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Studies on Host-Virus Interaction of Poxviruses 1. Cytochemical, Autoradiographic and Immunocytological Analysis in Cowpox Virus-FL Cell System (Poxvirus 감염(感染)에 있어서의 Virus-숙주세포(宿主細胞)의 상호관계(相互關係) 1. Cowpox Virus-FL 세포계(細胞系)의 세포화학적(細胞化學的) Autoradiography 및 세포면역학적해석(細胞免疫學的解析))

  • Kim, Uh Ho
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 1975
  • The poxvirus group is considered to be a typical cytoplasmic inclusion forming virus. Every poxvirus has been reported to produce only one kind of inclusion in the infected tissues. A vague concept that inclusions of poxviruses are eosinophilic or acidophilic has prevailed. Although many papers and theories about the nature of the inclusion have been presented, most of them are not quite convincing on the point of the relations with virus multiplication, and an analysis of papers published showed that there seem to be many discrepancies in the descriptions of the nature of the poxvirus inclusions. Comparative studies on host-virus interaction with cowpox, orf, swinepox and fowlpox viruses which selected from each Group (I-IV) of poxviruses were performed from the morphological and virological standpoints. At first, in cowpox virus-FL cell system, as a comparative model, cytoplasmic inclusion, nucleic acid metabolism by autoradiography and detection of viral antigen by immunofluorescence were studied and obtained the results as follows: 1. The focus-like cytopathic effect (CPE) at early stage developed to entire culture at terminal stage of infection, and also the developing status of CPE was correlated to viral doses for inoculation. Two kinds of cytoplasmic inclusions which named A and B type were easily observed by Giemsa, hematoxylin-eosin (H & E) and May-Greenwald Giemsa (MGG) stainings in the infected cells. The B type inclusions were formed at early stage of infection and the A type inclusions were produced subsequently the B type formation. The B type which common type inclusion in poxviruses was a small compact or aggregate at early stage and developed to a large diffuse body at terminal stage of infection. On the other hand, the A type inclusion which depend upon the kind of virus was appeared as round and discrete shape, and its size and number was increased gradually during the culture period. It was characteristic to form distinct halos around the both types of inclusions in acid fixed, H & E stained preparations of infected cultures. The B type inclusion was always positive in Feulgen reaction and showed as DNA containing body but the A type inclusion was not. 2. In the relationship between inclusion and DNA metabolism of infected cells by the qualitative autoradiography using 3H-thymidine, the appearance of silver grains was coincided with B type inclusion but not with A type inclusion. This showed that the DNA synthesis was proceeded in all B type inclusions except those in the terminal stage with a diffuse form. This suggested that the B type inclusions are only sites of DNA synthesis and this was proceeded after the cell infection independently. The activity of DNA synthesis of the inclusions was nearly the same as that of the nucleic of normal cells and non-inclusion bearing cells. and non-inclusion bearing cells. Regardless of the size of the degree of DNA synthesis of the B type inclusion, inclusion bearing cells all showed remarkable suppression of nuclear DNA synthesis. 3. By the direct fluorescent antibody technique viral antigen in infected cells was detected. The B type inclusions have been proved to contain a great deal of viral antigen, whereas the basic substance of A type inclusion did not show antigenicity except the round edge. It was suggested that the round edge fluorescence might be caused by the glare of cytoplasmic viral antigen which pushed out and concentrated by the A type inclusion development. 4. Hemorrhagic red pock formations on chorioallantoic membrane of embryonated chicken egg had proved the characteristic of used viral strain. 5. By the above studies on the nature of two types of inclusions and the role they play in virus multiplication, it was concluded that the B type inclusion must be the site of the synthesis of viral DNA and protein as well as the site of the virus.

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A Study on the Factors that Affect the Investment Behavior in Financial Investment Products : Focused on the Effect of Adjustment in Investment Consulting Service (금융투자상품 투자행동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 투자상담서비스의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kye Woung;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2014
  • This study is aimed at analyzing the factors that affect the behaviors of employee's investment, such as a decision making process in a variety of views and proving the extent of how those factors influence on their investment. The basic assumption is that the preceding factors that can be determined by the personal investment propensity, a psychological factor asserted by Behavior Financial Theory and financial-economic and social environment. This study uses Hershey's Investment Behavior Model(2007) as the main analysis tool to explain the investment behavior of individuals and deals with personal investment inclination in the psychological perspective of overconfidence, self-control and the risk tolerance propensity and add the financial and economic factors in terms of financial literacy and economic distress. Also the new preceding social environmental factors like social interaction and the effect of reference group are added to make this research to be more precise. This study analyze the adjustment effect of professional invest-consulting service that affect the fluctuation influence between the individual variables(those factors) and subordination variable(the level of investment satisfaction). The study reveals that overconfidence and self-control in direct ways have a positive effect on the level of investment satisfaction in terms of investment behavior and economic distress has a negative effect on the level of investment satisfaction. The adjustment effect provided by financial experts in investment consulting service is affirmed as the critical factor that increase the influence between self-control and the level of investment satisfaction. To conclude, the research reveals that the psychological factors are the main criteria when the workers as employees have to make investment decisions. To make investors be reasonable, a systematic financial education system provided by experts is needed from the early adolescent stages and financial companies should develop the relevant services of consulting service department as a key financial sector and financial investment products and consulting program and marketing tool pertinent to investors ages, vocational traits and their inclinations.

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Philosophic Investigation of the 'Ghi(氣)' Phenomena ('기(氣)' 현상에 대한 철학적 고찰)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.50-67
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    • 1998
  • When recognition of the Ghi(氣) which exist in all things, is changed on the aspects of the science of nursing, the view of health and nursing will be more efficient and can be developed as the proper concept for Korean culture. I think it is nessary to confirm which philosophical basis of the will be applicable to nursing and how to it has to be developed. Therefore I can for the research of the Ghi phenomena to attain the Thoughts of philosophy that is appropriate to expound those phenomena. And I attempt to induct "the fusion of horizons" to unify the view of the I world between Korea and the West. The Ghi is very energetic and omnipresent among the universe, Nature, and the human being. So it can organize all the primary elements of mental and I physical function of human as like life, mind, breath, feeling, energy, etc. A general concept of the Ghi is described as follows ; (1) The Ghi is the origin and essence to organize the universe, Nature, and the human being. (2) It is the perpetually movable thing. (3) And there are continuous transmission between the Ghi of the universe and the human through 'body, mind, and soul. For review on the philosophic basis of the Ghi, I studied out the identity of the doctrine of Li and Ch'i(理氣論) in the field of philosophy of Korea and the West. In Korea, the concept of the Vigor is based on Ch'i monolism(기일원론) and Li Ch'i dualism (이기이원론) of Yul-gok Lee's, Toi-kye Lee's, Hwa-dam's, and/or Hekang's. These are indispensable for the view of the world of Korea as Metaphysical ideology, Concrete science, Materialism, Ontology, and Epistemology. From the viewpoint of the philosophy of the West, the doctrine of Li and Ch'i(이기론) of Korea is identical with the doctrine of Li and Ch'i(이기론) of Joo-ja, Idea of Plato, Metaphysics of Aristotle, World Spirit(Weltgeist) of Hegel, and Existentialism of Heidegger. In the nursing theory of the West, some of them referred to the Ghi as like Energy field theory of Rogers and Energy exchange of Neuman. Though there are different in terminology, "energy" and the "Ghi" are induced comparable therapeutic action between the human and the environments. With the nursing theory of Korea, I have made an attempt to compare the Ghi with metaparadigm of nursing-the human being, the environment, the health, and the nursing. For the most part, the alternative therapy is resonable to the frame of the nursing theory of Korea. It is easy to apply alternative therapy on the every spot of nursing. So this therapy could be a kind of forms as nursing therapy in the nursing centers where take the duties of supporting in local societies. In result, independent nursing intervention will be activated by the nurse who puts up with the major parts. It is available to apply this therapy to palliation of pain, insomnia of infant, Sanhujori (산후조리), pain of menstruation, arthritis. And the alternative therapy makes it possible to propose the nursing model which represent originality, tradition, and history of the nursing of Korea. Additionally, in the field of the nursing, it is indispensable to choose a suitable methodology which is considered whether it is matched with a theory of philosophy in the boundary and object of the research. Because there are many way to get the knowledge of nursing related to the Ghi. In the science of nursing, context of sociocultural background and frame are required to understand the person who need to take care of (nursing client). But the value systems of the West and the East are distinctive each other as well as the behavior of health persuance. Therefore it is the basic research data of great worth to review philosophical the Ghi phenomena which is well known to Korean.

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Awareness and Need as Factors in an Incremental Oral Health Care Program for Korean Adults (일부 성인의 계속구강관리프로그램 인식과 요구도)

  • Jang, Ho-Yeol;Lee, Su-Ryeon;Lee, Yun-Ji;Lee, Soo-Bin;Lee, Ha-Neul;Lee, Hye-Bin;Hwang, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.442-448
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    • 2016
  • Dental caries and periodontal disease are considered to be chronic, but can be prevented through an incremental oral health program covering all ages. The National Oral Health Program for adults provides oral health exam and scaling, and is covered by national health insurance for those over 20 years of age in Korea. The aim of this study was to collect basic data for developing an oral health program for adults by identifying factors related to awareness and need. The data were obtained by convenience sampling of 303 subjects. The use of dental plaque disclosing agents affected tooth brushing frequency, toothbrushing time and use of oral auxiliary devices. Education on toothbrushing methods affected toothbrushing time and use of oral auxiliary devices. Of those surveyed, 93.1% replied that an incremental oral health program for adults was needed, and 68.0% intended to participate. In a regression model, the factors that had an effect on the perceived need for an oral health program were education level, use of oral hygiene auxiliary devices, and toothbrushing time, and the factors affecting intent to participate were education for prevention of periodontal disease and the use of oral hygiene auxiliary devices. The subjects stated that the following oral health programs were needed: an oral bacteria exam (74.3%), toothbrushing education (71.6%), a bad breath exam (69.3%), education on use of oral hygiene auxiliary devices (46.9%), a dental plaque exam (42.9%) and a saliva exam (37.6%). Oral health education appears to be an important factor for participation in an incremental oral health program.

The Relationship among Country of Origin, Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty: Comparison among USA, China and Korea (원산지효과, 상표자산 및 상표충성 간의 관계에 관한 연구: 미국, 중국, 한국의 비교분석)

  • Ko, Eun-Ju;Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Kim, Sook-Hyun;Li, Guo-Feng;Zou, Peng;Zhang, Hao
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2009
  • The marketing environment has become competitive to an extent that requires firms to target their products at markets that span national boundaries. However, competitive clout cannot be achieved in global consumer markets unless firms thoroughly understand and adequately respond to the core values and needs of those consumers. Brand equity is one of the most important assets to a company. Especially in sportswear markets, brand equity is the crucial value added to a product by its brand name. Factors such as country of origin also influence customer's attitude towards brand equity. Therefore, this paper discusses the relationship between country of origin effect and brand equity, and how they influence consumers' loyalty for respective brands. This paper focused on the sports shoes market, because it is an increasing area of opportunity for world manufacturers. The objectives of this study were the following. (1) Test the effect of country of origin on brand equity. (2) Test how brand equity influences consumers' brand loyalty. (3) Find whether there are differences in the effects of country of origin and brand equity among the three countries. (4) Find whether there are differences in the effects of country of origin and brand equity among the different lifestyles. Based on the review of literature results, the hypotheses are concluded as the following: H1-a: Country image has positive influence on country of origin. H1-b: Product perception has positive influence on country of origin. H2-a: Perceived quality has positive effect on brand equity. H2-b: Perceived price has positive effect on brand equity. H3: Country of origin has positive effect on brand equity. H4: Brand equity has a positive impact on brand loyalty. Research model was constructed (see Fig. 1). After data analysis, the following results were concluded: sports shoes purchase behavior showed significant differences among Korean, Chinese, and American consumers for favorite brand, purchased brand, purchased place, information usage, and favorite sports games. The results of this study also extend the research of the relationship among country of origin, brand equity and brand loyalty to the sports shoes market. Brand equity was proven to have a significant relationship with brand loyalty for all countries. The factors which can influence brand equity are different for different countries. The third finding of this paper is that we identified different three lifestyles, adventurer, follower, and laggard, for Korean, Chinese and American consumers. Without the nationality boundary, seeing the emergence of a new group of consumers who have similar preferences and buy similar brands is more important. All of the consumers consider brand equity to keep their brand loyalty. Perceived price is the only factor which can influence brand equity for adventurers; brand is more important for them. The laggards were not influenced by any factor. All of the factors expect perceived price are important for the followers. Marketing managers should consider brand equity when introducing their brand into a new market. Also localization is the basic strategy that all the sports shoes companies should understand. But as a global brand, understanding the same characteristics for each country is more important to build global strategy.

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Effects of PGA-LM on CD4+CD25+foxp3+ Treg Cell Activation in Isolated CD4+ T Cells in NC/Nga Mice (NC/Nga 생쥐에서 분리한 T 세포에서 foxp3+ 세포 활성화에 대한 PGA-LM의 효과)

  • Jang, Soon-Nam;Kim, Kum-Lan;Kang, Sang-Mo
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.160-169
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    • 2009
  • Poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA) was mixed natural flora of Bacillus subtilis, contaminated from cooked soybeans. Also, it was performed to find out the antiallergic activity by using NC/Nga mice, in vitro. The γ-PGA (PGA-HM : PGA-high molecular weight), Molecular weight 300 kDa, was decomposed and made PGA-LM (PGA-low molecular weight) which has molecular weight below 30 kDa by sonication. Therefore, it was same result between PGA-HM and PGA-LM, and reported PGA-LM as basic result. We found that PGA-LM contains antiallergic efficacy that inhibit B cells and Th2 cells activation from isolated CD4+T cells in NC/Nga atopic dermatitis model mice, and not show a cytotoxicity in the hFCs. To investigate the effects of these PGA-LM in vitro, isolation of splenic B cell and CD4+ T cells in atopic dermatitis mice were used. To elucidate the role of PGA-LM in anti-CD40+ interleukin-4 (IL-4)-mediated B-cell activation, showed that the capacity of B cells to expression IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α mRNA down-regulated, and IL-10 mRNA up-regulation by PGA-LM treatment, but it had no effect on TGF-β expression. In addition to CD4+IFN-γ+ and CD4+CD25+foxp3+, the functions of PGA-LM in the development of the CD4+CD25+foxp3+ and CD4+IFN-γ+cells, the phenotype and functions of PGA-LM induced CD4+CD25+foxp3+, and CD4+IFN-γ+cells in CD4+T cells. These results suggested that PGA-LM could change cytokine production and generate CD4+CD25+foxp3+ Tregs in NC/Nga mice, and may be effective for immunotherapy in patients with AD.

The research of promotion plan about regional design innovation center - focusing on the establishment and roll - (지역디자인 혁신센터의 활성화 방안에 대한 연구 - 설립과 역할(활동)을 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, Young-Tae
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.4 s.62
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is the activation proposal about the local design innovation center that was established as a national design policy For this proposal, I have to research about the established process of local design innovation center and then, I analyzed the present condition of local design innovation center for the promoting plan. As a result, we must establish three basic elements to activate the local design center. the first, we have to know the local characteristic. the second, we have to make up the management direction of local design center the third, we have to get the sympathy from the local administration and local people for the positive support. With above conditions, the local design innovation center have to arrange infra elements. (1) design developing facilities for the lending to the local designer, (2) professional designer for the developing of design industry, (3) program development for various activities, (4) the trend research for supply to local company, (5) design one stop service support, (6) the network foundation construction between design administration and design company for the active communication, (7) the innovation of design center for the benefit model, (8) the local design policy establishment with local administration, (9) the independent management of responsibility for the fulfillment For the promotion of the local design innovation center have to make efforts continually with below listed elements. 1. Design supporting for the local industry 2. Various design campaign for the spreading of public recognition about design 3. The supporting for design company and local company with established facilities and expensive equipments. 4. The construction of design information infra for local company 5. The development of new program about the connection between industry and university. 6. The development of local characteristic and local image innovation to make new local where we are.

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Development of cardiopulmonary resuscitation nursing education program of web-based instruction (웹 기반의 심폐소생술 간호교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Sin, Hae-Won;Hong, Hae-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a web-based instruction Program(WBI) to help nurses improving their knowledge and skill of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Using the model of web-based instruction(WBI) program designed by Rhu(1999), this study was carried out during February-April 2002 in five different steps; analysis, design, data collection and reconstruction, programming and publishing, and evaluation. The results of the study were as follows; 1) The goal of this program was focused on improving accuracy of knowledge and skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The program texts consists of the concepts and importances of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR), basic life support(BLS), advanced cardiac life support(ACLS), treatment of CPR, nursing care after CPR treatment. And in the file making step, photographs, drawings and image files were collected and edited by web-editor(Namo), scanner and Adobe photoshop program. Then, the files were modified and posted on the web by file transfer protocol(FTP). Finally, the program was demonstrated and once again revised by the result, and then completed. 2) For the evaluation of the program, 36 nurses who in K university hospital located in D city, and related questionnaire were distributed to them as well. Higher scores were given by the nurses in its learning contents with 4.2±.67, and in its structuring and interaction of the program with 4.0±.79, and also in its satisfactory of the program with 4.2±.58 respectively. In conclusion, if the contents of this WBI educational program upgrade further based upon analysis and applying of the results the program evaluation, it is considered as an effective tool to implement for continuing education as life-long educational system for nurse.

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A Study about the Aesthetics of Oriental in Modern Fashion design (현대패션디자인에 나타난 동양의 미의식 연구)

  • 임영자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.30
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    • pp.261-274
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    • 1996
  • In the present age dominate by both cer-taingty of 1% and uncertainty of 99% 'Fuzzy thinking' of Bart Kosko that is the way to solve the problems by the scientific way through a worldview of Buddhism or Taoism greatly prevails around the world over 'Lateral greatly prevails around the world over 'Lateral thinking' and the authenticity or the right and-wrong of the uncertainty which is the thinking way to find the answer of the problems of illogical way of Edward de Beno against the western vertical thinking were Concurrently fashion designers over the world also adopt the oriental elements. But there exist differences of thoughts between the orient and the occident. And they have dif-ferent thinking way of aestheticism and references of the value on the beauty. Not only beauty but the view through the mind as intuitional thought in which not only the rec-ognition of sense but also the rationalism and the naturalness play key role. The aesthetic sense in the orient contains both the truth and virtue. 2) The beauty of the mean It's from the thought of neutralization of Confucius. The mean or moderation state which in harmony with ethical virtue and aes-thetic beauty is the ideal and is the ultimate. Therefore the thought of Confucian is the creativity in which the balance and the har-mony is most important. Fashion design is also one of the representation of the mean because the spirit of the designer is harmonized for-mlessly with the object of the model of the fashion design. 2) The beauty of skillfulness It indicates the Taoism of Lao-tzu and Chuangtzu. It takes a super-artistic declar-ation that human can feel and recognize the color of colorlessness the sound of sound-lessness and the taste of tastelessness. The thought of arts affected by Taoism is 'ad-vanced age' called the beauty of skillfulness. The view of arts of lao-tzu takes the beauty of cosmos and the nature as a standard. Es-pecially the beauty of inactivity is recognized by the linkage between the beauty and the ugliness. And these things appear in fashion design as a design element such as humor or exaggeration. 3) The beauty of non-dualism It is thought of Buddhism that all evil passions of worry occur form the opposition in dualism. Finally this thought leads to that everything is consistent and truth is only one from the point of view that virtue and vice has on linkage that is 'no virtues no vices' and 'one with two, two, with one, one is not two' A big tendency like this became the root forma-tion of the thought of the oriental arts. 3. Characteristics of the oriental aesthetic sense on the present fashion design 1) The formation of the fashion design on the oriental elements In the picture-incantation which was a representation of an era when the thought of 'cosmic dual forces' dominated the basic polygons of 'a circle square triangle' means both 'one two three' and 'the negative positive mean' of cosmic elements. From this point of view the was of planner cutting in the Orient is dif-ferent from that of the Occidental which is in three-dimensional. The planner polygon type of the cut-pieces comes to have the meaning of the three-dimension when they consist of a suit that has the combination of each cut-piece. This shows the consistency with the principle of cosmos creation of Taoism that one is two two is three and three is every-thing. 2) The coloring and the symbolic represen-tation of the fashion design on the orien-tal elements The sense on the colors in the Orient from the thought of 'the cosmic dual forces and the five elements' is not the experi-enced from the knowledge but contains the consideration of philosophy Five-primary-color representing compass directions Blue(East) Red(South) Yellow(Center) White (West) and Black (North) is called ' the posi-tive' for this five-primary-color secondary-color which comes from the compound of the primary colors is called 'the negative' The thought of 'the cosmic dual forces and the five elements' is also an theory containing the natural order of the cos-mos and this shows the perceptional differ-ence that they are not conceptual but to be recognized and fell directly. A thought of Buddhism which is 'Colors are colorlessness and Clolorlessness are color's proves that. 3) The pattern and symbolic representation of the fashion design on the oriental elements The pattern as a visual style is a figure of symbolic representation which adopt the mental and physical world of human and are the compo-sition of artistic revelation of the human nature and the religous thought of incantation. Es-pecially the symbolic representation of the oriental thought of Confusion. Buddhism and Taoism There are patterns such as plants aminals the oriental four gods and geometry. From the above it's the time toward the 21'th century when the world is constructing one global area and one historical zone. And the exotic mood of the Orient represented in the fashion which doesn't make the common feeling in general does not cease to develop only to express the visual modeling but also adopts the thought religion and the art which are the root of the Orientail and contains inherent willing of modeling.

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The Effect of Hospital Service Coordinator Education Curriculum on the Education Satisfaction and the Quality of Medical Service (병원서비스코디네이터 교육과정이 교육만족과 의료서비스 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Eun-Kyoung;Park, Chang Sik;Seo, Jong-Bum
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.137-154
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    • 2008
  • The increase of the supply of medical service and the increase of hospitals have intensified the competition of hospitals, and the advancement towards internationalization in the opening of medical industry has triggered the infinite competition of medical profession. In addition, the high expectation of customers and quality improvement in the medical care in accordance with the improvement of overall income, and the change of active role of medical consumers according to the popularization and the improvement of rights awareness reflect the customer needs and choice in the medical service. Customers wanted to receive the kind and pleasant service under the up-to-date medical service. Therefore, as a solution, hospital coordinators were emerged for the purpose of smooth treatment and customer satisfaction by generalizing all service of hospital. Accordingly, this thesis attempted to investigate the effect of hospital coordinator education curriculum on the education satisfaction and the quality of medical service. In order to solve the purpose of this study, I, author reviewed the existing literatures, established hypothesis, and verified hypothesis by using the variety of statistics techniques such as reliability, validity, frequency analysis, and regression analysis. The verification of hypothesis is as followings: First, among education training factors of hospital coordinators, the quality of instructor significantly affects the satisfaction of hospital coordinator education training. Second, among training factors of hospital coordinator, the attitude of trainee significantly affects the training satisfaction of hospital coordinator. Third, among education training factors of hospital coordinator, education course significantly affects the training satisfaction of hospital coordinator education. As the qualities of instructor are better equipped, the satisfaction of education becomes higher. It indicates that the education method of instructors is important as an index to represent the qualities of instructor such as the appropriateness of education method, preparation, passion, visual materials, the adequacy of education procession, and specialized knowledge, and it has important effect on the satisfaction of education. In order to enhance the satisfaction of hospital coordinator education, the creation of education environment, making trainee concentrate on the education, is required by appropriately allocating programs, arousing interest in education, based on the attitude of trainee, discussion, and preliminary programs, preparation, ahead of enforcement of education. Fourth, the satisfaction of hospital coordinator education training significantly affects the reliability among the qualities of medical service. Fifth, satisfaction of hospital coordinator education training significantly affects hospitality I kindness among the qualities of medical service. If the education satisfaction of trainee is high, it is effective in the practical application such as dealing with complaints, the duty performance for the patients, and so on in offering the medical service, related to reliability and furthermore, we can find the positive change in the attitude change of medical professions related to the reliability of hospital coordinator. In addition, in the process of offering medical services such as the kind explanation on the duty, rapid response to the customers inquiry, and tidy uniform, practical effect was verified. Sixth, the education training factor of hospital coordinator significantly affects the reliability among the quality of medical service. Seventh, the education training factors of hospital coordinator significantly affect hospitality/kindness. In the education of hospital coordinator, the methods to attract the interest of trainee by emphasizing reliability should be sought and for gaining the practical effect of hospital coordinator education, the sufficient preparation and investigation on the education curriculum should be prerequisite and under this condition, intensified discussion on the instructor and education course is needed. In the design of education course, more education hours and subjects should be allocated in the part of hospitality in order to improve the practical application of hospitality. Therefore, it is meaningful in a sense that this study newly approached the components of hospital coordinator education and the need to modify the quality components of medical service in accordance with the study subjects was raised. This study also finds its meaning in that it provides basic materials for the study of future hospital coordinator education by suggesting the system development model of hospital coordinator education through preliminary study of education training. In addition, this study is meaningful in the aspect that it suggested the direction of education training by showing how the hospital coordinator education training would applied to the hospital coordinator course of the Continuing Education Center at Pusan and Kyungnam National University to some extent. Since all investigation of this study was approached from the side of hospital coordinator, the thoughts of patients who are beneficiaries of medical service, and care givers cannot be identified. Therefore, the satisfaction of patients and care givers through the experience of medical service, which is the essential prerequisite of medical service, should be importantly considered and investigated. Accordingly, The study of comparing and analyzing the views of both patients and care givers should be carried out in the future.

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