• 제목/요약/키워드: Background characteristics

검색결과 4,486건 처리시간 0.033초

Timing and Risk Factors of Adoption for Legally-Free Foster Children after Having Parental Rights Terminated in the U. S. (미국 위탁아동의 친권상실선고 이후 입양 결정요인에 관한 생존분석)

  • Song, Min-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • 제59권1호
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    • pp.301-327
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the timing and the risk factors associated with the adoption of legally-free foster children. The sample of the study was drawn from foster care files of Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System(AFCARS) in 32 states between October 1998 (FY 1999) and September 2002(FY 2002). The timing post-TPR to adoption was examined by plotting the Kaplan-Meier cumulative hazard function for adoption and by plotting the KM hazard functions stratified by child's race and child's age at TPR. Cox proportional-hazards regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for adoption of legally-free foster children after TPR. The hazard of adoption was very low immediately after TPR but increased steadily starting at 3 months and then declined after 20 months. The cumulative hazard functions for White non-Hispanic children and Black non-Hispanic children crossed over at 13 months after TPR. Racial minority status, older age, and disability were negatively associated with the hazard of adoption. Physical abuse, sexual abuse had the lower hazard for adoption compared by neglect. Caretaker's inability to cope had the slightly lower hazard for adoption whereas inadequate housing showed the slightly greater hazard for adoption. Characteristics of foster care services turned into be powerful predictors of adoption. Specifically, legally-free children placed in pre-adoptive homes, those who shared the same racial/ethnic background with their foster caretakers, and those who were placed in two-parent families have a greater likelihood of adoption. The findings highlight the importance of foster care service provisions after TPR to facilitate adoption of legally-free foster children. Furthermore, a more substantial resources and targeted support for foster children who experience physical abuse and sexual abuse in need of adoption should be provided for moving the foster children into permanency.

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Airway Responses to Bronchoprovocation Using High-Resolution Computed Tomography in Patients with Bronchial Asthma (기관지천식환자에 있어서 고해상도 전산화단층촬영술을 이용한 기관지유발에 대한 기도의 반응)

  • Choi, Byoung-Whui;Kang, Yoon-Jeong;Ko, Hyung-Ki;Park, In-Won;Hue, Sung-Ho;Kim, Yang-Soo;Kim, Young-Goo;Kim, Kun-Sang;Kim, Jong-Hyo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제42권6호
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    • pp.813-822
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    • 1995
  • Background: Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and abnormal response such as a loss of distensibility are pathophysiologic characteristics if bronchial asthma. The only means of direct in vivo measurement of airway size had been a tantalium bronchography, until high-resolution computed tomography(HRCT) enabled to measure noninvasively two dimensional airway area more accurately and reliably. Method: To investigate airway area responses to bronchial provocation with methacholine and evaluate the major sites of bronchial constriction in patients with bronchial asthma. We examined HRCT scans in five patients with bronchial asthma who had significant bronchoconstriction(20% or more decrease in $FEV_1$) using CT scanner(5,000T CT, Shimadzu Co, Japan) before and in 3~5 min. after methacholine inhalation. Airways which were matched by parenchymal anatomic landmarks in each patient before and after methacholine inhalation were measured using film scanner(TZ-3X scanner; Truvel Co. Chatsworth CA, USA) and a semiautomated region growing method. Results: 1) We identified 9 to 12 airways in each patient which were matched by parenchymal anatomic landmarks before and after methacholine inhalation. 2) Airway responses to methacholine are quite different even in a patient. 3) The constriction of small airways(average diameter <2 mm; area < $3.14mm^2$) was 48.7%(8.3; SEM, n=43), being more prominant than that of large airways(average diameter >2 mm; area > $3.14mm^2$), 53.8% (4.4;SEM, n=10), but not significantly different(p>0.05). 4) There was no significant difference in the degree of constriction between upper(44.3% +5.8; mean + SEM, n=30) and lower lung regions(56.7% +4.5, n=23). Conclusions: Thus airway responses to methacholine bronchoprovocation is quite variable in a patient with bronchial asthma and has no typical pattern in patients with bronchial asthma.

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Clinical Characteristics and Diagnostic Utility of Eosinophilic Pleural Effusion (호산구성 흉막유출의 임상상과 진단적 의의)

  • Roh, Gil-Hwan;Kang, Soo-Jung;Youn, Jong-Wook;Hwang, Jung-Hye;Ham, Hyoung-Suk;Kang, Eun-Hae;Lim, Young-Hee;An, Chang-Hyeok;Suh, Gee-Young;Chung, Man-Pyo;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Rhee, Chong-H.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제49권6호
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    • pp.733-739
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    • 2000
  • Background : Pleural eosinophilia is rare and commonly considered to be an indicator of good prognosis. The diagnostic significance of eosinophilic pleural effusions remains controversial despite a century of observation and discussion. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of eosinophilia in 446 consecutive samples of pleural fluid, to review the cause of eosinophilic pleural effusion and to determine whether the presence of eosinophils increases the likehood of benign conditions. Method : A retrospective analysis was performed upon patients that underwent first thoracentesis due to pleural effusion between January 1999 and December 1999. Results : Eosinophilic pleural effusions were identified in 24 of the 446 patients (5.4%). Malignancy, parapneumonic effusion and tuberculosis were determined the major causes of pleural effusion (80.6%). Malignancy was diagnosed as frequently in eosinophilic effusions as in non-eosinophilic effusions (54.2% vs 50.5%, p=0.725). No difference was found in the prevalence of eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic effusion according to the etiology. The mean blood eosinophil ratio in patients with eosinophilic pleural effusion was 5.4% and no significant correlation existed between the blood and pleural eosinophilic count. Conclusion : Pleural eosinophilia is not helpful for differentiating benign and malignant etiology and is not related with bood eosinophilia or repeated tapping.

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A Clinical Review of Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of The Lung in Korea (점액상피암의 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jae;Park, Jae-Yong;Shin, Moo-Chul;Bae, Moon-Sup;Kim, Jeong-Seok;Chae, Sang-Cheol;Park, Tae-In;Kim, Chang-Ho;Jung, Tae-Hoon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.311-321
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    • 1998
  • Background: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung arises from submucosal gland of tracheobronchial tree. Histologically, the tumor is composed of mucin-secreting cells, squamous cells, and intermediated cells, which show no particular differentiating characteristics, in varying proportions. The tumor is divided into low grade and high grade depending on the proportion of cells, and the degree of the mitotic activity, cellular necrosis and nuclear pleomorphism. While favorable prognosis of low grade tumor, high grade tumor, which is very difficult to differentiate from adenosquamous carcinoma, has an aggressive clinical course. The tumor is rare, comprising 0.1 to 0.2% of primary lung cancers and 1 to 5% of bronchial adenomas. Method: A retrospective clinical study was done on 17 cases of mucoepidermoid carcinoma. The study investigated the clinical features, radiologic findings, bronchoscopic findings, histology and clinical courses. Results: Age ranged between second to seventh decade with a mean age of 42 years. Twelve out of 17 cases were male. Five out of 17 cases were smokers with a mean 11 pack-years. Common symptoms included dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, and wheezing. Two out of 17 cases was asymptomatic. Atelectasis or mass was common radiologic finding. Plain chest radiography was normal in one patient whom the tumor was located in upper trachea. Bonchoscopy revealed exophytic mass in 12 cases and nodular infiltrations in 4 cases. One case having solitary pulmonary nodule in the right lower lung was normal on bronchoscopy. Histologically, ten out of 17 cases were low grade, and seven out of 17 cases were high grade. Among 10 patients with low grade tumor,9 patients were performed operation and have been alive without recurrence during a mean follow-up of 30 months. Two out of 7 patients with high grade tumor were performed pneumonectomy and have been alive during a follow-up of 3 and 8 months, respectively. Conclusion: Most of mucoepidermoid carcinoma is located at central airway and is presented symptoms by mucosal irirtation. Although atelectasis or mass is common radiologic finding. chest X -ray can be normal. The histologic grading and the extent of tumor are two most important factors for prognosis.

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Clinical Characteristics of Aspergilloma (국균종의 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Ki-Up;Gil, Hyo-Wook;Lee, Suk-Ho;Kim, Do-Jin;Na, Moon-Jun;Uh, Soo-Taek;Kim, Yong-Hoon;Park, Choon-Sik
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2002
  • Background: Pulmonary aspergilloma is relatively common in korea. It arises from the colonization and proliferation of Aspergillus in preexisting lung parenchymal cavities, in particular tuberculosis. The most common symptom in this disorder is hemoptysis, which mayor may not be massive and life threatening. A routine chest radiography and computed tomography (CT) are the most important diagnostic procedures. A surgical resection of the aspergilloma has recently been recommended, because of the relatively low incidence of postoperative complications than in the past. A more concentrated sample of patients with aspergilloma, who either underwent a thoracotomy or tested positive for aspergillus antibodies, were reviewed. Method : The medical records of twenty-two patients with aspergilloma, who had a proven thoracotomy (9 cases), or who tested positive for the diagnostic procedure and/or aspergillus antibodies (13 cases) from January 1995 to December 2000, were reviewed retrospectively. Results : The most common underlying lung disease was a current or old healed tuberculosis, and 3 patients had cultures of mycobacterium other than tuberculosis (MOTT). The mean time until the aspergilloma was detected 5.91 years in the healed tuberculosis cases. The others cases involved a lung abscess, bronchiectasis and without lung disease. The extrapulmonary disease was alcoholism and diabetes. Hemoptysis was most common in 72.7%. A computed tomography (CT) is useful for diagnosis. The right upper lobe, especially the posterior segment, is the most common location. Bronchial artery embolization is ineffective for a long term follow-up. A lobectomy is most common in a thoracotomy, and intra-operative and post-operative complications are rare. During follow-up, the mortality rate, not from the aspergilloma but from respiratory failure, was 13.6%. Conclusion : Aspergilloma is a common cavitary lung disease, It mainly arises from tuberculosis, either current or healed, but extra-pulmonary disease including alcoholism or diabetes are other possible risk factors. Their most common problem in aspergilloma is hemoptysis. Surgery has a low risk of post-operative complications and is recommended in relatively preserved lung function or healthy patients. Medical maneuvers including embolization, and the local insertion of certain materials needs to be studied more closely.

Diagnostic Value of Adenosine Deaminase(ADA) and its Isoenzyme in Pleural Effusion (흉수의 감별진단에서 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) 및 동종효소의 유용성)

  • Kim, Keun-Youl;Kweon, Suk-Hoe;Park, Jae-Seuk;Jee, Young-Koo;Lee, Kye-Young;Kim, Youn-Seup;Chun, Yong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.388-396
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    • 1998
  • Background: Etiologic diagnosis of pleural effusion is usually made by clinical characteristics, pleural fluid analysis and pleural biopsy. But, despite careful diagnostic study, the cause of pleural effusion cannot be found in about 20 percent of patients, especially in loculated pleural effusions. Tuberculous pleurisy is one of the most common cause of pleural effusion in Korea. But, pleural fluid culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis are positive in only 20 to 30 percent of patients and typical pleural biopsy finding in less than 50 percent of patients with this disease. In recent studies, adenosine deaminse(ADA) and its isoenzymes were proposed to be a useful diagnostic tool for differential diagnosis of pleural effusion. We investigated the pattern of ADA and its iscenzyme activities in various cause of pleural effusions to evaluate the diagnostic value of measuring ADA and its isoenzymes. Method: We measured total ADA and its isoenzyme activities in pleural fluid and serum from 54 patients with pleural effusion(25 tuberculous pleural effusion, 10 parapneumonic effusion, 14 malignant pleural effusion, 5 transudative pleural effusion), including 5 loculated tuberculous pleural effusions and 6 loculated parapneumonic effusions. Total ADA activity was measured by the spectrophotometric method and ADA2 isoenzyme activity was measured with same method using EHNA, potent inhibitor of ADA1 isoenzyme activity. Result: Total ADA activity of tuberculous pleural effusion was higher than malignant pleural effusion(p<0.01), but no significant difference was found between tuberculous pleural effusion and parapneumonic effusion(tuberculous pleural effusion: $148.9{\pm}89.9IU/L$, parapneumonic effusion: $129.0{\pm}119.4IU/L$, malignant pleural effusion: $48.7 {\pm}39.7IU/L$). Percentage of ADA2 activity to total ADA activity(ADA2%) of pleural effusion of tuberculous pleurisy was higher than parapneumonic effusion(p<0.05). but no significant difference was found between tuberculous pleural effusion and malignant pleural effusion(tuberculous pleural effusion: $57.2{\pm}10.7%$, parapneumonic effusion: $35.9{\pm}17.8%$, malignant pleural effusion: $60.7{\pm}4.1%$). In loculated pleural effusion, ADA2% of tuberculous pleural effusion was higher than parapneumonic effusion(tuberculous pleural effusion: $53.3{\pm}3.9%$, parapneumonic effusion: $27.8{\pm}7.9%$). Conclusion: Measurement of ADA isoenzyme activity is useful for differentiating tuberculous pleural effusion from parapneumonic effusion, especially in loculated pleural effusion.

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Etiology and Characteristics of Massive Pleural Effusions Investigated at One University Hospital in Korea (대량 흉수의 원인과 성상-국내 한 대학병원의 경험)

  • Park, Song Ree;Kim, Jee Hyun;Ha, Na Rae;Lee, Jae Hyung;Kim, Sang Heon;Sohn, Jang Won;Yoon, Ho Joo;Shin, Dong Ho;Park, Sung Soo;Kim, Tae Hyung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제61권5호
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    • pp.456-462
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    • 2006
  • Background: Differential diagnosis is very important in patients with pleural effusions. A few studies on the etiologies of massive pleural effusions have been reported, but these were conducted in different decades and locations. In the present study, the etiologic spectrum of massive pleural effusions in Korea, were evaluated through an investigation at one university hospital. Methods: Retrospective chart reviews were performed in patients having undergone thoracentesis between July 2002 and July 2005. Pleural effusions were deemed to be massive if they occurred in two thirds or more of one hemithorax. The etiologies of massive pleural effusions, pleural fluid findings, serum laboratory findings, and sputum and pleural fluid cytologies were compared. Results: Of 298 pleural effusions cases, 41 (13.8%) had massive pleural effusions. The most frequent causes of massive pleural effusions were malignancy (19; 46.3%) followed by tuberculosis (15; 36.6%), parapneumonic effusion (4; 9.8%) and transudate (3; 7.3%). Compared with massive benign effusions, patients with massive malignant pleural effusions were more likely to have lower adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity, a higher amylase level and higher RBC count in their pleural fluids. Also, compared with non-tuberculosis effusions, patients with massive tuberculous pleural effusions were more likely to have lower RBC and neutrophil counts, but a higher lymphocyte count, adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity and protein level. Conclusion: The most common etiologies of massive pleural effusions in Korea are malignancy and tuberculosis. A high ADA content favors a tuberculous condition, while bloody effusions with a relatively lower ADA content. favors malignancy. The proportion of tuberculosis in massive pleural effusions was higher than in previous reports.

The Clinical Manifestation of Pulmonary Infection in AIDS Patients (국내 일개 대학병원에서 경험한 AIDS 환자의 폐 감염성 질환의 임상적 특성)

  • Jung, Jae Woo;Chung, Jin Won;Song, Ju Han;Jeon, Eun Ju;Lee, Young Woo;Choi, Jae Cheol;Shin, Jong Wook;Park, In Whon;Choi, Byoung Whui;Kim, Jae Yeol
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제61권6호
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    • pp.554-561
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    • 2006
  • Background: In AIDS patients, the respiratory tract is one of the most frequently involved site of by an opportunistic infection, and an even common, casual pulmonary infection manifests in a peculiar ways in AIDS patients. In Korea, because of the low prevalence of AIDS, there is insufficient data compared with other Southeast Asian counties. However, considering the sexual behavior of the younger generation, it is expected that it will not be long before AIDS becomes a major public health issue in Korea. This study examined the clinical manifestation of HIV positive people and AIDS patients. The pulmonary manifestion of HIV-positive was evaluated. This study focused on the differences in the clinical manifestation between AIDS patients with pulmonary disease and simple HIV positive people. The characteristics of common pulmonary infections in AIDS patients were also analyzed. Method: The medical records of 28 HIV positive patients who visited the hospital of ChungAng University Hospital from January, 2001 to February, 2006 were analyzed retrospectively. Result: Twenty-seven patients out of 28 HIV positive patients were male and the average age was 40.6(23-65). Patients in their thirties were most commonly affected. Elven patients had pulmonary diseases. Pulmonary tuberculosis (4 cases) and pneumocystis pneumonia (4 cases) were the most common respiratory infection. One patient showed a peculiar type of systemic cryptococcus. which was accompanied by lung and pleural dissemination. The CD4+lymphocyte count of patients with a pulmonary infection was significantly lower in patients with a pulmonary manifestation than those with only a HIV infection ($79.5/mm^3$ vs $400/mm^3$, respectively)(p<.05). Patients with pulmonary disease were in a more severe immunosuppressive state. There were 4 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, 4 with pneumocystis pneumonia, 4 with secondary syphilis, 2 with primary syphilis, and 2 with HZV infection. The average CD4 lymphocyte counts was $56/mm^3$ in those with pulmonary tuberculosis, $42/mm^3$ in those with pneumocystis pneumonia, and $455/mm^3$ in those with secondary syphilis. Conclusion: This study examined the clinical manifestation of HIV positive patients, particularly AIDS patients with pulmonary disease, A more severe immunosuppressive status was observed in HIV-related pulmonary compared with those with HIV-related extrapulmonary disease, and the frequency of pulmonary tuberculosis in pulmonary disease was higher than expected. Respiratory infection in AIDS manifest in uncommon ways e.g. disseminated cryptococcosis involving the lung and pleura. Evidently, AIDS patients with a respiratory infection have a more severe form of immunosuppression than those with a simple HIV infection. As expected, patients with a pulmonary infection were in a more severe immunosuppressed state than those with a simple HIV infection. Opportunistic infections can show peculiar clinical presentations in AIDS patients.

A Study on High School Students' Clothing Shopping Orientation and Clothing Purchasing Type in Internet (고등학생의 의복쇼핑성향과 인터넷에서 의류제품 구매유형에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2008
  • Most who were polled stated that they use the internet everyday. Also, it is undeniable that Internet has become one of the popular shopping markets with the spatial-convenience and time-saving it provides. With the growth of Internet and Internet shopping malls, effects on clothing purchasing of adolescents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the clothing shopping orientation and Internet clothing purchasing type of high school students. Subjects were 685(male 354, female 331) high school students located in Jeollabukdo province. In this statistical analysis, SPSS 11.5 for Windows Program. These data were analyzed by factor analysis, $x^2$ test, t-test, One-way Anova, Duncan' multiple range, Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results of this study were as follows. Six dimensions of clothing shopping orientation were derived by factor analysis: fashion hedonic shopping brand ostentation time convenience economic esthetics orientation. The clothing purchasing type in Internet had 3 factors(convenience active impulse buying economic pursuit). The groups were significantly different in regard to clothing shopping orientation, clothing purchasing type in Internet shopping mall according to demographic variables(gender, educational background of parents, a school record). Clothing shopping orientation variables had positive correlations except of hedonic shopping economic orientation with clothing purchasing type in Internet. As a conclusion, high school students' shopping orientation and purchasing type of apparel in Internet shopping mall constituted important characteristics which could affect directly Internet purchase behavior of adolescents. These results should be fundamental information for clothing and textile education in secondary school.

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Usefulness and Limitations of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Adult Cervical Lymph Node Enlargement Patients: An analysis of 342 cases (성인 경부 림프절 비대 환자들에서 미세침 흡인 세포검사법의 유용성과 문제점: 342 증례의 분석)

  • Lee, Jaeho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.18-28
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    • 2004
  • Background : Many diseases like lung cancer and tuberculosis can involve cervical lymph node. Fine needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) was known as a useful screening test for the evaluation of enlarged lymph node. But the usefulness and limitations of FNAC according to disease category or physical characteristics of lymph node were not yet fully established. Methods : Retrospective analysis of three hundred forty two adult patients who performed FNAC due to enlarged cervical lymph nodes at the Seoul Municipal Boramae Hospital during the period from January 1999 to December 2002 and final diagnosis could be made by surgical biopsy, microbiology or clinical observation. Results : Among the 342 cases, 176(51.5 %) were finally diagnosed as benign nature ncluding reactive hyperplasia, Kikuchi's disease and acute suppuration. Eighty eight(25.7 %) were diagnosed as tuberculous lymphadenitis, 66(19.3 %) as metastasis, and 12(3.5 %) as lymphoma. Tuberculosis, metastasis, and lymphoma all showed significantly larger diameter, longer duration of lymph node enlargement. There were higher frequency of supraclavicular involvement in the cases of tuberculosis and metastasis. The overall diagnostic sensitivity of FNAC was 88.0 %, and 88.6 % in benign nature lesion, 77.3 % in tuberculosis, 90.1% in metastasis and 58.3 % in lymphoma. The diagnosis of tuberculosis was made by FNAC in 68 cases (77.3 %) among 88 cases. Lung cancer(43.9 percent) was most frequent cause of cervical lymph node metastasis. Diagnostic sensitivity of FNAC was significantly lower in the supraclavicular than other cervical lymph node(80 % vs. 91.3 %) and not correlated with disease nature, node size or number. Conclusion : Though FNAC was a reliable screening test for enlarged cervical lymph node enlargement, the diagnostic sensitivity was low in the case of lymphoma or when the enlarged lymph node was located at the supraclavicular area.