• Title/Summary/Keyword: Background Color

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The Color Planning of Work Clothes by Process in Machinery.Automobile.Shipbuilding Companies (기계.자동차.조선업체의 공정별 작업복 색채계획)

  • Jang, Kwi-Yeon;Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.58-73
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    • 2010
  • This study aims at suggesting a series of process which envisions the colors of working clothes which is the working environment most adjacent to workers around the workers in the industrial spots. In order to do so, based on the photos of the workplaces, it was made an analysis on the relationship of between the colors of the workplaces as a background and the colors of the working clothes in the color characteristics. The color planning of the working clothes was suggested as a result of analyzing the colors and carried out the evaluation. The results are as follows; First, The colors of working environment and the colors of the working clothes were slightly different but in general, the spectrum was from mid value to low chroma. Secondly, the color modelsuggested was evaluated as a result, every question got a good review and especially, in the shipbuilding company, the working environment of which was the most unpleasant, every question was given a highest score of more than 4.50. The study would serve as the beneficial information for formulating the safer and more pleasant working environment in industrial workplaces as well as a basic material for the subsequent research on colors.

A Study on the Costume and Color Image of the Movie - Focusing on Main Actresses' Costumes - (영화의 복식과 색채 이미지 연구 - 여자주인공 복식을 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Jin-Hee;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.12-27
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to study main characters' (Roxie Hart, Velma Kelly) costumes and color images in the movie "Chicago". First, regarding the costumes and color images in characters, Roxie's straight silhouette slip in skin tone reflected her frailty and monotonous routines in reality. On the other hand, a white beaded dress showed her fame-hungry and self-absorption in fantasy. Also, a low waistline blue dress and a see-through black dress with a white collar were to disguise her guilt and draw sympathy to win a suitcase. Black and contrasting colors of red and blue body-suit style dresses expressed Velma's sensual attraction, aggressiveness, and desperation. Second, these images were reinforced by color images in the backgrounds in the film. On the scene of Velma's 'cell block tango', black and red showed her strong character. Contrasting colors of the red and blue expressed Velma's desire and despair in her act of 'the desperation'. As for images of black color on Roxie's stages, they represented her self-absorption and frustration of failing to attract public attention. On the ending of duet performance of Roxie and Velma, the yellow of the background expressed success and joy in life.

Improved Binarization and Removal of Noises for Effective Extraction of Characters in Color Images (컬러 영상에서 효율적 문자 추출을 위한 개선된 2치화 및 잡음 저거)

  • 이은주;정장호
    • Journal of Information Technology Application
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.133-147
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposed a new algorithm for binarization and removal of noises in color images with characters and pictures. Binarization was performed by threshold which had computed with color-relationship relative to the number of pixel in background and character candidates and pre-threshold for dividing of background and character candidates in input images. The pre-threshold has been computed by the histogram of R, G, B In respect of the images, while background and character candidates of input images are divided by the above pre-threshold. As it is possible that threshold can be dynamically decided by the quantity of the noises, and the character images are maintained and the noises are removed to the maximum. And, in this study, we made the noise pattern table as a result of analysis in noise pattern included in the various color images aiming at removal of the noises from the Images. Noises included in the images can figure out Distribution by way of the noise pattern table and pattern matching itself. And then this Distribution classified difficulty of noises included in the images into the three categories. As removal of noises in the images is processed through different procedure according to the its classified difficulties, time required for process was reduced and efficiency of noise removal was improved. As a result of recognition experiments in respect of extracted characters in color images by way of the proposed algorithm, we conformed that the proposed algorithm is useful in a sense that it obtained the recognition rate in general documents without colors and pictures to the same level.

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The Estimation of Hand Pose Based on Mean-Shift Tracking Using the Fusion of Color and Depth Information for Marker-less Augmented Reality (비마커 증강현실을 위한 색상 및 깊이 정보를 융합한 Mean-Shift 추적 기반 손 자세의 추정)

  • Lee, Sun-Hyoung;Hahn, Hern-Soo;Han, Young-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a new method of estimating the hand pose through the Mean-Shift tracking algorithm using the fusion of color and depth information for marker-less augmented reality. On marker-less augmented reality, the most of previous studies detect the hand region using the skin color from simple experimental background. Because finger features should be detected on the hand, the hand pose that can be measured from cameras is restricted considerably. However, the proposed method can easily detect the hand pose from complex background through the new Mean-Shift tracking method using the fusion of the color and depth information from 3D sensor. The proposed method of estimating the hand pose uses the gravity point and two random points on the hand without largely constraints. The proposed Mean-Shift tracking method has about 50 pixels error less than general tracking method just using color value. The augmented reality experiment of the proposed method shows results of its performance being as good as marker based one on the complex background.

A Study on the Costura and Color Image of the Movie - focusing on Scottie, Madeleine, Judy - (영화(映畵) <현기증>(<眩氣症>)에 나타난 복식(服飾)과 색채(色彩)Image -스코티, 마들렌, 주디를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Hye-Jun;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to study the movie costume and color image through the movie"Vertigo". Firstly, looking into the clothing style and the color image of the characters expressed in the movie, Scottie who had the physical limitation had phobia of height, and he was expressed with the gray color to show his lethargic feeling from his physical limitation. And, after the death of Madeleine, it expressed his sense of loss and depressed mind through the blue color. The comparison of green and red color that was used to link the two characters in Madeleine and her substitution, Judy, mystified her, and the image of dreamy Madeleine has been inscribed to Scottie. In addition, the green color expressed her unstable mind. The clothing expression of Judy is expressed with her unstable mind through the detailed clothing, unlike Madeleine. And, the black color expressed the false identity of her and the Madeleine image of his own for Scottie. The type of clothing is expressed in separates suit and overcoat that are representative ones in 1950s, and black dress with the square neckline and others expressed the silence on conspiracy of Gavin and the false identity of her. Secondly, the color image expressed in the background in the movie as a special space for Scottie and Madeleine. The blue color image for Scottie was shown to be as space for death and the green image for Madeleine as a fantasy.

Face detection using fuzzy color classifier and convex-hull (Fuzzy Color Classifier 와 Convex-hull을 사용한 얼굴 검출)

  • Park, Min-Sik;Park, Chang-U;Kim, Won-Ha;Park, Min-Yong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2002
  • This paper addresses a method to automatically detect out a person's face from a given image that consists of a hair and face view of the person and a complex background scene. Out method involves an effective detection algorithm that exploits the spatial distribution characteristics of human skin color via an adaptive fuzzy color classifier (AFCC), The universal skin-color map is derived on the chrominance component of human skin color in Cb, Cr and their corresponding luminance. The desired fuzzy system is applied to decide the skin color regions and those that are not. We use RGB model for extracting the hair color regions because the hair regions often show low brightness and chromaticity estimation of low brightness color is not stable. After some preprocessing, we apply convex-hull to each region. Consequent face detection is made from the relationship between a face's convex-hull and a head's convex-hull. The algorithm using the convex-hull shows better performance than the algorithm using pattern method. The performance of the proposed algorithm is shown by experiment. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm successfully and efficiently detects the faces without constrained input conditions in color images.

Color Texture Analysis as a Tool for Quantitative Evaluation of Radiation-Induced Skin Injuries

  • Sung Young Lee;Jin Ho Kim;Ji Hyun Chang;Jong Min Park;Chang Heon Choi;Jung-in Kim;So-Yeon Park
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.144-152
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    • 2023
  • Background: Color texture analysis was applied as a tool for quantitative evaluation of radiation-induced skin injuries. Materials and Methods: We prospectively selected 20 breast cancer patients who underwent whole-breast radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery. Color images of skin surfaces for irradiated breasts were obtained by using a mobile skin analyzer. The first skin measurement was performed before the first fraction of radiotherapy, and the subsequent measurement was conducted approximately 10 days after the completion of the entire series of radiotherapy sessions. For comparison, color images of the skin surface for the unirradiated breasts were measured similarly. For each color image, six co-occurrence matrices (red-green [RG], red-blue [RB], and green-blue [GB] from color channels, red [R], green [G], blue [B] from gray channels) can be generated. Four textural features (contrast, correlation, energy, and homogeneity) were calculated for each co-occurrence matrix. Finally, several statistical analyses were used to investigate the performance of the color textural parameters to objectively evaluate the radiation-induced skin damage. Results and Discussion: For the R channel from the gray channel, the differences in the values between the irradiated and unirradiated skin were larger than those of the G and B channels. In addition, for the RG and RB channels, where R was considered in the color channel, the differences were larger than those in the GB channel. When comparing the relative values between gray and color channels, the 'contrast' values for the RG and RB channels were approximately two times greater than those for the R channel for irradiated skin. In contrast, there were no noticeable differences for unirradiated skin. Conclusion: The utilization of color texture analysis has shown promising results in evaluating the severity of skin damage caused by radiation. All textural parameters of the RG and RB co-occurrence matrices could be potential indicators of the extent of skin damage caused by radiation.

Understanding Lane Number for Video-based Car Navigation Systems (실감 차량항법시스템을 위한 확률망 기반의 주행차로 인식 기술)

  • Kim, Sung-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Il;Lee, Ki-Sung;Cho, Seong-Ik;Park, Jong-Hyun;Choi, Kyoung-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2009
  • Understanding lane markings in a live video captured from a moving vehicle is essential to build services for intelligent vehicles such as LDWS(Lane Departure Warning Systems), unmanned vehicles, video-based car navigation systems. In this paper, we present a novel approach to recognize the color of lane markings and the lane number that he/she is driving on. More specifically, we present a background-color removal approach to understand the color of lane markings for various illumination conditions, such as backlight, sunset, and so on. In addition, we present a probabilistic network approach to decide the lane number. According to our experimental results, the proposed idea shows promising results to detect lane number in a various illumination conditions and road environments.

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Robust Real-time Face Detection Scheme on Various illumination Conditions (다양한 조명 환경에 강인한 실시간 얼굴확인 기법)

  • Kim, Soo-Hyun;Han, Young-Joon;Cha, Hyung-Tai;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.821-829
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    • 2004
  • A face recognition has been used for verifying and authorizing valid users, but its applications have been restricted according to lighting conditions. In order to minimizing the restricted conditions, this paper proposes a new algorithm of detecting the face from the input image obtained under the irregular lighting condition. First, the proposed algorithm extracts an edge difference image from the input image where a skin color and a face contour are disappeared due to the background color or the lighting direction. In the next step, it extracts a face region using the histogram of the edge difference image and the intensity information. Using the intensity information, the face region is divided into the horizontal regions with feasible facial features. The each of horizontal regions is classified as three groups with the facial features(including eye, nose, and mouth) and the facial features are extracted using empirical properties of the facial features. Only when the facial features satisfy their topological rules, the face region is considered as a face. It has been proved by the experiments that the proposed algorithm can detect faces even when the large portion of face contour is lost due to the inadequate lighting condition or the image background color is similar to the skin color.

Skin Cancer Concerns in People of Color: Risk Factors and Prevention

  • Gupta, Alpana K;Bharadwaj, Mausumi;Mehrotra, Ravi
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.5257-5264
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    • 2016
  • Background: Though people of color (POC) are less likely to become afflicted with skin cancer, they are much more likely to die from it due to delay in detection or presentation. Very often, skin cancer is diagnosed at a more advanced stage in POC, making treatment difficult.The purpose of this research was to improve awareness regarding skin cancers in people of color by providing recommendations to clinicians and the general public for early detection and photo protection preventive measures. Methods: Data on different types of skin cancers were presented to POC. Due to limited research, there are few resources providing insights for evaluating darkly pigmented lesions in POC. Diagnostic features for different types of skin cancers were recorded and various possible risk factors were considered. Results: This study provided directions for the prevention and early detection of skin cancer in POC based on a comprehensive review of available data. Conclusions: The increased morbidity and mortality rate associated with skin cancer in POC is due to lack of awareness, diagnosis at a more advanced stage and socioeconomic barriers hindering access to care. Raising public health concerns for skin cancer prevention strategies for all people, regardless of ethnic background and socioeconomic status, is the key to timely diagnosis and treatment.