• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basin Area

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A Review on the Stratigraphy, Depositional Period, and Basin Evolution of the Bansong Group (반송층군의 층서, 퇴적시기, 분지 진화에 관한 고찰)

  • Younggi Choi;Seung-Ik Park;Taejin Choi
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2023
  • The Mesozoic Bansong Group, distributed along the NE-SW thrust fault zone of the Okcheon Fold Belt in the Danyang-Yeongwol-Jeongseon areas, contains important information on the two Mosozoic orogenic cycles in the Koran Peninsula, the Permian-Triassic Songrim Orogeny and the Jurassic Daebo Orogeny. This study aims to review previous studies on the stratigraphy, depositional period, and basin evolution of the Bansong Group and to suggest future research directions. The perspective on the implication of the Bansong Group in the context of the tectonic evolution of the Korean Peninsula is largely divided into two points of view. The traditional view assumes that it was deposited as a product of the post-collisional Songrim Orogeny and then subsequently deformed by the Daebo Orogeny. This interpretation is based on the stratigraphic, paleontologic, and structural geologic research carried out in the Danyang Coalfield area. On the other hand, recent research regards the Bansong Group as a product of syn-orogenic sedimentation during the Daebo Orogeny. This alternative view is based on the zircon U-Pb ages of pyroclastic rocks distributed in the Yeongwol area and their structural position. However, both models cannot comprehensively explain the paleontological and geochronological data derived from Bansong Group sediments. This suggests the need for a new basin evolution model integrated from multidisciplinary data obtained through sedimentology, structural geology, geochronology, petrology, and geochemistry studies.

Analysis of runoff reduction performance of permeable pavement and rain barrel in Mokgam stream basin and determination of installation priorities (목감천 유역 내 투수성포장과 빗물저류조의 유출량 저감 성능 분석 및 설치 우선 순위 결정)

  • Chae, Seung-Tak;Chung, Eun-Sung;Park, Inhwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.12
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    • pp.905-918
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to assess runoff reduction performance and determine installation priorities for Permeable Pavement (PP) and Rain Barrel (RB) within the Mokgam Stream basin. Optimal design parameters were determined to maximize the effectiveness of PP and RB in reducing runoff. Furthermore, the optimal parameters were incorporated to compare the runoff reduction performance of PP and RB. Analysis of the runoff curve at the basin outlet indicated that PP demonstrated superior performance in reducing runoff during the rising limb of the curve. At the same time, RB excelled within the falling limb. Comparisons of total runoff and peak runoff reduction by sub-catchment revealed that in larger sub-catchment areas, PP outperformed RB in runoff reduction. In contrast, RB exhibited higher performance in areas with a higher impervious ratio. Based on the evaluation of runoff reduction performance for PP and RB, installation priorities were determined within the Mokgam Stream basin. The results showed that PP and RB installations were prioritized for sub-catchments with larger areas and a higher impervious ratio. Furthermore, the correlation between the ranking of runoff reduction performance and sub-catchment characteristics showed a high correlation with both the impervious area ratio and sub-catchment geometrical properties in sub-watersheds exhibiting the top 25% runoff reduction performance. These results emphasize that when determining the priority for installing LID facilities in developed urban areas, it is necessary to consider not only the impervious area ratio but also the geometrical properties of the sub-catchment.

Study on Runoff Characteristics of Non-point Source in Rural Area of Seomjin Watershed (섬진강 유역 농촌지역의 비점오염원 배출특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park Sung-Chun;Oh Chang-Ryol;Jin Young-Hoon;Kim Dong-Soo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.1057-1062
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    • 2005
  • The present study investigated runoff characteristics of non-point pollutants and discharge load amount according to the land utilization in Yeinam river basin. The land utilization of target basin was divided into paddy field, dry field, forest, residential area and composition area. The study on the runoff characteristics of non-point pollutants by rainfall-runoff process showed that COD, SS and T-P had the first-flushing effect with relatively high concentration in early-stage of the rainfall-runoff process, but the T-P revealed similar runoff characteristics. Event Mean Concentration(EMC) of BOD and COD according to the land utilization revealed the range of $3.11\~15.50mg/L$ and $3.37\~33.42mg/L$, and the highest concentration of EMC corresponding to BOD and COD was detected in the paddy field. The EMC of SS showed $1.7\~305.02mg/L$ and it's highest concentration was found in the dry field. The EMC of T-N and T-P represented the highest concentration in the paddy field and dry field with range of $0.91\~8.76mg/L$ and $0.02\~0.44mg/L$.

Application of Common Land Model in the Nakdong River Basin, Korea for Simulation of Runoff and Land Surface Temperature (Common Land Model의 국내 적용성 평가를 위한 유량 및 지면온도 모의)

  • Lee, Keon Haeng;Choi, Hyun Il;Kwon, Hyun Han;Kim, Sangdan;Chung, Eu Gene;Kim, Kyunghyun
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.247-258
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    • 2013
  • A grid-based configuration of Land Surface Models (LSMs) coupled with a climate model can be advantageous in impact assessment of climate change for a large scale area. We assessed the applicability of Common Land Model (CoLM) to runoff and land surface temperature (LST) simulations at the domain that encompasses the Nakdong river basin. To establish a high resolution model configuration of a $1km{\times}1km$ grid size, both surface boundary condition and atmospheric inputs from the observed weather data in 2009 were adjusted to the same resolution. The Leaf Area Index (LAI) was collected from MODerate esolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the downward short wave flux was produced by a nonstationary multi-site weather state model. Compared with the observed runoffs at the stations on Nakdong river, simulated runoffs properly responded to rainfall. The spatial features and the seasonal variations of the domain fairly well were captured in the simulated LSTs as well. The monthly and seasonal trend of LST were described well compared to the observations, however, the monthly averaged simulated LST exceeded the observed up to $2^{\circ}C$ at the 24 stations. From the results of our study, it is shown that high resolution LSMs can be used to evaluate not only quantity but also quality of water resources as it can capture the geographical features of the area of interest and its rainfall-runoff response.

Estimating magnitude of suspended sediment transport in ungauged east coastal zone (미계측 동해안 유역의 토사유출 규모의 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sangeun;Kang, Sanghyeok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2018
  • Coastal sediment archives are used as indicators of changes on shore sediment production and fluvial sediment transport, but rivers crossing coastal plains may not be efficient conveyors of sediment to the coast. In some case there is a net loss of sediment in lower coastal plain reaches, so that sediment input from an upstream exceeds the sediment yield (SY) at the river mouth. The main source of sediment in coastal area is the load from land. In Korea, data on suspended SY are limited owing to a lack of logistic support for systematic sediment sampling activities. This paper presents an integrated approach to estimate SY for ungauged coastal basins, using a soil erosion model and a sediment delivery ratio (SDR) model. For applying the SDR model, a basin specific parameter was validated on the basis of field data. The proposed relationships may be considered useful for predicting suspended SY in ungauged basins that have geologic, climatic and hydrologic conditions similar to the study area.

Estimation Methods of Groundwater Recharge Rate in Small Basin (소유역의 지하수함양율 추정기법)

  • 박재성;김경호;전민우;김지수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 1999
  • It is necessary to estimate the groundwater recharge rate properly to predict the demand of groundwater and to establish the plan for the development of groundwater in the future. In this paper, A small basin in Chojung area is selected to calculate the groundwater recharge rate. In the calculation, water balance analysis, SCS-CN (Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number) method. groundwater-level analysis and hydrograph of outflow analysis are applied to this area. Data of precipitation measured by Chungju climatological station for about 10 years are used for water balance analysis and SCS-CN method. For the groundwater-level analysis. variations of groundwater-level measured from the 3 test wells in 1997's are used and stage-discharge rating curves in this area for 3 years are used for the hydrograph of outflow. The recharge rate calculated by water balance is 19%, 12.95% by SCS-CN method. 16.51% by groundwater-level analysis and 10.9% by hydrograph of outflow analysis and the overall average recharge rate is about 14.84%.

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Development of Regional Regression Model for Estimating Mean Low Flow in Ungauged Basins (미계측 유역 평균갈수량 산정을 위한 지역회귀모형의 개발)

  • Lee, Tae Hee;Lee, Min Ho;Yi, Jaeeung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to develop regional regression models to estimate mean low flow for ungauged basins. The unregulated streamflow data observed at 12 multipurpose dams and 4 irrigation dams were analyzed for determining mean low flows. Various types of regression models were developed using the relationship between mean low flows and various sets of watershed characteristics such as drainage area, average slope, drainage density, mean annual precipitation, runoff curve number. The performance of each regression model for estimating mean low flows was assessed by comparison with the results obtained from the observed data. It was found that a regional regression model explained by drainage area, the mean annual precipitation, and runoff curve number showed the best performance. The regression model presented in this study also gives better estimates of mean low flow than the estimates by the drainage-area ratio method and the previous regression model.

Enhanced Geothermal System Case Study: The Soultz Project (EGS 지열발전 연구사례: The Soultz Project)

  • Lee, Tae Jong;Song, Yoonho
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.561-571
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    • 2013
  • Various experiences on enhanced geothermal system (EGS) has been accumulated from the Soultz project through various scientific experiments and research activities for more than 20 years since it started in the year of 1984 until the 1.5 MW Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) binary power plant has been built up in Soultz-sous-$\hat{e}$ area, France. They have been applied to Cooper basin in Australia, Landau and Insheim in Germany and so forth. This report summaries the experiences from Soultz in the aspect of artificial reservoir creation, expecting to be helpful for reducing any trial and errors or unnecessary expenses in ongoing Korean EGS project in Pohang area, where the geological features are similar to Soultz area.

The Study on Ecological Function Assessment at Streams in Rural Area - The Focus of Han-River Basin - (농촌지역 소하천의 생태환경 평가 연구 - 한강유역 지류를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Bang-Hun;Kim, Nam-Choon;Son, Jin-Kwan;Kim, Mi-Heui;Cho, Seung-Jin;Rhee, Sang-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to produce basic planning criteria required in ecological restoration and improvement works of streams in rural area through the application of stream assessment methods (water quality, soil environment, and ecological function assessment) at 6 study sites of Han River basin. The investigation results were as followings; 1) There were the evaluation items like a manure use, salt degree, river peripheral tree, which did not fitted to apply to domestic streams, in the SVAP (Stream Visual Assessment Protocol) and NRCS Riparian Assessment that were evaluation models developed in USDA. The area inhabitants with a little knowledge and education personally seems to utilize the evaluation methods through improvement partly with an aspect that evaluation is slightly easy. 2) From the stream assessment results, the construction of diverse pools, large woody debris and isolated backwater pool are needed to improve a few of problems observed at the mostly study sites. The result of NRCS Riparian Assessment showed that the improvement of stream bank vegetative communities is needed by planting tree with deep-binding root masses, and managing of noxious weeds and exotic undesirable plants. 3) Summing up, the assessment results showed that the assessment scores were higher at upstream than downstream, the stream with totally maintenance than that with partly maintenance, the stream with slope bank than that with vertical bank, and the stream with a flood plain than that without a flood plain. So, the direction of stream maintenance projects must be set by consideration of those results.

The Effects of Geological Features on Forest Devastation in Kyungpook Province Area (지질(地質)이 경북(慶北) 산림황폐(山林荒廢)에 미친 영향(影響))

  • Son, Doo-Sik;Lee, Heon-Ho;Park, Sang-Jun;Jau, Jae-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1999
  • Forest devastation in Korea was caused by several factors such as internal factors from geological features and external factors from artificial forest damages including fuel wood collection from forests, forest fires, shifting cultivations and so on. According to the reports of 1935, lots of forest devastation in Kyungpook province area occurred around the main and branch stream of Nakdong river. Main factors of occurring forest devastation in 1935 were investigated by the methods of forest devastation rate and the population density at the basin of Nakdong river. But based on our study, forest devastation mainly occurred in rock zones of granite and granite gneiss, next to Nakdong formation but scarcely occurred in Hayang formation. Clay of the weathered soils of granite and granite gneiss was lost by rainfall, but remaining coarse-sandy soils(or grits) have poored conditions in vegetation's growth, which are due to high level of water permeability, lack of water-holding capacity and dried conditions. Generally, pine forests are mainly growing up in these regions. It is supposed that forest devastation was accelerated due to long periods of natural regeneration and no ability of natural regeneration by sprout after frequent collections of fuel wood and cuttings from pine forest on those grit areas. These results indicated that the high rate of forest devastation occurred around the basin with the high resident population density, which was partly due to forest damages by fuel collection. Moreover, both geological features and number of residents had much influence on forest devastation. Forest devastation was positively correlated with those variables(r=+0.73).

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