not large, and the downscaled results were similar to the observations. In the results of comparing the forecasted reference evapotranspiration calculated using the downscaled data with the observed values for the entire region, PBIAS was 2.2 to 5.4%, RSR was 0.21 to 0.28, NSE was 0.92 to 0.96, and r was 0.96 to 0.98, indicating a very high fit. Due to the characteristics of the statistical models and uncertainty in the downscaling process, the predicted reference evapotranspiration may slightly deviate from the observed value in some periods when temperatures completely different from the past are observed. However, considering that it is a forecast result for the future period, it will be sufficiently useful as information for the evaluation or operation of water resources in the future.

Origin and Reservoir Types of Abiotic Native Hydrogen in Continental Lithosphere (대륙 암석권에서 무기 자연 수소의 성인과 부존 형태)

  • Kim, Hyeong Soo
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.313-331
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    • 2022
  • Natural or native abiotic molecular hydrogen (H2) is a major component in natural gas, however yet its importance in the global energy sector's usage as clean and renewable energy is underestimated. Here we review the occurrence and geological settings of native hydrogen to demonstrate the much widesprease H2 occurrence in nature by comparison with previous estimations. Three main types of source rocks have been identified: (1) ultramafic rocks; (2) cratons comprising iron (Fe2+)-rich rocks; and (3) uranium-rich rocks. The rocks are closely associated with Precambrian crystalline basement and serpentinized ultramafic rocks from ophiolite and peridotite either at mid-ocean ridges or within continental margin(Zgonnik, 2020). Inorganic geological processes producing H2 in the source rocks include (a) the reduction of water during the oxidation of Fe2+ in minerals (e.g., olivine), (b) water splitting due to radioactive decay, (c) degassing of magma at low pressure, and (d) the reaction of water with surface radicals during mechanical breaking (e.g., fault) of silicate rocks. Native hydrogen are found as a free gas (51%), fluid inclusions in various rock types (29%), and dissolved gas in underground water (20%) (Zgonnik, 2020). Although research on H2 has not yet been carried out in Korea, the potential H2 reservoirs in the Gyeongsang Basin are highly probable based on geological and geochemical characteristics including occurrence of ultramafic rocks, inter-bedded basaltic layers and iron-copper deposits within thick sedimentary basin and igneous activities at an active continental margin during the Permian-Paleogene. The native hydrogen is expected to be clean and renewable energy source in the near future. Therefore it is clear that the origin and exploration of the native hydrogen, not yet been revealed by an integrated studies of rock-fluid interaction studies, are a field of special interest, regardless of the presence of economic native hydrogen reservoirs in Korea.