• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basic model

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A Study on the Development of an Instrument for Knowledge Contribution Assessment (조직 구성원의 지식기여도 평가 도구 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Na, Mi-Ja;Kym, Hyo-Gun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.113-135
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    • 2004
  • This paper defines appraisal items and weights of the items for the purpose of developing an appraisal instrument that objectively measures employee's effectiveness of knowledge contribution. Deductive research is used for the development of appraisal items and delphi method for the development of weights of the items. In the deductive research the term, "effectiveness of knowledge contribution" is first defined. Then knowledge contribution activities are classified as "dimension of explicit contribution" and " dimension of tacit contribution" due to the characteristics of knowledge. Each dimension is divided again by components. The dimension of explicit contribution is divided according to the content of knowledge, and the dimension of tacit contribution is divided according to the extent of tacitness of knowledge contribution. The total components of dimensions are 7. The dimension of explicit contribution is composed of factual knowledge and procedural knowledge. The factual knowledge is made up of "procedural knowledge outcome" and "other factual knowledge". The procedural knowledge is made up of "procedural knowledge manual" and "lessons-learned procedural knowledge". The dimension of tacit contribution is composed of "agency", "model" and "Q&A". The basic framework for measuring 7 components of knowledge contribution is quantitative and qualitative approach. This paper is premised on the assumption that the outcomes of employee's knowledge contribution activities are recorded in the knowledge management systems in order to evaluate them objectively. The appraisal items are defined as follows: at the dimension of explicit contribution, in quantitative approach, "the upload number" or "performance number", and in qualitative approach, other employee's "referred number" and other employee's "content and format satisfaction evaluation"; at the dimension of tacit contribution, "demanded number of performance" After the development of appraisal items by the deductive method, delphi method was used for the analysis of the weights of the items with the total degree of knowledge contribution, 100. This research does not include the standard marks of the appraisal items. It is because when companies apply this appraisal instrument, they could use their own standard appraisal marks of the appraisal items considering their present situations and companies' goals. Through this almost desert-like research about the appraisal instrument of employee's knowledge contribution effectiveness, it proposes a cornerstone in the research field of appraisal instrument, which provides a standard for employee's knowledge contribution appraisal, and appraisal items that make organizational knowledge to be managed more systemically in business sites.

A Study on Comparative Analysis of Socio-economic Impact Assessment Methods on Climate Change and Necessity of Application for Water Management (기후변화 대응을 위한 발전소 온배수 활용 양식업 경제성 분석)

  • Lee, Sangsin;Kim, Shang Moon;Um, Gi Jeung
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2011
  • In order to resolve the problem of change in global climate which is worsening as days go by and to preemptively cope with strengthened restriction on carbon emission, the government enacted 'Framework Act on Low Carbon Green Growth' in 2010 and selected green technology and green industry as new national growth engines. For this reason, the necessity to use the un-utilized waste heat across the whole industrial system has become an issue, and studies on and applications of recycling in the agricultural and fishery fields such as cultivation of tropical crops and flatfishes by utilizing the waste heat and thermal effluent generated by large industrial complexes including power plants are being actively carried out. In this study, we looked into the domestic and overseas examples of having utilized waste heat abandoned in the form of power plant thermal effluent, and carried out economic efficiency evaluation of sturgeon aquaculture utilizing thermal effluent of Yeongwol LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant in Gangwon-do. In this analysis, we analyzed the economic efficiency of a model business plan divided into three steps, starting from a small scale in order to minimize the investment risk and financial burden, which is then gradually expanded. The business operation period was assumed to be 10 years (2012~2021), and the NVP (Net Present Value) and economic efficiency (B/C) for the operation period (10 years) were estimated for different loan size by dividing the size of external loan by stage into 80% and 40% based on the basic statistics secured through a site survey. Through the result of analysis, we can see that reducing the size of the external loan is an important factor in securing greater economic efficiency as, while the B/C is 1.79 in the case the external loan is 80% of the total investment, it is presumed to be improved to 1.81 when the loan is 40%. As the findings of this study showed that the economic efficiency of sturgeon aquaculture utilizing thermal effluent of power plant can be secured, it is presumed that regional development project items with high added value can be derived though this, and, in addition, this study will greatly contribute to reinforcement of the capability of local governments to cope with climate change.

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Reliability Analysis on Firewater Supply Facilities based on the Probability Theory with Considering Common Cause Failures (소방수 공급설비에 대한 공통원인고장을 고려한 확률론적 신뢰도 분석)

  • Ko, Jae-Sun;Kim, Hyo
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.76-85
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    • 2003
  • In this study, we write down the definitions, their causes and the techniques of analysis as a theoretical consideration of common cause failures, and investigate the limitation and the importance of the common cause failures by applying to the analysis on the fire protection as a representative safety facility. As you can know in the reliability analysis, most impressive cause is the malfunctions of pumping operations; especially the common cause failure of two pumps is dominant. In other words, it is possible to assess system-reliability as twice as actual without CCF From these, CCF is extraordinarily important and the results are highly dependent on the CCF factor. And although it would increase with multiple installations, the reliability are not defined as linear with those multiplications. In addition, the differences in results due to the models for analysis are not significant, whereas the various sources of data produce highly different results. Therefore, we conclude that the reliabilities are dependent on the quality of the usable data much better than the variety of models. As a result, the basic and engineering device for the preventions of CCF of the multiple facilities is to design it as reliably as to design the fire-water pump. That is to say, we must assess those reliabilities using PFD whether they are appropriate to SIL (Safety Integrity Level) which is required for the reliability in SIS (Safety Instrumented System). The result of the analysis on the reliability of the fire-water supply with CCF shows that PFD is 3.80E-3, so that it cannot be said to be designed as safely as in the level of SIL5. However, without CCF, PFD is 1.82E-3 which means that they are designed as unsafely as before.

Numerical and Experimental Study on the Coal Reaction in an Entrained Flow Gasifier (습식분류층 석탄가스화기 수치해석 및 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Hey-Suk;Choi, Seung-Hee;Hwang, Min-Jung;Song, Woo-Young;Shin, Mi-Soo;Jang, Dong-Soon;Yun, Sang-June;Choi, Young-Chan;Lee, Gae-Goo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2010
  • The numerical modeling of a coal gasification reaction occurring in an entrained flow coal gasifier is presented in this study. The purposes of this study are to develop a reliable evaluation method of coal gasifier not only for the basic design but also further system operation optimization using a CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) method. The coal gasification reaction consists of a series of reaction processes such as water evaporation, coal devolatilization, heterogeneous char reactions, and coal-off gaseous reaction in two-phase, turbulent and radiation participating media. Both numerical and experimental studies are made for the 1.0 ton/day entrained flow coal gasifier installed in the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER). The comprehensive computer program in this study is made basically using commercial CFD program by implementing several subroutines necessary for gasification process, which include Eddy-Breakup model together with the harmonic mean approach for turbulent reaction. Further Lagrangian approach in particle trajectory is adopted with the consideration of turbulent effect caused by the non-linearity of drag force, etc. The program developed is successfully evaluated against experimental data such as profiles of temperature and gaseous species concentration together with the cold gas efficiency. Further intensive investigation has been made in terms of the size distribution of pulverized coal particle, the slurry concentration, and the design parameters of gasifier. These parameters considered in this study are compared and evaluated each other through the calculated syngas production rate and cold gas efficiency, appearing to directly affect gasification performance. Considering the complexity of entrained coal gasification, even if the results of this study looks physically reasonable and consistent in parametric study, more efforts of elaborating modeling together with the systematic evaluation against experimental data are necessary for the development of an reliable design tool using CFD method.

Legal Relations of the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Air (국제항공화물운송계약(國際航空貨物運送契約)의 법률관계(法律關係) -화주(貨主)의 권리의무(權利義務)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.1
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    • pp.193-222
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to review the rights and duties of cargo owners, the party to the contract of international carriage of goods by air under the Warsaw Convention System and the IATA conditions. It is generally known that air freight is the most-cost mode of transportation. However, should there be considerations of total distribution cost, the use of air freight leads exporters to be advantageous in physical distribution. The Warsaw Convention System defined and limited the rights and duties of cargo owners and air carriers paticipating in the international carriage of goods, but it does not regulate every aspect of air transportation. Therefore, the unregulated parts are governed by national laws and by individual contracts of carriage. The International Air Transport Association(lATA), a worldwide organization of airlines, has formulated model conditions of contract for the carriage of cargo. These models are not uniformly followed but they serve as a basis for many of the individual standard form of contracts prepared by air carriers. The contract of air carriage of goods is a contract of adhesion, 'the consignor recognizing and accepting the conditions laid down by the carrier'. There are consignors and carriers as the parties to the contract of international carriage of goods. In addition to his basic right, implied in Warsaw Convention Article 18 and 19, to require devery of the goods in good condition and at the date agreed upon, the consignor has the right to dispose the goods in the course of the journey up to the moment when the consignee is entitled to require delivery. If it is impossible to carry out the orders of the consignor, the carrier must so inform him forthwith. The right conferred on the consignor ceases at the moment when that of the consignee begins in accordance with Warsaw Convention Article 13. Nevertheless, if the consignee declines to accept the air waybill or the goods, or if he cannot be communicated with, the consignor resumes his right of disposition. Unless it is otherwise agreed, it is the duty of the carrier to give notice to the consignee as soon as the goods arrive. The consignee is entitled, on arrival of the goods at the place of destination, to require the carrier to hand over to him the air waybill and to deliver the goods to him, on payment of the charges due and on complying with the conditions of carriage set out in the air waybill. The air waybill is supposed to be made out by the consignor. If the carrier makes it out, he is deemed, subject to proof to the contrary, to have done so on behalf of the consignor, whether there is one air waybill or several, each must be made out in three original parts. The first is for the carrier, the second is for the consignee, and the the third is handed to the consignor when the shipment has been accepted. The consignor is responsible for the correctness of the particulars and statement concerning the cargo appearing in the air waybill. Each of the original parts of the air waybill has evidential value and possession of his part is a condition for the exercise by the consignor or consignee of his rights under the contract of carriage. Hague Protocol set forth in Article 9 that nothing in this. Convention prevents the issue of a negotiable air waybill, but Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4 deleted this article. All charges applicable to a shipment are payable in cash at the time of acceptance thereof by the carrier in case of a prepaid shipment or at the time of delivery thereof by the carrier in case of a collect shipment. The carrier shall have lien the cargo for unpaid charges and, in the event of non-payment thereof, shall have the right to dispose of the cargo at public or private sale and pay itself out of the proceeds of such sale any and all such amounts. In conclusion, the Warsaw Convention System has the character of ambiguity in various respects, not only in the part of the forms of documents but also in conditions of contract. Accordingly, the following propositions might be considered: (1) If the carrier does not obey the orders of the consignor for the disposition of the goods without proper reasons, he will be liable strictly for any damage which may be caused thereby to the cargo owner. The special agreement and carrier's conditions of carriage which limit unreasonably the consignor's right of disposition of the goods will be nullified. (2) The instrument of the Warsaw Convention System which is not yet in force(Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4) would considerably simplfy the processing and keeping of computerized records of the carriage. Until this instrument enters into force, the airlines will be faced with practical problems preventing them to substitute computerized data processing techniques for the formal issuance of the documents. Accordingly, Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4 should become effective as soon as posisble. From a practical point of view in the international trade, the issuance of negotiable air waybill should be permitted for the security of the bank.

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Appling Nursing Theory to Clinical Practice of Home Health Care (가정간호실무에 적용가능한 이론적틀)

  • Woo, Seon-Hye
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2004
  • The home health care industry has grown rapidly and can be expected to continue to grow in the foreseeable future. Home health care refers to the practice of nursing applied to clients with a health condition in the clients place of residence. clients and their designated care givers are the focus at home health nursing practice. The goal of care is to initiate. manage and evaluate the resources needed to promote the clients optimal level of well-being and function. Nursing activities necessary to achieve this goal may warrant preventive maintenance and restorative emphases to prevent potential problems from developing. Many project program were suggested home health care model for Korea's health care system and policy direction for expansion and establishment of home health care .But the aim of this paper is to provide on overview for theoretical frame work in home health care. Theories and conceptual frameworks or models are important nursing because they define and guide the boundaries of professional practice and identify key nurse-patient-caregiver relationships that emerge with caring. Following is the research with an investigation of the literature review in the University of Arizona international medline database, In conclusion, are as followers: First, many nursing theorists have had a tremendous impact on nursing practice. the following highlights those nursing theorists that are particularly helpful in understanding home health care. 1. Florence Nightingale : Our earliest theoretical legacy. Nightingale's believes are reflected in basic infection control practice such as hand washing and infectious waste disposal and are key nursing interventions in home care. 2. Martha Roger's :Science of unitary human beings theory. Rorger's believed that the focus of shared. non invasive healing modelities is the human environmental field rather than direct physical care. These modelities continue to evolve as our awareness (reflecting greater diversity, faster rhythms, motions, and ways of knowing) transcends time and space, allowing individuals to get in touch with their integral nature of unbroken wholeness. On people as ever changing energy fields have special relevance in home care especially with hospice and palliative care applications. 3. Madeline Leininger's; Transcultural nursing theory. Home care nurses move through a variety of communities and often care for patients from different cultural back grounds. Therefore Leininger's work has a good that with home care because home care nursing practice is very culturally focused. 4. Dorothea Orem's : Self care deficit theory. Orem's theory views care as something to be performed by both nurses and patients. The role of the nurse is to provide education and support that help patients acquire the necessary activities to perform self-care. Orem's theory is foundational to have care because it begins to truly acknowledge the role of the patient in managing his or her own health. which is referred to as self-care. 5. Margaret Neuman's; Health as expending consciousness theory. Neuman believes that health compasses disease and reflects an underlying pattern of person-environment interaction. A key application of 'Neuman's work to home care is for nurses to understand that health and illness do not necessarily exist at opposite ends of a continuum. 6. Jean Watson's: Theory of human caring. Watson's theory of human caring in nursing proposes human caring as the moral ideal of nursing. Nurses participate human caring to protect, enhance and preserve humanity by assisting individuals to fing meaning in illness. pain and existence and to help others gain self knowledge. self control. and self healing such thinking lends richness to theory development. as well as clinical practice in home care. Second, Robin Rice : Dynamic self determination for self care. (A theoretical framework for home care) Dynamical self determination for self care can be useful to home care nurses in a variety of ways. As research tool it can be reflected in the interview process when the home visit. The home care nurse's role is that of facilitator of patient self-determination for self care through numerous strategies. including patient education and case management.

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Teachers' Recognition on the Optimization of the Educational Contents of Clothing and Textiles in Practical Arts or Technology.Home Economics (실과 및 기술.가정 교과에서 의생활 교육내용의 적정성에 대한 교사의 인식)

  • Baek Seung-Hee;Han Young-Sook;Lee Hye-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.3 s.41
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    • pp.97-117
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the teachers' recognition on the optimization of the educational contents of Clothing & Textiles in subjects of :he Practical Arts or the Technology & Home Economics in the course of elementary, middle and high schools. The statistical data for this research were collected from 203 questionnaires of teachers who work on elementary, middle and high schools. Mean. standard deviation, percentage were calculated using SPSS/WIN 12.0 program. Also. these materials were verified by t-test, One-way ANOVA and post verification Duncan. The results were as follows; First, The equipment ratio of practice laboratory were about 24% and very poor in elementary schools but those of middle and high school were 97% and 78% each and higher than elementary schools. Second, More than 50% of teachers recognized the amount of learning 'proper'. The elementary school teachers recognized the mount of learning in 'operating sewing machines' too heavy especially, the same as middle school teachers in 'making shorts': the same as high school teachers in 'making tablecloth and curtain' and 'making pillow cover or bag'. Third, All of the elementary, middle and high school teachers recognized the levels of total contents of clothing and textiles 'common'. The 80% of elementary school teachers recognized 'operating sewing machines' and 'making cushions' difficult especially. The same as middle school teachers in 'hand knitting handbag by crochet hoop needle', 'the various kinds of cloth' and 'making short pants'. The same as high school teachers in 'making tablecloth or curtain'. Fourth, Elementary school teachers recognized 'practicing basic hand needlework' and 'making pouch using hand needlework' important in the degree of educational contents importance. Middle school teachers recognized 'making short pants unimportant. High school teachers considered the contents focusing on practice such as 'making tablecloth and curtain' and 'making pillow cover or bags' unimportant. My suggestions were as follows; Both laboratories and facilities for practice should be established for making clothing and textiles lessons effective in Practical Arts in elementary schools. The 'operating sewing machines' which were considered difficult should be dealt in upper grade, re-conditioning to easier or omitted. The practical contents should be changed to student-activity-oriented and should be recomposed in order to familiar with students' living. It was needed to various and sufficient supports for increasing the teachers' practical abilities.

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CO2 Fixation by Magnesium Hydroxide from Ferro-Nickel Slag (페로니켈 슬래그로 부터 제조된 Mg(OH)2를 이용한 CO2 고정화)

  • Song, Hao-Yang;Seo, Jong-Beom;Kang, Seong-Kuy;Kim, In-Deuk;Choi, Bong-Wook;Oh, Kwang-Joong
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the Mg(OH)2 slurry was made form ferro-nickel slag and then used for CO2 sequestration. The experiments were in the order as leaching step, precipitation, carbonation experiments. According to the leaching results, the optimal leaching conditions were H2SO4 concentration of 1 M and the temperature of 333 K. In the Mg(OH)2 manufacturing step, NaOH was added to increase the pH upto 8, the first precipitation was confirmed as Fe2O3. After removal the first precipitation, the pH was upto 11, the Mg(OH)2 was generated by XRD analysis. The Mg(OH)2 slurry was used for CO2 sequestration. The pseudo-second-order carbonation model was used to apply for CO2 sequestration. The CO2 sequestration rate was increased by the CO2 partial pressure and temperature. However, CO2 sequestration rate was decreased when temperature upto 323 K. After CO2 sequestrated by Mg(OH)2, the CO2 can be sequestrated stable as MgCO3. This study also presented optimal sequestration condition was the pH upto 8.38, the maximum MgCO3 can be generated. This study can be used as the basic material for CO2 sequestration by ferro-nickel slag at pilot scale in the future.

The Impact of Education-Orientation on Technology Innovation and Company Outcome : Focusing on Korean Companies in China (기업의 교육지향성이 기술혁신과 기업성과에 미치는 영향 : 대 중국 투자 한국기업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung Hoon;Lim, Young Taek
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.231-249
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    • 2014
  • We define 21st century as an amalgamation of globalization and localization, or Glocalization. Additionally, due to the increasing supply of smart phones and wide usage of social networking services, the ability to utilize such global and regional information has increased a coperation's competitiveness in its market, and even the business models have evolved from the conventional "production and distribution" to E-commerce, through which either a direct or a non-direct transaction is possible. My hypothesis is that the ability to adapt to this trend is possible through transfer of learning, and consequently, this will have an impact on company's performance. Thus, this thesis analyzes the mid- to the long-term impact of such ability and environmental factors on the performance and technology innovation of Korean companies in China. Ultimately, this study intends to engender a basic foundation for a corporation's management strategy in China. Finally this research focuses on those Korean companies in China only and on the proof of influential factors' impact on technological innovation and technological innovation's impact on those corporations' future performances. Section I is an abstract and section II, the case examines the uniqueness and current status of Korean companies in China identifies the concept and the definition of influential factors such as education-orientation, technological innovation, and performance, and then scrutinizes each factors through a closer look at their past researches. Section III explains the thesis model, the survey's method and target, the thesis, variable factors, the content, and the method of analysis. In section IV, the thesis is proved based on the outcome of the survey. The result in Section V highlights the high comprehension of technological innovation: both education-orientation and technological innovation prove to have a positive (+) correlation with the performance. The vision on education orientation proves to have a positive (+) influence on technological innovation. The vision on education-orientation and technological innovation prove to have a positive (+) influence individually on company's performance.

Examination of Generating Mechanism Concerning Father's Participation in Child-rearing (맞벌이 가정 부친의 육아참가 발생과정)

  • Park, Ji-Sun;Kondo, Rie;Kim, Jung-Suk;Sasai, Tsukasa;Takahashi, Shigesato;Park, Chun-Man;Nakajima, Kazuo
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: This purpose of this study was to make clear the fitness to data of the causality model related to father's child-rearing participation in a double-income household. Methods: Subjects of this survey consisted of the fathers of 2,006 households that use 21 day-care centers and 4 kindergartens whose cooperation was received via the city government departments that have jurisdiction over day-care centers and kindergartens in cities A and B in prefecture I and in city C in prefecture II (city A: 499 households; city B: 1,113 households; city C: 988 households). The surveyed items consisted of the father's age, the father's educational history, the number of children, the age of the youngest child, the father's parental-role awareness, the father's daily working hours, the father's return-home time, and child-rearing participation by the father. Results: The fit indices were found to be CFI = 0.912, GFI = 0.948, and RMSEA = 0.082. Regarding the path coefficients, the path coefficient of the pathway from the age of the youngest child to the father's parent positivity (0.08) and the path coefficient of the pathway from the father's parent positivity to child-rearing participation (0.19) were both at statistically significant levels. Also, the father's return-home time and the working hours, which were considered as disincentives exhibited a direct effect on child-rearing participation without being influenced by the father's parent positivity or parent negativity. The path coefficient of the pathway from return-home time to child-rearing participation was -0.43, and the path coefficient of the pathway from working hours to child-rearing participation was -0.13. The value of the path coefficient expressing the relationship between the return-home time and working hours was 0.80. Conclusion: Authors infered that it'll be the basic material to build a generation mechanism about vanity and father's child-rearing participation appropriately as a result of this research.